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Mushrooms for Alzheimers and Dementia My Interview wi...

094 Mushrooms for Alzheimers and Dementia My

Interview with Mark Kaylor
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 48:23 88.7MB)

Part 4 of 4 Lions Mane Mushroom Enhances and Protects the Aging Brain
In this last installment of our series on mushrooms, Mark will discuss the
benefits of Lions Mane mushroom for brain health. This may be the
most exciting of all of his interviews because of the important benefits
that are being revealed through the science. There are very few products
that have shown brain support for serious conditions like Alzheimers and
dementia. WOW. There is emerging evidence that it may provide benefit
for schizophrenia. This is a powerful interview.
Lions Mane Mushroom (Hericium erinaceus) .Named for its
cascading tendrils, Lions Mane mushrooms have long been used in
China and Japan to promote immune and digestive health.
Recent research demonstrates that a substance in Lions Mane inhibits
the formation of toxic peptide in brain cells.* Another substance
stimulates the production of Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) in the brain.
Bioactive constituents:
Hericenone A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H, Xylan, Heteroxylan,
Heteroglucan, Proteoglycan
Anti-alzheimers disease: Activates synthesis of nerve growth
factor (NGF) / Prevents and ameliorates senile dementia
Anti-tumor: Enhances immune functions / Cytotoxicity
Digestive tonic: Treats stomach and duodenal ulcers and chronic
atrophic gastritis / Improves indigestion
Lions Mane Extract has been studied and awarded a patent in
Japan. Here is an excerpt from BioResearch Update
April 3, 2013
Amycenone, a proprietary extract developed from a mushroom called Lions Mane (Hericium
erinaceus), has been awarded a patent in Japan. Its patent in the U.S. is pending.
Amyloban3399, a dietary supplement containing Amycenone as an active ingredient, has been widely
used and a number of clinical cases have also been reported for its role in certain conditions such as
benign or mild dementia, snoring, sleep apnea, low quality of sleeping, juvenile apathy syndrome and
schizophrenia. Presentations on its clinical and laboratory studies have been made recently and a
numbe r of articles on the original studies have been published on medical journals. The efficacy of the

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Mushrooms for Alzheimers and Dementia My Interview wi...

extract as introduced in such presentations and papers is persuasive as the active ingredients contained
in the extract are explicitly identified and quantified, and the manufacturer has established the method of
standardization to guarantee the actual content of these ingredients in their extract product.
Amycenone has a patented ingredient that is confirmed to have an activity to increase the production of
Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) in the brain as well as another ingredient to maintain healthy brain function
by preventing nerve cell death by toxic amyloid -peptide that is believed to be the cause of
Alzheimers-type dementia. Furthermore, researchers are focusing on its potential activity of influencing
the level of consciousness in the brain. Some promising results on the study may be coming soon.
So far, no significant adverse effects have been reported on the clinical uses of Amycenone.
When looking for a product that provides clinically studied benefits, look for trademarked and branded
raw materials. Use those products in the dosages that were used in the studies and use it consistently
for a long enough time to give the results. The best products are the ones that work best for you. You
must try them in order to know how they will work for you. When looking for the best mushroom
products, look to the companies that invest in the research and prove that their products are safe and
effective. For more information, listen to our series on mushrooms with Mark Kaylor.
Part 1 of 4 An Introduction to the World of Nutraceutical Mushrooms
Part 2 of 4 Maitake Mushroom D Fraction and Immune Support
Part 3 of 4 Maitake SX Fraction Helps Maintain Healthy Blood Sugar
For more information: Go to BioResearch Update. BioResearch Update documents breakthrough
research and insightful information about medicinal mushrooms. Here you can read about the clinical
studies that can reveal some of these impressive benefits.
To review more studies go to PubMed, the government clearing house for clinical studies. There I found
272 references for maitake, 36 references for maitake d fraction, 31 references for SX fraction and 22
references for Lions Mane.

About Mark Kaylor

Mark J. Kaylor, Ph.D, C.N., M.H., is Vice President of Research & Education for Mushroom Wisdom. He
has been a holistic healing practitioner and educator in southern California for 10 years. He has worked
at a variety of levels in natural health retail, consulted with companies in formulating products and
provided herbal training and formulas for national herbal extract manufacturers. In his efforts to share the
gift of healing he has lectured internationally, written numerous articles, and appears frequently on radio
and television.
Health Quest Podcast is sponsored by

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