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Moe Arai

Peyton Bell

Im not one to leave a book


Archibald Carlier

Yes... Belgium is a country...

No... Im not from the USA...

Joo Taborda Baer

Life is like a box of chocolates... you

never know what youre gonna get.

Francesco Caleffi

To be a citizen of the world

aint just a dream anymore.

Andrea Conalbi
Im the one having fun.

Stefano Bedin

Bharat ek adbhut desh hai.

Eleonora Cambruzzi

To see a world in a grain of sand and a

heaven in a wild flower, hold Infinity in the
palm of your hand and eternity in an hour.

Davide Crucitti

Knowledge is the son of


Sterling Edgar

Im the one having more fun

than Andrea.

Daniel Harris

The world is a book, and those

who do not travel read only a page.
~Saint Augustine

Celeste Huff

Alessandro Genoni

It is a mistake to think you can

solve any major problems just
with potatoes.

Giada Gerardi

Not all those who wander are lost.

Britta Heinle

Remy Hill

The decisions and experiences

make us to what we are.

Jasmin Kappert

Klara-Magdalena Kothe

Explore the world every day with the joy and curiosity of a
The optimist always wins. child, and shape the world with the love and responsibility of
an adult.

My quote is coming in 5
minutes 5 India

Janice Loosli

No, Im not Chinese.

Georgia Mcmillan

You have brains in your head. You have feet in

your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction
you choose. ~Dr. Suess

Georg Mollat

Yesterday is history, tomorrow

is a mystery!

Anne Pilles

Happiness can be found even

in darkest times if one only
remembers to turn on the light.

Elena Montanaro
Tum Hi Ho <3

Rose Ployaert
Pani Puri <3

Lucia Meroni
Be curious, not

Amelia Onofri

Things happen for good.

Pinja Rajala

Dont dream your life, live

your dream.

Lea Sophie Rauch

India (insert two emoji peace signs)

Francesco Ignazio Re

Sometimes you have to go halfway

around the world to come full

How one year has changed my


Chalawadee Sakunwiriyachai Ryunosuke Sakurada

My second home country.

Jordan Sitepu

Corina Rudolph

Theophile Sion

I have get a family and

Now the time how much Im an Indian
understanding of myself.
and loving Pani puri :)

Sunna Adriana Sveinsdttir

Ronin Tamez

Because being normal Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor
each morning the Devil says Oh crap, shes up!
is annoying.

Caterina Travisan

Mahiro Tsukano

Think, act, move and eat as a pigeon.

Live the life you love.
They hold the primitive truth of the universe.

Akiho Ueda

Eileen Witthoff
Life begins at the end
of your comfort zone.

Guy Vincent

Peem Udombunyaluck

To change your life is not easy
everyday but every day you can be easily

Giulia Zecchin

Turn your face to the sun, then

the shadows fall behind you.

Life is today, not tomorrow.

Carolyn Weiler
Que sera, sera.

Giulia Galvani

Aleksandr A. Pessina

Marta Castellini

Laura Sanna

It was a huge
moment of
excitement, I
couldnt think
that rationally,
so I just
enjoyed and
lived the


Oh my God! People
from all over the World!

I want to meet

I couldnt believe I was finally here. I had finally

made it to India. It was surreal. This was my dream
I had worked so hard for,
and even now that I had
it, I still couldnt wrap my
head around the fact I was
more than 7000 miles from
home. I was excited, anxious, nervous and naively
thought I was 100% prepared for everything that
was coming this year.


Happiness would probably be the emotion I felt

the most during the arrival orientation. The awe
of arriving in India and all
the amazing people I met,
Maybe the orientation really special for me.

I was excited and scared at the same time. I was looking forward to studying the singular indian species of

I am so into pigeons.
(Cate we love you! F,C)

I was not able to understand any

word of English. I was so excited,
so nothing was an obstacle. To
meet people from others countries was incredible. To prove to
myself that without any words I
can talk to anyone. In that point
I realize already the importance
of my language. The first contact
with a new culture made me realize how much I would learn. I
was curious, excited, and ready
to discover.


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