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“Protecting Those Who Protect Us”

Ontario Police Health and Safety Association

Meeting Thursday December 3rd 2009
Hosted by Hamilton Police Service
Held at Hamilton Police Association Building
555 Upper Wellington Street
Hamilton, ON L9A 3P8
(905) 383-8732

9:50 - Opening of Meeting –Vice-Chair Deb Bently of the Ontario Police Health
and Safety Association welcomes members to the OPHSA December meeting at
the Hamilton Police Association Building.

Welcome from meeting Hosts (Gary Goegen – Hamilton Police Service)

Hamilton Police Association – Chris Wills welcomed OPHSA to the
Hamilton Police Association Building.
Hamilton Police Service – Vince De Mascio welcomed OPHSA to

Guest Speakers (Introduced by Hamilton Police Service Gary Goegen)

Doug Birk - Industrial Hygienist for the Ministry of Labour

A Presentation on “The benefits of a Respiratory Protection Program and how to

set one up”

View on OPHSA BLOG (Reports of Interest) @

Chair Darwin Trojan advised he has a report on the ‘reusability of N95 Masks’ –
contact Darwin if you wish the report

10:35 - Gary Goegen advised how Hamilton set uop ther program of respiratory
protection – block training – half mask – N95 and full mask system - a great
morale builder for members seeing what management is doing for the
membership for health safety. Self screening prior to fit testing. Confidentiality an
issue? Like a PARQ for fitness testing and medical info that may further come is

Darwin Trojan, Chair
C/O York Regional Police Service
17250 Yonge Street, Newmarket Ontario L3Y 4W5 Telephone # (905)895-1221 Ext. 7908

only related to wearing a hood and having bitrex pumped into it. Shaving? The
only exception was religious issues – therefore not deployed to a scene where
that officer needs a mask.

Break 11:00 – 11:10

11:10 - Review of Meeting Minutes from Ottawa Police Service – September 29th
2009 – comments – questions – concerns

Peel Regional Police wished to clarify and further explain page 5 of the Round
Table Discussion

“The Peel Regional Police Service has purchased a new model of the Smith and
Wesson 40 Calibre Handgun. They are being issued as ‘new issue only’ and are
not issued en masse to replace all existing handguns. The magazines for these
are not interchangeable with the ‘old’ model still in circulation thus causing a
safety concern where officers on scene may have different weapons for which
magazines are not interchangeable. The issue is being studied by the service
and the JOHSC.”

11:13 – Section 21 Committee Update

Doug Allan (PAO) spoke regarding the previous Section 21 Meeting.
Those that attend the Section 21 Meeting whom also attend OPHSA Meetings
are George Borbley (OPP), Darwin Trojan (OPHSA), Doug Allan (PAO), Nick
Dzudz (Ontario Association of Police Services Boards) and Peter Pennlington
(Ontario Senior Officer’s Association).
On Thursday the 19th of November 2009 a joint meeting was held with
EMS/Police/Fire – the Ministry of Labour wanted the section 21 committeees to
come together and see common issues – the EMS fall under the Hospital
Committee – recommendations go to the Hospital Committee then out to EMS
Incident Management System being developed – serious incidents where
three services come together such as a massive propane explosion – will meet
once a year.
Waterloo – Emergency Traffic Situation discussed – Fire Truck blocks a
road to protect workers within a scene – an ambulance inside the perimeter – the
fire truck has a side load – back load on an ambulance – trying to deal with the
safety of workers – Police protect the scene.
Bill 168 – unwelcome behaviour – a Policy must be supplied on violence and
harassment, measurements and procedures to assess and method to deal with
it. The Ministry will want to see how the Policy is implemented. Courses are
available – GOOGLE Bill 168 and courses will be plentiful. The Bill is in its third
reading and will be proclaimed in by the last sitting day of December 10th – if not,
in January 2010. A Six-month grace period will occur to get a Policy together
after proclamation.
Guidance Notes are posted on the PAO Website at

Darwin Trojan, Chair
C/O York Regional Police Service
17250 Yonge Street, Newmarket Ontario L3Y 4W5 Telephone # (905)895-1221 Ext. 7908

Enter PAO and Unity for user name and password located under the left side tab
‘OHS Notes and Advisories’.
PIER Program - Program was initiated by WSIB - “Program for Exposure
Incident Reporting” (PEIR) – no medical attention – no claim – a statistic
The Fatal Distraction Poster is coming out – an All Chiefs Bulletin will be
coming out in January – the Number One cause of On-Duty Police Deaths in
Ontario are Motor Vehicle Collisions – a discussion was held and it was believed
71% of Police Deaths was due to Motor Vehicle Collisions – the Canadian Police
Memorial Pavilion records cause a death for Police Officer deaths in the line of
Toronto Police Service had 25% of injuries occur due to training. Bill 168
requires stats on critical and minor injuries as well as ‘close calls’.
York Regional Police were issued a Ministry of Labour Order to record
more detail on injuries.
Radiation in Radar Units is being examined.
If there is a Provincial Issue that applies to all Services, Section 21 will
bring it to the MOL who will do the research.

