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Second Degree Workshop Manual

M. Sean Miles Dahlen

Reiki Master/Teacher

1. Introduction Reiki Symbols

In second degree Reiki, we are introduced to the magical world of esoteric symbols. The
symbols are what make Reiki different from all other energy healing systems. There are
a number of theories as to how they work, but they still remain a mystery. Basically, the
symbols are organic patterns of energy that are meant to be experienced rather than
understood. The important thing is that they work!
The most compelling evidence that symbols work is the fact that you are now a channel
for Reiki energy. It was completely through symbols that you were attuned to First
Degree Reiki, and again it is through symbols that you are attuned to Second Degree
Reiki. In First Degree Reiki, the Power Symbol was placed in your hands. This initiated
the flow of Reiki through your hands.
It is part of the Reiki tradition that the symbols and their names are kept confidential. It
must be remembered that in the tradition from which they come they are regarded as
sacred symbols. In many esoteric traditions, it is taught that mantras and other practices
lose their power if revealed to the uninitiated. It is easy to forget that we are being given
high initiations that have evolved from the mystery schools of India and Tibet.
Many traditional Reiki teachers tell their students to memorize the symbols and do not let
them write them down. However, all have been published in books and on the Internet.
Still, in terms of your own practice, it is preferable not to show others or to draw them
where they can be seen by others. The symbols do not work without the attunement as
Reiki Master William Rand observes:
It is interesting to note that the attunement actually empowers the symbols so that they
will fulfill their intended purpose; without the attunement, the symbols do not seem to do
much. This has been tested many times. Students are given the symbols to memorize
before the attunement process. Many are psychic and some are healers who are able to
see and feel the Reiki energies. All report similar effects. Before the attunement the
symbols dont seem to have an influence on the Reiki energies. After the attunement, the
effect is definitely there. (William Rand, Reiki the Healing Touch).
This is also true for the names of the symbols which are mantras; Mantras are words or
groups of words that create certain patterns of sound energy. When recited they set up a
vibration that resonates with a particular form of subtle energy. The mantra is the energy
of the symbol expressed in the form of subtle sound vibration. In the Reiki initiation, the
mantra is also empowered to enable you to use it.

Using the Symbols

We use the symbols by drawing or visualizing them while at the same time silently
repeating the name of the symbols three times.
You can draw them in the air in front of you using your hand or your finger. You can
draw them on your body i.e. palms of hands, forehead, etc.
The names of the symbols are repeated silently. Silent recitation is regarded as being
more powerful because it operates at a higher energetic level.
When you draw the symbols imagine them as glowing white light. In the manual, the
symbols are drawn in white to make this visualization easier.
The other important aspect, as with all Reiki, is the intention. Intention is a way of
focusing the power of the mind to initiate the flow of Reiki energy. Where the mind goes,
energy flows.
One of the most confusing aspects of the Reiki symbols is correct way of drawing them.
You will find that the symbols printed in various books vary from each other and are
often different from the ones taught in this workshop. From the very early days of Reiki,
Mrs. Takata apparently drew them several ways but the differences were minor. Also, the
early practice where students were required to memorize the symbols also added to the
The Distant Sending Symbol is a word written in Kanji, one of the Japanese scripts based
on Chinese characters, as is the Master Symbol used in Reiki initiations. The symbols
taught by Mrs. Takata are approximations of these words. You can see the resemblance,
but they are not exactly the same as they are written in Japanese.
You will find that when you write the symbols yourself there will be some slight
differences, particularly the Distant Sending Symbol.
It seems that the symbols are like handwriting; everybody has their own style, but they
communicate the same thing. However, the essence of the form should be there. In some
Reiki books, the symbols have major variations which bear little resemblance to the
original forms.
In Second Degree Reiki, we learn three symbols: The Power Symbol, the
Mental/Emotional Healing Symbol, and the Distant Sending Symbol

