Cheesecake: by Zyle 14.06.14 3:43

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Letter to my brother Suhail,

I really made Suhail got angry big time, this time, I think.since we promised each other to
bid Good night if one of us will already be sleeping. But, I totally forgot about my curfew at
using the wifi in this house which is 2am =_= Lol. So I was cut-off without him knowing.
I dont know how to show my sincerest apologies so.. *dogeza* *stands-up* *bows so
deep* I made this story for you tonight. My apologies, Suhailagain *sighs* please keep
your meter of temper for me to be so long. Im sorry; Im always a troublemaker to you.

By Zyle
Once upon a peculiar time, there were two who was born to be beautiful
fairies in the land of hollows, in which theyre about to explore for their whole life to
make a thread of their own destiny and their own reality. Destiny, they believed to
be non-existing, but a path they were ought to choose and make. Reality, they
believed to be cursed and broken, but a grimly chance and an opportunity that
should be mended. The two fairies were named through their own nature,
Strawberry and Blueberry.
Strawberry and Blueberry are two sisters in blood. Genuine, compassionate,
humble, and knowing, favoured by everyone because they possessed these traits.
They were requested by the elders to save a scroll from the Mount of Deadly Sins to
gather information about their long-lost brother. While they were pressured by the
pound of expectations of everyone, they never lost sight on their loving brother. He,
who would save all of them from the incoming plague, is a brilliant and caring fairy
born to be the successor of the whole land. He was captured by the unknowing
wrath of the worlds agony towards the living, and was havent been heard from by
They search, and search and search, without complaining for the hefty
responsibilities that they have. All they know is that they have to know where his
whereabouts are and they should find him, fast. Strawberry cared for her dear fairy
sister Blueberry, and Blueberry on the other hand feels the same way towards her
sister. They kept working hard to find clues on each cavern they found. They brain-

rackingly decipher codes to get to another clue that they would until they found no
more. Day and night. Morning up through evening. Sharing pain and sharing
happiness. Giving the each other praises, complementing and boosting their hopes
up. Then, at last, they finally had found him. He was blessed by the good heavens a
name called, Cheesecake.
On the other hand of the troubles that Strawberry and Blueberry had gone so
far, Cheesecake is living a life the two would never get to imagine. He live his life
alone at the Mount reasoning that he can survive this way if nobodys in his way.
No one is supposed to treat him like a peon under the elders peonage, he reasoned
out to his two fairy sisters. So he chose to abandoned the system, with the elders
knowing, in solution they exiled him. Cheesecake now then, chasing his old life
away and started to live alone.
Now, Strawberry and Blueberry is pretty much in confusion. Since they were
sent by the elders to find Cheesecake, why the elders wouldnt told them the truth
in the first place. When they about to leave for their brother, taking in confusion,
wondering for the reasons. They concluded that it doesnt make sense at all. So,
Strawberry and Blueberry drop their mind-set but opened-up their minds for
Cheesecake. There is a plague coming, thats what theyre trying to tell Cheesecake.
Strawberry and Blueberry tried to care for Cheesecake who was gone far
away from them for so long. They tried to love their own brother. Teach him how to
care for others and for the nature as well. Theyve observed that Cheesecake is
indeed a great craftsman under prolonging of staying with him at Mount of Deadly
Sins. But, as they grow older day by day, time by time, living with Cheesecake at it,
they also understand a lot of things better. They became envision of things they
have never before. At first, they thought it was the cursed of the mountain. Time
goes by, until Cheesecake finally learnt again of loving someone and to be loved by
someone. Strawberry and Blueberry devour magnificent skills at the mount as a
result of their brothers kindness, which was once again returning.
The problem is, they forgot about the most important thing theyve hold in
their hearts when staying and living at the Mount of Deadly Sins. Now, who knows,
everybody maybe might be in demise for gaining such fruitful accomplishments.
The attainment they now have as an equivalent exchange of the failure in disguise.
Nobody can tell which is unethical or not, they have forgotten and been reborn once
again upon a peculiar time.
*****THE END*****

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