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Choose the appropriate idiomatic expression to substitute for the

italicized word or words in each
sentence below.
1. His alarm clock is always set for six o'clock. He arises at the same
time every day.
A. turns off B. gets up C. puts on D. switch off
2. She telephoned her friend to tell him about the meeting. They
decided to drive there together.
A. turned on B. took off C. called up D. took away
3. It's 4 P.M. now, and this important letter must be mailed today.
Can you take it to the post office
A. at first B. right away C. sooner or later D. at last
4. Be sure to switch of the light before you leave the house.
A. to turn off B. to take off C. to get off D. turn on
5. Pat placed her new hat onher head while looking in the mirror.
A. picked up B. put on C. gets on D. place on
6. Remove your jacket and sit down for a few minutes.
A. Turn on B. Get on C. Take off D. Turn off
7. I want to stay unmarried for a while, but I hope to get married
A. sooner or later B. right away C. at last D. at first
8. In the beginning I thought that it was Bob who was in the car.
A. To get on B. At once C. At first D. At last
9. He boarded the bus at Broadway and 79th Street.
A. got off B. got on C. picked up D. turn off
10. John took the pencil with his fingersand began to write a note.
A. turned on B. got off C. picked up D. got on

11. It's easiest to get _______ the car from the driver's side. The door
on the other side doesn't work well.
A. in B. on C. off D. away
12. I always _______ the bus to work at 34th Street.
A. turn off B. get on C. turn on D. get away
13. Why don't we stop and _______ the car for a while?
A. get out of B. turn off C. pick up D. take off
14. Helen got _______ the train at the 42nd Street terminal.
A. on B. in C. off D. away
15. Mary put _______ her coat and left the room.
A. in B. off C. away D. on
16. Put your hat _______ before you leave the house.
A. off B. away C. on D. in
17. John _______ his jacket as he entered the office.
A. turned off B. took off C. turned on D. got away
18. Take your sweater _______. The room is very warm.
A. on B. in C. off D. away
19. I forgot to _______Mr. Jones yesterday I'd better call him now.
A. turned on B. got off C. call up D. got on
20. Call me _______ tomorrow, Jane. We'll arrange a time to have lunch
A. on B. in C. up D. away
21. I thought _______ that it was Sheila calling, but then I realized
that it was Betty.
A. at first B. at last C. to get on D. right away
22. Please turn _______ the light; it's too dark in here.
A. off B. away C. on D. in

23. Do you know who turned the air conditioning _______?

A. in B. off C. away D. on
24. Please ______ the light when you leave the room.
A. turned off B. turn off C. turned on D. got away
25. Are you really listening to the radio, or should I turn it _______?
A. on B. in C. off D. away
26. Dad says that dinner will be ready right _______away, so we'd
better wash our hands and set the table.
A. on B. in C. away D. up
27. Tell Willy to come to my office _______. I must see him
A. in the beginning B. right away C. at first D. at last
28. Stop playing that loud music _______!
A. at once B. at last C. at first D. in the beginning
29. Harry picked _______ the newspaper that was on the front
A. off B. away C. in D. up
30. Could you pick your toy _______ before someone falls over it?
A. on B. in C. up D. away
31. If you study English seriously, _______ you'll become fluent.
A. in the beginning B. sooner or later C. at first D. at last
32. I'm too tired to do my homework now; I'm sure I'll do it _______.
A. sooner or later B. in the beginning C. at last D. at first
33. Carlo _______ at seven o'clock every morning.
A. turns off B. gets up C. turns on D. gets on
34. At what time should we get the children _______ tomorrow?
A. on B. in C. up D. away

35. _______ English was difficult for him, but later he made great
A. at once B. at last C. at first D. sooner or later
36. In place of traveling by car. We can go by bus to save energy.
A. in addition to B. on behalf of C. at last D. in stead of
37. They can use solar energy in place of any other sources of
energy to produce electricity.
A. in stead of B. on behalf of C. on the other hand D. at first
38. You can use milk in place of cream in this recipe.
A. in addition to B. in stead of C. on behalf of D. at last
39. The proposal is _______ of place
A. out B. in C. up D. away
40. Her remarks were_______.
A. in place of B. with place of C. out of place D. all over the place
41. I felt completely _______ among all these successful people.
A. to take place B. all over the place C. in place of D. out of place
42. The film festival ______ in October.
A. takes place B. happens C. occur D. all are right
43. We may never discover what took place that night.
A. happened B. caught sight of C. looked after D. took care of
44. Of course I was upset. Just _______ yourself in my place.
A. cut B. put C. take D. give
45. New restaurants are appearing all over the place.
A. somewhere B. nowhere C. anywhere D. everywhere
B. Fill in each blank with the appropriate form of an idiomatic
expression from this unit
gets up / at last / turns on / takes of / puts on / turns of / right away

Jean's alarm clock makes a loud ringing noise. She ___________ the alarm clock
immediately after it
rings each morning. However, she doesn't rise from bed _____________. She
waits a few minutes before she_________. Jean enjoys lying in bed for a while,
but ________________ she gets up. Then she ____________ the bedroom light and
goes to her closet. She _______________ her pajamas and _______________ her
work clothes.

I. Choose the appropriate idiomatic expression to substitute for the
italicized word or
words in each sentence below. Idioms from previous lessons are
indicated by number.
1. Nan is trying to find the purse that she lost yesterday.
A. finding out B. looking at C. looking for D. looking after
2. As is typical, Doug is late for the meeting.
A. At last B. All along C. As usual D. As usually
3. Were you able to determine what his occupation is?
A. to find out B. to pick up C. to call on D. to look for
4. I am very weary after all that physical exercise today.
A. turned off B. tired out C. never mind D. turn on
5. John's mother knew that he wasn't telling the truth from the
A. all along B. all right C. little by little D. at last
6. Some old friends of mine visited us last night.
A. called on B. called up C. wore out D. call
7. Eventually, Mario will be able to speak English better than he
does now.
A. Never mind B. Sooner or later C. At last D. At first

