Alpha Star - Spring 2010

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Alpha Star

Phi Delta Theta Spring 2010

President’s Report
Brothers in the Bond, Much is in store by distance, we are all con-
I am glad to for California Alpha this nected in the Bond, and the
announce that I have taken semester. Brothers brothers here at Califor-
over the position of Glicksteen, Jacoby, and nia Alpha certainly have not
President for this coming Roberts, of the newly forgotten that. Through
year. I feel honored and initiated Phikeia class of frequent house study hours
proud that I have been Fall ’09, have already taken and participation in
given the opportunity to on officer roles and are philanthropy events, our
continue Phi Delta Theta’s Alumni Secretary, brothers are working harder
good name here on the UC Philanthropy Chair, and than ever to exemplify
Berkeley campus. I recently Scholarship Chair, the values of the fraternity
attended the President’s respectively. I have much and uphold the teachings of
Leadership Conference in faith that they will serve the the Bond. I look forward
St. Louis, Missouri, and chapter well. In addition, to a successful semester
although the weather was we just inducted a new 6 here at the chapter, and I
rough and cold (much the person Phikeia class for the hope that many of our
opposite of our lovely spring semester. These new fellow alumni have the
California weather), the Phikeia will be educated in opportunity to visit the

atmosphere inside was the ways of Phi Delt and chapter house and see our
warm and welcoming. It come to exemplify the boys grow into men during
Alpha Star

was an honor to be able to cardinal principles of their college years.

meet Phis from all over the friendship, sound learning,
nation and see what kinds and moral rectitude as the Yours in the Bond,
of different things are going semester continues and they Nima Rejali #1342
on within Phi Delt chapter move deeper into their President
houses all across the Phikeia process.
country. Although separated

Ducks Bring Phis Together

As much as I loved and sharing their stories from
Thanksgiving Dinner, I would college once again. I also enjoyed Inside this issue:
have to say that Duck Dinner was spending time with my brothers
the most memorable meal I ate in and meeting many Phis from years Scholarship Update 2
2009. Pledges singing, old friends past. I can’t wait for next year’s
gathering, and brows frowning Duck Dinner, and maybe this time Phikeia Perspective 3
towards the sixty dollar check I’ll be smart enough to order the
formed the ingredients for a duck and not the steak. Thank you Spring Rush 3
fulfilling feast. We congratulated to all of the brothers and Alumni
our Phi of the Year, brother Tho- who came to our annual Duck Founder’s Day 4
mas Moran, and Alumnus of the Dinner, I hope to see you all there
Year, Adam Garfinkle, for their again next year. Philanthropy Report 6
helpful efforts towards the house
in the past year. As Alumni Chair Yours in the Bond, Annual Meeting 6
I was very proud to see more than Matt Mueller #1345
sixty-five alumni dining together Fall Alumni Secretary House Renovations 7

2726 Channing Way ● Berkeley ● California ● (805) 390-8805 ●

Page 2 A LP HA S T A R


Phi Delta Theta Current

Scholarship Update
Officers One of the three
cardinal principles of Phi Delta
Theta is sound learning. As the
Nima Rejali #1342 new Scholarship Chair of
Vice President California Alpha, I have been
helping the members of our
Brandon Lassoff #1337 house further embrace this
Secretary principle during this semester.
We have been holding study
Alex Iwanicki #1341 nights either weekly or biweekly,
Treasurer an excellent time for brothers to
come together and help one
Jack Odlum #1338 another in their academic
Alumni Secretary endeavors. Aside from study nights, I am also beginning to collect old tests and
Mark Glicksteen #1351 homework from brothers to start a test bank - something that we have been unable
to sustain over the past year or two. When ready for use it will be kept at the house
and open to all brothers and pledges. The test bank will hopefully continue to grow
as people donate more tests and become an invaluable resource to those looking
for a little extra help in their studies. Finally, I have instituted a few mandatory
California Alpha study hours for the new Phikeia in the house. Even though it is only an hour a
Association Board of couple of nights a week, it has been an excellent time not only to study, but also for
the new pledge class to bond with each other. With these measures in place,
Directors hopefully this house can continue its strong academic record.
Dennis Sidbury #1150 Yours in the Bond,
Vice President Nathan Roberts # 1349
Adam Garfinkle #1203 Scholarship Chair
Terry Maiken #1060
Treasurer House Furnishings — Got Junk?
King Tuck #860
The Chapter house is constantly in need of new supplies and we
Chapter Advisor graciously accept donations of furniture and other equipment in
working condition. We are continually trying to improve the ap-
Evan Basakis #1301 pearance of the house and would gladly accept any donations. If
Directors you would like to make a contribution please contact Mark Glick-
steen at (805) 390-8805 or at We could
Mike Moore #1197 use the following:
Derek Molnar #1191
Decker Flynn #1139 Kitchen Appliances - Furniture
Nima Rejali #1342 Electronic Appliances - Tools

