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Study Unit 1: Introduction to health and health education


What is health?

State of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease and
This means that one can maintain health by caring for ones own health and the health of others by making
positive health decisions. It also has to do with ensuring a healthy environment and society to live in which
will create the conditions which allow the attainment of health of all its members.


Factors affecting health

A number of factors may influence health at various times. Some of these earliest influences are:
Prenatal factors: affecting the developing foetus from the time of conception until birth
Genetic conditions
Infections in pregnancy
Poor nutrition
Alcohol consumption
Drug abuse
Perinatal factors: around the time of birth
Lack of oxygen to the baby during the birth process
Birth injuries
Rhesus incompatibility
Postnatal factors: after birth
Damage to the central nervous system as a result of infections
Lack of oxygen or metabolic disturbances

NB factors in the environment which contribute to disease, disability and death in SA:

Lack of sewers, drains or services to dispose f solid and liquid wastes

Lack of safe and sufficient water supplies
Overcrowded and inadequate living conditions
Insufficient safe and clean fuels for domestic cooking and eating coal or paraffin being used
causes pollution and health problems for infants and children
Poor control of workplace environments- in formal and informal sectors leading to chemical and
biological contamination of land, air, water and food resources which result in unacceptable levels of

Chapter 13- other environmental influences n health:

Air Pollution:
Lead poisoning
This is found in soil, groundwater and soil water can be highly toxic
Can take in by ingestion of particulates containing lead- lead paint r inhaling fumes of lead
Old water pipes and lead-soldered pipe joints in buildings can release lead in the water supplies.
Negative effects:
Can damage the brain and nervous system
Signs of lead poisoning:
Behavioural problems
Decreased mental functioning
Water Pollution:
Main sources of water pollution:
Industrial wastes
Animal fertilizers
Human sewage
Thermal pollution
Typhoid fever
Parasitic worms
Dysentery- causes severe diarrhea
Negative effects:
Dysentery- diarrhea
Intestinal disorders
Water pollution is dangerous to peoples health but also kill fishes and animal in the water.
Infants drinking water contaminated with nitrates, are at risk f contracting blood diseases.
Noise Pollution:
Main causes:
Loud music
Negative effects:
Distortion causes discomfort and possible damage to the ears.
Limited exposure to noise may cause temporary hearing loss
Noise increases stress levels resulting in:
1. Headaches
2. Tension
3. Sleep disturbances
4. Increased anxiety
Can also cause:

1. Increase in blood pressure

2. Constriction of blood vessels
3. Increase in blood cholesterol levels.
Lifestyle and behaviour
Aspects that are influenced:
- Personal health knowledge
- Customs
- Cultural and religious beliefs
- Influence of the media
- Believes about disease causation
Health risk factors:
Risk factors within a persons control that can be modified:
- Insufficient exercise
- Poor diet and eating behaviours
- Smoking and substance abuse among others
Risk factors not within a persons control:
- Age
- Sex
- Genetic predisposition


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