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Neuroanatomy Module

Dr. R. Carter

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Which of the following nuclei have afferent or efferent fibers

associated with the cerebellum?
A. Inferior olivary
B. Red Nucleus
C. periaqueductal gray
D. all of the above
E. none of the above

Which of the following nucleus contain secondary neurons (cell body)?

A. Nucleus cuneatus
B. Clark's Nucleus
C. Nucleus gracilis
D. A and C are correct only
E. All the above are correct

The left middle cerebellar peduncle is made up of fibers from the

neurons in the
A. left cerebral cortex
B. right cerebral cortex
C. left inferior olivary nucleus
D. left basal pons
E. right basal pons

Paired masses of gray matter located in the cerebrum which influence

motor activity include:
A. caudate nucleus
B. putamen
C. substantia nigra
D. a and b only
E. none of the above

Which of the basa ganglia components is located most laterally

in position.
A. subthalamus nucleus
B. thalamus
C. lateral globus pallidus
D. substantia nigra
E. hypothalamus

The "striatum" consists of which of the following?

A. caudate nucleus and globus pallidus
B. Putamen and globus pallidus
C. subthalamic nucleus and substantia nigra
D. caudate nucleus and substantia nigra
E. putamen and caudate nucleus

Which of the following is an efferent pathway from the globus pallidus?

A. Striopallidal
B. subthalamic fasciculus
C. nigrostriatal
D. lenticular faciculus
E. more than one of the above

An important basal ganglia feedback circuit is the:

Cerebral cortex--Striatum--Globus pallidus-- thalamus--Cerebral Cortex--.
A. True
B. False

The axons of the cerebellar granule cells are

A. parallel fiber that synapse on the purkinje cells
B. mossy fibers
C. climbing fibers
D. the principal output from the cerebellar cortex
E. None of the above are correct

Most of the output of the cerebellum is in the form of

A. climbing fibers
B. mossy fibers
C. purkinje cell axons
D. axons of neurons in the deep cerebellar nuclei
E. figments if Your imagination

The cortex of the cerebellar vermis projects mainly to the

A. fastigial nucleus
B. dentate nucleus
C. interposed nucleus
D. vestibular nuclei

The primary fissure of the cerebellum marks the division between

A. the anterior and posterior lobes
B. the anterior and flocculonondular lobes
C. the posterior and flocculonondular lobes
D. the vermis and the intermediate zone
E. the intermediated zone and the hemisphere

Which of the following terms is correctly matched?

A. Corticostriate- from the cerebrum to caudate & globus Pall.
B. Corpus striatum- caudate, putamen, and globus Pall.
C. Medial medullary lamina- fibers that separate the putamen from the
globus Pall.
D. Two of the above

The caudate nucleus-

A. has an anterior bulge into the body of the lateral ventricle
B. has a tail that borders on the inferior horn
C. terminates inferiorly as the amygdala
D. A and B are correct.
E. B and C are correct.

Which statement about afferents is incorrect?

A. The nigrostriatal pathway projects to the substantia nigra
B. Afferents from the cerebral cortex are excitatory
C. Some excitatory afferent pathways utilized dopamine as a
D. Thalamostriate pathway projects mainly to the putamen
E. None of the above are incorrect.

The major source of inputs to the caudate nucleus is

A. the globus pallidus
B. the subthalamic nucleus
C. the putamen
D. association areas of the cortex, like the prefrontal cortex
E. motor and somatosensory areas, like area 1,2,3, & 4

The major circuit through which the basal ganglia affects the
cerebral cortex involves projection from
A. the globus pallidus to the thalamus
B. the globus pallidus to the substantia nigra and then to the caudate
C. the striatum to the thalamus
D. the striatum to the cerebral cortex
E. the globus pallidus to the cerebral cortex
____body of caudate
____mamillary body
____3rd ventricle
____med. globus
____med. thalamus
____choroid plexus

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