Occult Symbolism Galore Part 2

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Occult Symbolism Galore Part 2

One great attribute of any human being is to use their mind to comprehend a wide spectrum
of topics in the world. Gaining true intellectual prowess is never a liability, it’s an
asset. It’s not only crucial to develop the mind form a mental standpoint. It’s a
key method to harbor even more insight in creating solutions or solving problems and
constructing a more accurate depiction of the active world that we reside in. Symbols
culturally have been popular. They can exist to send directions toward some individuals or
stir fierce emotions. They have been used to outline concepts and to stir action. Symbolism is a
key function of human history in the past and in the present even in 2010. Symbolism have been
greatly loved by Freemasons and other esoteric orders. Freemason Robert Lomas wrote of the
emotional draw he acquires in the presence of symbols. He wrote that: "...My experience of
the (Masonic) Craft says that these symbols have a deep emotional appeal, and
the more I sit in the Lodge and gaze at them, the more attractive they become...I
wondered to what extent evolution had hard-wined an instinctive attraction for
these symbols in my brain..." He further writes that "...What are these
truths?...secrets of the spirit…Symbols can speak directly to our emotions so
that secrets can be penetrated..." Frankly, there are individuals who take symbolism more
importantly than others. The image above shows plants intertwined with the Masonic G. The letter G
in Masonry as many sources maintain deal with a myriad of meanings (like symbols typically do).
The born again Christian and the ex-33rd Degree Freemason Jim Shaw accurately described the
Masonic G in the following terms:

“…The Blue Lodge Mason is taught that the "G" in the Masonic symbol
represents God. Later on, he is told that it also represents "deity." Later still, he
is told that it represents "geometry." In reality, this letter represents the
"generative principle," the Sun-god and, thus, the worshipped phallus, the male
"generative principle…" In its position (along with the Square and Compass) on the
east wall over the chair (throne) of the Worshipful Master, it is the representation of
the Sun, thus of the Sun-god, Osiris. Its earthly meaning, then, is of the sacred
phallus; its cosmic meaning is of the Sun, worshipped since antiquity by pagans while
facing the East…The English letter "G" in Masonic symbolism is inseparable from, and
identical with, the Hebrew letter "YOD." This "YOD" is the symbol on the Scottish Rite
ring. "YOD" represents deity in general (its cosmic meaning), and the worshipped
phallus in particular (its earthly meaning). Albert Pike wrote that the "G" displayed
in English speaking lodges is merely a corruption of the "YOD" (with which it
should be replaced), and that "the mysterious YOD of the Kabala" is the "image
of the Kabalistic Phallus." (3) The "Kabalah" he refers to here is a medieval book of
the occult, a highly mystical and magical interpretation of the Bible, (4) and important
sourcebook for sorcerers and magicians…” (James Shaw & Tom McKenney, “The
Deadly Deception,” Huntington House Inc., Lafayette, LA, 1988, Appendix B, pp.

The skeptics say that popular culture and the government isn’t influenced by the occult. One
example rebutting that lie is how the young model named Lily Donaldson done a photo shoot with an
inverted Pentagram being encircled. These pictures comes from the September 2007 issue of
Vogue Paris called “Sacrament Inspiree ” or Inspired Sacrament. Lily standing within a
pentagram/pentacle drawn on the ground (a very standard occult practice in real occult rituals). She
hold a lambskin, a skull, etc. She wears an inverted Pentagram on her forehead (with the similar
colors as the Eastern Star with the colors of red, yellow, blue, green, and white. She is pictured with
pink instead of red though). She is pictured as a mannequin in many images. A mannequin is a
lifeless object that is exploited by many folks. Like many models and artists, she wears a kitten
outfit. The fashion industry in general is experimenting with these occult/Gnostic/Illuminist/New
Age/Masonic images. We shouldn’t take symbolism seriously since they don’t have real, authentic
power. Only Almighty God has true power that he uses to benefit the quality of life and spirituality of
humanity. Occultists regularly promote symbolism almost in a paranoid way as a means to adhere
to their own secretive dogmas. Since the occult means literal secret, secrecy is a keen composition
of the esoteric world. This work will be a key work of prose that explain past symbols and modern
events. It will incorporate the precise meanings of these symbols and outline applications of why
people use them. So, we certainly have a choice in this world. We can choice governmental
corruption or governmental reform. We can choose corporate corruption or monitoring
corporations. We can choose life for the human race or death. We can choose respect or
nihilistic disrespect of our fellow human beings (who are created in the image of God I might
add). We can choose evil exploitation of people or a great promotion of our noble heritage as
humans. Suddenly in our time, the truth is spreading extremely rapidly. There is nothing wrong with
that. Yet, the truth isn’t an excuse for us to harbor compliancy and destructive
behavior. It’s all the more justification for us to exist with firm dedication in
our core beliefs and for us to execute that vibrant perseverance against evil.
Secret Societies have impacted architecture the world over. There is a pyramid structure in
Blagnac, France. This city is a suburb of Toulouse. It's called the Place de la Revolution. It
one of the most blatant images of Illuminist design. The building represents that Secret
Societies like the Illuminati have an influence in world history. Drivers travels around the
place all of the time. The symbolism in the place outline the elite's goal of trying to form the
New World Order. The Place de la Révolution was built in 1989 to commemorate the bicentennial
anniversary of the French Revolution. Modern Historians agree that Freemasonry played a critical
role in the unfolding of the revolution. Members of French Masonry and offshoots of the Illuminati
tried to get rid of the Monarchy of Louis XVI since these entities believed in democracy and
disagreeing with aristocracies in monarchs. The Duke of Orleans was the Grand Master of French
Freemasonry and he was a leader in supporting the French Revolution (including the Mason
Marquis de Lafayette, and others from the Jacobin Club). Now, Masons and like minded societies
want the world to embrace the new order of the ages under their Great Architect. The pyramid has
13 layers, which are divided by a metallic divider. 13 means rebellion and other meanings. There
are bottom layers and higher levels in the pyramids (ironically the Illuminati is made up of such
degrees). The large capstone in the pyramid structure represent the higher initiates receiving the
highest levels of knowledge. The pyramid is above a map of the Earth in mosaic. So, the pyramid is
above the world (water is near the structure with many meanings like wisdom and in the Kabbalah, it
represents the channel flowing from Keter to Chochmah or wisdom.). In the Kabbalah,
"...there are thirteen channels of flow from the superconscious source to the
beginning of consciousness. These channels correspond to the Thirteen
Attributes of Mercy revealed to Moses at Sinai, as well as to the thirteen
principles of Torah exegesis, the (superrational) “logic” of Torah..." (From
There are 2 bronze tablets that look similar to the 10 Commandments of God. These
tablets have astronomical and planetary glyphs instead of words. It shows the Declaration of Human
Rights, which was promoted by supporters of the French Revolution. The old paintings of the
Declaration has the All Seeing eye (or the eye in the Triangle which is found in the Great Seal of the
U.S. Dollar bill), the Phrygian cap, the fasces, and other Illuminist plus Masonic or alchemical
symbols. Even high level Freemason and French author Jacques Ravenne admitted that: "...
Declaration of Human Rights, which was created in France and gradually adopted around the world,
was conceived, discussed and written in Masonic lodges before being released to the public. One
can retrace those Masonic origins by the use of symbols, which bear little significance to the profane
but are extremely important to the initiate.” French words on the base of the pyramid reading:
"...Le bonheur est dans l'angle ou les sages son assembles..." That means that
"happiness is in the angle where the wise are gathered." The phrase is from a quote from Jean-
Jacques Lequeu being a French architect from the revolutionary era. He mixed Masonic principles
with his visionary designs. Angle means that in Masonry, architecture and geometry represent
spiritual allegories. One example is how the square and compass is representative of the Great
Architect of the Universe. The wise gathered could represent high level Masons or Illuminists
meeting in the top of the pyramid where true happiness exists. The other side of the engraving has
the words of Temple de la sagesse supreme or the Temple of Supreme Wisdom (or the structure
being representative of a Temple of Wisdom similar to a Masonic Lodge). The Place de la
Révolution of Blagnac is a monument that overtly shows its meaning and agenda. It celebrates the
goals of Iluminists as a Temple of Supreme Wisdom. It has symbolism relating to Freemasonry in
plain view. The French Revolution ended the monarchy and crated the French Republic. Masons
admit that they want a global enlightened world with a recreation of the Temple of Solomon.
The ex-33rd degree Jim Shaw walked away from Freemasonry one day, after
participating in a Masonic Maudy Thursday "black communion" ceremony in his
Scottish Rites Temple in Florida. Participants of this ceremony are required to refer to
Jesus as an "apostle of mankind who was neither inspired or divine". They then proceed
to mock Jesus further by enacting a strange "black communion" ceremony. (as found in
Pages 105-107 of Jim Shaw’s and Tom McKenney’s book “The Deadly Deception).

