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Course Outline

Eureka Tutorial and Learning Center


Course Outline
Tranche 1: Grammar and Structure
Course Description
This course intends to sharpen your skills in recognizing and using grammatical structures further
since grammar is the backbone of any language. Thus, this grammar course contributes to
bridging the gap between the use and usage of grammar.

Course Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this course, students are expected to be able to:
1. Identify and locate the parts of speech in sample sentences
2. Know and practice the parts of the English sentence.
3. Master the subject and verb agreement
4. Identify and use count and non-count nouns.
5. Identify and use modal auxiliaries.
6. Demonstrate variety by crafting each of the four kinds of sentences that are considered
grammatically correct or incorrect.
7. Understand and avoid the mistakes that lead to grammatically incorrect or incomplete
sentences (fragments, comma splices, run-ons).
8. Know how to avoid misplaced or dangling modifiers.
9. Recognize and use participles and adjectives; comparative and superlative forms.
10. Recognize and use adjective clauses.
11. Recognize and use adverb clauses and adverb classifications.
12. Identify compound and complex sentences.
13. Recognize and use connectors
14. Identify and use the passive voice.
15. Recognize and use gerunds and infinitives.
16. Identify and use verb tense, aspect, voice, and mood.
17. Explain the math of subject-verb and pronoun-antecedent agreement.
18. Demonstrate an understanding of how to create parallel structure in a sentence.
19. Recognize and correct shifts in tense, person, tone, and so forth.

20. Identify the most frequently needed punctuation marks required for grammatically correct
sentences that make the writers intention clear to the reader.
21. Understand and avoid the most common mistakes in English usage by careful proofreading.

Course Outline/Topics

Part I: Parts of Speech

Chapter 1: Nouns
1.1 Classification
1.2 Special Classification
1.3 Recognizing the Various Types of Nouns
1.4 Making Nouns Plural
1.5 Making Nouns Possessive
1.6 General Observations about Nouns
Chapter 2: Pronouns
2.1 Classifying Pronouns
2.2 Recognizing the Various Types of Pronouns
2.3 The Cases of Pronouns
2.4 Pronouns as Nominals
2.5 Pronouns after As, Than, and But
2.6 Selecting the Correct Pronoun
2.7 Pronoun Reference
2.8 General Observations about Pronouns
Chapter 3: Verbs
3.1 Kinds of Verbs
3.2 Recognizing the Various Types of Verbs
3.3 Verb Tenses and Aspects
3.4 Irregular English Verbs
3.5 Moods of Verbs
3.6 Making Verbs Negative
3.7 Subject -Verb Agreement
3.8 Selecting the Correct Verb Form
3.9 Troublesome Verbs
3.10 General Observations about Verbs

Chapter 4: Modifiers
4.1 Adjectives
4.1.1 Types of Adjectives
4.1.2 Degrees of Comparison
4.2 Adverbs
4.2.1 Classes of Adverbs
4.2.2 Adverbial Forms
4.2.3 Comparison and Usage
4.2.4 Recognizing the Various Types of Adverbs
4.3 Common Pitfalls with Adverbs and Adjectives
4.4 General Observations about Modifiers
Chapter 5: Function Words
5.1 Determiners
5.2 Prepositions
5.3 Conjunctions
5.4 Interjections
Part II: Sentence Elements
Chapter 6: Types of Sentences
6.1 According to Function
6.2 According to Structure
Chapter 7: Sentence Patterns
Chapter 8: Punctuations
Chapter 9: Sentence Parts
Part III: Grammar and Structure Topics for Validation
Lesson/Module 1: Subject and Verb Disagreement
Lesson/Module 2: Trimming Sentences
Lesson/Module 3: Parallelism
Lesson/Module 4: Comparison Problems
Lesson/Module 5: Pronoun Antecedent Disagreement
Lesson/Module 6: Pronoun Case
Lesson/Module 7: Dangling and Misplaced Participles/Modifiers
Lesson/Module 8: Other Misplaced Modifiers
Lesson/Module 9: Tricky Tenses
Lesson/Module 10: Idiom Errors

Lesson/Module 11: Diction Errors

Lesson/Module 12: Other Modifier Problems
Lesson/Module 13: Irregular Verbs
Lesson/Module 14: The Subjunctive Mood
Lesson/Module 15: Coordinating Ideas

Tranche 2: Speech Enhancement

Course Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this course, students are expected to be able to:
communicate clearly and effectively
learn and utilize principles of effective speaking and listening
execute effective oral arguments using logical and creative reasoning
understand various ethical standards in public speaking
improve pronunciation and enunciation
develop confidence in verbal and non-verbal communication skills
adapt speeches based on audience analysis and speaking situation
enhance interpersonal communication skills

Course Outline
1. The speech communication process
2. The ethical standards in speech and oral communications
3. Drills in contrasting consonant sounds/tongue twisters
4. Functional expressions
5. Methods of speech delivery
6. Organizing speeches
7. Basic structure of speech outline
8. Analyzing the audience and speech situation
9. Using voice and language effectively
10. Effective use of non-verbal gestures
11. American Accent training

Tranche 3: Technical Writing

Course Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this course, students are expected to be able to:

understand the writing process and structures of technical writing

know the different forms of correspondence
improve structures related to writing skills
learn how to write reports and proposals correctly
update in current trend and styles in writing correspondence

Course Outline

The Writing Process

1. Pre-writing
Pre-writing Strategies
a. Free writing
b. Clustering
c. Listing
d. Brainstorming
2. Drafting
3. Revising
4. Editing


The Different Forms of Correspondence

1. Letters
2. Memos
3. Faxes
4. Emails
5. Others
Writing Reports and Proposals
1. Formal and Informal Reports
2. Organizing Reports
3. The Structure of Reports
4. Writing Proposals
5. The Structure of Proposals


Current trends and styles in writing correspondence

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