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Seismic Design ASCE7 Part 1

by Ryan Freund November 3, 2012 5 Comments

ASCE 7 Seismic Design Part 1

We are going to break down and review seismic design in regards to ASCE7-05. We are going to cover the
basics and some commentary. Hopefully I will be able to elaborate sometime in the future and include some
Based ASCE7-05



Detached 1 and 2 family dwellings with a Ss<0.4 and SDC (Seismic Design Category) = A, B or



Detached 1 and 2 family dwellings (not included above), wood framed, less than 2 stories, and

designed in accordance with the IRC.


Agricultural buildings


Structures not included in ASCE7 such as bridges, transmission towers, nuclear, and buried


Existing Structures Alterations and additions


See appendix 11B .


To summarize You have three options


Design the addition/alteration separately


If the alteration/addition does NOT increase the seismic force or reduce the strength of the existing

structural member(s) by more than 10% than you do NOT need to upgrade the existing member(s) to
meet the current standard.

Upgrade the existing to meet the current standard (code)

Seismic Loads
First determine how the earth movement will influence the building and what acceleration should be used to
model this movement.
1. Determine Ss and S1 from the 0.2 and 1.0s spectral response accelerations shown on Figs. 22-1
through 22-14.
2. Determine the Site Class based on soil properties. (See chapter 20 for more info on determining site
classes). The site class shall be A,B,C,D,E,F based on the geotechnical report or local AHJ. If there has
not been a site class provided site class D may be assumed (unless otherwise specified by AHJ).
3. Determine the appropriate site coefficient, Fa based on the short period, Ss, and Fv based on the 1sec
period, S1, and the site class (Table 11.4-1 and 11.4-2).

Evaluate the Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCE) spectral response acceleration for short
periods and 1 sec periods.



4. Design Spectral Acceleration Parameters (these are the values used in design).

Sds=2/3*Sms (short period)

Sd1=2/3*Sm1 (1 s period)

5. Determine Occupancy Category from Table 1-1

6. Determine Importance Factor from Table 11.5-1
7. Determine Seismic Design Category (SDC) A,B,C ,D, E or F. (E is reserved for S1>0.75 and F is
reserved for Occupancy Category IV w/ S1>0.75) based occupancy category and period response
acceleration parameter.

Table 11.6-1 SDC based on Sds

Table 11.6-2 SDC based Sd1

Use the most severe case. It is permitted to use Table 11.6-1 if S1 < 0.75 and all of the following

1. Unless Ta<0.8*Ts ,
2. In each orthogonal direction the fundamental period of the structure used to calculate story drift is less
than Ts
3. Eq 12.8-2 is used to calc Cs (Cs=Sds/(R*I)) seismic response coefficient.
4. Diaphragms are rigid or flexible diaphragms with vertical elements of the LFRS do not exceed 40
8. Some quick notes for designing building in SDC A:
0. For SDC A the force at each level may be determined by Fx=0.01*Wx

Essentially 1% of the weight is used as horizontal force.

1. Load path connections for a smaller portion of the structure connected to the main structure shall be
designed using 0.05*(Rdl+Rll) (Dead load and live load reaction) of the smaller portions weight.
Connections shall also be designed for 0.05*W. Unless the lateral system cannot provide for this force
than the maximum force the the lateral system can provide should be used.
2. Anchorage to concrete or masonry walls. The minimum connection to the diaphragm shall be 280 plf
(strength level). This should be substituted for E in the load combinations.
Second How will the building respond and what forces should be used based on the
ground acceleration (found previously) and how the building responds.
1. Select a lateral force resisting system. For each system Table 12.2-1 lists the following: Response
Modification Factor (R), System Overstrength factor ( Omega) and Deflection Amplification Factor (Cd).

For a more indepth explanation see here:

R: The response modification factor reduces the seismic load to strength level design forces.
Essentially this accounts for the ductility of the structure. Systems that can dissipate energy
through a ductile response have higher R factor. These systems may require a higher level
of design and detailing for certain SDCs.

Omega: The Overstrength factor increases the required seismic forces and is applied in
specific cases or in the design of certain parts of the structure. 0 is intended to reflect the
upper bound lateral strength of the structure and estimates the maximum forces in elements that
are to remain non-yielding during the design basis ground motion. In summary, R reduces the
required seismic forces realizing the some yielding of the structure will help dissipate energy. To
force a more ductile response some brittle members are designed to resist higher forces so that
they stay in the elastic range during the seismic event.

(Cd) Deflection Amplification Factor: Realizing that the structure is intended to yield (ductile
response) deflection will be greater than that found from an elastic analysis. Cd amplifies the
deflection of the structure based on an elastic analysis.

Response Factor, Deflection Amplification Factor and Overstrength Factor

2. Different systems may be used in the same structure. If the systems are in orthogonal directions the R,
Omega, Cd shall be applied to each system. Systems used in combination to resist lateral forces in the
same direction are referred to as dual systems. Some dual systems are listed in Table 12.2-1. For other
systems the more stringent system limitation shall apply.

If R, C and vary over the height of the structure; the story below shall meet the most stringent
of the stories above (avoid weak story) for systems in the same direction.

There are multiple exceptions see (

If R, C and vary within the same story (Horizontal Combinations). R shall be the lowest of the
different systems for that story. R may vary for different lines of LFRS if the building category is 1
or 2, two stories or less and the use of flexible diagrams. However the diaphragm shall use the
lowest R value. Cd and Omega in the direction under consideration under consideration at any
story shall not be less than the largest value of this factor for the R factor used in the same
direction being considered.

Further restrictions and direction is given in 12.2.5 for specific system requirements.

3. Irregularities Irregularities are covered in chapter 12.3. They are specific to certain geometries and
mass distributions.

