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CAXIAS, _____ DE ______________ DE 2015

ALUNO(A): _______________________________________________________________________________ 3 ANO MDIO

1 Avaliao bimestral de Lngua

Where the rainbow ends
Theres going to be a place, brother,
Where the world can sing all sorts of songs,
And were going to sing together, brother,
You and I, though youre white and Im not.
Its going to be a sad song, brother,
Because we dont know the tune,
And its a difficult tune to learn.
But we can learn, brother, you and I.
Theres no such tune as a black tune.
Theres no such tune as a white tune.
Theres only music, brother,
And its music were going to sing
Where the rainbow ends.
(by Richard Rive)

01. The tone of the above poem is

a) optimistic.
b) pessimistic. c) melancholy.
d) cynical.
e) disillusioned.
02. The above poem speaks about
a) union between the aristocracy and commoners.
b) union between the races.
c) union between the sexes.
d) a romantic relationship.
e) union between the rich and the poor.
03. Which of the following groups of words in the poem has a
semantic connection:
a) sing, songs, tune, music
b) sing, songs, tune, place
c) sing, songs, white, music
d) sing, black, tune, music
e) sing, rainbow, tune, music
04. The function of where in the poem is
a) affirmative. b) interrogative.
c) adverbial.
d) negative.
e) exclamatory.
05. The poem is addressed to
a) the rainbow.
b) a black man.
d) the poets beloved. e) a white man.

c) the poets brother.


When Guangzhou resident Ma Yiyong, 57, went to renew
his unemployment certificate last month, something extraordinary
happened: he did so efficiently and discreetly, with a few
keystrokes. It used to be really troublesome in the past, says Ma.
I would have to stand in line several times, and sometimes the
government officials werent at their desks. Now its fast.
Chinas romance with e-government is now reaching the
grass-roots level, bringing efficiency and convenience to citizens.
But its biggest benefit may be in circumventing one of the last
bastions of communism: the infamous neighborhood committees.
These groups of local party members have for decades served as the
authorities eyes and ears. They were also notorious busybodies,

making it their business to know who was having marital problems,

grumbling about the government or out of work.
(Newsweek, October 11, 2004)

06. De acordo com o texto, Guangzhou

a) um cidado chins estudante residente.
b) um chins que reside na Rua Ma Yiyong.
c) o nome de uma localidade da China.
d) um cidado aposentado.
e) um chins de 57 anos de idade.
07. Segundo o texto, o servio eletrnico do governo
a) est atingindo um nvel baixssimo agora.
b) apoia os grupos de investigao comunistas.
c) proporciona os famosos comits de bairro.
d) atrai um maior nmero de bisbilhoteiros.
e) trouxe benefcios populao chinesa.
08. O advrbio so na frase he did so efficiently and discreetly, no
primeiro pargrafo do texto, pode ser substitudo de forma adequada
e sem prejuzo de significado por
a) very. b) too. c) enough.
d) less. e) a little.
09. Depreende-se do texto que o personagem central
a) era vivo
b) era contrrio ao sistema governamental
c) estava desempregado
d) era um comissrio
e) no morava na cidade
10. No texto, percebe-se que
a) os cidados chineses so contra as inovaes tecnolgicas.
b) a tecnologia tem favorecido o governo a vigiar os cidados
c) as inovaes tecnolgicas tm facilitado a vida dos cidados
d) as inovaes tm provocado at mesmo problemas entre os
e) os funcionrios pblicos esto ficando desocupados por causa das
facilidades com a informtica.

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