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Monterey Peninsula Regional Water Authority (MPRWA)

Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)
Regular Meeting
10:30 AM, Monday, August 3, 2015
Council Chamber
580 Pacific Street
Monterey, California
PUBLIC COMMENTS allows you, the public, to speak for a maximum of three minutes on any
subject which is within the jurisdiction of the MPRWA TAC and which is not on the agenda. Any
person or group desiring to bring an item to the attention of the Committee may do so by
addressing the Committee during Public Comments or by addressing a letter of explanation to:
MPRWA TAC, Attn: Monterey City Clerk, 580 Pacific St, Monterey, CA 93940. The appropriate
staff person will contact the sender concerning the details.


Approve Minutes from July 6, 2015 Regular Meeting


Receive the Most Recent Update To The California Public Utilities Commission Schedule
for the Monterey Peninsula Water Supply Project - Cullem


Receive Master Schedule for Permits and Current Detailed Project Schedule for the
Monterey Peninsula Water Supply Project (MPWSP) and Status Report on the Amended
Coastal Development Permit for the Test Slant Well - Crooks


Receive Report and Discuss the Status of the Definitive Agreement, Externalities Study,
and Cost Comparison for the Groundwater Replenishment/Pure Water Monterey
(GWR/PWM) Project - Stoldt/Sciuto


Receive Report and Discuss the Most Recent Application to Modify State Water
Resources Control Board Cease and Desist Order WR 2009-0060 - Cullem

Created date 07/17/2015 4:22 PM

Monday, August 3, 2015

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Agenda related writings or documents provided to the MPRWA are available for public
inspection during the meeting or may be requested from the Monterey City Clerks Office at 580
Pacific St, Room 6, Monterey, CA 93940. This agenda is posted in compliance with California
Government Code Section 54954.2(a) or Section 54956.

2:00 PM, Monday, July 6, 2015
Members Present
Members Absent:

Cullem, Riley, Stoldt, Sciuto, Narigi, Koker


Staff Present:

Legal Counsel, Clerk

Chair Cullem called the meeting to order at 10:36 AM.
Chair Cullem invited reports from the TAC and had no requests to speak.
Chair Cullem requested pulling Consent Agenda Items 2 and 3 for discussion.
Member Riley requested that reports made by Cal Am regarding the schedule be included in
the minutes or in some capacity available as part of the record for reference purposes.
On motion by Member Riley and seconded by Member Narigi and passed unanimously, the
TAC approved the minutes of May 4, 2015 as presented.

Approve Minutes from May 4, 2015 - Milton-Rerig

Action: Approved


Receive and Discuss the Draft Final Comment Letter to the California Public Utilities
Commission (CPUC) on the Monterey Peninsula Water Supply Project Draft Environmental
Impact Report - Cullem
Chair Cullem spoke to a public comment letter received expressing concern that the
consultants analysis nor the DEIR addressed the longevity or long term sustainability of the
test wells to which Chair Cullem reported that it was not part of the scope of work and it is not
part of the EIR item. It's part of the test well data which they hope to obtain through the testing
period. He requested if the TAC had comments on the letter.
TAC Member Riley reported Public Water Now held a public water forum and had 5-6 people
who made presentations on the slat wells, concerned that there is not enough data, the

MPRWA Minutes

Monday, July 6, 2015

compressed schedule, and the PUC/CCC decision deadlines. He also expressed concern that
the authors of the report and two members of the Hydrogeological team, were authors of the
report at Huntington Beach and that it might be a conflict of interest. Member Sciuto indicated
the public comment letter is a reasonable question, but is not within the scope, or within the
auspice of the EIR. That it is a technical issue but not an EIR question.
Chair Cullem invited comments from the public on this item. This letter was reviewed, discussed
and addressed.

Receive Report and Discuss the Most Recent Cease and Desist Order Extension Request
Proposed by Cal Am - Cullem
Executive Director Cullem explained the different versions of the proposal by Cal Am for the
Cease and Desist Order Extension request, including the most recent versions dated March
10th, and June 19th. The final document is still being drafted and has not been released. The
TAC questioned if they will see the final letter prior to it going to the State Water Resource
Control Board to which Chair Cullem reported it was intended for delivery in mid-July and once
it is submitted and is a public document, and it will be emailed out and posted on the website.
The group agreed that if the final version contains only minor modifications to the present draft
they are comfortable with it.
Chair Cullem invited public comments and had no request to speak.