8. Is it acceptable for Mary to borrow our car for a few hours?

A. right away B. all right C. step by step D. as usual
9. Would you please give your attention tome while I'm talking?
A. dress up B. look at C. wear out D. look for
10. They waited for forty-five minutes until finally the waiter brought
their food.
A. at last B. little by little C. at first D. sooner or later
11. We should definitely dress _______ to go to the theater.
A. in B. on C. up D. out
12. We waited for hours and then the train arrived _______.
A. Never mind B. Sooner or later C. At last D. At first
13. You don't have to ______ for Mike's party.
A. look out B. look for C. look away D. dress up
14. Now that I am sixteen, _______ I can drive my parents' car.
A. right away B. at last C. step by step D. as usual
15. George is late for class_______ . This seems to happen every day.
A. as usual B. all right C. little by little D. at last
16. Will you please try to _______ what time the airplane arrives?
A. dress up B. call on C. look for D. find out
17._______, Dora received first prize in the swimming contest. It's the
third consecutive year
that she has won.
A. Never mind B. Sooner or later C. as usual D. At first
18. I'll call right now to find it_______.
A. in B. on C. up D. out
19. The teacher told us to _______ the blackboard and not at our

A. look after B. look at C. look for D. look out

20. I like to walk along a country road at night and _______ the stars.
A. look out B. look for C. look away D. look at
21. He's spent over an hour looking _______ the pen that he lost.
A. in B. on C. for D. out
22. So there you are! We've looked all _______ you.
A. on B. for C. at D. in
23. He said that it would be _______ to wait in her office until she
A. all right B. at last C. little by little D. at last
24. Do you want me to turn of the TV? ______ , if you insist.
A. right B. at last C. sooner or later D. Alright
25. She knew all alongthat we'd never agree with his plan.
A. all the time B. at last C. at first D. sooner or later
26. Karen's health seems to be improving little by little.
A. right away B. at last C. step by step D. as usual
27. You're smiling! Did you know all alongthat I'd give you a birthday
A. at first B. at last C. as usual D. from the beginning
28. If you study regularly each day, step by stepyour vocabulary will
A. gradually B. at first C. from the beginning D. as usual
29. The hot weather tired ______ the runners in the marathon.
A. on B. out C. at D. in
30. Does studying for final exams wear you ______? It makes me feel
worn out!
A. in B. on C. out D. for
31. Jose didn't know the answer when the teacher ______ him.

A. looked for B. called on C. turned on D. turned off

32. Last night several friends called onus at our home.
A. visited B. went C. helped D. walked
33. Why don't we drop in onSally a little later?
A. call off B. called on C. turned on D. turned off
34. When he spilled his drink on my coat, I said, "_______ . It needs to
be cleaned anyway."
A. right away B. at last C. never mind D. as usual
35. There's no need to_______. - come as you are.
A. call on B. turn on C. dress up D. look for
II. Choose the best answer to complete these sentences.
1. They had nowhere to stay so I couldn't turn them away.
A. away B. on C. over D. down
2. Everyone turned _______ and stared when I entered the meeting
A. over B. out C. around D. in
3. She had to turn _______from her journey to the countryside
because of her fathers death.
A. back B. down D. off D. on
4. He turned the lights _______ low.
A. away B. down C. in D. off
5. The prince was turned into a frog by the witch.
A. around B. into C. on D. off
6. Please turn the television _______ before you go to bed.
A. over B. out C. off D. in
7. You never know how your children will turn _______.
A. away B. out C. in D. off

8. If the day turns _______ wet, we may have to change our plans.
A. in B. on C. out D. away
9. The job turned _______ to be harder than we thought.
A. in B. on C. out D. away
10. The factory was turned _______ to the manufacture of aircraft
A. around B. over C. on D. off
11. Could you turn the TV _______?
A. over B. out C. up D. in
12. After the divorce he tried to turn the children _______ their
A. up B. against C. over D. down
13. He has turned the business _______ to his friend
A. around B. over C. on D. off
14. He was always expecting something to turn _______.
A. over B. out C. up D. in
15. When Max entered the room, Mary turned_______. She could not
face him after what he
had done.
A. out B. away C. up D. into
16. The soldiers tried with all of their might to turn _______ the
invading forces.
A. back B. over D. off D. on
17. Please turn the radio _______. It's too loud.
A. over B. out C. down D. up
18. Please turn the radio _______. I can hardly hear it.
A. in B. on C. up D. away
19. Max turns _______ his homework almost always on time.

A. around B. in C. on D. off
20. Please turn _______ the lights when you leave the room.
A. up B. off C. off D. down
21. Max was bored so he turned the TV _______.
A. away B. on C. in D. off
22. Once the pancake is done on one side, please turn it _______ to
cook the other side.
A. over B. back D. off D. on
23. He has been turned _______ for ten jobs so far.
A. up B. down C. over D. around
24. Turn _______ and let me look at your back.
A. up B. around C. over D. down
25. Hundreds of people were turned _______ from the stadium.
A. around B. away C. on D. off
26. The weather became so bad that they had to turn _______.
A. away B. back C. in D. off
27. Why did she turn _______ your invitation?
A. over B. on C. off D. down
28. Ten years of prison had turned him _______ an old man.
A. up B. into C. over D. down
29. They've turned _______ the water while they repair a burst pipe.
A. off B. on C. over D. down
30. He asked her to marry him but she turned him _______.
A. in B. on C. down D. away
31. Despite our worries everything turned _______ well.
A. out B. down D. off D. on
32. Remember to turn _______ the lights when you go to bed.

