Tree Plant

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Tree plantation means planting more trees in a planned

way. It is very necessary to the environment. Trees are our

best friends. They give us oxygen. They also give us shelter,
shade, foods, fruits etc. They help our environment in
many ways. They prevent soil erosion. They make our land
fertile. They save us from droughts, floods, cyclones etc. If
there are no trees our country will turn into desert.
Different kinds of natural disasters will come. People will
suffer from the shortage of food, shade and oxygen. A
country should have at least 25% forest lands. But there
are no sufficient forest lands in our country. So, necessary
steps should be taken to have more trees. People should be
conscious about planting more trees. The mass media like
TV and radio can play a great role in this regard. To lead
peaceful life, we have to plant more trees.

Tree Plantation
Tree plantation means planting trees and plants. The purpose of tree plantation is save the
endangered environment and to beautify our life. Trees are valuable gifts of nature. They are
known as the best friends of human beings. They benefit us in various ways. The lives of men
and other animals and insects are inconceivable without the existence of trees in the world.
Trees absorb carbon dioxide and give us oxygen without which no living being can live. Trees
give us shade, medicine, food, fruits, furniture, fuel etc. Trees also keep the weather cool and
cause rainfall. They also bind soil and thus prevent erosion.
The land of Bangladesh is suitable for the plantation of different kinds of trees. Trees can be
planted in the vast areas of sea beaches. Both sides of the roads and railways offer great scope for
planting trees. The villagers can make the best use of their unused land by planting trees. June
and July are the proper time for planting trees in our country.
Trees are part and parcel of our life. So, it is our duty to plant more trees and takes care of them
in order to maintain balance between man and nature. To make the country economically
developed and to save the globe from green house effect, we should plant trees on a large scale.


Trees occupy an important place in the life of man. The trees provide us flowers, fruits, fodder
for animals, wood for fire and furniture and provide cool shadow from scorching sun. They give
us so many such good things and yet expect nothing in return.
Trees give us fruits for food and flowers for pleasure. They provide us timber (wood) for
building our houses and making furniture. They provide us wood for fuel. They supply sleepers
for the railway line. Many trees provide us medicinal products such as quinine and eucalyptus. In
fact, most of the medicines that we use ultimately come to us through trees and vegetation.
Trees play an important role in purifying the air around us. They breathe in carbon dioxide and
breathe out oxygen that sustains our life. Thus they make this world a better place to live in.
Trees are also very necessary for having good rainfall. The trees attract rain bearing clouds and
prevent soil erosion and conserve the earth.
Our Government also realised the importance of trees. The 'Chipko Andolans' and "Van
Mahotsava' made us all aware of the importance of trees."One tree by one man" scheme by
Vinobha Bhave also helped the cause. Even science has proved that trees are as necessary to our
atmosphere as our food for life.

Tree plantation and conservation:

Importance of trees, forests and the green cover of the earth are well known. Trees are our best
and most valuable friends. In Pakistan traditions and culture many types of trees are held sacred
and worshipped only because of this reason. Trees and forests play a very vital role in the growth
and development of human society. They are also important for beasts, birds and others forms of
life. Without trees life is not possible. God first created trees and vegetation and then men and
animals because the former sustain life.
Trees give us fruits, flowers, medicines, fuel, timber, shelter and many other things. They not
only beautify environment but also prevent floods, droughts, famines, soil-erosion, land-slides,
desertification etc. they work as a great force and instrument in maintaining ecological balance in
nature. They work as a great force and instrument in maintaining ecological balance in the
nature. They prevent pollution and keep the atmosphere fresh, lively and vibrating. They are part
and parcel of our environment.
But unfortunately, the forest cover of the earth is shrinking rapidly. There has been
indiscriminate destruction of trees and forests on a large scale. Depletion of forest wealth has
caused many serious problems. These include floods, droughts, famines, erratic rainfalls, soil
erosion, desertification and landslides. Because lack of trees and forests, the water cannot be
absorbed in the earth and so there are floods and soil-erosion. Forests are very valuable and

renewable resources of nature and must be protected and preserved at all costs. More and more
trees should be planted and then seen to be matured. Social forestry should be popularized.
Felling of trees should be strictly prohibited and the offenders properly punished. More and more
people, non-government agencies, social groups, panchayats etc. should be involved in Van
Mahotsava and tree plantation. Students in schools and colleges should be inspired and
motivated to plant and protect trees. It should be made obligatory that at least one tree is planted
by each and every person in the country.
The influence and impact of trees on all living beings including man is very soothing and
pleasant. They keep us happy, healthy and cheerful. They provide us with life-giving oxygen and
work as valuable barrier to noise-pollution. It is in the forests that our Vedas, Upanishads were
created and composed.
We should protect and conserve the trees, the most beautiful gift of God and nature. Plantation
and protection of tree is a great creative activity. It is also participation in divinity. There cannot
be a greater sin that felling a tree. It is nothing short of a murder.

Since the down of civilization man has a close relation with nature. Man has friendship with our
life. They are our friends. Trees play and important role in our life and to plant trees.sea beaches
and low-lying used lands can be used for tree plantations. There are many roads and high way in
our country. We can plant trees on the both sides of these roads and highway. Again in the
villages there are many proper places which can be used for plantation. Sides and areas that are
laying unused can be used ,too. June and July are best time for tree plantation.programing should
be expended to the remote corner of the country.attempt should be made to make the illiterate
aware of the importance of trees. Trees are our best friend. They are a great source of foods and
vitamins. As a result people can keep their body fit and sound by taking fruits.again we export
fruits to many other country and earn a lot of foreign exchange. Trees are our constant companies
in our day to day life. We use them for various purpose. We can't think of our homes houses
residences etc. Without trees. Trees bear a great impact on the climate. If we destroy trees at
random,one day the country will turn into a great desert. Again there will be no rain and as a
result the country will pace a great crisis because is an agriculture country country and our
economy is depended on agriculture. Again our agriculture is dependent rain. So trees play a
vital role on our climate. Trees keep the soil strong.trees save us from flood and other climates.
It's needless to speak of the to speak of the importance of trees. Its not possible to describe the
importance and uses of trees in worlds. They are part and parcel in our day to day life. We can't
think of our existence without them. World poet Rabindranath Tagur says back they forest,take
your town''. Our government has also launched a massive and ambitious programmer regarding
tree plantation. We should not use and destroy trees at random. Rather we should plant trees
more and more for a better,happier and healthier life.

Tress are very much important for our existence. They are closely related to our life. Without
trees we do not get oxygen which is very much related to the existence of human beings as well

as other animals. They are also a great source of food, vitamins and furniture. It is a matter of
sorrow that we have indiscriminately destroyed our tress which has now become a threat to the
ecological balance. But now a days people are conscious about the importance of tress and the
government is trying its utmost to raise the awareness of the people about this matter. As a result
tree is now being planted and we observe the tree plantation day every year. June and July are the
best time for tree plantation. Besides our garden or home sides tress are being planted by the side
of the road and highways. Attempts should be make the programme grand success so that we
can live in a better world.

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