PTA Guideline - Draft

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PTA Guideline

Article I: Definition of PTA

A PTA is a voluntary, but designated, committee that is found in formal

structure of the school. It is an integral part of the school community
representing all parents of the school /Hope Enterprises/community and
sharing responsibility for the school/organization with the school management,
teachers and other involved in the education program. The PTA is an
organization which makes the collaboration between stakeholders, most
importantly parents/community and the school/organization effective to
achieve desirable functioning of school and benefits the childrens learning.
Generally, the PTA as its main purpose, facilitate involvement, contributions
and networking between parents and community and the school.

Article II: Responsibilities of PT(S)A Committee

The PT(S)A Committee is accountable to general parents meeting and have a
horizontal relations with the school administration. The PTA responsibilities is
primarily pertains to working with the school to ensure children receive good
education in Hope Schools. The committee is expected to act in accordance
with the interest of children and parents to good education and school
functioning. Acc committee shall the following responsibilities.
Shall work intensively to strengthen the relationship between the school,
parents, and community.
Create harmony with the community and government iagency and draw
support in time of need, and create friendly environment for the teaching
learning process.
Conduct close monitoring on girls participation and academic performance
Conduct close monitoring of children as per agreed commitment of
school/Hope Enterprises and local government.
The committee members shall meet regularly at least once every month and
as required and formal minute (which is approved by the members) shall
be filed.
Spearhead mobilization of parents and community for participation
Integrated Functional Adult Literacy (FAL) program in collaboration with
local government and Hope Enterprises.
Work closely with Hope Enterprises, local government and community for
effective functioning of Self Help Group.
Prepare annual activity plan which shows details with regard to general
meetings, monitoring activities, etc

Prepares report on its activities that will be presented on the PTA meeting.
Calls meeting with students union regularly in order to have updated
information regarding their pressing concerns.
Undertake fundraising activities and encourage parents and community
contribution to meet agreed commitments of the school in terms of
financial, labor or in-kind.
Follow up on students discipline by working closely with Disciplines
committee (the members of discipline Committee are also in PTSA), and
give counseling to students.
Made a strong follow up on female students problems, and work very closely
with the co-curricular clubs that have similar roles, teachers, students
counsel, and the school.
Work closely with the school, CBOs, police force, and government agencies
to protect HOPE School.
Evaluates the school teaching learning activities as per prepared plan.
Evaluates parents role in teaching learning activity and the overall school
Prepares annual plan (which is subjected for approval in PTA meeting) that
will direct the committee to fully discharge its responsibility.
The approved action plan shall be submitted to HOPE head office through
the chairperson or school director.
Facilitating host guests and donors in act of representing families of the
Conduct other activities delegate by parents meeting

Article III: Election of PT(S)A Committee

The election procedure for PT(S)A Committee shall gone through the following

Call a public meeting of parents and supporters within the

parents/community to form a provisional committee to proceed with the
elections. These provisional committee can composed of elected members or
individuals by parents meetings
Circulate the election procedures
Call Parent teacher association meeting

Article IV: Composition of PTA

The members of the committee shall be able to represent parents, teachers and
students in number as well as in role they can play. The PTA shall consist of
elected members who have the ability to discharge the roles depicted for the

Two teachers (at least one should be female teacher) .


Two students
(at least one should be female student).

Two parent member.....Member

As much as possible half of the Committee members shall contain half
female members.
The members shall be nominated by the school and former PTA members
to be elected in Parents Day.
The chairperson can assign other capable member to lead meetings if
he/she unable to be present in some occasions.
The school director should attend meetings regularly.
The main PTA composition of these agents with their roles shall be:

1. Chairperson: The chairperson is an elected chief responsible person from

parents/community to facilitate the well functioning of PTA committee.
He/She is expected to have the adequate analytical and literacy skills to
complete assignment independently. More specifically it has
Preside at all PTA meetings and parents meetings
Serves as contact person for PTA liaison with school, parents/community
and other stakeholders
Presents monthly reports to parents council
run/chair meetings effectively
draws agenda for meeting
approves minutes
carry out other tasks assigned by parents meeting and PTA members
2. Vice Chairperson:
He/She is expected to have the adequate analytical and literacy skills 1to
complete assignment independently.
Shall attend all PTA meetings and the school management meetings
Shall assist the president as required in the performance of his/her
Shall perform duties of the president in the absence or inability
3. Secretary2:
He/She is expected to have the adequate literacy skills 3to complete tasks

It raised from the notion they will facilitate teaching and learning and some sort of


The secretary for the PTA often is be the school director.

It is apparent since they take minute they should be literate.

Shall attend all PTA Meetings and the School Management meetings
4. Treasurer:
Shall attend all PTA meetings and the school management meetings
On behalf of the PTA Shall create and oversee budget prepared for funds
raised by the PTA4.
Shall be responsible for making purchase requests and depositing funds
raised by the PTA

Article V: Meetings and Minutes

The PTA committee shall establish a regular meeting dates open known by
parents /community and the school.
The meeting need to have a clear agenda and the dates should be
formulated in the calendar
Meeting shall be conducted for various tasks as deemed necessary
It is mandatory to keep accurate minutes that all decisions adopted are
Every decision of the association and committees within the minutes should
form part of a formal minutes register developed by the committee and
maintained by the secretary.

Article VI: PT(S)A and Parents Association

The primary purpose of PTA shall be to serve school parents in all dealings
with education and empowerment of community. Thus, it is imperative forming
formal and good relation with parents is imperative. In this regard:

PTA shall give reports to parents, community and local governments on

major accomplishments
Before reaching key decision, it needs to be well communicated with
parents, community and Hope Enterprises.
PTA shall take the lead in mobilizing community and advocate on behalf
parents in dealing require attention of decision makers.
PTA shall take the lead to identify and solve problems with parents
involvements and participations

Article VII: Name

PTA shall have a name that represents the community, the school and Hope
Enterprises. Thus, the PTA name shall include the school name and Hope
The fund rising is not done by Hope Enterprises. It can be for occasions and support of

children or functioning of PTA


Example can be Sentaro Hope School PTA

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