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Professor P L Ariyananda

Senior Professor of Medicine

Full Name Pilane Liyanage Ariyananda

Date of Birth : 30th November 1947

Current Employment : Senior Professor of Medicine, University of Ruhuna

Specialist Physician, University Medical Unit
Teaching Hospital, Karapitiya, Galle, Sri Lanka

Official & corresponding address: Faculty of Medicine, P.O. Box 70, Galle, Sri Lanka
Email address : <>

Academic Qualifications: MBBS(Ceylon) 1972

DCH (Sri Lanka) 1976
LRCP(Lond.), MRCS(Eng.) 1979
MRCP(UK) 1980
MD(Colombo) 1982
FRCP(Lond.) 1994
FCCP 2002
 Fibre-optic bronchoscopic procedures (trained in United Kingdom & New Zealand). I do
fibreoptic brochoscopies every Friday afternoon at Teaching Hospital, Karapitiya,
Galle, Sri Lanka
 Workshop techniques in Medical Education (trained in Australia, Canada, India,
Thailand &USA)


 Respiratory Medicine
 Medical Education
 Medical Emergencies
 Clinical Toxicology


 Cohort study in acute poisoning
 Pharmacokinetic studies in acute poisoning
 Intervention study with immunosuppressants in paraquat poisoning

1. The pattern of Rheumatic Fever as seen in a Paediatric Unit in Colombo. CMJ. Soyza
P.E., de Silva D.G.H, Ariyananda P.L., de Silva D.D.S., 1980; 25: 26-28.
2. General Management of Acute Poisoning. Ariyananda P.L. CMJ 1986; 31: 77-78.
3. Turtle Flesh Poisoning. Ariyananda P.L., Fernando S.S.D. CMJ 1987; 32: 213-215.
4. Autopsy findings in Turtle Flesh Poisoning. Chandrasiri N., Ariyananda P.L., Fernando
S.S.D. Medicine, Science and Law 1988; 28: 142-144.
5. Effect of Artocarpus heterophyllus and Asterocanthus longifolia on glucose tolerance in
normal human subjects and in maturity onset diabetic patients. Fernando M.R.
Wickramasinghe S.M.D.N., Thabrew M.I. , Ariyananda P.L., Karunanayake E. H. Journal
of Ethnopharmacology 1991; 31: 277-282.
6. Uses of nitrates in heart disease. Ariyananda P.L. The Sri Lanka Prescriber. 1995; 3(No.
2): 3-6.
7. Home nebulisers. Ariyananda P.L., Agnew J.E., Clarke S.W. British Journal of Hospital
Medicine 1995; 54(10): 489-493.
8. Aerosol delivery system for bronchial asthma. Ariyananda P.L., Agnew J.E., Clarke S.W.
Postgraduate Medical Journal Postgraduate Medical Journal, 1996, Vol: 72, 151-156
9. Uses of Corticosteroids in Asthma, Ariyananda P. L., Galle Med J, 1:1 September 1996
10. Hydrophobia prophylaxis in dog bite, Ariyananda P. L.,CMJ 1996 41(1) 28 - Letter
11. Practical Aspects of Aerosol Therapy in Asthma (1) Nebulizers Ariyananda P.L., Agnew
J.E.CMJ 1996;41(4) 162-165.
12. Practical Aspects of Aerosol Therapy in Asthma (2) Metered Dose Inhalers Ariyananda
P.L., Agnew J.E.,CMJ 1997; 42 (1): 26-29.
13. Practical Aspects of Aerosol Therapy (3) Dry Power Inhalers Ariyananda P.L., Agnew
J.E.CMJ 1997: 42 (2) : 96-97.
14. Hospital Nebulizers and Bacterial Contamination. Ariyananda P.L., Nagahawatte A. de
S, Manabarana M.A.K. Galle Med J 1997, 1(2) : 21-25.
15. An Audit of Cleaning Practices of Nebulizers at the Teaching Hospital, Karapitiya, Galle
Ariyananda P.L., Nagahawatta A de S, Liyadipita AMSA, Wijayantha UKA. Galle Med. J.
1997: 1(2): 26-27.
16. An audit of thromolytic therapy and antiplatelet therapy in acute myocardial
infarction. Ratnaweera M.G, Ariyananda P.L, Ranaweera J. Galle Med J 1997, 1(2): 45-
17. Atmospheric Ozone layer - its effect on health – leading article, Ariyananda P.L., CMJ
1998, 43 – 8 -10
18. Management of Chronic asthma in adults. Ariyananda P.L., Sri Lanka Prescriber
1998;6(1): 1-3
19. An era of neurosurgery dawns in Galle Ariyananda P L Kularatne H K de S, Samarasinghe
S, Weerakoon S, Jayasinghe Y A R P Galle Med J 1998; 3(1): 80-82
20. Teaching Perceptual Clinical Skills, Ariyananda P.L., Galle Med J 3 (1) September 2001
23 – 29
21. Dapsone induced Chronic Methaemoglobinaemia, Galle Hettiarachchi M.D.P.,
Ariyananda P.L., Idampitiya PD, Galle Med J 2004 9 (1) 39 – 40.
22. Health and Health behaviour among late adolescents in Southern Sri Lanka, Perera
Bilesha, Ostbye Truls, Fernando Nayana, Abeygunawardena Vathsala, Ariyananda P.L.,
Woods Christopher. Galle Medical Journal 2007 : Vol 12;13-17
23. Improvement in Survival after Paraquat Ingestion Following Introduction of a New
Formulation in Sri Lanka, Wilks Martin F., Fernando Ravindra, Ariyananda P.L.,
Eddleston Michael, J. Berry David, Tomenson John A., Buckley Nicholas A., Jayamanne
Shaluka, Gunnell David, Dawson Andrew, PLoS Medicine 2008 5 (2) e49
24. In the wake of Sri Lanka’s tsunami: The Health for the South Capacity-Building Project,
O’Reilly Gerard, Fitzgerald Mark, Ariyananda P.L., Williams Sue, Smith Leanne, Jones
Tamsin, Charlton Sally, Young Simon, Linas Dziukas, Fisher Zoe, Wragg Sally and Burke
Eliza, Emergency Medicine Australasia (2008) 20, 175–179
25. Paraneoplastic Syndromes, Ariyananda P. L., CMJ 2008; 53: 141-42
26. Emerging epidemic of fatal human self poisoning with a washing powder in Southern Sri
Lanka: A prospective observational study Gawramanna I, Ariyananda P.L., Dawson A J
Clin Tox (2009) ISSN: 1556-3650 print / 1556-9519 on line DOI:
27. Trauma reception and resuscitation in Sri Lanka: The Health for the South Capacity-
Building project Gerard O'Reilly, Mark Fitzgerald, Pilane L Ariyananda, Krishantha
Jayasekera, Sue Williams, Sally Charlton, Simon Young, Nicholas Santeloudi, Kylie
Wilson and Jeremy Stevens, Emergency Medicine Australasia 2009 21 147 – 152
28. Prevalence and correlates of physical and emotional abuse among late Adolescents.
Bilesha Perera, Truls Østbye, P L Ariyananda and Erandathi Lelwala CMJ 2009; 54: 10-15
29. Paracetamol poisoning below toxic level causing liver damage in a fasting adult. W K B
Kasun Fernando and P L Ariyananda CMJ 2009; 54: 16-17

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