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Ferdinand D.




Inconvenient Truth : Reaction Paper

Inconvenient Truth, a realistic documentary by Al Gore that features global

warming as a threat to humanity. I found the documentary quite boring since the
setup is just like in a conference but I have gathered many information about global
warming and its effect is not only limited on the community we are living, but also
in the whole world. For me, the title itself could define global warming. So
inconvenient truth and global warming, what links them together?
So for me global warming is an inconvenient truth, its a truth that could
destroy everything. From the intense heat we are feeling, this global warming could
affect or worsen the natural disasters we are experiencing nowadays such as flood
(imagine an intense heat when it rains, just weird right?), earthquake and
hurricanes. This global warming should not be disregarded because its a moral
issue that all of us should be concerned with because this affects all the people. We
should not blame everything to the government because it is not only the
government that is affected here, but also us.
He also sets the glaciers in Antarctica as an example. These glaciers are
reported to melt already, its all because of global warming. Due to the intense
heat, these blocks of ices melt, increasing the sea level in all countries thus,
increasing the threat in humanity also.
So for me, Al Gore perfectly gave us a view on what is likely to happen on
the next 50 years. This documentary, the same with Oras Na should serve as an eye
opener to all of us, because global warming is a very serious matter. I mean, it cant

be stop in a blink of eye. It can only be stop if we would like to. As what Al Gore
quoted in the documentary, The solutions are in our hands, we just have the
determination to make it happen. So we could stop this global warming if we will
just be united, the whole world. Lets not waste what God gave us, as he said in the
bible, he created us to take care of the world not to destroy.

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