1. The Power Symbol

Cho Ku Rei
The Cho Ku Rei (pronounced: cho-koo-ray) is used to increase the power of Reiki and to
focus it in on one spot. It is regarded as the light switch that turns on the healing energy
and increases it. It is said to increase the flow of Reiki by 100%.
According to traditional Reiki teaching, it is used to seal the healing energy. It is useful to
use it at the beginning of a Reiki treatment to increase the flow of energy and at the end
to seal it.
Simply draw or visualize the symbol where you want the Reiki energy to work, and say
Cho Ku Rei three times silently as you would a Mantra.
Using the Cho Ku Rei Symbol
Reiki Treatments
When you use Reiki for treating yourself or others, draw or visualize the Cho Ku Rei on
the palms of your hands. You can also tap the symbols into the palms with fingers of the
other hand. You draw the symbol on the other palm and tap the palm each time you say
the name. This is used in the attunement process to place the symbols into the hands.
During a Reiki treatment you can also visualize the symbol on the backs of your hands.
You can also visualize the symbol on the person you are treating. If you are treating the
person for a particular ailment, you can place the Cho Ku Rei over the area. Or you may

wish to place the Cho Ku Rei over each of the Chakras and/or draw a Cho Ku Rei which
covers the whole person. You can also visualize it on the hands of Reiki I practitioners
when doing group healing sessions to increase their healing power.
You can draw or visualize Cho Ku Rei over food to energize it. This is a handy option in
You can draw over your affirmation, or draw your affirmation in the shape of a Cho Ku
Rei. Remember to use the protective rider on all affirmations-be it to my highest good
or when it involves others be it to the highest good of all concerned. An extremely
powerful method is to draw two Cho Ku Reis, one counter-clockwise and one clockwise
on either side of your affirmation. In Karuna and Tera Mai Reiki, this forms a separate
symbol called Kriya. Kriya is a Sanskrit word with several meanings, but one is Sun and
Moon or Yang and Yin.
You can also increase the power of your affirmations by using the mental/emotional
healing process (see details in next symbol), and repeating the affirmation in your mind
or out loud. Using this process helps to remove the negative self-talks which often
sabotage affirmations. You may want to manifest something and believe you can do it on
a conscious level, but there may be a contradictory subconscious message such as I dont
really deserve it or Im not good enough.
Drawing Cho Ku Rei
You can draw the Cho Ku Rei with your hand or finger in the air in front of you, or you
can visualize the symbol. The symbol starts on the left, drawing the energy across and
then down and spiraling to the right to infinity. Remember to always repeat the name of
the symbol 3 times.

2. The Mental/Emotional Symbol

Sei Hei Ki
The Sei Hei Ki (pronounced: say-hay-key) is generally thought to operate on a higher
energetic level. The Cho Ku Rei operates at the level of the physical and Pranic body (the
energy field that extends a few inches out from the body). The Sei Hei Ki on the other
hand operates at the mental and emotional levels of the etheric body. Hence, it is useful to
use them together with all healing, because combined they work on the physical, mental,
and emotional bodies.
It is also used to harmonize energy in a space and for protection. This symbol, when used
regularly, develops intuition and improves memory. It is said to balance the hemispheres
of the brain resulting in a sense of peace and harmony.
It operates on a subconscious level clearing out negative thought patterns and emotions. It
can be used with any sort of emotional/mental distress such as anxiety, depression, fear,
anger, and sadness.

Using the Sei Hei Ki Symbol

Reiki Treatments
Use the symbol with the Cho Ku Rei in your Reiki treatments. Remember that all
physical illnesses have mental/emotional components as well.

