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Question: 1.

Explain the various automated system for transform of materials in the

production plant? Illustrate your answer by considering one example of an
automobile showroom.

Basically, automation system comes to reduce labour power and time in the production.
Here we can see the evolution systems with some examples. The goods requited by
society were produces in small quantities by craftsman who would know the need of the
community and produced them by their own hands with simple tools. The apprentices or
by another craftsman, who would make them to meet the requests made.

The parts and components used to make these machines had to be replaced when they
wore making parts so that interchangeability was achieved made setting up standards and
specifications important for meeting

The craftsmen gave way to engineers, workers, superiors and inspectors. Division of
labour became necessary to achieve efficiencies and the jabs that became specialized.
Competition has necessitated improved quality, reduced sates and better services to the

Automation systems cost huge sums of money and therefore a deep analysis of the
various factors has to be done. For services, automation usually means labour saving
devices in education, long distance learning technology helps in supplementing class
room instruction. The facilitating goods that are used are web site and videos.

Automation in the banking sector has resulted in ATMs which same the banks a huge
amount customer satisfaction. Automation is ideas when the service provided or the
product manufactured is highly standardized.

Some extent of automation can be designed even with customization i. e. product or

service a meant to produce or deliver low volume specific to a requirement. The
advantages of automation is it has low variability and will be more consistent on a
repetitive basis

The machines have sensing and control devices that enable them to operate automobile.
The simplest of them called machine attachments replace human effort. They guide,
locate, move and achieve revise position by means of came, optical sensing. Load sensing
mechanisms and activate the controls to remove human intention.

Robots are higher in the order of automation as they perform a variety of tasks. They are
designed to move movements according to programmers written into the computer that
inside them.

With the help of automation, inspection of component can be done 100% ensures highest
quality identification and movement of materials are helped by bar codes which are read
and fed into the system far monitoring quantity, location, movement etc. They help the
automated systems to start information and provide information for effecting any changes
necessary. To make effective use of automated machines, we need to have the movement
of materials from and to different time as stores, automated, Automated storage and
Retrieval systems- ASRS- receive orders for materials from anywhere in the production
area, collect materials in the works times. Computers and information systems are used
for placing orders for matters, give commands adjust inventory records which show the
location and quantity of materials needed.

Automated guided vehicle systems- AGVS – are pallet trucks and unit load carriers
follow embedded guide wires or paint strips to destinations as programmed.

In an automobile showroom we can see all the work automatically with latest machine.

Question 2. Sate the important consideration for locating an automobile plant?

Collect information on layout planning of an automobile plant from various services
and furnish the same.

Answer: To locate an automobile company or plant many thing should be consider. For
an automobile plant automated flaw lines, automated assembly lines, flexible
manufacturing systems, global transition rapid prototyping. Building manufacturing
flexibility things are necessity.

About the automated flow lines we can say it is a machine which is linked by a transfer
system which moves the parts by using handling machines which are also automated, we
have an automated flow line.

Human intervention ma is needed to verify that the operations ate taking place according
to standards. When these cab be achieved with the help of automation and the processes
are conducted with self regulation, we will have automated flow lines established.

In fixed automation or hard automation, where one component is manufactured using

services operations and machines it is possible to achieve this condition. We assume that
product life cycles are sufficiently stable to interest heavily on the automate flow lines to
achieve reduces cast per unit.

Product layouts ate designed so that the assembly tasks are performed in the sequence
they are designed at each station continuously. The finished item came out at the end of
the line.

In automated assembly lines the moving pallets move the materials from station to station
and moving arms pick up parts, place them at specified place and system them by
perusing, riveting, & crewing or even welding. Sensors will keep track of there activities
and move the assembles to the next stage.

The machines are arranged in a sequence to perform operations according to the technical

The tools are loaded, movements are effected, speeds controlled automatically without
the need for worker’s involvement.

The flexibility leads to better utilization of the equipments. It reduces the numbers of
systems and rids in reduction of investment as well as a space needed to install them. One
of the major cancers of modern manufacturing systems is to be able to respond to market
Demands which have uncertainties.

Prototyping is a process by which a new product is developed in small number so as to

determine the suitability of the materials, study the various methods of manufactured,
type of machinery required and develop techniques to over come problems that my be
encountered when full scale manufacture is undertaken.

Prototypes do meet the specification of the component that enters a product and
performance can be measured on these.

It helps in con be reforming the design and any shortcomings can be rectified at low cost.

Flexibility has three dimensions in the manufacturing field. They are variety, volume and
time. There demands will have to be satisfied. In that sense they become constraints
which restrict the maximization of productivity. Every business will have to meet the
market demands of its various products in variety volumes of different time.

Flexibility is also needed to be able to develop new products or make improvements in

the products fast enough to cater to shifting marker needs.

Manufacturing systems have flexibility built into them to enable organization meet global
demand. You have understood how the latest trends in manufacturing when implemented
help firms to stay a head in business.


Q-4 What are the various steps in project monitoring and controlling a

Ans: - What do we mean by project monitoring? It means to keep a

careful check of project activities over a period of time.

