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1. The Group 1 and 2 elements react more vigorously with water as the group is
descended. This can be explained in part by using ionisation energies.
(a) Define the term first ionisation energy.
energy required to remove 1 mole of electrons from 1 mole of gaseous atoms
to produce 1 mole og gaseous ions with a single positive
(b) Explain why ionisation energies change as Group 2 is descended.
radius increases
screening increases
attraction decreases between nucleus and outer electrons
this overrides increase in nuclear charge


June 2001

2. This question is about two elements A and B in the Periodic Table.

(a) Each atom of element A has 15 electrons.
(i) Identify element A.
(ii) Complete the electronic configuration of an atom of A.
(iii) Predict the charge on an ion of A and complete its electronic configuration.
electronic configuration of ion of A 1s22s22p6
(b) Element B exists as a mixture of three isotopes.
(i) What is the difference between the atomic structures of isotopes?
the number of neutrons
(ii) The atoms of element B have eight electrons in the 3d sub-shell.
Identify element B.
nickel. [1]
June 2003
3. Electrons are arranged in energy levels. The diagram below for the 7 electrons in a
nitrogen atom is incomplete. It shows two electrons in the 1s level


(a) Complete the diagram for the 7 electrons in a nitrogen atom by

(i) adding labels for the other sub-shell levels,
(ii) showing how the electrons are arranged.
Show 2 electrons in the 2s and one electron in each of the
2p orbitals
(b) Magnesium reacts with nitrogen forming magnesium nitride, which is an ionic
(i) Complete the electronic configuration for the 12 electrons in the magnesium
(ii) What is the charge on each ion in magnesium nitride?
magnesium ion 2+..
nitride ion 3-
Complete the electronic configuration of each ion in magnesium nitride.
magnesium ion 1s22s22p6.
nitride ion
1s22s22p6.. [2]
Deduce the formula of magnesium nitride
Jan 2001
4. The bones in an adult human skeleton have a mass of approximately 9kg. Of this, 1kg
is calcium.
(a) The calcium in bones is present as calcium ions, Ca 2+.
Complete the electronic configurations od the following.
a calcium atom: 1s22s22p63s23p64s2
a calcium ion : 1s22s22p63s23p6 .
(b) Calculate the approximate number of calcium ions in an adult human skeleton.
[ The Avogadro constant, L = 6 X 1023 mol-1.]
(1000/40) = moles of Ca
(1000/40) x 6 X 1023 = number of ions = 1.5 x 1021

(c) Suggest why calcium atoms are not found in the human skeleton.
calcium is reactive and would react with water in the
June 2001
5. (a) State what is meant by an orbital.


A region of space in which there is a high probability of finding a given

(b) Draw diagrams to show the shape of an s orbital and a p orbital.

s orbital

p orbital

(c) Complete the table below to show how many electrons completely fill each of the
number of electrons
a p orbital
a d orbital
the third shell (n=3)
June 2001
6. The first ionisation energies of the elements Na to K are represented in the diagram

(a) Define the term first ionisation energy.

(b) Explain why
(i) the first ionisation energies show an overall increase from Na to Ar;
increase in nuclear charge
Screening constant
Attraction for outer electrons increases
Radius decreases

(ii) the first ionisation energy of Al is less than that of Mg.


(c) Explain the difference between the first ionisation eneries of Ar and K.
In K outer electrons in higher energy level
Redius larger

More screening
Attraction between nucleus and outer electrons decreases
Less energy required to remove outer

[3] Jan 2002

7. This question is about aluminium oxide, Al2O3.
(a) Successive ionisation energies provide evidence for the arrangement of electrons in
The graph below shows the 8 successive ionisation energies of oxygen.

(i) Write an equation, including state symbols, to represent the second

ionisation energy of oxygen.
O-(g) O2+(g) + e[2]
(ii) How does the graph provide evidence for the existence of two electron
shells in oxygen?
6 electrons removed with relative ease but the seventh requires much more.
This suggests 6 electrons in the outer shell - screened more, larger radius

(i) Complete the electronic configuration for an aluminium atom.


(ii) On the axes below, sketch a graph to show the thirteen successive ionisation
energies of aluminium.
Show large increase after removal of 3 and 11 electrons


(c) Write an equation, including state symbols, for the reaction between aluminium and
oxygen, to produce aluminium oxide.
4Al(s) + 3O2(g) 2Al2O3(s)

June 2002


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