This new order of the ages has been goals of Illuminists for thousands of
years. People know the truth and this is one of the elite's calling cards of
their nefarious Utopian schemes. This image show the New Age Magazine from
February of 1971. Today, that magazine is called the Scottish Rite Journal in 2010.
There are 2 columns representing Jachin and Boaz of course. There are 2 double
headed eagle being a logo of the Scottish Rite. The double headed eagle as
explained in even Masonic sources outline the concept unifying opposites into
equilibrium (whereby nature is balanced among masculine and feminine
forces). The ancient Greco-Roman columns are fixtures in numerous Masonic
Temple worldwide, especially in the headquarters of the Scottish Rite of
Freemasonry. The 2 sphinxes represent wisdom and power. The logo of Liberty,
Equality, and Fraternity was popularized back in the French Revolution. This
revolution occurred in the late 1700’s. It deteriorated into extremists killing
innocent people, suppressing religious liberty, and trying to form an extreme
secular state. The Jacobin’s premise was that they were sincere
revolutionaries, who opposed the excess policies of the Monarchy. Yet, their
actions certainly contradict Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity. The Jacobins were
made up heavily of Freemasons and according to some offshoots of Illuminists.
Freemasonry today want to use that motto to build up their organization. Albert
Pike wrote that: ‘…Masonry is a worship; but one in which all civilized men can unite;"
(Morals and Dogma, p.526). Freemasonry claims to have Liberty, but you’re not
allowed to pray in the name of Jesus Christ in a Lodge. It claims to promote
equality, but the Masonic Lodge discriminated against blacks from joining
for years and different degrees have different honors plus powers. It claims
to have fraternity, but Masonry have death oaths, drinking out wine out of a
human skull, and other wicked ceremonies to just be in that “Brotherhood.”
Freemasonry has deception too:

“Masonry, like all the religions, all Mysteries, Hermetiscism, and Alchemy, conceals its
secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations
and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve to be mislead…So
Masonry jealously conceals its secrets, and intentionally leads conceited interpreters
astray…” (Morals and Dogma, pp. 104, 105)

Ex 33 degree Mason Jim Shaw says in his book, "The Deadly Deception" page 149:
"The Mason swears to keep the secrets of another Mason, protecting him even if it requires
withholding evidence of a crime. In some degrees treason and murder are excepted; in other, higher
degrees, there are no exceptions to this promise to cover up the truth. The obligations, if the
Masonic teachings are believed, may require a Mason to give false testimony, perjure himself or (in
the case of a judge) render a false verdict in order to protect another Mason. Again, the Bible is
quite clear in teaching that we must never lie or bear false witness, and states that liars will have
their part in the Lake of Fire (Ex. 20:16; Prov. 19:5; Eph. 4:15; Rev. 21:8; et al).

Kerli is a new artist in this new decade of 2010. She has a video called "Walking
on Air" that some believe deals with mind control. The aesthetics of this video is
strange and relates to mind control. Kerli is from Estonia and was discovered by
LA Reid being signed with Island Def Jam Music Group in 2006. She has a gothic
style. Her photos are eerily similar to symbolism. Mind control research has been done
extensively by Fritz Springmeier. He wrote that the military and the entertainment
industry use Monarch programming in order to dehumanize people (via trauma) to
break up personalities (and create an alter that can be programmed by the handlers.
The victims according to Springmeier are drugged and abused). Her pictures has a
butterfly, her looking back at a mirror crying, etc. She holds the as above so below pose
in one picture (This is similar to the old Baphomet image) looking like she's
brainwashed. In other images, she looks like a mannequin that's lifeless, which is like a
controlled robotic person (or a fragmented personality). One picture she wears an eye
patch, a skull, etc. Kerlie even admitted in her Myspace that she has at least 5 different
personalities, she sees sound, she hears colors, and she's uncomfortable having a human
experience. These are symptoms felt by mind control victims. Her video of "Walking
On Air" claims to promote following dreams and believing in oneself, but there is a
inner layer of mind control. A handler in the video gives Kerli as doll that looks like
her. Inside the house, she is watched by an All Seeing Eye via a TV monitor. She is
being watched by TV represents mind control. There is the black and white dualistic
floor outlining the Masonic checkerboard pattern in the video. She spins when she
activates the ceiling fan. Her spinning is common in traumatic experiences by victims
of mind control or abuse. She goes into a blur of fact and fiction (which is similar to
Alice and Wonderland). She cries and sees a character or handler tells her to go
through the looking glass (in reference to Alice in Wonderland). In the mirror,
Kerli's alter or doll controls Kerli's core personality. She has become the puppet of her
programmed alter, which can be triggered at will by her handler. There is a butterfly
on the giant doll. Kerli is “freed” and released back into the world. She realizes that she
is bound by her alter personality. Ironically, she is one the Alice in Wonderland
soundtrack. She is working on a new album. There are still questions on whether she is
an actual mind control victim, forced to do this, or willingly showing these issues. One
thing is true that music videos in recent years have increasingly used occult/mind
control themes (among artists like Lady Gaga, Rihanna, Beyone, Jay Z, etc.). Kerli could
be a new puppet in the music industry.
Secret Societies influence life today. Rihanna has her new video called "Rude Boy."
Much of this video is about Rihanna trying to pay homage to her Caribbean/West
Indian roots. There is nothing wrong with being Caribbean if you have that
heritage. Usually, her videos are mostly pop (with exceptions of course), but with
various African colors and animals, she is trying to give a more African/Caribbean
motif. There are some symbolism in this video. It has pyramids, triangles, and
triangles. There is all seeing eyes, pentagrams, and a lion with a crown (referring
Rastafarianism). The lion is also an old Illuminist motif with many meanings from
the sun to the male archetype. The lion with a crown on its head is definitely
related to ancient royalty spanning thousands of years controlling the people in a
feudal system. This royals are some the European/Merovingian bloodlines being
involved in the evils of wars, the international slave trade, funding Communism,
funding fascism, etc. for thousands of years. The lion with crown is paying homage to
the royal bloodlines. The feudal system is nothing more than a pre-Communist
system. The men in the video act feminine. There is a black and white image in
the video with the word of Love on it. It's a sexual video describing about using
your sexual acts as a representation of love or commitment, when that isn't the
case. True love isn't just about sex, but compassion, commitment, and strength
among 2 human beings. Some believe the video is covertly about certain sexual
acts like anal sex (between a man and a woman). This is evident on Rihanna allow
a man to ride behind her in a motorcycle and other acts throughout the video. We
know about Rihanna being a puppet and promoting these lyrics aren't the way to
go. The black and white check boarded floor is very Masonic. There is a hand
grenade, making a gun shape with her hands, etc. This is a representation of the
military agenda (the promotion of the lie that you have kill people or wear an
uniform to prove that you're a man or a woman. There is nothing wrong with
joining the military to help people, but we shouldn't worship the military. Now,
the military has been exploited to be used in the military industrial complex
when the elite shows true disrespect toward them by harming their services &
benefits in some cases, disrespecting them like Kissinger did behind their
backs, and leading them in unjustified evil wars. We love the troops so much to
get them out of wars in order for them to lead real productive lives). In one section
of the video to the upper left of her head you can see the bottom half of an eye, with
eyelashes etc. So there is many all seeing eye symbolism in the song. The video changes
colors rapidly. This outlines the hypnotic nature of these types of music videos
attempting to infect the youth with this propaganda lie that sexual contact outline
your total measure of character as a human being. There is nothing wrong with
sexual contact done in the right & holy way (after you’re married of course, which
can release stress and calm folks down), but sex doesn’t define the total essence of
a human being at all. Rihanna was helped by Jay Z. Jay Z in various interviews act
almost askance and ignorant about issues about Secret Societies. What is true is
that Jay Z was taught about issues pertaining to the new world order,
conspiracies, etc. by Dr. MalachI York’s Nuwaubian community decades ago back
in Brooklyn. I don’t agree with Dr. Malachi on every issue, but yes Jay Z knows
about this stuff (about the esoteric world, etc.) for years. Jay Z denies that he’s a
Mason or Illuminati member. Even I heard of Malachi York and the Nuwaubians
before for years. Jay Z is certainly approved by the establishment by allying with
the globalist U.N., a Vodka commercial, etc. Jay Z’s wife Beyonce has a very
controversial video with Lady gaga called “Telephone” with numerous slick
meanings in a prison like setting. I will write about the video in the near future.
This is the logo of MTV2. The doubled headed god's name is called Orthros. Orthros or Orthus in
mythology was a 2 headed serpent tailed dog, who is a brother of monsters such like
Cereberos and the Khimaira. He mated with Khimaia to sire the Sphinx and the Numean
Lion. His master was the giant Geryon (with was 3 bodied). Geryon was the King of the
sunset isle of Erytheia. Orthros was told to guard his master's herd of red-skinned cattle. When
Heracles was sent to fetch these as one of his 12 labors, he killed Orthros, herdsman Eurytion and
Geryon. The word orthros in Greek means "morning twilight." His name was also spelt Orthos, after
another word meaning "straight" or "height." MTV2 like MTV are owned by the corporate giant of
Viacom to promote the agenda of the establishment. The establishment used the Counterculture in
the 1960’s to distract citizens on real issues in order promote a lax mentality on life (and covertly
the elite promoted the prison suppression of civil liberties, political correctness, building up
more prisons, the recreational promotion of drugs to stagnant intellect & to permit control
over people, and to make a brainwashed sheeple mentality more prevalent in society). That is
why many Counterculture leaders have links to the military, the CIA, university leaders, and other
intelligence entities like Timothy Leary. These same Counterculture “Hippies” are executives of the
military industrial complex today promotion nihilistic (some of lacking talent)-filled music now in
2010. The suppression of independent thought is a great threat against the
whole human race indeed. I don’t believe a man or a woman should be a
conformist slave to anyone. We should not rebel against righteousness, but
we should oppose evil and coercion in our minds. I‘m not going to bow
down to nothing, but God alone.
The images above show the All Seeing Eye. This image is related to Horus. It isn't a
secret that the Roman Catholic Church embrace occult symbolism. The Catholic
clergymen are in a Catholic Church in the nation of Poland. There is an idol or stature of
Mary. The Bible is clear that we should respect Mary, but should venerate her since Mary
is a human being just like any human believer in God. The person here is a priest. The
priest in Romanism follows the heretical custom of consecrating the Host. The Host is a
wafer that is falsely called Jesus or God. They claim to use it in Communion, yet true
communion is about remembrance of what the Lord Jesus Christ did on the cross. The
mass using the monstrance or the Host is contrary to the Scriptures forbidden using
graven images to represent God (since Catholics believe in the lie that the Host is God
literally. You couldn’t make this stuff up): “…Take heed unto yourselves, lest ye
forget the covenant of the LORD your God, which he made with you, and
make you a graven image, or the likeness of any thing, which the LORD
thy God hath forbidden thee…” (Deuteronomy 4:23) The Host in the Mass repeats
a false sacrifice of their false version of "Jesus." The New Testament is clear that God
made one sacrifice on the cross, so a repeat (as used in the Mass) isn’t necessary to
follow nor endorse: “…By the which will we are sanctified through the offering
of the body of Jesus Christ ONCE FOR ALL." -Heb. 9:26. The bottom images
show a Catholic clergyman wearing a mitre (which comes from the pagan fish god of
Dagon in the Middle East. Dagon can relate to corn as well). False religions are certainly
an opiate of the masses (with nonsense like the Prosperity Gospel, the Secret, etc.) unlike
true religion & true spirituality.