2726 Channing Way ● Berkeley ● California ● (805) 390-8805 ●


It’s a Long and Winding Road to Brotherhood

At the beginning of more brothers, I felt Phikeia educator, taught us all
the 2009 fall semester, I did completely satisfied with my the core values inherent in
not have much desire to join decision to join. Together, being a Phi in a fun and
a fraternity. I was hanging out my pledge brothers Mark sincere manner. But it was
at Phi Delta Theta in order to Glicksteen, Corey Jacoby, after spending considerable
see my friend from high Nathan Roberts, Aditya time with the community of
“Brother Mike school, brother Jake Toy. I Gupta and I formed a very brothers that I truly learned
was unaware that I was being supportive group and we the importance of brotherly
Wright, our
considered for a bid but be c a me v e r y bond e d friendship and felt genuinely
Phikeia educator, when it was offered I decided throughout the semester. fortunate to be given the
taught us all the to give it a try. I had had Brother Mike Wright, our opportunity to join the Phi
s ome v ery pl eas a nt Delta Theta Fraternity.
core values
conversations with several
inherent in being brothers in the house and
wished to get to know them Yours in the Bond,
a Phi…”
better. Even right before I Oliver Tully # 1352
was inducted I still had some
reservations about the house
and I wondered whether it
was the right place for me.
But as the pledge events
began and I started to talk to

San Francisco Alumni Club

The SF Alumni Club holds a luncheon on the first Friday of every month.
Lunch is served at the famous Schroeder's Restaurant, which is located at 240
Front St. in downtown San Francisco. The lunch is informal and begins at
noon. Alumni are encouraged to attend. The next one will be on March 5th.

New Kids on the Block

The induction of house, but also brought the seeing our new inductees
six new pledges into our brothers closer together. One grow into worthy brothers of
Fraternity for spring 2010 of the best events was our Phi Delta Theta over the
completes another successful hookah and kabobs night, coming pledge semester
rush here at California Alpha. which was really laid back and under the leadership of
Max, Noel, Sam, Cody, gave the new guys a chance to Phikeia Educator, Mike
Frank, and Serban are all meet all the brothers. We did Wright, and I am sure that
awesome guys and their things a little bit differently they will take their place as
personalities mesh very well this semester, with Matt leaders of our chapter in the
with the principles on which Mueller splitting the duties of future.
this Fraternity is built. As Rush Chairman with me. This
always, our BBQs, evening approach allowed us to better Yours in the Bond,
socials, and on-campus meet potentials and made the Daniel Pitsch #1327
recruiting efforts not only coordination of events easier. Spring Rush Chair
attracted new people to the I am looking forward to
2726 Channing Way ● Berkeley ● California ● (805) 390-8805 ●
Page 4 A LP HA S T A R

Founder’s Day Where: Tilden Golf Course

Golf Tournament and Awards Presentation When: Saturday April 24th
Please mark your calendars. Phi Delta Theta recognizes our 25, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, &75 year legionnaires.
The Brothers of California Alpha that will receive these awards are listed below
Yes, I will be attending the golf Yes, I would like to attend the
tournament. Enclosed is my BBQ and Legionnaire’s Award
check payable to California Presentation at Tilden. BBQ
Alpha Association for $80. First will begin at 1:00 PM.
Tee Time will be at 8:00 AM.