A. away B. off C. in D. off

33. It turned _______ that she was a friend of my sister.
A. up B. out C. over D. around
34. The car skidded and turned _______.
A. up B. over C. off D. down
35. We arranged to meet at 7.30, but she never turned _______.
A. up B. on C. over D. down
36. The house they had ofered us turned _______ to be a tiny
A. out B. back D. off D. on
37. Please turn _______the volume.
A. down B. back D. off D. on
38. We said we would do it, so we cant turn _______.
A. in B. on C. back D. away
39. I turned my chair _______ to face the fire.
A. over B. on C. off D. around
40. She turned _______ her old friend.
A. away B. against C. in D. off
41. I have turned the question _______ more than one
A. over B. on C. over D. down
42. The music was turned _______ loud.
A. up B. back D. off D. on
43. I don't want this chair facing the window. Will you help me turn it
A. around B. around C. on D. off
44. The TV is too loud. Can you turn it _______?
A. down B. back D. off D. on

45. My credit card application was turned _______by the bank because
of my bad credit.
A. in B. on C. down D. away
46. All students are expected to turn _______ their homework at the
end of today's lesson.
A. over B. on C. off D. in
47. I'm tired to stay up. I think I'll turn _______.
A. away B. in C. over D. of
48. 'Ben is a nice guy until he drinks alcohol. He then turns_______ a
A. into B. on C. over D. down
49. 'Turn _______ the air conditioner if no one is watching it.
A. up B. off C. over D. down
50. My father is terrible with computers. He can't even turn one
A. on B. down D. off D. on
51. People turned _______ in huge amounts for the opening night of
the movie.
A. in B. on C. out D. away
52. I looked for my keys all over the house. It turned _______they were
in my jacket pocket
all along.
A. out B. on C. over D. down
53. I love this song. Someone turn _______ the radio.
A. into B. up C. over D. down
54. I hadn't seen her for months and then, one day, she turned
_______ at my house.
A. over B. on C. off D. up
55. I don't stay up very late. I usually turn ______ at around 10pm.

A. in B. on C. down D. into
56. Can you turn ______ the music a little? It's too loud. I can't
concentrate on my work.
A. out B. down C. into D. off
57. He applied for a job at the company, but they turned him ______
because he didn't have
enough experience.
A. up B. down C. on D. off
58. A caterpillar turns ______ a butterfly.
A. in B. up C. down D. into
59. I read a murder mystery. It turns ______ that the butler was the
A. up B. out C. into D. down
60. The criminal decided to turn _______ the stolen money.
A. away B. to C. over D. off
61. They had to turn _____ more than 200 visitors to the exhibit.
A. in B. away C. down D. into
62. He was completely shocked that his friend turned ______ him on
the final vote.
A. over B. on C. off D. against
63. I'd like to turn this meeting ________ to Mr. Smith.
A. over B. on C. over D. down
64. My son turned ______ to be OK. I'm very proud of him.
A. in B. on C. out D. away
65. The theatre had a much lower turn ______ than expected.
A. in B. up C. into D. out
66. I think we should turn ________ and go home. It's getting dark.
A. over B. on C. off D. around

67. He eventually turned _____ at the party at 7 o'clock.

A. into B. up C. over D. down
68. Could you please turn ________ the stereo? The music is too loud.
A. in B. on C. down D. away
69. Make sure you turn ______ the light when you leave.
A. up B. off C. over D. down
70. The dog turned ________ its master and bit him!
A. against B. on C. down D. into
III. Fill in each blank with the appropriate form of an idiomatic
expression from this
unit only.
Bob:Jim, should we (1) __________________ for the party tonight?
Jim:No, informal clothes are fine I'm (2) _____________ my shoes. Have
you seen them?
Bob:No. Did you check that closet by the front door?
Jim:Of course, I did! Gosh, my legs hurt. I'm really (3) ________ from
playing so much
soccer today.
Bob:What did you say?
Jim:Oh, (4) _________________. It wasn't important.
Bob:Sorry, I'm (5) __________________ the TV news. It's about the
Jim:Have the police (6) ____________________ who stole the million
Bob:No, they haven't.
Jim:(7) _______ I've found my shoes! They were in that closet by the
door (8) ________!
Bob:I told you so!


A. Choose the appropriate idiomatic expression to substitute for the italicized word or
words in each sentence below. Idioms from previous lessons are indicated by number.
1. You'll have to locate his number in the telephone book.
A. to think over
B. to wait on
C. to look up
D. look after
2. Let's go on a serious walk in the mountains this weekend.
A. take a hike
B. take a trip
C. take a stroll
3. You ought to spend at minimum an hour outside in the fresh air.
a. in the least
B. as usual
C. at least

D. take a day
D. at last

4. Would you like me to help you choose a new dress for the dance?
A. pick out
B. try on
C. put away
D. put off
5. I've always wanted to journey to Alaska during the summer.
A. to take a walk
B. to take a trip
C. to take a stroll
D. to take a day
6. It took a long time for the store clerk to serve us.
A. to call on
B. to take part in
C. to wait on
D. to wait for
7. I don't enjoy this hot, humid weather to any degree.
A. at all
B. up to now
C. at last
D. at first
8. Our guest will arrive soon; please remove your dirty clothes from sight.
A. try on
B. put away
C. get off
D. put off
9. I'd better switch on the light so that we can see better in here.
A. be in on
B. turn on
C. try on
D. take off
10. James didn't want to be involved in the preparations for the conference.
A. to take part in
B. to take place
C. to try on
D. take over
11. We participated in the club last year and I think that it was very useful.
A. take off
B. take place
C. take over
D. take part in
12. Larry isn't at all shy about expressing his opinions.
A. at any cost
B. in the least
C. at once
D. at first
13. Students should try to understand the meaning of a new word from context before looking the
word ______ in the dictionary.
A. on
B. at
C. up
D. after
14. The restaurant waitress asked us, "Has anyone waited on you yet?"
A. looked up
B. looked after
C. served
D. given
15. So far, this year has been excellent for business. I hope that the good luck continues.
A. until now
B. up to now
C. now
D. A and B are
17. I'm so busy at work that I have no time to ______ a trip.
A. go
B. travel
C. take
D. reach
18. You don't have to give me your decision now. Think it _______ for a while.
A. of
B. over
C. about
D. out
19. Please put _______ your papers before you open the test booklet.
A. away
B. off
C. up
D. out
20. Martin was sick and could not take part in the meeting yesterday.
A. take off
B. attend
C. aim
D. quit
22. Ellen suggested that we _______ Lee's telephone number in the directory.
A. look for
B. look after
C. look at
D. look up
23. A very pleasant young clerk waited on me in that shop.