Receive an Update on the Detailed Project Schedule for the Monterey Peninsula Water Supply
Project (MPWSP) with Emphasis on Future Permitting and Approval Requirements - Crooks
Chair Cullem introduced the item and TAC reviewed and discussed Cal Am's latest permits and
approvals schedule in an effort to identify likely future delays or approval challenges that might
require Water Authority attention.
Member Narigi requested an understanding of what happened between the Coastal
Commission and Cal Am recently. Ian Crooks, Cal Am explained that the slant test wells were
turned off August 6, 2015 due to a provision in the permit that mandates if the ground water
levels decline more than 1.5 feet then the well must be turned off and data be evaluated to
determine if the decline is from the test well. Mr. Crooks indicated that they are convinced it
was not the test well but had to comply with the permit. The HWG has analyzed the data and
submitted a memo addressing permit condition 11 to the CCC, and Cal Am will further evaluate
while it is turned off to confirm their conclusions on the decline.
On June 10th, the HWG submitted another memo with supporting data to show it was a regional
decline and not related to the test well. The CCC took the memo under consideration and on
July 4th, they agreed generally with HWG, however because how the permit provision is written,
they will need a permit amendment to continue to run the test well. Mr. Crooks expects to be
back before the CCC in August for a new permit condition. He anticipates a total delay in the
test well of three months.

MPRWA TAC Meeting Minutes

Regular Minutes - Monday, July 6, 2015

MPRWA Minutes

Monday, July 6, 2015

The TAC discussed the proximity of the test wells, the salinity levels achieved and desired the
volume trends with different pumping velocities. Mr. Crooks then reported on the monitoring
well data. He detailed the impacts of the different wells and the data changes when the wells
were turned off on June 5th. Mr. Crooks then detailed the current anticipated schedule, which
was dated June 18, 2015. He indicated that a detailed spreadsheet that includes a list of all
permits that are necessary to be acquired for plant construction will be ready for public review
in September. The TAC requested it be categorized by Federal, State and Local permits.
Mr. Crooks further pointed out efforts that the team is working toward to compress the schedule
to get it built in 15 months. The bids for pipelines will be released in July 2015 which will help
determine if it can be achieved in 15 months, noting the pipeline permits will be challenging with
each of the city jurisdiction regulations for construction.
Finally, he noted the DEIR comment period for the MPWSP was extended explaining they will
change the dates for whatever is in the public's best interest and until they have received all
comments, they will determine later if further extensions are requested.
Chair Cullem invited comments from the public and had no requests to speak.

Discuss, Provide Input to the Water Authority for a Possible Comment letter to the PCA / Water
Management District on the Pure Water Monterey/Ground Water Replenishment (GWR) Project
Member Sciuto spoke to the draft letter and the discussions regarding ag wash water and that
this is more qualitative and quantitative. The City of Salinas is seeing an increase in ag wash
water and the trend of that water supply is going upward. Mr. Sciuto outlined the different
quantities of water that are being considered for source water including the Blanco Drain, ag
wash water, the Reclamation ditch and other projects. Member Sciuto then spoke to the status
of the definitive agreements and the ongoing negotiations.
Member Stoldt spoke to a five piece water right application that was submitted two weeks ago.
which addresses the source water options. He indicated there is a lot of water remaining in the
sources that are subject to future water rights. The memo addresses what happens after a
couple of dry years in a row, and if there remains substantial flows to support the project. He
indicated he is confident that source water is not the problem with the PWM project, it's the
Marina Coast Water District and the California Coastal Commission.
Mr. Sciuto and Mr. Stold answered questions from the TAC. On question by the TAC both
Members Stoldt and Sciuto are confident that there are sufficient flows for long term project
operations. TAC Members discussed current funding opportunities, financing capabilities, total
cost and cost caps.
Chair Cullem invited comments from the public and had no requests to speak.


Receive Report, Discuss, and Provide Staff Direction on the California State Mandatory
Conservation Requirements - Stoldt

MPRWA TAC Meeting Minutes

Regular Minutes - Monday, July 6, 2015

MPRWA Minutes

Monday, July 6, 2015

Member Stoldt reported that in accordance with Governor Brown's Executive Order mandating
cuts in residential water use statewide, the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB)
staff prepared regulations for implementing the Order. Input from water management districts,
including the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District (MPWMD), was solicited in April
2015 and the MPWMD position was supported by a letter from the Water Authority.
At its meeting of May 5 2015, the SWRCB adopted the regulations, and Mr. Stoldt provided an
update as to how these regulations will affect Peninsula water users. He also outlined the
mandatory reporting criteria which requires monthly reports to monitor usage. There are 9
categories of reductions targets between 4 to 36% and cities are judged based on your total
water system production.
June is first reporting month and the District will continue to check data and determine if interim
solutions need to be addressed. Smaller water systems must reduce by 25% or make strong
efforts to limit irrigation to 2 days per week. 2013 is the benchmark because it was a nonemergency year. He reported that the District has started fining people, and notification letters
have been also issued. Mr. Stoldt answered questions from the TAC.
Chair Cullem invited comments from the public and had no requests to speak.
Having no further business to conduct, the meeting was adjourned at 11:50 AM.