Name Handicap

70 Year Legionnaires Theodore C. Lawson Charles H. Green 25 Year Legionnaires

Jack R. Sloan James R. Payne William T. Hays Michael A. Reed
John M. Switzer Sidney R. Petersen John A. Lazar Mark D. Fowler
Robert S. Shoemaker Ervin R. Raphael Jr. Charles McNeill III Kenneth J. Smith
William M. Gillis Thomas L. Robertson James L. Pitto Joseph B. Sterling
65 Year Legionnaires Louis A. Hoornbeck John E. Shelley Jr. Anthony B. Cashman III
Wallace M. Glosser Jack B. Anderson Mark H. Waters Sean E. Nork
Franklin W. Moulthrop Robert J. Dana O. James Woodward III Bradley W. Coburn
Irl R. Robinson Jr. Daniel E. Glines 50 Year Legionnaires Terrance L. Anthony
Lowell G. Burr Thomas E. Greenleaf Robert C. Weiss Jeffry P. Jensen
John A. McWhirter Richard A. Haugner David A. Nearon Charles E. Ruppert
Byron R. Coltrin Richard E. McNamara Ronald A. Mayo Christopher M. Meckel
John R. Saldine Donald P. Whyte Douglas L. Champlin James W. Fannin
Lucien E. Evans 55 Year Legionnaires Jon D. Hakman James M. Hirst
Warren E. Davis M. K. Anderson John S. Parsons
60 Year Legionnaires Jerry L. Becker John R. Graham Jr.
Richard B. Blos Paul P. Brocchini Richard R. Mayer
John C. Frieberg Earl T. Conrad Jr. Steven P. Tulloh
Richard T. Kelly William A. Parsons Adolph W. Martinelli Jr.
Phil P. Kenville Gerald P. Costanzo

2726 Channing Way ● Berkeley ● California ● (805) 390-8805 ●


Thank You from Cal

We would like to thank
the brothers listed to the 540 Mr. Jack R. Sloan 851 Mr. Henry M. Giudice
right for their generous 572 Mr. Gerald G. Crane 854 Mr. Glen L. Cureton
gifts to the Building fund 582 Mr. Robert F. Teddy 894 Mr. Allen H. Cox III
last semester. We hope 594 Mr. Charles F. Gray, Jr. 1030 Mr. Andrew N. Roberts
that you will consider a
602 Mr. William G. Robinson 1050 Mr. Rodney S. Pimentel
contribution to the Cali-
fornia Alpha Building 671 Mr. Howard J. Martin, Jr. 1150 Mr. Dennis D. Sidbury
Fund as part of your an- 722 Mr. Sidney R. Petersen 1197 Mr. Michael Moore
nual donations. 732 Mr. Richard A. Haugner 1258 Mr. Brian Johsz
803 Mr. Jerry L. Becker

I would like to make a lasting commitment
to the Brothers of Phi Delta Theta, Cal

Please accept my donation of:

$500 $200 $100 $______

Please make your check payable to the California Alpha Asso-

ciation, with a memo entry of “Building Fund” and mail to
California Alpha at P.O. Box 4338, Berkeley, CA 94704
Thank you for your generous support

2726 Channing Way ● Berkeley ● California ● (805) 390-8805 ●

Page 6 A LP HA S T A R

Phi-lanthropic Endeavors
One of the many children. Although the Phi Delta This year the fraternity is
responsibilities a Fraternity has in Theta team did not win the entire planning to participate in several
the university setting is that philanthropy events and is
of community service and hosting one itself. Phi Delta
philanthropy. During the last Theta is planning to
semester, the men of coordinate with the rest of
California Alpha participated the Greek institutions at UC
in several philanthropy events Berkeley in order to organize
sponsored by other Greek a “Southside Cleanup.” The
chapters. The Delta Delta hope is to involve members
Delta sorority hosted a from every fraternity and
pancake breakfast to benefit sorority in picking up trash
the St. Jude Children’s and improving the Berkeley
Hospital, and eight brothers Southside neighborhood,
purchased tickets to eat where most of the institutions
pancakes and support the have charter houses. We feel
cause. Additionally, Phi Delta it is in our best interest, as
Theta put forth a team to well as the community’s, to
participate in Kappa Alpha Theta tournament, it managed a winning have a trash-free and clean home to
Sorority’s semi-annual dodge ball record and enjoyed playing for a share.
tournament which benefits the great cause.
CASA foundation, an organization Yours in the bond,
working to support neglected Corey Jacoby #1350