A. serve
B. service
C. give
24. How many idioms have we studied in this book up to now?
A. already
B. so far
C. just
25. Last evening we took a walk around the park.
A. made
B. worked
C. took
26. At the position of the old church. The new tower will be _______there.
A. put off
B. put away
C. look up
27. During the summer holidays, the Thompsons _______ to Europe.
A. took a trip
B. took away
C. took by
28. He _______ several suits before he picked out a blue one.
A. suited
B. tried out
C. dress
29. I'd like to think _______ your offer first. Then can we talk it over tomorrow?
A. of
B. about
C. over
30. John put the notepad _______ in his desk when he was finished with it.
A. off
B. away
C. up
31. The regular meetings of the committee take place in Constitution Hall.
A. take out
B. happen
C. take after
31. I spend _______ two hours every night on my studies.
A. at least
B. at last
C. at first
32. I thought that the celebration was taking _______ at John's house.
A. charge
B. advantage
C. place
33. As of yet, we have not had an answer from him.
A. from now
B. so far
C. now and then
34. Why don't you try these shoes _______ next?
A. in
B. for
C. at
35. Mike claims that he drinks at least a quart of water every day.
A. at minimum
B. maximum
C. as bigger
36. Where the old theatre used to be, they have put up a new apartment block.
A. erected
B. demolished
C. dismissed

D. protect
D. yet
D. gave
D. put up
D. took a walk
D. tried on
D. against
D. down
D. take up
D. at about
D. area
D. usually
D. on
D. so big
D. quitted

37. We visit the museum from time to time.

A. sometimes
B. now and then
C. occasionally
D. all are right
38. Don't use that dictionary. Its out of date.
A. new
B. young
C. new born
D. obsolete
39. They're putting _______ a new sports stadium just outside the town.
A. in
B. up
C. off
D. away
40. I can't put up with my neighbors noise any longer; it's driving me mad.
A. tolerate
B. make happy
C. take temperature
D. work hard
41. I can put _______ the house being untidy, but I hate it if it's not clean.
A. away
B. up with
C. up
D. off
42. I've been out of work for long.
A. stay outside
B. unemployed
C. working
D. staying away
from work
43. Our telephone is out of order.
A. obsolete
B. out of work
C. not functioning
D. jobless
44. By the way, I've got two tickets for Saturday's game. Would you like to go with me?
A. actually
C. eventually
C. incidentally
D. gradually
45. He's so moody - I don't know why she puts _______ him.
A. up with
B. on at
C. off
D. from
46. This book is by far the best on the subject.
A. considerably
B. so far
B. by far
D. at first

47. I am sorry I broke your vase by accident.

A. on purpose
B. by mistake
C. by far
D. out of date
48. On the whole, the rescue mission was well executed.
A. at last
B. at least
C. at once
D. in general
49. How has Joseph _______ her for so long?
A. put off
B. put up with
C. put away
D. put out
50. I will not put up _______ your bad behavior any longer!
A. on
B. away
C. with
D. out
B. Fill in each blank with the appropriate form of an idiomatic expression from this unit
Mara: Where's the store clerk?
Ted: I don't know. It's taking him too long to (1) ________________ us.
Mara: I don't like the service in this store (2) _______________. I feel like leaving right now.
Ted: Oh, no, let's not do that. How many dresses have you tried on (3) ______________?
Mara: Oh, I've tried on about eight dresses.
Ted: Well, after all that time and effort, you should buy (4) __________________ one, don't you
Mara: No, never mind. I'm so upset that I need to (5) _____________________ outside in the
fresh air.
Ted: Mara, I think that you're making the wrong decision. You should (6) __________ it (7)
___________ first. This is really a nice dress at a great price.
Mara: Well ... I guess a few more minutes of waiting won't make a difference.

A. Choose the appropriate idiomatic expression to substitute for the italicized word or
words in each
sentence below. Idioms from previous lessons are indicated by number.
1. I think that you should remove the last two sentences in the paragraph.
A. take out
B. pick out
C. talk over
give out
2. If you don't hurry in completing your schoolwork, you'll do a better job.
A. get off
B. lie down
C. take your time
take your way
3. How are you succeeding in your new job?
A. getting on with
B. making a difference to
C. picking out
get up
4. I don't like to go to the movies alone.
A. as usual
B. by myself
C. on purpose
at first
5. Do you have a moment to try to find my keys with me?
A. to talk over
B. to look for
C. to get up
look at
6. The child said that she didn't break the window deliberately.
A. on purpose
B. all day long
C. making a difference
sooner or later
7. Did you go on a date with your new girlfriend again today?
A. get along with
B. stand up
C. go out with
make a difference


8. It's cold outside; you'd better place a sweater on yourself.

A. sit down
B. put on
C. take out
find out
9. Fortunately, Marie is associating well with her new co-workers.
A. calling on
B. talking over
C. getting along with
looking for
10. Don't sit on the dirty ground like that; rise right now!
A. get up
B. lie down
C. sit down
stand up
11. Ann picked out a good book to give to her brother as a graduation gift.
A. selected
B. gave out
C. got up
looked for
12. Johnny, if you want me to buy you a toy, then pick one _______ now.
A. in
B. after
C. out
13. There's no need to hurry doing those exercises. _______ your time.
A. Go
B. Take
C. Watch
14. William never works rapidly. He always takes his _______ in everything that he does.
A. money
B. books
C. hours
15. We talked _______ Carlo's plan to install an air conditioner in the room, but we couldn't
reach a decision.
A. over
B. into
C. out
16. Before I accepted the new job offer, I talked the matter _______ with my wife.
A. off
B. up
C. out
17. If you are tired, why don't you lie _______ for an hour or so?
A. in
B. after
C. down
18. The doctor says that Grace must lie _______ and rest for a short time every afternoon.
A. on
B. down
C. at
19. When the president entered the room, everyone stood _______.
A. in
B. on
C. up
20. Suzy, stop rolling around on the floor; get ______ now.
A. in
B. on
C. with
21. We sat _______ on the park bench and watched the children play.
A. down
B. for
C. on
22. There aren't any more chairs, but you can take a seat on the floor.
A. lie down
B. sit down
C. put down
go down
23. I've been working on my income tax forms all day _______. I've hardly had time to eat.
A. short
B. wide
C. large

