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La Conquista

Adrian Manzano
Is romantic dramas about relationship between a wealthy Spanish woman and a poor black resort
worker in the Dominican republic.
We begin with Jose Zapatero. A poor yet and good family man living el Cibao. Jose's family
consists of his wife Carmen, Son Sebastian, and Grand Father Alfredo. Due to his family's poor
financial state, Jose has decided to leave his grandfathers car shop and start working at hotel "Paraiso
de Colon" with his wife.The hotel is not the shiny resort you'd expect but rather a dilapidated old hotel,
that perhaps had its glory days, but now putters along, forgotten by weekend tourists, and instead
harbors Backpackers, Cheap Europeans, and other riff raff. At the hotel he meets LEONEL, who has
been working there for year in hopes of landing himself an American woman " Pa' que me da la visa"
He starts his new job well and looks like his career could be promising.Untill he meets CARMEN.
Carmen is a beautiful. seductive, older Spanish woman. She reeks of old money,and pompous
arrogance. From the minute they meet there is a sexual tension. She asks him to apply suntan lotion and
thus begins the seduction.
back at home, family life is harsh. Money is tight. The Refrigerator is always busted. They are
working 7 day shifts at the hotel and Sebastian needs a foot operation because his feet point inward.
this of course manifests tension between husband and wife. But deep down you know they will always
love each other.
Back at the hotel Carmen makes her intentions known. "Vamos a llegar al grano" But Jose lets
her know that he is not interested in any kind of "negocios sucious". Carmen is surprised by his
unwillingness. Leonel can't believe that Jose will not take $100 euro for a little sex. "Diablo! Tu ta'
Loco!". She tells him to meet her Tonight at room 231.
Back at home Things are getting worse. Sebastian needs to get the operation soon. And the hot
water isn't working. That night he pays a visit to his grandfather who is too old to really run the
workshop without Jose . He needs to find a buyer and sell the workshop. There is a supermarket
investor wanting to make his workshop into a supermarket. Jose asks his grandfather to cover for him
staying out later on his wife.
Jose arrives to Carmens room at 11pm. She is in bed waiting for him. She has raised the
money from $100 to $200. With that money Jose can heal his son's feet. He goes to bed with her and
they have passionate sex. Jose then takes his Scooter back through his poor neighborhood passing by
resort bars where he sees fat white men having drink with very young Dominican girls. Has he become
one of them ? He gets into bed quietly and hugs his sleeping wife. She opens her eyes but doesnt say
Things are much better at Jose's house. Sebastian is on crutches and a cast, but is cheerful since he
knows his feet will be straight. The refrigerator is fixed and Jose's work continues well. The customers
are liking him. Carmen continues-to flirt with him and Jose slyly flirts back. All appears to be well. But
Jose's wife while cleaning the rooms finds Joses sock. She recognizes it as Joses and sees Carmen is
the guest. She begins to spy and see how they are close together. Carmen at home is about to confront
him about his new found wealth. But before she can Jose surprises her with a washing machine. She
quiets down and forgets to say anything.
Carmen and Jose continue their love making until Carmen asks him for a favor. She has come to

the Dominican Republic to purchase a hotel. She has been staying at "Paraiso de Colon" in order to see
if she could purchase it. She needs to meet the owners down in Santo Domingo in order sign the deal.
Shed rather Jose accompany and be her driver. Also She knows that Jose speaks ENGLISH from
studying in OHIO as a boy foreign exchange. Jose is afraid of taking such a risk with his wife and his
job. But the price she offers is just too much to resist. He accepts his offer and has to tell a lie to his
wife and his boss. Both are unsure of how to understand Jose's actions. This little venture may cost
him his wife and job.
On the road, Jose and Carmen behave almost as a couple. Stopping off eating local food,
enjoying the beautiful mountains, even taking pictures. Jose resist at first but quickly follows along. In
the evening they get a flat tire and are stuck in the road without a spare. Luckily some local folks come
to their help. They spend they the night at the village where there is a birthday party for a very old old
woman, Etelvina Maldonado. Carmen and Jose are the guests of honor. They dance the night away to
merengue and bachata. They make passionate sex that night.
The next day they arrive at the capital and buy Jose a new suit. He looks quite dashing.
Everyone is surprised to see a black man with such s Spanish woman. They assume he is a baseball
player or Reggueton singer. That night they arrive at the party in Punta Cana. Its a very luxurious party
by the beach. The hotel is spectacular, Way better than Paraiso de Colon. The reggaeton confusions
continue. Jose is relaxed and at ease at the party. Carmen meets her ex boyfriend LUIS, whos a well
known actor and producer. They begin to trade insults to each other. While his is happening. Jose is
speaking with Mr. Springer the owner of the hotel. They begin to talk about price and Jose manages to
have Mr. Springer hand shake deal to sell the hotel for half the original price. However the Deal goes
bust with Carmen begins to fight violently with Luis. Jose helps her and they leave the party disgraced.
Carmen is an emotional wreck .
They drive back at night. Carmen decides that she doesnt want to buy the hotel anymore and she wants
to leave the country. But also that she is in love with Jose and wants him to return with her to Barcelona
where they can start new life. Jose is tempted by the offer and agrees to meet her by the airport.
We then see Jose packing his suitcase but instead of going to the airport he come home to his wife and
Carmen waits at the gate and gives one last look over the mountains as if saying good bye to last
chance of love.

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