The above image is the logo of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers.
It's an AFL-CIO/CLC trade union. It represents about 646,933 workers as of 2006 and it's in
more than 2000 industries. It was created by 19 machinists in Atlanta, Georgia. It was secret
for many years for fear of employer hostility toward organized labor. It grew rapidly. In 1889
Grand Master Machinist was Georgia State Senator Tom Talbot. Its national headquarters
was moved from Atlanta into Richmond, Virginia. Today, its official location is found in
Upper Marlboro, Maryland. Its logo looks Masonry since there is an image looking similar to
the Square and Compass. "Grand Master" is even a Masonic term for a Masonic leader in a
Temple presiding over some of the Blue Lodge ceremonies, etc. This union boycotted Brown and
Shape for a bargaining issues. They lead a strike against Boeing over perceived issues with
outsourcing, job security, pay, and benefits in September 7, 2008. Labor power have decreased
over the years, because of the influence of the Rockefellers and the international banking
establishment. Some Labor groups have been influenced by Secret orders. The Noble and Holy
Order of Knights of Labor has been well described as "the most important and by far the largest
secret society in the United States organized in the interest of industrial workers." Established in
1869 as an oath-bound secret society with a ritual which borrowed heavily from Masonry, the
Knights removed most of their secret elements in 1882, only to restore them in 1895.

*There is a tremendous value and dignity in labor. The establishment in the left/right
paradigm promote laissez fair capitalism or cartel capitalism. In recent decades in America,
the establishment use middle class mostly neo con puppets joining with upper class elites
in trying to blame the poor for the injustices that have appeared as globalization have taken
over much of our society. Some of them want to ban even all services, all welfare, and any
help to the poor (thereby making them live in the streets in huge cases). Frankily, the poor in
this nation of America haven’t created the Drug War, the war on terror, the massive poverty
in the world, the economic trouble we have, etc. So, the scapegoating of the poor is wicked
and should end. Some of them (the neo con, global elite, etc.) scapegoat the poor as the
reason why the state budgets are under funded in America. The reality is that corporate
taxation is at 76 cents for every dollar (that families and individuals paid in federal, state, and
local taxes) in the early 1950's. In the early 90's, it was just 31 cent per dollar. This was done
by corporate propaganda from Wall Street and from the gurus of many neo con economic
think tanks. Corporations have paid less taxes over decades. Bonuses have been given unto
multinational corporations recently in 2009 and 2010. Laissez faire propaganda say that workers
stop asking for so much can cause an economy to prosper. Yet, GDP and standards of living, plus
labor can define the measure of economic growth. Radical globalization have decreased the rate of
GDP growth in Latin America and other nations in the Third World. It's easily proven by some in Big
Business have targets against labor and promoted globalization (This accelerated under Reagan
and Bush since corporations paid less taxes than individuals. Also, corporate expansion increased
when the profits of corporations and the wages of their pampered CEOs were skyrocketing). Cartel-
capitalism says that workers are asking for too much concessions, but GDP growth in various
nations have slowed down since globalization came about. In Latin America, the per capita GDP
grew by 75% in the first period (of 1960-1980), but only by 6% in the last period from 1980-1998.
The economic productivity of a nation is determined by its GDP (as apart of its standard of living.
It‘s also good to have actual GDP greater than the potential GDP in order to
receive that economic vitality continue), production, and labor not by globalization per
se. That is why the median real wage has remained stagnant since 1973 despite some economic
growth. The WTO has controlled global trade as well in an oppressive fashion. That anti-labor
attitude made by the international elite is exemplified by honorary 33rd Degree Freemason Ronald
Reagan firing the striking air traffic controllers and dissolved their union in 1981. Some bankers
socialized their lending risks to the public, while privatizing their profits to themselves. Even under
Reagan and Bush, the US Agency for International Development (AID) used anti-labor tactics (This
is about AID telling farmers to relocate into low wage Caribbean and Central American countries
where no unions existed with U.S. taxpayer assistance. Thousands of US workers have lost their
jobs as a result, especially in the apparel and electronics industries). This policy didn’t benefit the
Third World, because those zones were free trade, tax free zones were workers in those
Third World nations were paid 40 to 50 cents an hour (below poverty level wage even by
these countries' standards) and Third World workers were prevented from demanding real
standards for better working conditions. "Our report breaks down the myth about AID," says
Labor Fund's Kernaghan. "The government said it was to develop the region, to
create jobs, to create democracy. They lied. They did this stuff to give US
companies access to low wages. Period. Now the government is finally
admitting it." This is documented in a National Labor Committee (NLC) report
on AID policies that was published in 1992, entitled "Paying to Lose Our
Jobs." Journalist Patricia Horn summarized the report. People led Congress to paid bills banning
taxpayer money to finance AID, but NAFTA was passed in 1993. Manufacturing jobs lost and the
peso losing its value were results of NAFTA. The journalists John Pilger document how the IMF and
the World Bank use corporate slave like policies against workers in Indonesia (i.e. workers there
creating shoes are paid half the living wage in some factories and the workers exist in bad
conditions in some factories). This proves that corporate corruption is still around and we should
oppose it. The economic system of many international bankers have been exploitation, cutthroat
policies, and greed. If the "free market" is to operate unchecked and ruled by undemocratic
institutions like the World Trade Organization (without any oversight from the people in nations),
then the rich will get richer and the poor will be enslaved economically plus socially. The market has
a role in the economy of course, but the market isn’t God. Almighty God is God. As Peter
Goodgame so eloquently wrote:

"...The fate of the worker in the Third World, a fate that is

threatening the worker in the West, is but one symptom of
the evils of the dominant oppressive economic system that
rules the world..."