24. It's been raining _______ week long. We haven't seen the sun since last Monday.
A. whole
B. during
C. all
25. Francis translated that French novel _______ himself. No one helped him.
A. with
B. on
C. by
26. Paula likes to walk through the woods _______ herself, but her brother prefers to walk
with a companion.
A. for
B. with
C. of
27. Do you think that she didn't come to the meeting _______ purpose?
A. on
B. by
C. with
28. It was no accident that he broke my glasses. He did it _______ purpose.
A. with
B. on
C. by
29. Terry isn't getting along _______ her new roommate; they argue constantly.
A. with
B. for
C. about
30. How are you getting _______ your studies?
A. out with
B. in with
C. of with
on with
31. It makes a big _______ to me whether he likes the food I serve.
A. important
B. different
C. difference
the same
32. Does it _______ any difference to you where we go for dinner?
A. take
B. do
C. go
33. No, it doesn't make_______.
A. any difference
B. some different
C. any different
any same
35. Students, _______ your books and open them to page twelve.
A. take off
B. take out
C. stand up
lie down
36. Did you take Sue ______ last night?
A. out
B. off
C. up
37. No, she couldn't go ______ with me.
A. away
B. up
C. on
38. Remember to ______ your shoes before entering the temple.
A. take after
B. take away
C. take off
take out
39. He took ______ my wet boots and made me sit by the fire.
A. over
B. for
C. in
40. I've decided to take a few days ______ next week.

A. off

B. over

C. about


41. The show was taken ______ because of poor audience figures.
A. over
B. out
C. care of
42. The hairdresser asked me how much she should_______.
A. take after
B. take over
C. take off
take away
43. The explosion nearly took his arm_______.
A. off
B. over
C. in
44. There's no rushtake your _______.
A. hour
B. time
C. second
45. You'll find it helpful to talk things _______ with a friend.
A. about
B. on
B. in
46. They talked ______ the proposal and decided to give it their approval.
A. about
B. to
C. over
47. He did it ______, knowing it would annoy her.
A. by purpose
B. in purpose
C. by mean
on purpose
48. She has never really ______ well with her sister.
A. got on
B. got up
C. got off
got over
49. Are you getting ______ well with your colleagues at work?
A. on
B. over
C. along
both A and C
50. We get _______ with fine each other.
A. after
B. over
C. along
B. Fill in each blank with the appropriate form of an idiomatic expression from this unit
Jean: Hi, Pete. Did you come ______________________?
Pete: Yes, Sarah wasn't able to come. She's at the dentist's office.
Jean: Oh? Why is that?
Pete: The dentist has to ______ one of her teeth. She has been complaining of pain
_____week _______.
Jean: That's too bad. Well, I'm glad you're early.
Pete: Why? I didn't come early ____________________.
Jean: I know, but now we have time to ______________ that important matter about the new
Pete: You mean the employee who's not ______________________ her co-workers?
Jean: Exactly. But please, take off your coat first and _______________ on the couch.
Pete: Thanks.

A. Choose the appropriate idiomatic expression to substitute for the italicized word
or words in each sentence below. Idioms from previous lessons are indicated by
1. It took me a long time to recover from the sadness of losing my girlfriend.
A. to get over
B. to look out
C. to change my mind D. get on
2. James dislikes his smoking habit so much that he wants to quit forever.
A. for the time being B. for good
C. in a hurry
D. for sale
3. At the last moment, Judy altered her decision about getting married so quickly.
A. changed her mind B. made up her mind C. never mind
D. got over
4. I'd like you to remove those toys from sight before they get broken.
A. to put away
B. to take out
C. to look out
D. put off
5. I still have a lot of work to do, but I feel like stopping temporarily.
A. in a hurry
B. to shake hands
C. for now
D. up to now
6. Mr. Harris got ______ from his business trip to Chicago this morning.
A. off
B. out
C. in
D. back
7. How did she ever ______ cold in such warm weather?
A. win
B. had
C. caught
D. catch
8. Sally is considering several colleges to attend, but she hasn't made up her mind yet.
A. divide
B. decided
C. change
D. worked
9. For the time being, Janet is working as a waitress, but she really hopes to become an
actress soon.
A. for now
B. up to present time C. so far
D. such a long
10. The referee called off the soccer game because of the darkness.
A. canceled
B. postponed
C. put off
D. called up
11. Many students put off doing their assignments until the last minute.
A. put up
B. canceled
C. postponed
D. put out
12. Alex seems ______ a hurry; he must be late for his train again.
A. on
B. in
C. at
D. for
13. When are you going to make up your mind about your vacation plans?
A. decide
B. deceive
C. get back
D. divide
14. Matthew has changed his ______ several times about buying a new car.
A. sight
B. view
C. head
D. mind
15. Are you finished with school for good, or will you continue your studies some day?
A. for the time being B. in a hurry
C. forever
D. for sale
16. The president called the meeting _______ because she had to leave town.
A. in
B. off
C. up
D. on
17. We have _______ our minds and are going to Canada instead of California this
A. changed
B. arranged
C. agreed
D. awoke
18. Will you return in time for dinner or will you be home late tonight?
A. put off
B. get back
C. take place
D. get up
19. Do you think it's too early to telephone Cindy this morning?
A. call off
B. call on
C. call up
D. call over
20. Judy wanted to postpone the wedding for other two or three months.
A. call off
B. put off
C. turn off
D. cancel