To use it for mental/emotional issues, draw a Sei Hei Ki on your forehead, followed by a
Cho Ku Rei. Next, place one hand on your forehead and the other on the back of your
head (frontal/occipital holding position). You use the same procedure if you are treating
others. If you have had a stressful day, spend a few minutes doing this to clear out any
stress. If you experience negative emotions, do the same.
If there is something you must do which causes you stress, such as sitting for an exam,
speaking in public, etc, then follow this process and run through the situation imagining it
actually happening and that you are doing it successfully.
Remember also to do the simple breathing practice taught in Reiki I of breathing out
completely letting all the air out of your lungs before you breathe back in.
To bring about harmony or for protection, draw it mentally around yourself or friends.
Draw the Sei Hei Ki and Cho Ku Rei on pieces of paper and place them under carpets or
behind pictures. But dont draw them where others will see them!
Eliminating Bad Habits and Addictions
If there are any habits you wish to eliminate such as overeating, cigarettes, alcohol, or
other drugs, the Sei Hei Ki can be a valuable aid. William Rand suggests the following
Write your name on a piece of paper along with the unwanted habit and the Sei Hei Ki
symbol. Then hold it with your hands treating it with Reiki. This will send Reiki to the
parts of your mind and emotions that relate to the unwanted habit, and begin healing
them. Do this for 20 minutes a day or longer. Carry the paper with you. If you feel the
unwanted compulsion come up during the day, take out the paper and Reiki it.
If the compulsion is still strong, then use the stress reduction process described above.
Most addictions suppress strong emotions such as sadness and anger. This is what makes
healing them so difficult! Using a Flower Essence (such as Bachs) for addiction in
combination with Reiki can also work very well. Flower essences also work at the
mental/emotional levels of our being.

Creating Sacred Space

The Sei Hei Ki and Cho Ku Rei are powerful tools to change the energy in a room.
Sometimes when we enter a room something feels not quite right; the room has bad
vibes. We sense the subtle energy of the room as being negative. Or we have a room that
we want to use for meditation or giving Reiki treatments, and we want the energy in the
room to be positive and harmonious. We want to create a sacred space.

A simple and quick process is to visualize the symbols on the four walls, the ceiling, and
the floor. Then draw them in the air in the middle of the room, and imagine the energy of
the symbols filling the entire space.
A more complete process for clearing and harmonizing a space is as follows:
1. First, clean and sweep the room. Next, use noise to break up the energy and get it
moving. Walk around the room clapping loudly. Clap in the corners of the room. Theses
are the areas where energy gathers and gets stuck.
2. Next, burn incense. The best for energy clearing are Sandalwood and Frankincense.
Burn an entire packet in the middle of the room, close the doors and windows, and leave
the room until the incense has finished burning.
3. Open the doors and windows to let all the incense smoke out of the room.
4. When the room is completely free of incense smoke, draw the symbols on the four
walls, the ceiling, and the floor. Then draw them in the air in the middle of the room, and
imagine the energy filling the entire space.
5. Burn either a natural incense or an aromatherapy oil. Choose a fragrance that you like,
one which complements the atmosphere you wish to create. If you have a Tibetan singing
bowl or tsinghas, sit and play them for a while.

3. The Distant Healing Symbol

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

The Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen (pronounced: hon-shar-zay-show-nen) is used to send Reiki
across time and space. With it, you can send Reiki healing to others regardless of where
they are. You can also send Reiki to yourself in the present, the future, or the past. Think
of it as a cosmic telephone.
4. Distant Sending With Reiki
The term distant sending covers a number of concepts. Basically, it is a process for
sending Reiki across time and space, into the future, the past, across the room, or across
the world.

In distant sending, the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen symbol is almost always used in conjunction
with Sei Hei Ki and Cho Ku Rei. The order is: Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, followed by Sei Hei
Ki, then Cho Ku Rei.
Sending to Others Using a Photograph:
Sending using a photo is one of the best methods because it allows you to focus much
better on the person. You need a photo of the person where you can see their face clearly.
Place your hands on something to use as a substitute for the person. You can place your
hands on your leg or a small cushion with the photo placed on top, or you can use a
Teddy bear or a doll. This is useful if you want to send Reiki to a particular part of the
body. For this exercise, we assume you are using a cushion.
The Process
1. Place the cushion on your lap with the photo on top of it.
2. Place one hand on the cushion, and with the other hand draw the three symbols on the
photo over the persons forehead. This establishes a connection with the person. You
always draw the symbols in the following order:

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

Sei Hei Ki

Cho Ku Rei

3. Now say this cushion (or whatever you are using) now corresponds to the of
.. (persons name).
4. Ask for permission may .. accept this treatment and may it be to his/her
highest good and the good of all concerned.
5. Intend that the Reiki energy flow to the person.