11:45 – 12:10 LUNCH

Round Table

York Regional Police Service

Harassment Policy re-written
Supervisor has a duty to tell Officer’s in Unit of other Officer’s domestic –
supersedes privacy laws (Bill 168)
Cameras in cars for ergonomic recommendations for use of equipment
Distraction enroute to calls causing safety concerns.
Items on duty belts are a safety concern – Ford has said the belts are an
issue for seating position – Carbon Motor Company has seat cut outs (US Only
thus far) – The Jack Callaghan Study will go out thru section 21 to the MOL. A
discussion was held regarding Dragon software for voice dictation rather than
keyboard entry of reports.
A discussion was held regarding blue lights on cruisers and standards to
validate the use of these lights – reports are heard from out sources – there is no
standard for blue lights – contact Phil Shrewsbury Gee if wish to liaison regarding
blue lights on cruisers

Ontario Provincial Police

A Ministry of Labour Order was issued this morning regarding N95
Preparedness for Pandemic – issue of non-compliance for non-instruction of N95
Mask – must have a plan by January or how to implement it. Plan A was to have
everyone fit tested by June 2010 – the Ministry of Labour thought this was too

Darwin Trojan, Chair
C/O York Regional Police Service
17250 Yonge Street, Newmarket Ontario L3Y 4W5 Telephone # (905)895-1221 Ext. 7908

Aurora’s lead in the range – MHSAO looked at outdoor ranges – report will
be available next meeting – 16 outdoor ranges at this time.

OPP Ad Ferrao – Bomb Squad – was asked whether there was a Health
and Safety team at the G8 Summit this summer – he advised there was not –
there was discussion surrounding other events within Ontario and Canada where
a Health and Safety Committee is routinely not formed – the question of liability
for hosting Police Services by failing to provide a Health and Safety Committee
was discussed by OPHSA.

Waterloo Regional Police Service

A Moly-Vest was the last vest order by Waterloo Regional Police – they decided
to crest the ‘Waterloo’ name to the vest – sewn on the front and back – to identify
Waterloo Officers when a joint forces operation is underway and an officer needs
to be located quickly – Velcro was not considered as exiting a vehicle without it
was a concern.
The new radio system has been pushed to December before it is up and
A Multi-site set up must have a MOL letter and approval for a joint health
and safety committee (Central Committee to look after service)
360º Police Patches? None at this Committee have them.
New Communications Center was discussed – dimmable lights –
ventilation etc.
A safety file of the Police Service has to go to the Occupational Health and
Safety Committee – such as Pistols, Vests etc – reports need to be on file with
the OHSC and reviewed.

St. Thomas Police Service

The same firearm as Peel – different magazines – everyone in the service
is not the same.
H1N1 – Pandemic Plan in place since 2005 – block training in the fall – fit
testing for N95 mask – 85 done in a two-week period.
In 2011 the Ford Plant will close and there will be a stop of Crown Victoria
Production – there will likely be a Taurus Police Package built in Chicago – the
Caprice is being brought back for the Police Service as per Chevrolet.
A new company in St. Thomas for safety equipment is recommended – - vests, gloves, jackets etc – a website is underway.

Peel Regional Police

The firearm magazine issue continues – winter gloves found to work for
pistols saw the fabric caught in the trigger guard.
Training for CED’s (tasers) has doubled in time.
A safety issue regarding head counts for people – size of first aid kit or
trained nurse due to number of people on the floor.
Snow tires are not found on ‘all’ Police Vehicles.

Darwin Trojan, Chair
C/O York Regional Police Service
17250 Yonge Street, Newmarket Ontario L3Y 4W5 Telephone # (905)895-1221 Ext. 7908

Sunscreen is now supplied and stations have a ‘best before’ label affixed.
A clip light is now found on epaulets to free hands for Officers.
Earpieces are available for full deployment.
Vaccination clinics were scheduled for all members but had to cancel
dates as no vaccine was available – no Peel Vaccination as per the MOL.

Niagara Regional Police Service

First responders (Police Fire Ambulance) will call off others if there is an
H1N1 risk to limit those in contact.
A Multi-site OHSC is recent.
Bill 168 – starting the harassment section – violence section is difficult –
an obligation of the employer to do a risk assessment (if there is an identified risk
then the Health and Safety Committee gets notified)
Traffic Safety Vests – please wear them.