21. If you don't wear a sweater in this cold weather, you'll suffer from a cold.
A. get over
B. catch a cold
C. tire out
D. recover
22. If you don't be careful, you'll cut your hands on that sharp knife.
A. look up
B. watch out
C. make up your mind D. look up
23. When people meet for the first time, they usually shake_______.
A. arms
B. legs
C. hands
D. fingers
24. "_______ !" Jeffrey cried as his friend almost stepped in a big hole in the ground.
A. Look out
B. look after
C. look up
D. take place
25. Could you get the children ______ home by five o'clock?
A. back
B. off
C. over
D. off
26. Look out for reckless drivers whenever you cross the street.
A. look after
B. watch out
C. look up
D. postpone
27. It took me over a month to get over my cold, but I'm finally well now.
A. quit
B. recover
C. give out
D. gave away
28. The student warmly _______ hands with his old professor at the meeting last
A. shook
B. shakes
C. shaken
D. looked
29. Small children should always watch out for strangers offering candy.
A. look for
B. see off
C. look up
D. be cautious
30. If you go out in this rain, you will surely catch cold.
A. suffer from a cold B. cold
C. carry cold
D. put on a
31. Ruth has returned to Canada for good. She won't ever live in the United States again.
A. got over
B. got on
C. got back
D. got off
32. It seems that Mr. Mason will never get over the death of his wife.
A. recollect
B. receive
C. recover
D. recall
33. We're living in an apartment for now, but soon we'll be looking for a house to buy.
A. in a hurry
B. to shake hands
C. for the time being D. up to now
34. Let's put the party _______ until next weekend, okay?
A. on
B. up
C. away
D. off
35. She's always in a rush in the morning to get the kids to school.
A. at last
B. for now
C. in a hurry
D. by mistake
B. Fill in each blank with the appropriate form of an idiomatic expression from this
unit only.
Todd: Mark! I was wondering when you would (1) ________________ home!
Mark: Hi, Todd. I'm sorry, but I had a late meeting today.
Todd: Usually you leave a note in the morning when you'll be late.
Mark: I know, but I had to leave (2) _______________ to catch the bus to work I almost
missed it.
Todd: Say, what do you think? Should I go to a movie tonight with Sheila and Dick, or
shouldn't I? I need to (3) ____________ soon.
Mark: What do you mean? You haven't (4) _____________________ your colds yet,
have you?
Todd: No, I haven't, but I feel much better.
Mark: I think that you feel better (5) __________________ only because you stayed
home all day.

Todd: I guess you're right. Do you think that I should (6) _____________ going with
them until another time?
Mark: That would be my advice.
I. Choose the best answer to complete these following sentences.
1. I am _____ my vacation next month.
A. looking to
B. looking forward to C. looking out for
D. looking
2. _____ the pot-holes in the road when you ride your bike.
A. Look to
B. Look over
C. Look out
D. Look out
3. I can't find my keys. Can you help me _____ them?
A. look for
B. look after
C. look out
D. look up
4.My friend Jacky always asks me to _____ her dog when she goes out of town.
A. look at
B. look after
C. look with
D. look to
5. I don't know where I am going, I need to _____ a map.
A. look with
B. look to
C. look for
D. look at
6. I really _____ my old professor. He is a wise and kind man who has inspired me to
continue my studies.
A. look up to
B. look like
C. look after
D. look over
7. Could you please _____ my homework and make sure there aren't any errors?
A. look over
B. look up
C. look in
D. look to
8. If you don't know the definition of the word you should _____ in the dictionary
A. look it ut
B. look it up
C. look it out
D. look it
9. The president of the company did not have much time so he only _____ the meeting.
A. looked in on
B. looked in
C. looked at
D. looked
down on
10. Chris and Paul have many files that they need to _____ in order to find the paper.
A. look out
B. look
C. look back
D. look
11. Whenever I read a mystery novel I always _____ to find out the ending to the story.
A. look after
B. look for
C. look in
D. look
12. Even though they are twins they don't _____.
A. look alike
B. look like
C. look in
D. look out
13. She is such a snob, she is always _____ people who have less money than her.
A. looking forward to B. looking down on
C. looking for
D. looking down
14. I forgot to _____ my plant, and now it has died.
A. look at
B. look for
C. look after
D. look over
15. The only thing that gets me through the Winter is _____ the Spring when the snow
melts and the flowers bloom again.
A. looking forward to B. looking down on C. looking ahead
D. looking at
16. When the police could not solve the crime they asked the private detective to ____ the

A. look after

B. look back

C. look into

D. look out

17. I will _____ my e-mails to see if I can find a copy of the message.
A. looks through
B. looks on
C. looks in
D. looks
18. I won't be nervous if I _____ my notes one more time before I give my speech.
A. look ahead
B. look for
C. look at
D. look over
19. What role model do you most _____?
A. look to
B. look up to
C. look up
D. look for
20. I don't like to _____ on my childhood because it wasn't very happy.
A. look back
B. look
C. look into
D. look
21. We looked ______ a few houses before we bought this one.
A. for
B. at
C. forward
D. round
22. We asked the teacher to look ______ our essays for mistakes.
A. Into
B. after
C. through
D. over
23. I don't know where my book is. I have to ______it.
A. look for
B. look after
C. look into
D. look up
24. Could you look ______my dog while I'm on holiday, please?
A. after
B. into
C. up
D. forward
25. I'm really looking ______ to my holiday as I need a rest
A. up
B. forward
C. down on
D. back
26. Some people came to look ______the house, but I don't think they'll buy it
A. over
B. into
C. after
D. round
27. "Look ______ that chair's going to fall over!"
A. round
B. into
C. out
D. over
28. I had to look ______my aunt's children while she was away
A. into
B. after
C. up
D. back
29 If you don't know a word, look it ______ in a dictionary
A. after
B. up
C. at
D. up to
30. Look ______; he's got a gun!
A. up
B. in
C. out
D. round
31. He's a bit of a snob and looks ______people who aren't from his social background
A. up to
B. forward to
C. down on
D. into
32. The police are investigating the cause of the plane crash
A. looking into
B. looking up
C. looking over
D. looking
up to
33. She's always losing her keys and looking ______ them
A. for
B. at
C. to
D. after
34. I look ______on my childhood as the happiest part of my life
A. round
B. through
C. back
D. in on
35. I didn't know the word so I looked it ______ in the dictionary.
A. into
B. after
C. round
D. up
36. I looked their address _______ in the telephone directory.
A. over
B. up
C. after
D. forward