The cartel-capitalists (with agents like Hayek, who supported Pan European
federation and the Mont Pelerin Society) occur bash labor and even
legitimate labor reforms worldwide. Mises in 1944 published 2 book that
received grants from the Rockefeller Foundation and the CFR-linked National
Bureau of Economic Research or the NBER). On numerous occasions,
certain factions of the American government don’t practice what they
This image on the left shows a shirt. It describes propaganda since it talks about
humanity obeying the command of the media, etc. forming complete control. So,
the corporate elite don't even hide their extensions anymore. It's a known fact
that the mainstream media issues deception all over the world. Deputy Director
Frank Wisner proudly referred to the CIA’s worldwide propaganda machine as “the
mighty Wurlitzer.” The CIA owns countless newspapers and magazines world-over.
Watergate journalist Carl Bernstein revealed that over 400 US journalists had been
employed by the CIA. These ranged from freelancers who were paid for regular
debriefings, to actual CIA officers who worked under deep cover. Nearly every
major US news organization has had operatives on the payroll, usually with the
cooperation of top management, under the CIA’s Operation Mockingbird. Wisner
recruited Philip Graham, publisher of The Washington Post, to run the project within
the industry (this is why I call The Washington Post the CIA’s favorite newspaper).
The shirt on the right is made from the "Crooks and Castles" company. It shows a
specialized eagle, which looks similar to the Nazi eagle. The eagle in the occult
represents control, authoritarian rule, and power. The eagle hold a circle with a
phrase that reads: "...Crook Castales The Monolithic Empire, All Hail the Ruling Elite..."
This is wrong on many levels. There is another circular chain image and the 2 Cs
interlocked in a pattern as well.
The famous Arm and Hammer logo looks very similar to the Masonic image of
the gravel enclosed inside of the Square and Compass. The grave in paganism
existed for thousands of years. The hammer of Thor is found in Norse mythology.
The gravel has many functions in Freemasonry. Now, it’s an image of authority by
the Lodge since the Master Mason use it to show his executive power over the
assemblage to handle actions. Operative (or more like for craftsmen purposes) and
speculative gavels were common years ago. In speculative Freemasonry, the
Masonic Gavel is used to symbolically divest the heart and consciousness of all
the vices and superfluities (excesses) of life in order to ready ourselves as if we
were living stones, open to be shaped into a spiritual being that is pleasing to
the Creator according to Masons. The hammer relates to Labor too, which is a
common theme in Secret Societies. There is nothing wrong with true Labor since
labor has dignity and worth. It’s a problem when labor is exploit to try to promote
an Utopian vision of the new order of the ages that Secret orders desire though.
The corporate Arm and Hammer logo can from the 1860’s. James A. Church ran
Vulcan Spice Mills (whose company said that the Arm and Hammer logo
represents Vulcan or the Roman god of fire and metalworking). It is often claimed,
incorrectly, that the brand name originated with tycoon Armand Hammer, who owned a
considerable amount of Church and Dwight stock in the 1980s and served on its board of
directors. 33rd Degree Freemason Armand Hammer funded cartel capitalists and
Communists (The arm and hammer emblem is ironically a logo of the Socialist Labor
Party of America or SLP) for decades in his life.
The swan and duck imagery is common in the ancient world and
presently. The image in the top shows a swam in the form of Egyptian
hieroglyphics. Aphrodite riding the swan with a red band is found in the
bottom left image. Aphrodite is the ancient Greek goddess of love, beauty,
and sexuality. According to the Greek poet Hesiod, she was born in the sea
arising from sea foam or aphros. She was married to Hephaestus. Zeus
approved of this act since he didn’t view Hephaestus as a threat. Later,
Aphrodite was unpleased with her marriage. So, she seek out her lover
Area. Swans are sacred to Aphrodite and her Roman equivalent is the
goddess Venus. The ancient Greeks identified the ancient Egyptian
Goddess of Hathor with Aphrodite. The image on the bottom right is a
swan found in the Grand Place in Brussels. The building was rebuilt in
1698 in the Louis XIV style. As of 1720, this house became the home of
the guild of butchers. Along with the Cornet house, it is the only one on
the Grand'Place not to reflect the three classic architectural styles. It was
in this building that Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels wrote the
"Communist Party Manifesto" in 1847 and that the Belgian Workers' Party
was founded in 1885. The Communist Manifesto is apart of the economic
paradigm claiming to have class equity, but it promotes the theft of private
property and the elimination of fundamental human rights (which is
contrary to their supposed goal of helping people out). Hinduism is famous
for using the swam in their religion as a form of reverence. Swans in
Hinduism are depicted as saintly persons, whose chief characteristic is to
be in the world without getting attached to it. The Sanskrit word for swan
is hamsa or hansa (being the vehicle of many Hindus gods and goddesses
like the goddess Saraswati). Vedic literature view the Great Swan or
Paramahamsa on its spiritual grace and its ability to travel between
numerous spiritual worlds.
There are a lot of symbolism in the 2010 Winter Olympics in the city of Vancouver, British Columbia,
Canada. The Olympics admittedly was formulated as a sporting event to promote the global unity of
nations from all over the world. Like the Summer Olympics, it’s held every 4 years. They feature
winter sports held on snow or ice. These sports include Alpine skiing, cross-country skiing, figure
skating, bobsledding, ice hockey, etc. It began in 1924. Television have increased the
notoriety and popularity of the games. The International Olympic Committee
or the IOC addresses controversies and other issues involving the Olympics
in general. The next Winter Games will be hosted in Sochi, Russia in 2014.
This will be the first time that Russia hosts the Winter Olympic Games. Before the Winter games,
there was the Nordic Games held in 1901 in Sweden. General Viktor Gustaf Balck organized it. It
was held in 1903, 1905, and then every 4 years. Ironically, Balck was a charter member of the IOC
and he was a close personal friend of Olympic Games founder Pierre de Coubertin. Balck wanted
winter sports like figure skating, which didn’t occur until the 1908 Summer Olympics in London
featured 4 figure skating events. Ulrich Salchow (a 10 time world champion) and Madge Syers won
the individual titles in that time. The IOC Congress and others allowed the first Winter Olympics to
occur in Chamonix. The Vancouver area in 2010 has been heavily militarized because of the
Olympic events. According to Dana Gabriel, there are more than 15,000 Canadian Forces, private
security personnel, the RCMP, and other police agencies. Gabriel wrote that this policy is more than
about terrorism since no threat was made against the Winter Games. It’s about the militarization of
North American and the U.S.-Canada military plus security integration. Recently, America and
Canada signed an agreement to work with each other in times of an emergency in each nation that
violate Posse Comitatus (and the national sovereignties of The United States and Canada). This
was the bilateral Civil Assistance Plan being signed back in February of 2008. Unmanned drones
are patrolling the U.S.-Canada border as part of the war on terrorism and to curb
smuggling, along with drug trafficking. It is unclear if they will be used for surveillance
during the Games, but U.S. Customs and Border Protection spokesman, Juan Munoz-
Torres has stated that, “If the RCMP or Canadian government believes they can make use
of the aircraft for support during the Olympics, we will be more than willing to provide it.”
These drones are used by America in Afghanistan and Pakistan to conduct the nefarious
war on terror. Now, these drones are executed domestically, which is another example of
the extra militarization going on in North America.
The images above show specialized torches in the 2010 Winter Olympics. They show a flame. The
flame is common in the occult and it’s been used by Secret Societies for eons. One simple example
is how Freemason Bartholdi supporting using the flame on the Masonic goddess-influence Statue of
Liberty image found in the harbor of New York City. The flame in this instance represents
“enlightenment,” “illumination,” or “freedom.” Some flame commemorate the controversial deaths of
leaders like John F. Kennedy’s grave site having an eternal flame on it burning to this day, the
golden flame near a black pentagram (in France to remember the life of Princess Diana. It’s over
the Pont de L’Alma tunnel in Paris where she crashed into the 13th pillar). There is even an eternal
flame on ground zero near the World Trade Center’s ground zero. Another few blocks away in
Rockefeller Center, the Rockefellers erected a huge golden statue of Prometheus carrying
the lighted torch. Flame imagery is commonly found in the logos of the dime, the D.I.A.
seal, Indiana’s great seal, CBN (which is a known Ecumenical, pro-CNP channel that
shows some truth mixed with error to get people into a state of embracing the Left/Right
paradigm), the National Front, the Better Business Bureau, and other elite/Illuminist-
influenced groups. In the ancient word, the flame is related to the story of Prometheus. He
of course in Greek mythology was the one who stole fire from the gods to give man
knowledge about fire and the world. In the occult, a person must be given baby steps of
knowledge to achieve true illumination about key subject pertaining to the Universe (this
illumination is symbolized by a lighted torch or flame according to people like David Icke).
The top image shows the flame being on top of a straight, spinning base looking similar to the
caduceus emblem. There are flags representing countries form across the world. The bottom
picture has more intriguing symbolism. It shows a specialized flame with an X-pattern. The X is
common in the Ancient Mysteriers. According to high level 33rd Degree Freemason Tresner, the X is
an image of transformation (Ironically, the Olympic ritual copies pagan Greek storyline to transform
an entity torch to a torch filled with flame. It seeks to transform nation-states into a more globalized
unified world). That is why you see the field in the bottom image of people holding hands in a circle.
There is nothing wrong with authentic unity, but not a faulty unity based in globalism or the
destruction of the concept relating to the nation-state at all. Tresner goes on to suggest that the
X, representing the Roman numeral 10, also symbolizes the 10 yuds, or manifestations, of
the Cabala's Tree of Life (the Sephiroth). He notes that the candidate for this degree wears
two cordons, one black in color, the other white, which symbolizes the duality of Masonic
doctrine (or the union of opposite being Ordo Ab Chao). The 5 Olympic rings are found in
the bottom image. The Olympic rings have an unique origin as well.