Vertical Irregularities Differences from story to story including

Variable stiffness, variable weight distribution, offset of vertical elements.

Horizontal Irregularities Reentrant corners, torsional, discontinuous diaphragms,

non parallel systems.

4. Redundancy Factor, equal to 1 for the following:


Structures assigned to SDC B or C

Calculating drift and P-Delta effects.

Design of nonbuilding structures

Design of collector elements, splices and connections when using the overstrength factor.

Diaphragm loads using Eq 12.10-1

Structures with damping systems (Section 18).

5. Redundancy Factor, equal to 1.3 for SDC D,E and F. Unless the exceptions of are met and
comply with table 12.3-3.
6. Diaphragm Flexibility Rigid, Flexible and Semi-Rigid. All diaphragms are semi-rigid, meaning that load
is distributed to from the diaphragm to the vertical elements depends on the stiffness of the diaphragm
and stiffness of the vertical elements.
1. Rigid When concrete is used, span-to-width is <3 and no horizontal irregularities.
2. Flexible selective combinations of materials used for vertical elements and diaphragms. In general if
the maximum diaphragm deflection is less than 2 x the average drift of the vertical element.
7. Continuous Load Path Any smaller portion of the structure shall be connected to the remainder of
the structure and designed to transmit 0.133*Sds*W or 0.05*W of the smaller portion.
8. Connection to supports a minimum of 0.05*(Wdl+WLL) of the beam/girder/truss reaction.

Helpful Links for Determining Minimum Design

by Ryan Freund November 28, 2012 0 Comments

Helpful Links for Determining Minimum Design Loads

Hopefully these links can save you some time and help get you more accurate design loads. A quick heads-up
you will usually need to search the town/county/state to see if the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) has a
specific requirement.

Wind Load
A favorite for Wind Loads in accordance w/ ASCE 7

A favorite for determining your base acceleration coefficients:

This site is no longer free but when I used it, it was useful:
This is a little dated and really not that useful but Ill mention it anyway:

This is a pay-for site but some may use it:

Wind Load ASCE 7-05 VS ASCE 7-10

by Ryan Freund April 27, 2012 2 Comments

In comparing the 2010 edition to the 2005 edition of the ASCE 7 we see that there are significant changes to the
layout, format, load factors used for wind and basic wind speed maps. These changes affect how you determine
wind design wind pressures.

ASCE 7-10 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures. Found here
ASCE 7-05 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures. Found here

The Basics
ASCE 7-05 uses a single basic wind speed map. For each building risk category an importance factor is applied.
Note that these importance factors only depend on the type of building, not where the building is located. The
wind-load factor is then applied to determine the design wind pressure. For this edition (05), the ASD wind-load
factor is 1.0 and the strength design wind-load factor is 1.6.
ASCE 7-10 uses three different basic wind speed maps for different categories of building occupancies. These
maps provide basic wind speeds that are directly applicable for determining pressures for strength design.
Consequently, the strength design wind-load factor was changed to 1.0 in this version. Simply put, ASCE 7-10
uses three maps based on strength design in conjunction with a wind-load factor of 1.0 for strength design
(LRFD) and 0.6 for service level loads (ASD), while ASCE 7-05 uses a single map with an importance factor and
wind-load factor of 1.6 for strength design (LRFD) and 1.0 for service level loads (ASD).

Why the Change?

The commentary in ASCE 7-10 (section states 26.5.1) a few reasons for basic wind speed changes:
1. A strength design wind speed map brings the design approach used for wind in-line with that used for
seismic loads.
2. Multiple maps remove the inconsistencies inherent the importance factor approach. With multiple maps
a distinction may be made based on location (i.e. hurricane prone vs non-hurricane prone which also
changes the recurrence interval).
3. New maps establish a more uniform return period for the design-basis winds.
4. The maps more clearly inform owners and their consultants (thats you) about the storm intensities for
which designs are preformed.
5. We have justify our pay check somehow

ASCE 7-10: 3 wind speed map based on 3-sec gust at 33ft above ground. The different maps are calibrated to
strength level design (LRFD LF=1.0) and also include building classification and location.
ASCE 7-05: (1) wind speed map based on 3-sec gust at 33ft above ground. Importance factors and Load
Factors are used to increase design pressures.
(Bonus Info)
EIA-TIA-222 Rev G: Wind speeds are similar to 7-05 with different definitions of classification of structures and
gust effect factors.
EIA-TIA-222 Rev F: Wind speed maps based on fastest mile. These are not directly comparable to ASCE 7-05
or 10, as the ASCE 7 uses 3-sec gust. The 3-sec gust represents the peak gust wind speed where as the
fastest-mile wind speed represents the average wind speed over the time required for one mile of wind to pass
the site. The design pressures are derived using different adjustments for height/exposure and gust effects than
that of Rev G and/or the ASCE 7 standard
How ASCE 7-10 Wind speed were developed return periods:
Risk Cat I which is based on 25-yr return period equates to 300yr return period
Risk Cat II: 700yrs or 0.0014 annual exceedance probability
Risk Cat III and IV which are based on a 100-yr return period (thus there importance factor was greater in -05):
1,700yrs or 0.000588 annual exceedance probability

Interestingly enough new research gathered since 2005 indicated that design wind speeds should be reduced
(they also note that the overall rate of intense storms increased). Therefore it is likely that you will noticed
reduced wind pressures along coastal regions.
For most of the US of A the wind load remains basically unchanged. A quick look at the basics
ASCE 7-10 (eqn 27.3-1) or ASCE 7-05 (eqn 6-15) wind pressure:

Assuming that

and V = 90 mph then we have

ASCE 7-05 =>


ASCE 7-10 =>

A nice paper by AWC (American Wood Council)


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