Hamilton Police Service

A holster was ripped from a duty belt – Tuesday this coming is a meeting
with Safariland – rivets pulled through the belt with an older model of the
Safariland holster.
Auxiliary standards of fitness? A discussion was held regarding fitness of
the Auxiliary Unit and what testing should be required of the members.

Cornwall Police Service

The H1N1 Clinic was a success.

Toronto Police Service

A Health and Safety Day with Toronto Committee Members was held the
first week of October – ‘Toronto Police Health and Safety Awareness Days” – 37
local and central committee for a total of 38 committees – worker and
management chairs from each committee were present.
A contest was held for the best proactive decision on a scenario to work
on over the next year for the next event – 100 people at the event and growing –
Dr Jack Callaghan was the guest speaker this year.
H1N1 – EMS administered at clinics – a delay occurred with EMS due to
staffing and supply but now believed there are 100 members given shot.

Windsor Police Service

H1N1 Clinics were cancelled.
A radio issue saw the system go down three times – and an ambient noise
in headsets are being examined.
Court Security Issue is being worked on.

South Simcoe Police Service

No current issues.

Darwin Trojan, Chair
C/O York Regional Police Service
17250 Yonge Street, Newmarket Ontario L3Y 4W5 Telephone # (905)895-1221 Ext. 7908

Halton Regional Police Service

A traffic safety vest is available from the CO-OP at $32 each if over 200
are ordered.
WHMIS Training – section 42(3) of the OHS Act says annual training –
reviewed annually? A discussion was held and determined that Ident and Ert and
similar Units be trained Annually.
Fit testing occurred this fall.
A new radio vender will be selected by the end of the year.

Stratford Police Service

No radio contact in some buildings and the new psychiatric ward is an
issue for transmissions.

Peterborough Lakefield Community Police Service

The H1N1 clinics went over well for employees thanks to local EMS
administering the shots.
The air scrubber for Communications is running – one employee is still off
work due to an allergy within Communications since the renovations.
A rubber floor was removed in one employee work area due to an allergy
to latex.

Meeting adjourned at 2:00 PM

December – in London

The Next Meeting of the Ontario Police Health and Safety Asociation will be
hosted by London Police Service on Wednesday March 31st 2010.
330 William Street
London, Ontario

June - in Peel

Thursday June the 3rd in Peel – the Peel Association Banquet Hall
10675 Mississauga Road - 2 kilometres north of Bovaird Drive

September – Please Host a Meeting!

Further information, questions or concerns - Contact Mark Ballantine - Secretary


2010 Memberships are Due!!

Please print the application for membership renewal off the BLOG
Fill it out and mail to Lori Taylor with the annual fee

Darwin Trojan, Chair
C/O York Regional Police Service
17250 Yonge Street, Newmarket Ontario L3Y 4W5 Telephone # (905)895-1221 Ext. 7908

Members in Attendance

Mark Ballantine
Peterborough Lakefield Community Police Service

Bonnie Gwilliams
Halton Regional Police Service

Lori Taylor
Halton Regional Police Service

Deb Bentley
Stratford Police Service

Frank Bauer
Windsor Police Service

Nick Dzudz
Windsor Police Services Board

Natalie Hiltz
Peel Regional Police Service

Chris Wills
Hamilton Police Association

Gary Haitzer
Toronto Police Service

Paul Prno
Toronto Police Service

Peter Penlington
Waterloo Regional Police Service

Darwin Trojan, Chair
C/O York Regional Police Service
17250 Yonge Street, Newmarket Ontario L3Y 4W5 Telephone # (905)895-1221 Ext. 7908

Scott Hanton
Cornwall Police Service

Vince DeMascio
Hamilton Police Service

Dan Bowman
Hamilton Police Service

Rick Gordon
Niagara Regional Police Association

Chris Fisher
Niagara Regional Police Service

Scott McLean
Niagara Police Service

Doug Allan

Bob Baltin
Peel Regional Police Service

Mark Traichevich
St. Thomas Police Service

Dan Ainsworth
St. Thomas Police Service

Ad Ferrao
OPP – G8 Summit

Darwin Trojan, Chair
C/O York Regional Police Service
17250 Yonge Street, Newmarket Ontario L3Y 4W5 Telephone # (905)895-1221 Ext. 7908

George Borbely
Ontario Provincial Police

Phil Shrewsbury-Gee
York Regional Police Service

Darwin Trojan
York Regional Police Service

Brian Morrison
York Regional Police service

Jacqueline Long
South Simcoe Police Service

Gary Goguen
Hamilton Police Service

Darwin Trojan, Chair
C/O York Regional Police Service
17250 Yonge Street, Newmarket Ontario L3Y 4W5 Telephone # (905)895-1221 Ext. 7908

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