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University of Engineering and Technology Lahore,

Faculty of Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering

SOP for Civil Engineering Program based upon Outcome Based Education
Following procedure would be adopted to run the Civil Engineering Program based upon
Stage. No



To ask the all the instructors to prepare the course
material/ first day material according the sample given in
the appendix
The course material would be distributed to the students
during the first week of the semester
The instructors would be asked to conduct the during
semester evaluation and keep copies of the model quiz
test, midterms examinations, assignments and other
academic activities and also collect and copy best, average
and poor performing students samples examinations etc
The instructors would be asked to prepare an office copy
of the examination in which course learning objectives
must be mentioned for every question given to the students
During the last week of the semester it would be ensured
that, every instructor carries out the survey of his course
by the students. The survey would include CLO and its
achievement as perceived by the students. The sample of
the survey form is given in the appendix
The filled survey form must be handed over to the
program director for statistical analysis
Exit survey form would be given to the graduating
students and filled form would be given to the program
director for analysis, Sample of the exit survey form is
given in the appendix
After the end of the semester, every instructor would be
requested to prepare and course report for his course and
submit to the program director. Sample of the course
report is given in the appendix
Course evaluation and improvement form present in the
course report would be analyzed specifically for each
course be the concerned subject committee and

1- Week
15- Week

15- Week
1- Week

1- Week
1- Week

1- Week

2- Week


improvements suggested by the instructor would be

discussed and implemented if they are minor changes,
forwarded to the board of studies if they are of medium
level changes and forwarded to the academic council, if
the changes are major.
The changes prescribed by the instructors would be
implemented and evaluated in the next upcoming semester
At the end of the semester instructors would be asked to
organize their course files and two days would be reserved
for checking them through cross faculty check.
Finally before the visit of the PEC team, course files
would be obtained from the faculty members and placed in
the Quality Enhancement Cell of the department for
review by the team

1- Week
1- Week

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