The coin is that relates to the 2010 Vancouver Olympics. It’s for sale, but it’s not in stock.
The observe side has the image of Queen Elizabeth II, who is a patroness of Freemasonry.
There is a image of a man that represents the Winter Olympics plus the 5 ring Olympics
image. The reverse side shows a birth image with Native American emblems on it. There
are the 11 Canadian maple leafs above the birds form an arch. The art could be
Mayan/Aztec art.

In the 20th century, few knew of the Nazi connection to some of Olympic imagery.
The Olympics in 1936 occurred in Berlin, Germany. This was in the time when
Germany was overcome by the evil Nazi Empire. The Enquirer from August 14, 2004
wrote that the Nazis influenced many of the Olympic symbols. Many researchers
commented that Hitler's Nazi propaganda machine popularized the five interlocking rings
as the symbol of the Games. The Olympic rings as invented by Frenchman Baron Pierre de
Coubertin (He was the founder of the International Olympic Committee. He is also the
father of the modern Olympics movement, for a 1914 world Olympic Congress in Paris). It
supposed to outline the first five Olympics, but the Congress ended when WWI began.
Riefenstahl, the Olympia filmmaker who also chronicled Hitler's rise to power, used the
symbols. Riefenstahl falsely claimed that the ancient Greeks had them. Hitler used it in the
Nazi ceremonies in Berlin making it popular today. The interlocking rings look like circles.
To occultists, the circles carrying many meanings like the sun and the number zero.
Madame Blavatsky wrote in her book, Isis Unveiled, that: "Numbers are a key to the
ancient views of cosmogony... All systems of religious mysticism are based upon
numerals. The sacredness of numbers begins with the Great First Cause, the One (1)
and ends only with the... zero -- symbol of the infinite and boundless universe." (p.
407). There are 5 rings and 5 is similar to the points of a Pentagram (which outlines the
path of Venus). Some in the occultist obsess with numbers and view zero as man's state in

"Crookes and Castles" is one of the new 21st century clothing companies showing overt occult
symbolism. The image on the left shows a person whose half of its face is covered with red roses.
The image on the rights show the image of an angel with the words of "Ruling Elite." The Ruling
Elite refers to the elite as found in high level bloodlines, the Vatican, the Pilgrims, the Bilderbergers,
etc. that have most of the political power in the world.
This image is found in the New York Herald Building on 35th Street and 6th Avenue in
New York City. The image of the owl represents wisdom, Minerva, and the Goddess
archetype in general. The Cree believed that the whistle-sounds of the Boreal Owl was a
summoning call to the spirit world. Other Native American traditions hold that the owl
represents vision and insight. In Africa the owl is associated with witchcraft and sorcery.
Australia, China, Greenland, India, Indonesia, Japan, Russia and Sweden all have cultures
or mythical traditions that give spiritual significance to the owl. The owl has been
venerated by Secret Societies and especially the Bohemian Grove (a group based in
Northern California where grown men praise a 40th statue of the owl Minerva, they
do sexual orgies, they have speeches about possible plans for America, and some of
them don’t reveal these activities publicly). The founder of the New York Herald is
named James Gordon Bennett Jr. He lived from 1841 to 1918. The images above are part of
the owl design in the building. They have 5 stars with the French words of “LA NUIT
PORTE CONSEIL.” That means “Let’s sleep on it.” This was Bennett’s personal motto and
it’s identical to the Latin motto of “In nocte consilium.” Bennett Jr. used owls in his office
as representing wisdom. The owl is common in the Bavarian Illuminati, which was created
by the pro-Enlightenment figure named Adam Weishuapt.

This picture is found in the Grand Lodge of the United Kingdom in London. It’s also called
Freemasons Hall. This place isn’t just a place for Masonic ceremonies, but for fashion
shows, etc. The above image shows Solomon and Hiram Abiff. These features are
common in Freemasonry. Masonic works praise them as inspirations for their order,
although Hiram Abiff isn’t a real person. In Masonic legend, Hiram Abiff was
murdered by 3 ruffians since he refuse to give the Master’s Word (or the Secret
name of God) to the 3 ruffians (named 'Jubela', 'Jubelo' & 'Jubelum'). The first
ruffian Jubela hit Hiram across the throat, Jubelo hit Hiram’s heart with a
square, and Jubelum struck Hiram upon the forehead with a gavel. Hiram died
soon afterwards. Hiram, having been killed, was carried out the East gate of the
Temple and buried outside Jerusalem on Mount Moriah. King Solomon later in the
Masonic myth was inspired to build the Temple. Solomon finally appoints a builder by the
name of Adoniram as the sole successor to Hiram Abiff. Adoniram becomes chief architect
of the Temple, which is finally completed. The legend doesn't stop here. Solomon begins to
build a Temple of Justice upon the site of a Temple build by Enoch, (remember, this is
Masonic legend, not Biblical truth!), who placed within the Temple a stone bearing the
Name of God. This story is reenacted in the Blue Degrees of Freemasonry. Notice that
Hiram Abiff is a myth. 33 Mason, Manly P. Hall writes that Hiram Abiff is symbolic of the
Spirit Fire of the Kundalini of Hindu mysticism. This is an extremely dangerous occult
practice and shows the very real danger of coming into contact with demons during occultic
initiation. Manly P. Hall writes: “…Sufficient similarity exists between the Masonic
CHiram and the Kundalini of Hindu mysticism to warrant the assumption that CHiram may
be considered a symbol also of the Spirit Fire moving through the sixth ventricle of the
spinal column. This shows the role that spiritual illumination often plays in occult
initiation. occult researcher…” Other Masons have blasphemously compared Hiram Abiff
to Jesus Christ as a Saviour-like figure. W. L. Wilmhurst in his “The Meaning of Masonry”
book on pg. 199 wrote that:

“…Solomon and Hiram of Tyre therefore contribute their respective

properties of Life-Essence and durable form and ‘building material’ as the
groundwork of the soul, which then is made functionally effective by the
addition of the third principle described as Hiram Abiff, the widow’s son,
and personifying the active intellectual principle or Logos. In a word,
Hiram Abiff is the Christ-principle immanent in every soul; crucified, dead
and buried in all who are not alive to its presence, but resident in all as a
saving force-’Christ in you, the hope of glory.’…”