Lesley Milton-Rerig, Committee Clerk

Jim Cullem, Chair/Executive Director

MPRWA TAC Meeting Minutes

Regular Minutes - Monday, July 6, 2015

Monterey Peninsula Regional Water Authority

Agenda Report


Date: August 03, 2015

Item No: 2.

Executive Director Cullem

SUBJECT: Receive the Most Recent Update to the CPUC Schedule for
the Monterey Peninsula Water Supply Project (MPWSP)
Staff recommends that the TAC review and discuss the current CPUC
schedule for the Monterey Peninsula Water Supply Project (MPWSP).
At its meeting of January 8, 2015, the Water Authority received a January
5, 2015 staff revision of the October 7, 2013 CPUC schedule for the
MPWSP including the activities needed for the GWR project.
On January 23, 2015 CPUC Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) Weatherford
announced a decision making additional changes to the CPUC schedule.
The January 23, 2015 update of the CPUC schedule, with changes from
the original October 7, 2013 schedule highlighted in red, were provided to
the Water Authority at its meeting of February 12, 2015.
Due to the to ALJ changes to the MPSWP DEIR comment period, the
CPUC has now had to revise the January 23rd schedule accordingly. The
new schedule, if available in time, will be discussed by the TAC on August
3, 2015.


Monterey Peninsula Regional Water Authority

Agenda Report


Date: August 03, 2015

Item No: 3.

Executive Director Cullem

SUBJECT: Receive Master Schedule for Permits and Current Detailed

Project Schedule for the Monterey Peninsula Water Supply
Project (MPWSP) and Status Report on the Amended Coastal
Development Permit for the Test Slant Well
It is recommended that the TAC receive an update on the Cal Am MPWSP
Critical Path Schedule, inclusive of the Master Schedule for Permits, and
also receive an update on actions to obtain an amended Coastal
Development Permit (CDP) to restart the test slant well.
The issuance of the CDP for the test slant well was critical to the MPWSP
schedule as it allowed construction of the well to be completed by the end
of February 2015. However many additional permit and approval issues
remain, not the least of which is a requirement to amend the test slant well
CDP to allow test well pumping to restart, and the future processing of
permits and/or CDPs through the City of Marina.
Accordingly, the TAC needs to review Cal Am's latest "detailed" permits
and approvals schedule in an effort to identify likely future delays or
approval challenges that might require Water Authority attention.
Current Cal Am critical path schedule for Permits and Approvals to be
provided by Cal Am at the TAC meeting.


Monterey Peninsula Regional Water Authority

Agenda Report


Date: August 03, 2015

Item No: 4.

Executive Director Cullem

SUBJECT: Receive Report and Discuss the Status of the Definitive

Agreement, Externalities Study, and Cost Comparison for the
Groundwater Replenishment/Pure Water Monterey
(GWR/PWM) Project - Stoldt/Sciuto
It is recommended that the TAC receive an update on the efforts of the
Pollution Control Agency and the Water Management District to secure
the bi-lateral agreements necessary to secure a Definitive Agreement for
source and product water for the Ground Water Replenishment (GWR)
project, and also receive an update on the Externalities Study and GWR/
DESAL Cost Comparison Study.
At its meeting of December 1, 2014, the TAC received and discussed the
"Roadmap for a Definitive Agreement on Source Waters and Water
Recycling". Progress was updated at the TAC meetings of February 2,
March 2, and April 6, 2015. The December 1 Roadmap now needs another
update which should be provided at the TAC meeting.
As directed by the Water Authority Board, the TAC is to remain informed on
the progress of the Definitive Agreement as well as on the Externalities
Study and Cost Comparison Study. An update on the latter two studies will
also be provided at the TAC meeting.


Monterey Peninsula Regional Water Authority

Agenda Report


Date: August 03, 2015

Item No: 5.

Executive Director Cullem

SUBJECT: Receive Report and Discuss, the Most Recent Application to

Modify State Water Resources Control Board Cease and Desist
Order WR 2009-0060
It is recommended that the TAC receive a copy of the draft joint Application
to Modify (request for an extension) State Water Resources Control Board
(SWRCB) Cease and Desist Order WR 2009-0060 (CDO).
Representatives of the settling parties have been in discussion with the
SWRCB staff in an effort to assist with wording of a CDO extension that
would be acceptable to the public and have a reasonable expectation of
obtaining State Board approval. The most recently submitted draft proposal
was on March 10, 2015 and SWRCB staff comments are pending.
A June 6, 2015 draft of the Application to Modify was provided the TAC and
the Water Authority on June 23, 2015, and was discussed by the Water
Authority Board at its meeting of July 9, 2015. Draft Attachment 1
(Proposed Amended CDO) to the Draft Application was not available for
review and comment on those dates.
Attachment 1 is expected to be available in time for the TAC meeting of
Aug 3 and will be posted on the Water Authority web site


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