Cells 3-7

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Cells exam question booklet levels 3-7 (2006-2007)

Level 3

The drawings below show three healthy young plants.

The drawings below show the three plants after two weeks.



Plant B did not have enough light.

How can you tell this from the drawing?
1 mark

Greenwich Literacy and Numeracy Centre

Greenwich Literacy and Numeracy Centre


Plant C did not have enough water.

How can you tell this from the drawing?
1 mark


The drawing below shows a root hair cell.

Give two substances that root hair cells absorb from the soil.
1. .............................................................
1 mark

2. .............................................................
1 mark
maximum 4 marks

Level 6

The diagram below shows six cells.

Greenwich Literacy and Numeracy Centre



Give the letters of the two plant cells in the diagrams.

............... and ...............
1 mark


Which one of these plant cells contains chloroplasts?

Give the letter.
1 mark


Give the function of chloroplasts.

1 mark

Greenwich Literacy and Numeracy Centre



Give the letter of the ciliated cell.

1 mark


In which part of the body are ciliated cells found?

1 mark


What is the function of ciliated cells in this part of the body?

1 mark


Give the letter of the cell which transfers genetic information from father to
1 mark
maximum 7 marks

Level 6


The diagram shows a group of cells from the lining of the mouth.

Greenwich Literacy and Numeracy Centre


Give the name and function of part P.

name of part P
1 mark

function of part P
1 mark


Which word describes this group of cells?

Tick the correct box.




1 mark


The diagram below shows muscle cells from the wall of the human intestine.


Muscle cells can contract.

Give one reason why muscles are needed in the intestine.
1 mark


Other cells in the intestine produce enzymes.

What effect do enzymes in the intestine have on nutrients such as protein?
1 mark

Greenwich Literacy and Numeracy Centre


Which of the following is required in the diet to keep food moving through
the intestine?
Tick the correct box.



1 mark
maximum 6 marks

Level 6

The drawings show some plant and animal cells. Each cell has a different function.

not to scale


Give the name of cell C.

1 mark


The main functions of two of the cells are listed below.

Write the letter of the correct cell next to each function.

photosynthesis ......................


improvement of mucus .......................

2 marks

Greenwich Literacy and Numeracy Centre



Give the name of the organ where cell E is produced.

1 mark


Give the name of the part of a plant where cell B is found.

1 mark
Maximum 5 marks

Level 6

The diagram shows two types of cell in the lining of the windpipe.
c ilia
c ilia t e d
c e ll

g o b le t c e ll w h ic h
p ro d u c e s m u c u s


These cells work together to keep the lungs free of bacteria and dust
What word describes a group of similar cells which work together?
1 mark


Mucus is a sticky substance.

Describe how mucus and cilia keep the lungs free of bacteria and dust
2 marks


When a person breathes in cigarette smoke, the goblet cells produce extra mucus
and the cilia are damaged.
What will be the consequences of this?

Greenwich Literacy and Numeracy Centre

2 marks


Give the names of two harmful substances in cigarette smoke.

In what way is each one harmful?

name of substance
harmful effect ....


name of substance ......

harmful effect .
2 marks
Maximum 7 marks

Level 7


The diagram shows a sperm cell. Sperm cells are adapted for fertilisation.
ta il

c y to p la s m

m e m b ra n e

n u c le u s

Sperm cells use their tails to swim towards an ovum (egg).

Give one other way the sperm cell is adapted for fertilisation.
1 mark


The diagrams below show two other cells.

Greenwich Literacy and Numeracy Centre

f o ld e d m e m b r a n e
c e ll w a ll
c h ro m o s o m e s

c h ro m o s o m e

c y to p la s m

c y to p la s m
a b a c te r iu m

c e ll fr o m th e in n e r lin in g
o f th e in te s t in e
not to scale


Look at the diagrams above.

What is the difference between the location of the genetic material in the
bacterium and in the cell from the lining of the intestine?
1 mark


What is the function of the genetic material in a cell?

1 mark


Cells in the lining of the intestine are adapted to absorb digested food.
How does the folded membrane of these cells enable them to absorb the
maximum amount of digested food?
1 mark

Greenwich Literacy and Numeracy Centre



A group of cells in the lining of the intestine is a tissue.

Why is a number of sperm cells not a tissue?
1 mark
maximum 5 marks

Greenwich Literacy and Numeracy Centre


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