Hiram isn’t a Savior only the Lord Jesus Christ is. To this day, Freemasonry desires the
reconstruction of Solomon’s Temple since that Temple in real life was destroyed by
invasions. The phrase that's cropped out is "He shall build me an house and I will stablish
his throne forever." from Chronicles where King David is persuading Solomon to build the
temple in Israel. The image has a menorah, 2 pillars, and light coming from the Ark of
the covenant. The light coming out is similar to the light from the Kabbalah. There are
2 Hexagrams above the main entrance to Freemasons Hall (and the outer two are
pentagrams; all with sun/star symbolism).
This is the famous Double cross emblem found globally in a myriad of settings. It’s
commonly known as the Cross of Lorraine. 2 vertical crosses on a horizontal cross
is a typical description of the double cross. It has been found on the symbol of the
Free French Forces of WWII (as promoted by Capitaine de corvette Thierry
d‘Argenliu, which liberated France from Nazi Germany plus Gaullism). Some believe
that the symbol came from the Joan of Arc. Yet, the coat of arms of Hungary has
the double cross, which is often attributed to the Byzantine influence as King Bela
III of Hungary was raised in the Byzantine Empire in the 12th century. The Coat of
Arms of Lithuania has the double cross (today it’s featured in the Order of the
Cross of Vytis, which is a Lithuanian Presidential award). The left image has a
Scottish Rite Mason (who is an INSPECTOR GENERAL HONORARY OF THE
THIRTY-THIRD DEGREE) wearing a cap with the double cross called the
Patriarchal cross. Back then, Roman Catholic archbishops wore this cross with the
upper bar represents the inscription, abbreviated INRI, that Pilate had placed
above Jesus' head. The image on the center is the double cross crest of the UK
Royal Air Force (RAF) No. 41 Squadron. The far right image is the symbol for
alchemy. Notice the bottom has the infinity sign. This concept of infinity (or
recreation) is common in Gnosticism and the rest of the occult. According to Dr.
Burns, "The infinity symbol sometimes encircles a globe in which case it means that Satan
has put the earth under his control." (Dr. Cathy Burns, Masonic and Occult Symbols
Illustrated, p. 255)
This image has tons of symbolism. It’s time to take it apart one by one. This seal
represents the University of El Salvador. There is the IHS on top of the seal. This relates to
the Jesuit order with many meaning. It’s found in Masonry too. Its proponents claims that
IHS are the first Greek letters in the name of Jesus in Greek (or Iota, Eta, and Sigma), but
Jesus wasn’t called IHS at all in the Scriptures. "IHS" is sometimes interpreted as meaning
Iesus Hominum Salvator ("Jesus, Savior of men" in Latin) or connected with In Hoc Signo.
Some uses have even been created for the English language, where "IHS" is interpreted as
an abbreviation of "I Have Suffered" or "In His Service.” The Greek Orthodox Church use
the 4 letter Christogram of the four-letter abbreviation, ICXC — a traditional abbreviation
of the Greek words for "Jesus Christ" (i.e., the first and last letters of each of the words
ΙΗΣΟΥΣ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ — written "IHCOYC XPICTOC" with a transliteration of the lunate sigma
common in medieval Greek as "C"). There are yellow and green wreaths around the seal.
There is the image of a pig stuck with a trident (that is a symbol found in pagan
mythology and the occult) and a flame. According to Gary and Lisa Ruby from Liberty to
the Captives Ministries: “…The trident has many meanings, including "the devil's
pitchfork", staff of Poseidon (Greece) or Neptune, etc. Pertaining to Wiccan rituals
the trident is regarded as the symbol of sexual union between a male "god" or
"deity" and the "Triple Goddess"…” (From
http://www.libertytothecaptives.net/pearl_trident.html) There are diagonal stripes
of red and yellow patterns and animals holding on to a chain of an object. The most
blatantly occult image is the bird standing near smaller bird yearning for food. This large
bird unmistakably looks like a Phoenix. We know that the Phoenix bird describes
resurrection, rebirth, and was inspired for the Eagle in the Great Seal of America. The
eagle is holding to an equal sided cross, which is an old sun symbol. There are phrases on
the bottom of the seal. The Grand Master of the SOVEREIGN AND MILITARY
He wrote books on capital and he was born in born in Buenos Aires from October 14, 1942.
He was the Bar Association of the Federal Capital Bar of the City of Buenos Aires. So, the
Knights of Malta and other Knighthood’s research are long.

This is the mandala. The mandala is a Sanskirt word shown as . It has numerous meanings like
essence, circle circumference, and completion. The mandala is a concentric design with spiritual
and ritual significance in Hinduism and Buddhism. The Hindu’s Rig Veda mention the mandala. The
Tibetan branch of Vajrayan Buddhism have mandals used in sand painting. Some use mandalas in
Eastern mediation. According to David Fontana, its symbolic nature can help one "to access
progressively deeper levels of the unconscious, ultimately assisting the meditator to
experience a mystical sense of oneness with the ultimate unity from which the cosmos in all
its manifold forms arises." Even pro-Gnostic Carl Jung believed that mandalas are a
representation of the unscious self. There are many geometric patterns of the image above.
It has a circle inside of a square and vice versa. There are triangle patterns and other images
(according to occultists outline the cosmos or the Universe metaphysically or
symbolically). The circle in the occult according to Freemason J. S. Ward and others
is about the Universe. In Hinduism, the yantra is another 2 or 3 dimensional
geometric composition used in meditative rituals. Mandalas are very similar to
designs found in images of the halo (plus the aureole, etc.). According to Dr. Cathy
Burns’ research the mandala is found in the New Age movement (in visualization
techniques) and it’s used as a magical circle.
The All Seeing Eye emblem is famous in popular culture and the corporate
world today. These images and so many others have proved this reality.
Now, these pictures deal with the novel entitled “Infected” by Scott Silger,
the book on children (with a hand sign that’s been used for thousands. It’s
common in fraternities, musicians, and a wrestler). The far right picture
shows a cap with the All Seeing Eye (along with a wreath). In history, this
Eye represented the Eye of Providence in Freemasonry & Deist thought. The
Eye in Masonry is an icon of the GOATU or the Great Architect of the
Universe (which is God to the Mason). Its origin goes back to the ancient
Mysteries like from the ancient Egyptian Eye of Horus. The Eye is most
famous probably utilized in the Great Seal of America. Pike wrote on this
issue that: “…"The Blazing Star (Pentagram) has been regarded as an emblem of
Omniscience, or the All-Seeing Eye, which to the Egyptian Initiates was the emblem of
Osiris, the Creator." [Pike, "Morals and Dogma", p. 26-16]. Masonry have Gnostic
connection and event high level Freemason named Timothy W. Hogan wrote this reality in his article
entitled, “Gnostic Reflections in Freemasonry.” He writes that:

“…Freemasonry is a system of initiation that draws its symbolism from a

variety of sources and traditions. Masonic historians are quick point out
some of the connections between Freemasonry and the cathedral builders,
the Knights Templar, the Royal Society, Hermetic tradition, alchemists and
qabbalists, however the connection between Freemasonry and the Gnostic
schools is often overlooked- even though it is perhaps the most prevalent.
Gnosticism is a school of thought originally developed in the ancient pagan world
and championed by philosophers like Pythagoras, and later instrumental in the
development of early Christianity, in which an initiate can attain a Gnosis- or direct
knowledge of the divine. In fact, the word “Gnosis” means “knowledge” in Greek,
and it was a divine knowledge that could be achieved through the study of nature,
personal initiation, and divine revelation. As a result, schools of initiation were set
up by the Gnostics in order to engage in study and initiation, and to attain
connection with the path of Sophia- the Greek word for “wisdom”…Ultimately the
goal of both the Gnostic tradition and Freemasonry was a level of Mastery-
which both systems represent by Light. Gnosticism, on the one hand,
teaches that Mastery comes from understanding the spiritual forces behind
creation and matter. Freemasonry, on the other hand, emphasizes the same
idea- particularly in relation to the compasses that have overtaken the
square. Compasses are an instrument used to draw the arcs which define
the points behind geometric forms, whereas squares can be used to define
those physical forms. The Master Mason is therefore likewise one who
understands and utilizes the knowledge of the hidden spiritual and eternal forces
behind creation. This is not to get rid of the square, but rather to use it is a tool for
the expression of the compasses. Though Gnosticism is a philosophy to some, a
religion to others, and a heresy to a few, I hope I have shown that in the essential
details we cannot ignore that it shares much in common with the rituals of
Freemasonry. This is not written to suggest that Freemasonry itself is a Gnostic
religion, but rather to show that much of the symbolism within Freemasonry can
best be understood by also understanding some of the symbolism found in the
Gnostic philosophy, schools, and initiations…”

This statue is found in the House of the Temple of the Scottish Rite in
Washington, D.C. the foot of the Grand Staircase are representative of guards to
a portal or entrance. Each is carved from a solid piece of marble quarried on the
shores of Lake Champlain in New York state. Each statue carries a hieroglyphic
inscription. The inscription reads that: “…“Established to the Glory of God” and
“Dedicated to the teaching of wisdom to those men working to make a strong
nation.” The House of the Temple was based on Mausoleum of Mausolus. It was
designed by famous architect John Russell Pope. The temple also holds one of the
largest collections of Masonic books and minutes, with over 250,000 titles in its library.
This place house rituals to this day involving Freemasonry. The hieroglyphic inscription
reads - Established to the Glory of God" and "Dedicated to the teaching of wisdom to those
men working to make a strong nation."