37. My father's wonderful. He's the person I most admire.
A. look forward to
B. look into
C. look down on
D. look up
38. When I look ______on my time at university, it puts a smile on my face.
A. down on
B. up to
C. back
D. round
39. I think I lost my car keys. Will you help me ______ them?
A. look into
B. look over
C. look back
D. look for
40. My lawyer told me to ______ the contract before I signed it.
A. look over
B. look up to
C. look down on
D. look for
41. The accident was so horrible that I had to______ .
A. look for
B. look forward to
C. look away
D. look into
42. It is wrong to _____ poorer people.
A. look down on
B. look into
C. look back
D. look for
43. Who is ______ the baby when you are away from home?
A. looks on
B. looks in
C. looking after
D. looks
44. You can ______ my number in the telephone directory.
A. look up
B. look after
C. look into
D. look for
45. I ______ meeting you next week.
A. look for
B. look forward to
C. look away
D. look into
46. We'll ______ the problem and come back to you when we have the information.
A. look after
B. look back
C. look into
D. look out
47. When I was a child I always ______ my grandparents, who were wonderful people.
A. looked up to
B. looked for
C. look down on
D. look into
48. The police will ______ the causes of the fire
A. look over B. look for
C. look into D. look up to
49. We were going to ______ my brother-in-low, but he wasn't home.
A. look after B. look for
C. look in on D. look over
50. The newcomer student in our class really ______ their teachers.
A. look in on B. look out
C. after
D. look up to
51. Are you still looking ______ a job?
A. out B. for C. after
D. up to
52. Everybody, look ______ this picture, please.
A. at B. in C. in on
D. after
53. Lady Crawford and her friends are in the habit of looking down on people who are
A. wealthier than they are
B. taller than they are
C. less-educated than they are
D. higher position in society than
they are
54. We ______ the house and decided that we didn't like it enough to buy it.
A. looked into
B. looked for
C. looked after
D. looked
55. Old people often look _____ on over their lives.
A. back
B. on
C. after
D. for

56. Who will ________ your house while you go out to work?
A. look for
B. look up
C. look after
D. look at
57. The Police just looked on as the demonstrators marched peacefully through the
A. managed
B. observed
C. tried on
D. see
58. Nobody helped me. They just _______ as I struggled to get up off the street.
A. looked for
B. looked into
C. look out
D. looked on
59._______! The boss is coming.
A. Look out
B. look after
C. look over
D. look up
60. At the end of the exam, I only had a few minutes to ______ what I had written.
A. look up
B. look into
C. look over
D. look for
61. I had to look _______ my neighbors dog while she was away.
A. into
B. after
C. up
D. for
62. If you don't know a word, look it _______ in a dictionary.
A. after
B. up
C. at
63. Look_______: he's got a gun!
A. up
B. in
C. out
D. into
64. She promised them that she would look _____ the matter and find out what had gone
A. at
B. to
C. into
65. He's a bit of a snob and looks _______ people who aren't from his social background.
A. up to
B. forward to
C. down on
down on
66. The Investigation Committee was set up to look_______ the cause of the plane crash.
A. into
B. up
C. over
forward to
67. I'm really looking _______ to my holiday as I need a rest
A. up
B. forward
C. down on
68. She's always losing her keys and looking _______ them.
A. for
B. at
C. to
down on
69. Customs stopped me and looked _______all my luggage.
A. on
B. through
C. into
70. Could you look_______my dog while I'm on holiday, please?
A. after
B. into
C. up
71. I look _______on my childhood as the happiest part of my life.
A. round
B. through
C. back
D. into
72. "Look_______! That chair's going to fall over!"
A. over
B. out
C. round
D. up
73. When my brother is out of town, I _______ the cats.

A. look after
B. look for
C. look over
look into
74. When I _______ on my time at university, it puts a smile on my face.
A. look back
B. look over
C. look into
look forward to
75. Many Americans used to _______ on Japanese made cars. They don't now.
A. look into
B. look for
C. look down
look up
76. I think I lost my car keys. Will you help me _______ them?
A. look after
B. look into
C. look back
look for
77. I am looking _______ visiting the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam.
A. in
B. over
C. forward to
78. My father's wonderful. He's the person I most _______.
A. look down on
B. look forward to
C. look over
look up to
79. All his employees look _______him and admire him.
A. down to
B. up to
D. over
80.Would you look _______ my dog for me this weekend?
A. after
B. for
C. into
81. The group is looking _______ vacationing together.
A. out
B. for
D. into
82. What do you see when you look _______ the mirror?
A. for
C. over
C. into
83. Look_______ ! There's a bus coming.
A. from
B. out
C. after
down on
84. My lawyer told me to look _______ the contract before I signed it.
A. over
B. round
C. through
85. You must look ______ new vocabulary words in your dictionary.
A. for
B. into
C. over


D. into
D. up
D. in
D. up

A. Choose the appropriate idiomatic expression to substitute for the
italicized word or words in each sentence below. Idioms from previous
lessons are indicated by number.
1. The businessman inspected the contract carefully before signing it.
A. looked over
B. looked out
C. counted on
D. look for
2. What's happening, John? The smoke alarm is ringing but there's no fire!
A. putting out
B. going on
C. hanging up
D. going up

3. The dark clouds rolled in quickly and it began to rain without warning.
A. all along
B. out of order
C. all of a sudden D. at once
4. When do you think that we'll arrive at the hotel this evening?
A. get on
B. go on
C. get to
D. get off
5. I'm busy this week, but I hope to have time free next week.
A. to take my time B. to have time off C. to check over D. take my
6. Gradually I'm learning how to play tennis, thanks to my kind instructor.
A. Little by little B. All at once
C. Few and far between D. day
by day
7. It's nice to know that I can trust you to help me when I need it.
A. count on
B. check over
C. make friends D. get over
8. He's so careful when he plays sports that injuries are unusual for him.
A. under the weather
B. few and far between
C. out of order
D. out of work
9. John was sick last week so he didnt go to school.
A. well
B. fine
C. headache
D. under the
10. They went over the contract with great care.
A. looked back
B. looked for
C. looked into
D. looked
11. I missed the bus and couldn't get to the office until ten o'clock.
A. reach
B. go
C. arrive
D. come
12. The politician went _______ his speech before the important
A. on
B. off
C. over
D. away
13. The speaker kept on talking even though most of the audience had left.
A. went on
B. continued
C. went over
D. A and B
are right
14. I can count on my parents to help me in an emergency.
A. look for
B. depend on
C. go on
D. try on
15. Don't _______ Frank to lend you any money; he doesn't have any.
A. go on
B. look for
C. depend on
D. keep
16. The elevator was______, so we had to walk to the tenth floor of the
A. out of fashion B. out of date
C. out of order
D. out of
17. The times that our children get to stay up late are few and far between.
A. not frequent
B. occasionally
C. often
D. always
18. No smoking is allowed in here. Please _______ your cigarette.

