Dynamics GP TAX Management Mexico - Data Sheet

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TAX Management for Dynamics GP - MX

TAX Management for Microsoft Dynamics GP - MX is our proven solution for the Mexican
market, for companies that use Microsoft Dynamics GP as their ERP solution, solving their
taxes report issues in order to match legal forms with all the tax information requested by
the Mexican Tax Office - SAT (Servicio de Administracin Tributaria).

Provide customers with a development
that will work within the solution
Microsoft Dynamics GP and will allow
users to in an automatically and
transparent way get all the tax
information requested by the Mexican
Tax Office - SAT
All recognized flexibility and scalability
of a worldwide solution is now available
to power an automated practical solution
to cover Mexican tax mandatory
Issuing tax information on cash basis
within purchase, sales, collections and
payments as requested by local SAT
Tax Office
Provide on line reporting and
calculations for Value Added Tax (IVA
Impuesto al Valor Agregado), Income
Tax (ISR Impuesto Sobre la Renta),
Withholdings (Retenciones IVA / ISR)
and Unique Rate Business Tax ( IETU
Impuesto Empresarial a Tasa Unica)
Complete reports identifying payments
or collections by Tax Id. (RFC
Registro Fiscal del Contribuyente) for
companies (Persona Moral) as well as
individuals (Persona Fsica)
Regular situations management: partial
invoice payment, currency exchange
rates gap and petty cash
Technical Requirements
Operating System: All supported by Microsoft
Dynamics GP 10 or later.
Microsoft Dynamics GP 10 or later

TAX Management for Dynamics GP - MX

Main functional features detail
Treasury Circuits

Payment/Receive Multiple Methods (MMCP Mltiples Medios de

Payment Circuit
Payment entry for Legal Entities (Personas Morales)
Applies the cash basis concept over Value Added Tax (IVA Impuesto al
Valor Agregado) at payment stage (by paid to by accrued IVA
accounting entry).
Payment entry for Individuals (Personas Fsicas)
Applies the cash basis concept over Value Added Tax (IVA Impuesto al
Valor Agregado) as well as Income Tax (ISR Impuesto Sobre la Renta) at
payment stage. Income Tax may apply to both IVA and ISR.
Collect Circuit
Receipts (collection) entry
Applies the cash basis concept over Value Added Tax (IVA Impuesto al
Valor Agregado) at collection stage (by paid to by accrued IVA
accounting entry).

Task Information

Report Query providing VAT Paid Book (Libro IVA Pagado) in summary mode
data including the following columns:

ID Proveedor (Vendor ID)

Nombre Proveedor (Vendor Name)
R.F.C. (Tax ID)
Importe Total Pagado (Total Paid Amount)
IVA Percibido (Paid VAT)
IVA Retenido Percibido (Paid Withhold VAT)
ISR Retenido Percibido (Paid Withhold Income Tax)

Report Query providing VAT Paid Book (Libro IVA Pagado) in detailed mode
data including the following columns:

ID Proveedor (Vendor ID)

Nombre Proveedor (Vendor Name)
R.F.C. (Tax ID)
Nmero de Pago (Payment Number)
Importe Total Pagado (Total Paid Amount)
IVA Percibido (Paid VAT)
IVA Retenido Percibido (Paid Withhold VAT)
ISR Retenido Percibido (Paid Withhold Income Tax)

Report Query providing VAT Collect Book (Libro IVA Cobrado) summary mode
data including the following columns:

Importe Total Cobrado (Total Collect Amount)

IVA Percibido (Paid VAT)

Report Query providing VAT Collect Book (Libro IVA Cobrado) detailed mode
data including the following columns:

ID Cliente (Customer ID)

Nombre Cliente (Customer Name)
R.F.C. (Tax ID)
Nmero de Cobro (Receipt Number)
Importe Total Cobrado (Total Collect Amount)
IVA Percibido (Paid VAT)

TAX Management for Dynamics GP - MX

Unique Rate Business Tax

IETU Impuesto Empresarial a Tasa Unica

Provide basic revenue and expense information in order to ease calculations and
delivery of the tax report as required by SAT Tax Office.
Excel Reporting connected to Dynamics GP will show all incomes and expenses to
which IETU should be applied from the beginning of the fiscal year providing
information to whom corresponds for the final tax calculations and SAT form

Our solution TAX Management for Dynamics GP - MX was designed to join investment
plans and legal requirements for your business. This implementation and launching
process includes all specialized consultancy tasks and training required to fully bring the
solution operative in your company, and in a very short time.
For more information, please contact us:

Tel.: 54-11-4926-1050
Colombres 1396 Boedo - C1238AAH
C.A.B.A. Argentina

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