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Memling Hotel, Kinshasa-DR Congo

15-17 July 2015

& penetrate
the Congolese
devices &

Where else
would you get the
opportunity to meet
hundreds of potential
customers from DR
This is your marketing
of the year.


Brought to you by:

increasingly becoming the next business destination. According to IMS data, by 2016
pharmaceutical spending in Africa is expected to reach $30 billion, driven by a 10.6
percent annual growth rate. The market is expected to double by 2020 from current level
to $45 billion.
The growth will be fuelled by increasing economic wealth and demand for treatments for
chronic diseases with the African middle-class population.
According to the World Bank, diseases like cancer, diabetes and heart disease will account
for 46 percent of all deaths in sub-Saharan Africa by 2030.
It is a major shift for equipment suppliers and pharmaceutical industry, whose main role
has been supplying used medical equipment and drugs on a humanitarian basis.
Access to health for the estimated 75 millions of Congoleses severely affected during the
years of conflict is one of the lowest in sub-Saharan Africa: 0.15 consultation year per
capita (AFD, French Development Agency)
The DR Congo primary health care system was counted among the best in Africa until
unrest took over in 1996, followed by two successive wars. Major obstacles to improve
health coverage, quality of services and healthcare for the Congolese population are
mainly related to lack of inadequate infrastructure, incomplete and non-compliant
medical equipment, poor maintenance; lack of essential drugs and management of health
The system lags behind the development of new technologies that are nevertheless useful
for improving the quality of care.
The latest figures published by the Lancet Journal indicate that almost 38,000 deaths occur
in DR Congo every month above what is considered a normal level for the country,
translating into 1,250 excess deaths every day. Over 70 percent of these deaths, most due
to easily preventable and treatable diseases.
The DR Congo is set to spend US$ 9.75 billion for the implementation of the National
Health Strategy between 2011-2015 for the construction and rehabilitation of health
infrastructure and improving health information; support to the drug industry, the reform
of health financing, the development of health zones, with the development of human
resources, strengthening leadership and governance of the sector and strengthening
intersectoral collaboration.


As one of the few locations that can still obtain a double digit economic growth, Africa is

CIMEX, Congo International Medical Expo remain the only international platform for
medical equipment and drug manufacturers to engage industry professionals, sell products
directly to hospitals, traders, Government officials, distributors; delivering a measureable
return on-investment for the buyer and seller of medical devices, pharmaceutical products,
healthcare supplies, pediatric equipment, dental, optic, electronics and laboratory
The free to attend products presentations to provide the trade show sponsors opportunity
to practically demonstrate their products and services to the local industry professionals.

CIMEX is the marketing opportunity of the year.

Where else would you get the opportunity to meet
hundreds of potential customers from DR Congo?


Refreshment station

Use sponsorship items as a way to influence the

people who will contribute to the growth of your

As a sponsor, the all day refreshment station will

be decorated with appropriate sponsor branding.
Privilege to use the area for your marketing material distribution.

Please note: Exhibition booth not included POA

Since sponsorship is an efficient complement to

other marketing strategies, and give a positive influence on visitors; first set your goals then decide on
the item you want to use as sponsorship platform.
Opening cocktail
A networking cocktail will take place in the exhibition area after the official opening ceremony. This
will offer exhibitor, sponsors, partners and visitors
the opportunity to network. The Chief Executive or
senior representative of the sponsoring company will
have the opportunity to introduce their company in a
5 minutes welcome address. Privilege to brand the
cocktail service area with marketing materials.
Farewell Diner Function
Opportunity for sponsors and exhibitors to review
the trade show and further network with appointed
distributor, private hospital managers, medical and
healthcare officials, doctors, physicians, etc.
Show Bags
This sponsorship provides two ways to be remembered. All Training workshop delegates and visitors
receive a bag containing your marketing materials
and the showguide. The sponsoring companys logo
is printed in two colors on the bag.
Badges and Lanyards
All visitors are issued with a registration badge
with your logo in full color including your supplied
branded lanyard.
Registration Desk and Hostess Uniform
This sponsorship make your company be the first
brand that every visitor will encounter. The registration area is branded with your companys marketing
materials. Privilege to dress the hostess with your
branded fabrics.

Workshop hall and audio visual

The training workshops venue to be branded with
sponsoring companys marketing materials. Privilege to do chair drop and compalsory use of conpany branded stationary.
Privilege to place a banner on top of the exhibition floor. Your companys name and logo to be on
directions footprint stickers. Prominent sign at the
exhibition hall entrance acknowledging your company as the venue sponsor.
Other items:
Insertion of marketing material in visitors bag
Exhibitor airport shuttle
Hospital visit shuttle
Proceeding and post event report
Show stationary

Advertise in the official show


An official show catalog to contain descriptions

and contact details of sponsors, exhibitors and
partners will be distributed free of charge to all
Size: A4 (210 mm wide x 297 mm high)
5 mm bleed and crop marks
Must be supplied as CMYK
Files to be supplied in PC, either on CD or via
-300dpi Tiff
-300dpi PDF or
-400dpi JPEG

Why your company cannot afford to
miss out this trade expo?
- Market size as big as Western Europe. DR Congo =
80 times the Kingdom of Belgium)
- The DR Congo market is still untapped
- Billions to be spent in the course of 2014-2016
- 45 referral hospital to be build up to 2020
- Only 17% of General Referral Hospital has a complete set of consulting
- Only 1% of General Referral Hospital has a full
service laboratory
- Incomplete and non-compliant medical equipment
- Lack of essential drugs and inadequate infrastructure due to years of war.

Why companies sponsor or exhibit at

- Sell their equipments and/or products
- Meet distributors
- Investigate business opportunities in DR Congo
- Enhance profile and shape prospects attitudes
- Publicity and visibility
- Keep up or differentiate with competitors
- Build and/or strengthen business relationship


Space options are available in the red carpeted
air-conditioned area. The space options all include
standard exhibition construction materials. Space
only options are not available. Minimum area of
6 m.
Package includes the following:

Book now, space is limited!

Shell scheme wall construction with: lighting,

table + 2 chairs per 6 m, waste bin, electrical
50-word company description in the show guide
Virtual booth listing on the event website
An unlimited number of VIP invitations to enable your clients, prospects and partners to visit
your exhibition booth at no charge

For more information on sponsoring or exhibiting please

+243 824 757 050
+27 76 124 2965

15-17 JULY 2015, KINSHASA - DRC

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