These pictures are about the Emerald Tablet of Hermes. Hermes in esoteric thought outline
to them “wisdom” and Hermetic doctrine (teaching as above so below and
pantheistic/Gnostic like views), yet the God of the Bible outline that Almighty God is not
exactly like man and can’t have total divine union with mankind. In other words, a mere
human on Earth can’t be Almighty God. The Emerald Tablet of Hermes have been written
about for centuries and rumored Rosicrucian Sir Isaac Newton wrote about it as well.
Manly P. Hall in his “The Secret Teachings of All Ages” in the section of “The Theory and
Practice of Alchemy Part Two” wrote that: “…The oldest and most revered of all the
alchemical formulæ is the sacred Emerald Tablet of Hermes. Authorities do not agree as to
the genuineness of this Table, some declaring it to be a post-Christian fraud, but there is
much evidence that, regardless of its author, the Table is of great antiquity. While the
symbol of the Emerald Table is of special Masonic import--relating as it does to the
personality of CHiram (Hiram)--it is first and fundamentally an alchemical formula, relating
both to the alchemy of the base metals and the divine alchemy of human regeneration. In
Dr. Sigismund Bacstrom's collection of alchemical manuscripts is a section devoted to the
translations and interpretations of this remarkable Tablet, which was known to the
ancients as the Tabula Smaragdina. Dr. Bacstrom was initiated into the Brotherhood of the
Rose Cross on the island of Mauritius by one of those unknown adepts who at that time
called himself Comte de Chazal…” Carl Jung is said to have dreams about the tablet.
These are other examples of Sacred Geometry. Sacred Geometry outline is right
that the Universe is based on many shapes and geometric designs, but falsely assigns
mystical or spiritual connotations to those shapes and patterns common in the
Universe. Sacred geometry is a common motiff among secret societies
and other groups in their spirituality, architecture, and other aspects
of life. These patterns are found in the minuscule parties to the
complex parts of life. Esoterics believe that these shapes have vibrational
resonances (as apart of the interconnected parts of all geometry in the Universe)
since sound and matter can have vibration. In Sacred Geometry, the sphere is a basic
pattern to start being simple representing unity and completeness. A spheroid is
feature of planets, atoms, cells, seeds, planets, and even globular star system. The 2
dimensional representation of a sphere is the circle. It’s radius is half of the
diameter of the circle. PI is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its
diameter. It’s equal to
3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937511...). The square
root of 2 is apart of union of the horizontal and vertical which give birth to the
greater offspring of the hypotenuse. The image above and to the right is a spiral
formed by Golden Triangles (or triangles with the relative side lengths of 1, phi, and
phi). The image to the left is a torus or when you rotate a circle about a line tangent.
Using these and other shapes can form platonic solids, the Metraton Cube, and the
Tree of life.
These symbols outline the parts of the House of the Temple found in Washington, D.C. (of Scottish
Rite Freemasonry). A close-up of the chandelier shows Medusa surrounded by twelve Greek
figures. The image is the image of Medusa. In Greek mythology, she was a monster being the
daughter of Phorcys and Ceto. She turned onlookers into stone if they looked upon her as
mentioned in legend. She was beheaded by the Perseus (who was a hero in Greek myth) and used
her head as a weapon. She gave it to the goddess Athena of wisdom to place on her shield. Athena
was an inspiration figure for Sir Francis Bacon. The Medusa figure does look similar to the sun god
archetype as well. Medusa had snakes for her hair. Some feminism and researchers use Medusa
an image of many interpretations. Medusa is found in the coat of arms of Dohalice village in the
Hradec Kralove District of the Czech Republic.
This picture is very occult and has been found in Manly P. Hall’s work called “The Secret
Teachings of All Ages.” The Riddles in Stone film created by Chris Pinto call this image
“the god of Reflections” denoting the image’s relationship with the Hermetic maxim of As
Above, so Below. That is why the Latin words of “QUOD SUPERIUS QUOD
INFERIUS” means that What is above (or in Heaven), shall be below (or in Earth). This
concept of as above, so below means that the Universe is a reflection of mankind plus vice
versa (relating to Notice in this symbol, there is the word of Macroprosposos found in the
top right hand side. Now, what is Macroprosposos? Macroprosposos deals with a concept
in the Kabbalah or the occult tradition found in apostate Judaism (as opposed to Torah,
Orthodox Judaism. The Kabbalah teaches that humans following rituals and
paths being called sephira can lead into basic enlightenment of Nature and the
spiritual Universe in general). I only learned of this information recently. In the
Kabbalah, the Macroprosposos to its proponents is the greater countenance of God, which
is symbolized by the harmony in the Universe after creation. This greater countenance is
forever concealed. The lesser countenance or the “manifest god” (called Microprosopus)
reveals himself through the name of the Tetragrammation. There are other words and
symbolism in the image as well. You see the full Tau or the letter T in being reflected in the
water. The image is a Masonic/Kabbalic picture of GOATU with its reflection shown in the
water being the opposite apparently. It’s format is an unity of opposites. Mirrors in the
occult are reflections of concepts dealing with reality. To Masons, this god is
a god of Light, but certainly isn’t Almighty God since Almighty God rejects
the hardcore secrecy found in Freemasonry & the Kabbalah. The body of this
person looks like an Hexagram, which is an old symbol of generation, Nature, and the
occult. The person wears a Knights Templar cross. On the top of the man’s head is a sun
cross with a crown. The whole god of Reflection picture has the ouroborus eating its own
tail. I want to make the following point too. There are many haters of my work on this
issues, especially the New Agers. The deal with me is that I don’t fear them. I know plenty
of them. The New Age mentality believes that they are ushering in a new enlightenment to
benefit the human race. They bash Christianity and other monotheistic faiths in trying to
intimidate people and advance their own agenda. Yet, the New Age is nothing more than a
rehash of same obvious deception and lies that is found in the Mystery Schools. The
Mystery School teaches the lies of human godhood, the existence of a Goddess figure, the
denial of moral absolutes in some cases, and the promotion of rituals to equal salvation
when arcane rituals don’t mean a thing in transforming lives into something better. They
can promote an Alchemy Journal in many endeavors, but that doesn’t escape the fact that
all people have a right to know the truth without occult ceremonies or mysterious
ceremonies held in secret. Transparency, respect for all human life, and knowing a
distinction between right and wrong are true precepts to follow not the purely speculative
aspects of paganism (which is one crucial foundation of the New Age Movement).
Alchemy doesn’t save a soul neither does visualization. Only God saves the human soul
with his grace.
This image deals with the symbolism of the Goddess Hebe. She is the Greek goddess of
youth. She is called Juventas to the ancient Romans. She is the daughter of Zeus and
Hera. Hebe was the cupbearer of the gods and goddesses of Mount Olympus. She served
their nectar and ambrosia until she was married to Heracles or Hercules to the Romans.
Herr successor was the young Trojan prince Ganymede. She drew baths for Ares and
helped Hera enter her chariot. Her 2 children from Heracles was Alexiares and Anicetus.
The image to the right is a statue of Hebe is found in New York. It’s located in Tompkins
Square Park at Ave. A, south of the 9th St. transverse. This statue was created in the late
1800’s to promote the temperance movement. The temperance movement wanted to
promote morality and they were heavily against alcoholic drinking.
This is the Tower clock that is apart of the Palais de Justice location. The object is
found in Paris, France. The place is found in the site of the royal palace of Saint
Louis of which the Saint Chapelle remain. Saint Louis lived from April 25, 1214 to
August 25, 1270. He is called King Louis IX of France. He supported and went on
to fight in the Crusades during 1248 or the Seventh Crusade and in 1270 or the
Eighth Crusade. He lived in the cities of Acre, Caesarea, and Jaffe. He
promoted the arts, but promoted policies of the Inquisition (and some acts
being against Jewish people). The Palais de Justice is in the Ile de la Cite
region of central Paris. It has many courts. They are the Paris court of
large claims, the Paris Court of Appeal, and the French Cour de cassation
(which is the highest jurisdiction in the French judicial order). The clock
has many complex occult symbolism. It has the fasces as found in the lower left
hand side of the image. The fasces relates to hardcore authoritarian authority.
It’s found in fascist governments and in the U.S. Congress too. There is the
central sun symbol in the middle of the clock, there are the 2 goddess figures,
and there is the head of a man above the clock looking like a demon or another
being. The pediment of the image has an inscription below it. There is some
snake imagery in the structure as well. The Goddess on the right hold up a staff
and a balance scale. The balance is found in the occult for thousands of years.
The ancient Egyptians have a god Anubis acting using the balance to judge
souls in the afterlife. Anubis is of course called the judge of the Dead. The
balance concept is found in Masonry. Masons like R. Theron Dunn believe that
their version of balance desires to make men better thereby society can be
improved upon denoting balance. Freemason Gregory Stewart of LA writes about this
issue that:

“…The Saint’s, John the Baptist and John the Evangelist, appear to Freemasons in
several places in our catechisms. Their proximity and use in our rituals have been
questioned for many years as to their use and placement. Looked at together, saint
John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist serve to represent the balance in Masonry
between zeal for the fraternity and learned equilibrium. The Saints John, stand in
perfect parallel harmony representing that balance. From a historical approach, The
Saint John’s festival is said to be a widely celebrated Masonic holiday. Traditionally
June 24th (or the summer Solstice) is taken to be John the Baptist’s day, which is
celebrated in many cultures around the world. According to McCoy’s Masonic
Dictionary, the Festival of St. John in summer is a duty of every Mason to participate
in, and should serve to be a renewal and strengthening of fraternal ties and a
celebration of Masonry from “olden-times”. It functions as a connection between the
past and the future…From the Masonic perspective we are given the balanced
dualism of John the Baptist on one side and John the Evangelist on the other.
Represented together this way represent the balance of passionate zeal with and
learned knowledge of faith forming a space to reflect on to and channel our passion as
well as our education/knowledge. Individually strong, together they stand as a
harnessed focus of zeal and knowledge. This counterpoint is not just necessary to
Freemasonry but can be applied to all areas of life. Taken as an abstract compilation of
symbols, together they represent a well-balanced path towards enlightenment. The
two dualistic figures as one, the Holy Saints John, balance each other in the Masonic
year, but also in other areas too. One unique aspect that I found is in the application of
the Alchemical symbols of fire and water. Alchemy has long been thought of as an
early component of Freemasonry and using the alchemical symbols here may help the
representations of the Saint John’s look more familiar. Saint John the Baptist,
represented as the inverted pyramid, the Alchemical sign for water, representing the
spiritual and emotional love. St. John the Evangelist, represented as the pyramid
pointing up symbolizing fire that is the drive and will of action. When placed
together, they symbolize the perfect balance of darkness and light, life and death,
passion and constraint, will and emotion, winter and summer. Together both
represent the interlocked star of Solomon, or the Square and Compass. This is an
entirely open analysis, and made for the purposes of comparison, but it does offer a
unique analysis of the juxtaposition of the Holy Saints John…”

This quotes that the Masons view St. John the Baptist as a patron figure like
Hermes. They celebrate John the Baptist during the time of the solstices, which is
one of the secret rituals of Freemasonry. Masons view the solstices as an active
part of the creative concept of Ordo ab Chao or Order out of Chaos. In other
words, they view Chaos coming and order establishing a foundation of stability in
their comprehension. What this image doesn’t present is the crown, 2 winged
beings holding a heraldic image with a coat of arms, a buttress, and another
Appendix A: Saint Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican
This place has an abundance of symbolism. St. Peter’s Basilica is located in Vatican City. It cn hold
about 60,000 people being the largest interior in of any professing “Christian” church in the world.
Some people subscribe to the view that the apostle Peter was buried in the spot of the basilica. The
Old St. Peter’s Basilica was formed in the era of Roman Emperor Constantine from 326 and 333
AD. Constantine ordered the basilica in a place called Vatican Hill. The word Vatican itself means
hill of divination. The reason for that is because Vatican Hill was once a major center for the
mother goddess Cybele according to Dr. Cathy Burns’ “Billy Graham and His Friends.”
Cybele was called pure and undefiled to wash away sins, which is similar to the Roman
Catholic Mary (not the Biblical Mary that had other children). The modern St. Peter’s Square
was built by Gianlorenzo Bernini between 1656 and 1667. The artist Michelangelo worked on the
structure as well. He wanted the Greek Cross as apart of the architecture of the building. The dome
is a huge part of the basilica as well. As with the designs of Bramante and Sangallo, the dome is
raised from the piers on a drum. The encircling peristyle of Bramante and the arcade of Sangallo
are reduced to 16 pairs of Corinthian columns, each of 15 metres (49 ft) high which stand proud of
the building, connected by an arch. The famous image in this area is the obelisk in the center of
basilica area. It’s about 82 feet tall and 320 tons. Domenico Fontana allowed the obelisk in the
Vatican to move a certain space in September 10, 1586. Hundreds of horses and workmen were
utilized to perform the task. The Pope threaten the death penalty against those who dropped or
broken the obelisk in the task. It was successful. The obelisk is a pillar representing the masculine
archetype of false gods (like Horus or the sun god) throughout the ancient world. It’s an image of
rebirth to. From the sky, the image of the obelisk looks like a point in the circle representing sun
worship too from 33 Degree Freemason Albert Mackey: “..The point within the circle
is an interesting and important symbol in Freemasonry ... The symbol is really a
beautiful but somewhat abstruse allusion to the old Sun-Worship, and introduces
us for the first time to that modification of it, known among the ancients as the
worship of the Phallus." [Short Talk Bulletin, February, 1936; Vol. 14, No. 2,
Reprinted July, 1980, p. 7]. In the place, there are 45 altars being decorated by many artists.
There is the papal altar done by Bernini (he done the Throne of Peter as well), Pieta by
Michelangelo, and the Monument to the Stuarts by Canova. From the sky, the basilica does look
similar to the Eight Wheel path of Enlightenment.

CD Covers

Music is a big medium of an exchange of ideas. Common among these ideas exist CD
coverts with various forms of symbolism. The image on the left is the album named
Mundial by Daddy Yankee. Daddy Yankee is a famous Raggaeton artist and once
supported John McCain for the Presidential election (even though John McCain
agreed with the war mongering policies of the neo-conservatives). Now, his arms are
stretched out. He wears sunglasses in a boundary. The triangle is found in Masonry,
the Eastern Star, and the occult with numerous meanings. In the occult, the Triangle
pointing upward is the Pyramid Triangle, the Fire Triangle, and the Earthly Triangle.
According to Dr. Cathy Burns, some call this triangle the Perfect or Divine Man. This
isn’t unusual in Masonry since Manly P. Hall, George H. Steinmetz, and other
Freemasons desire man to be God or achieve godhood by their own words. . Masonic
author J. S. M. Ward wrote that: “…With the point upward the Equilateral Triangle
stands for Shiva the Destroyer and signifies the flame which rises upwards from the
funeral pyre toward Heaven. This symbol is familiar to us [the Masons] in several
degrees, notably the Thirtieth degree…” When the 2 Triangles (one pointing up and
one pointing down) merge, they form the Hexagram (that is a merging of the
masculine and feminine dispositions in Nature). The image on the right is from
Anarbor. It shows the typical All Seeing Eye of Horus. To Masons, it represents the
GOATU or the Great Architect of the Universe. To Deists, it means Providence or the
Supreme Deity watching all of creation in the Universe simultaneously. The All Seeing
Eye motif was common in Medieval artwork indeed. The All Seeing eye is very
common in the Great Seal of the One Dollar Bill. The Eye of the Phoenix documentary
by Chris Pinto describe the intricate origins and meanings of the One Dollar Bill.

Frankly, I experience some joy, sadness, and anger in my life. What would
be the solution? The nihilistic route doesn’t work since embracing arbitrary
chaos in one’s life doesn’t benefit you or anyone else. One solution is that I
think about the past and present in my life. I remember my conscience
preventing me from doing extreme evil and I realize that life isn’t about
jealously, lies, disrespecting people, scapegoating human beings unfairly (like
some in the mainstream recently did against people who just question the
illogical, official story of 9/11. They act like Osama personally made NORAD
stand down or caused Building Number Seven to collapse, which he didn‘t
do), and bigotry. It’s about realizing the value that you have within your own
soul and heart and being able to follow the Lord to be a beacon of light for
you and other people. Loving
yourself and all human beings
equally is a constant truism that inspires me to move forward
in my life. I don’t need materialism or evil. I believe that affirming
my manhood with strength, confidence, and compassion as the pure
prerequisite actions necessary to improve my spirituality including my own
mindset to assist others. It’s a new time and a new decade. I don’t care what
the world considers me anyway. I know who I am. I am a man with a noble
history, an inspirational ancestry, and a firm destiny. In spite of widespread
corruption, the truth will never be relinquished or die. The truth will
flourish forever. Folks are waking up and it’s time to take life into another

By Timothy

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