Concepts of Research

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Introduction to Research and Proposal Writing:

Concepts of Research
Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a
purpose - Zora Neale Hurston

Purposes of Research

The principal purpose and goal of research is the

preservation and improvement of the quality of
human life. All kind of research are directed toward
this end

Research is the process of going up alleys to see if they are

blind Marston Bates
If we knew what we are doing, it wouldnt be called research,
wouldnt it? Albert Einstein
Definition of Research
Threece and Threece

In its broadest sense is an attempt to gain solution to

problems. More precisely, it is the collection of data in
rigorously controlled situation for the purpose of
prediction or solution.
Research is the process of creating new knowledge.
What is research for?

To create a new and relevant knowledge with the purpose

of improving our lives.
What is a Researcher?

The creator of knowledge

Attributes of a Creator of Knowledge
1. Imagination



Implications and use of results

2. Useful intelligence

The ability to interpret what is and what is not

The ability to make sensible conclusions based on


The ability to decide and see what comes next

3. Passion




No place for pwede na (mediocre people)

Tasks of a Creator of Knowledge

Dream big


Dont imitate! Innovate

Risks and Benefits of Creating Knowledge
1. Risks

Exposure and opening up

Being proven wrong

Knowledge being used for the wrong purpose

2. Benefits

The feeling of high of being the creator of new

knowledge, to be a pioneer, to add to the body of
mankinds knowledge

The opportunity to contribute to national


The opportunity to share and exchange ideas with

other scientists all over the world
Motivations to Conduct Research

Curiosity, special interest

Research career and opportunity

Status, prestige, survival

Most research is conducted along research priorities

of a country or the research agenda of an institution

Research can also be fund-riden

the purpose of research is to serve man, and the

goal of research is good life.
Specific Purpose of Research

To discover new facts about known phenomenon

To find answers to problems, which are only partially

solved by existing new methods and information

To improve existing techniques and develop new

instruments or products

To discover previously unrecognized substances or


To discover pathways of action of known substances

and elements

To satisfy the curiosity of the researcher

To expand or verify existing knowledge

To improve educational practices for raising the

quality of school products

To promote health and prolong life

To provide basis for decision making

To find answers to queries by means of scientific

Research as an Academic Process

It can develop new technique in Physical Therapy

It can be used to evaluate the utility of new PT

interventions and processes

It can provide the tools for assessing and evaluating

new PT interventions

It can provide answers to problems concerning health

maintenance, health delivery, and health care

It can help in determining areas of need related or

relating to education, patient teaching, interpersonal
relations, and employment

It can provide impetus for disseminating research

findings related to PT
Importance of Research in Physical Therapy

Enable the PT to become critical consumer of


Provides the PT with a basis for contributing new


Essential for the survival and growth of PT as a


Need for professional recognition and credibility

Improve the health care for the clients and patients

who received PT services
Characteristics of Good Research

Research is original

Research is systematic

Research is controlled

Research is analytical

Research is objective, unbiased and logical

Research employs hypothesis

Research employs quantitative or statistical methods

Research requires expertise

Research accurate investigation, observation and


Research is characterized by patient and unhurried


Research requires an effort, making capacity

Research requires courage

Research is carefully recorded and reported

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