Notice of Annual Membership Meeting

TO: Members of California Alpha Association

Please take notice that the annual membership meeting will be held at the chapter house,
2726 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA, on Monday, February 22nd, for the following pur-
1. Election of directors.
2. To consider the reports of the affairs of the corporation
3. To transact such other business as may come before the meeting.

If you do not expect to be present in person and you desire to appoint a proxy, please fill in the informa-
tion below and return in the enclosed envelope.

I appoint Dennis Sidbury, President CAA. Or

(Strike through if you fill in another name)

_____________________________________my agent and proxy for the purpose of voting at the annual
membership meeting. Dated __________________, 2010

___________________________ ___________________________
Signature Name (please print)

2726 Channing Way ● Berkeley ● California ● (805) 390-8805 ●


Lost Phis Please help us locate the following Phis. If you know their current
address, please send it in the enclosed envelope or email it to

Bond # Name 1159 Mr. John M. Houkom

627 Mr. Jack D. Griffith 1293 Mr. Marius V. Lungu
649 Mr. Gordon W. Nelson 1314 Mr. Arthur S. Agag
661 Mr. Richard W. Henley 1320 Mr. Charles P. Litchfield
667 Mr. George A. Leatherman Jr.
691 Mr. Ben E. Foster Brothers,
710 Mr. Ruben L. Navarro Take a close look at the
736 Mr. Nathaniel M. Ball names on the list. Every year this
757 Mr. Robert A. Smith
list becomes smaller. Let’s make
818 Mr. Donald B. Shea
829 Mr. Donald M. Howard sure that every Phi is found!
832 Mr. James D. Rhoades
868 Mr. John B. Nance
897 Mr. William E. Dempsey
918 Mr. Jeffrey M. Brennan
954 Mr. Joseph A. Wharton
957 Mr. Richard A. Potts
959 Mr. Alan C. Doscher
965 Mr. Craig S. Nelson
1128 Mr. Lasse B. Kjelsaas

Home Improvement
We are well into the stove top was installed in its appreciate his help. There is
Spring 2010 semester and the place, a much needed much more that needs to be
Phi Delta Theta California improvement. And finally done at the California Alpha
Alpha house is looking better there is the new kitchen floor. house, however. We need a
“Over Winter break
than ever. Our kitchen has Over Winter break a brand new deck door and a side
a brand new had the most exciting new linoleum floor was put gate for better security. Any
linoleum floor was changes and improvements in to replace the old one and all donations would be
put in to replace the
so far. The first thing to go which was falling apart. much appreciated and be put
was the center island. It was Many other improvements to excellent use. Please help
old one which was very old and the grout and us keep the California Alpha
have been made to the house
falling apart.” tiles were falling off the top. like fire alarm covers and a house a proud symbol to all
It was demolished by our full repaint of the dining its members and guests.
own Phi Delt brothers and a room and foyer by our Fall
brand new stainless steel 2009 Phikeia. All of this
table was put in its place. Yours in the Bond,
could not have happened
The center area is now without the dedication of Garrett Edell #1332
mobile, easy to clean and alumnus Adam Garfinkle. House Manager
provides much more space He puts many hours into the
for cooking. Next on the house, helping with all the
chopping block was our improvements. He is a real
stove. A brand new Wolf asset to the house and the
industrial stainless grill and brothers of Cal Alpha really

2726 Channing Way ● Berkeley ● California ● (805) 390-8805 ●

Return Address:
PO Box 4338
Berkeley, CA 94704

Alpha Star

2726 Channing Way ● Berkeley ● California ● (805) 390-8805 ●

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