Why should we monitor a project? Surely if everyone is doing their best,

things will go well? To work to its full potential, any kind of project needs
to set out proposals and objectives. Then a monitoring system should be
worked out to keep a check on all the various activities, including finances.
This will help project staff to know how things are going, as well as giving
early warning of possible problems and difficulties.

How can a project be monitored?

1. Keep it simple
Remember… monitoring is meant to be a help to good project
management and not a burden.
2. Objectives
Work out clearly at the beginning the objectives of the project,
including a budget of the likely cost (expenditure).
3. Plan the activities
- what needs to be done
- when it should be done
- who will be involved in doing it
- what resources are needed to do it
- how long it will take to do
- how much it will cost.
4. Monitoring
Work out the most appropriate way of monitoring the work - again,
keep it simple:
- meetings
- diaries
- reports on progress
- accounts, reports on finances.

Let me first answer the question about where I personally draw the line
between project monitoring and controlling:
• Project monitoring is for me to constantly monitor the key
parameters of a project. Ideally, you have some visual indicators,
e.g., traffic light functions which draw your attention to a potential
problem with your project without having to look into every detail
(because for this, you typically will not have the time for)
• Project controlling is implemented for a project if there is a defined,
regular controlling cycle where you really look a the details of a
project every two weeks, month, quarter (depending on the
complexity and overall duration of the project)

Monitoring and Controlling

Monitoring and Controlling consists of those processes performed to observe
project execution so that potential problems can be identified in a timely
manner and corrective action can be taken, when necessary, to control
the execution of the project. The key benefit is that project performance
is observed and measured regularly to identify variances from the project
management plan.

Monitoring and Controlling Process Group Processes

Monitoring and Controlling includes:

• Measuring the ongoing project activities (where we are);

• Monitoring the project variables (cost, effort, scope, etc.) against the
project management plan and the project performance baseline (where
we should be);
• Identify corrective actions to address issues and risks properly (How
can we get on track again);
• Influencing the factors that could circumvent integrated change
control so only approved changes are implemented

In multi-phase projects, the Monitoring and Controlling process also

provides feedback between project phases, in order to implement corrective
or preventive actions to bring the project into compliance with the project
management plan.
Project Maintenance is an ongoing process, and it includes:

• Continuing support of end users

• Correction of errors
• Updates of the software over time
Project control systems

Project control is that element of a project that keeps it on-track, on-time and
within budget. Project control begins early in the project with planning and
ends late in the project with post-implementation review, having a thorough
involvement of each step in the process. Each project should be assessed for
the appropriate level of control needed: too much control is too time
consuming, too little control is very risky. If project control is not
implemented correctly, the cost to the business should be clarified in terms
of errors, fixes, and additional audit fees. Control systems are needed for
cost, risk, quality, communication, time, change, procurement, and human
resources. In addition, auditors should consider how important the projects
are to the financial statements, how reliant the stakeholders are on controls,
and how many controls exist. Auditors should review the development
process and procedures for how they are implemented. The process of
development and the quality of the final product may also be assessed if
needed or requested. A business may want the auditing firm to be involved
throughout the process to catch problems earlier on so that they can be fixed
more easily. An auditor can serve as a controls consultant as part of the
development team or as an independent auditor as part of an audit.
Businesses sometimes use formal systems development processes. These
help assure that systems are developed successfully. A formal process is
more effective in creating strong controls, and auditors should review this
process to confirm that it is well designed and is followed in practice. A
good formal systems development plan outlines:

• A strategy to align development with the organization’s broader

• Standards for new systems
• Project management policies for timing and budgeting
• Procedures describing the process
Question 5. Explain the necessity and objectives a SCM?

SCM is the abbreviation of supply chain Management. It is considered by
many express worldwide as the ultimate solution towards efficient enterprise

Now, we explain the necessity and objectives of SCM-

SCM is required by and enterprise as a tow to enhance management

effectiveness with a following organizational objective:

Reduction of inventory

Enactment in functional effectiveness of existing systems like ERP,

Accounting. Software and Documentation like financial reports statements
ISO 9000 Documents etc.

Enhancement of participation level and empowerment level

Effective integration of multiple systems like ERP, communication systems,

documentation system and secure, Design R&D systems etc.

Better utilization of resources- men, material, equipment and money.

Optimization of money flow cycle within the organization as well as to and

from external agencies.

Enhancement of value of products, operations and services and

consequently, enhancements of profitability.

Enhancement of satisfaction level of customer and clients, supporting

institutions, statutory control agencies, supporting institutions, statutory
control agencies, suppliers and vendors, employees and executives.

Enhancement of flexibility in the organization to help in easy

implementation of schemes involving modernization, expansion and
divestment, merges and acquisitions.

Enhancement of coverage and accuracy of management information

With the objectives of SCM its implementation are required. Implementation
is in the form of various functional blocks of an organization interpenetrated
through which a smooth flow of the product development is possible.

A relatively new SCM option involves web based software with a browser
interface. Several electronic marketplaces for buying and selling goods and

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