A. out off
B. put out
C. put away
D. put on
19. You should never sign any legal paper without checking it _______ first.
A. up
B. in
C. out
D. over
20. Every morning the company workers have time _______ for a coffee
A. in
B. out
C. off
D. over
21. Patricia is a shy girl and doesn't make _______ easily.
A. work
B. acquaintance C. mate
D. friends
22. All at once Millie got up and left the house without any explanation.
A. as usual
B. as first
C. suddenly
D. not
23. John stayed home from work because he was feeling under the
A. well
B. fine
C. illness
D. sick
24. Several workers took the afternoon _______ to go to a baseball game.
A. over
B. off
C. after
D. part in
25. The fire fighters worked hard to put the fire_______.
A. off
B. over
C. on
D. out
26. Would you like me to hang _______ your coat for you in the closet?
A. up
B. over
C. in
D. out
27. During the cruise Ronald made friends _______ almost everyone on the
A. off
B. with
C. out
D. away
28. The children got to stay _______ late and watch a good movie for the
A. in
B. out
C. with
D. up
29. All of a sudden Edward appeared at the door. We weren't expecting him
to drop by.
A. as usual
B. frequently
C. expectedly
D. without
30. When you catch cold, you feel _______ the weather.
A. on
B. under
C. off
D. over
31. Airplane travel is very safe because accidents are few and far between.
A. not frequent
B. often
C. now and then D.
32. Many people gathered near the accident to see what was going on.
A. putting on
B. looking over C. happening
33. I didn't mean to interrupt you. Please go on.
A. stop
B. quit
C. review
D. continue

34. The operator told me to hang the phone _______ and call the number
A. out
B. up
C. off
D. away
35. We couldn't use the soft drink machine because it was out of order.
A. not working
B. quitting
C. looking over D. not
36. Don't ______ your work - do it now.
A. put off
B. put out
C. put away
D. put on
37. Make sure you put _______ a sweater before you go outside.
A. out
B. off
C. on
D. up
38. I told you kids to put your toys_______.
A. up
B. away
C. off
D. on
39. He put out his cigarette before entering the building.
A. distinguished B. put off
C. extinguish
D. guided
40. I want to look my homework _______ again before I give it to the
A. after
B. up to
C. down on
D. over
41. Please put _______ the light before you leave. Okay.
A. out
B. away
C. over
D. off
42. The teacher advised me that I shouldnt quit my hope and _______going.
A. kept on
B. stopped
C. put off
D. put on
43. She _______her father; everyone says how alike they are!
A. takes after
B. takes off
C. falls out
D. lets off
44. Her neighbors have loud parties every night, but she doesn't complain.
She just _______it.
A. put on
B. put off
C. puts up with
D. put up
45. My husband said, "I've _______ your brother long enough!"
A. put away
B. put out
C. put up
D. put up
46. Excuse me, can you help me? I'm looking _______ 303 Main St.
A. after
B. up to
C. for
D. out
47. I looked ______ you at the party, but I didn't see you.
A. for
B. down on
C. after
D. at
48. I put on my new dress before going to the party.
A. dressed
B. tried on
C. got off
D. took off
49. Put that cigarette ______ immediately.
A. off
B. out
C. away
D. on
50. It was two hours before the fire was_______.
A. put up
B. put away
C. put off
D. put out
51. After I finished talking to her on the phone, I said good-bye and_______.

A. hung up
B. put up
C. went on
D. kept on
52. When I get home, the first thing I do is hang my coat______.
A. away
B. over
C. on
D. up
53. Timmy never hangs anything_______; he just leaves it on the floor.
A. out
C. off
D. away
54. The governor said that she's counting on our support in the next
A. relying on
B. depending on C. put on
D. A and B
are right
55. Everyone can _______in this school activity.
A. take off
B. take on
C. take part
D. take
56. The doctor asked me to _______my shirt.
A. put off
B. take off
C. take out
D. put out
57. He ought to look the car _______ before he buys it.
A. down on
B. up to
C. for
D. over
58. They tried in vain to save enough money to buy a house and so finally
they rented one.
A. without money B. without trial
C. without success D. without
59. The children knew full well they were in danger skating because they
had read the notice about the thin ice.
A. unhappy
B. uncertain
C. unclear
D. unsafe
60. Considering they are over 70 years old, you must admit they are in good
A. fit
B. wealthy
C. clever
D. slow
61. Thanks to her regular workouts and sensible diet she certainly strikes me
as in the pink.
A. in extreme health B. in good health C. in absolute health D. in
clear health
62. What I really have in mind is a garden where there is very little to look
after throughout the year.
A. think
B. believe
C. visualize
D. consider
63. Although Romeo and Juliet were deeply in love, they still managed to
kill themselves.
A. loved each other often
B. loved each other very much
C. loved each other most of the time D. loved each other mostly
64. I think you can stop worrying now because it's quite clear she's in
command of the situation..
A. in control
B. in sight
C. in place
D. in view
65. In time when you've got used to the idea, you'll be pleased you did it.

A. At last
B. At first
C. At least
66. Here's the first chapter of my new book; look it _______ and tell me
what you think.
A. for
B. over
C. forward to
D. down on
B. Fill in each blank with the appropriate form of an idiomatic
expression from this unit only.
Tina: What's wrong, Matt? You look (1) ________.
Matt: I know. I don't feel well.
Tina: You looked fine an hour ago. It must have happened (2) __________.
Matt: It did. I was talking to Mike on the phone, and after I (3)
___________ the receiver, it hit me.
Tina: Wow. Do you think that you can still (4) __________ my paper for
me later? You're good at finding my mistakes.
Matt: Of course, Tina. You can (5) __________ me to do that for you. First,
though, I'd like to lie down.
Tina: Okay. Would you like me to (6) __________ the light?
Matt: Thanks. I'll be fine in a while.

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