Note: If you break contact with both hands, the energy flow will stop, and you need to
repeat the process. As long as you keep one hand on the cushion, the connection with the
person will remain intact.
Sending Reiki without a Photograph:
If you do not have a photo, you can write the persons name on a piece of paper and try to
visualize them as clearly as possible. You then follow the same process as above, but you
draw the symbols over the piece of paper.
Another method is to simply visualize the person, draw or visualize the three symbols
over the persons third eye, hold up your palms, and imagine you are beaming Reiki
energy from your hands to them.
Sending Reiki to Yourself:
You can send Reiki to yourself using a similar process. This is a powerful way of giving
yourself a Reiki treatment. A 15-minute treatment using this method is said to be equal to
one hour of treatment with traditional hand positions. However, we recommend that you
use the hand positions as well because they work on different levels. Using a combination
of both works on all levels.
1. Draw the symbols over your third eye.
2. Place your hands on your leg or a cushion and say: This now corresponds
3. Intend that the Reiki flow.
Sending Reiki to a Future Event:
Reiki is limited by neither time nor space, so you can use it to bridge time. If there is an
important activity in the future such as a job interview, an exam, or wedding, you can
send Reiki to the event to assist you when the time comes.
1. Write down what the event is, plus the time and place.
2. Draw or visualize the three symbols over the piece of paper.
3. Place your hands on your knee or a cushion and say thisnow corresponds
to.. (details of the event).
4. Intend that the Reiki energy flows to the event.
*The more precise you can be about the time and place, the better!

Sending Reiki to a Past Event:

You can send Reiki to a past event using the same process as sending to the future. If you
have had a particularly traumatic experience, and you know the approximate date and
place, you can send Reiki back to the event to heal the trauma which may be affecting
you at a subconscious level in the present. American Reiki Master William Rand gets his
students to send Reiki to the past a week at a time commencing at the date of birth.
Rebirthing practitioners often send to their time of birth to release deep-seated trauma
associated with the birthing process.
The Reiki Box/Book:
With the distant sending process you can send to any number of people or issues at the
same time. A popular way is using a Reiki box. The box can be made of any natural
material: wood, cardboard, etc. Plastic or metal are no good for this.
Place pictures of the people, or their names on pieces of paper, as well as the issues you
aim to treat written on the paper into the box. Initially, you send Reiki to each person or
issue individually, and then place them in the box/book. Then each day, place your hands
on the box, draw the symbols over it and say: I now intend Reiki to flow to all the
people and issues in this box or this box now corresponds to all the people and issues in
this box. You can also name each person and issue to clearly focus your intention.
You can also follow a similar procedure using a book. Simply write your intentions in a
book, and send Reiki to the book. You can also add pictures as you like.
Beaming is another way of using the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen in Reiki healing. You simply
hold your hands in the direction you wish to beam the energy, and draw the three
symbols. In some Reiki traditions, only the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen is used.
Beaming to a person who is present:
Beaming involves holding the hands up with the palms facing out like a satellite dish.
Beaming the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen is a powerful way to use Reiki. Stand or sit one to
three meters away from someone, and beam Reiki to them. This has the effect of
sending the Reiki through the persons aura into the physical body. You can also beam to
a particular part of the body. For example, to treat a headache you may wish to beam to a
persons head before moving to the frontal-occipital holding position. You can use
beaming together with pulsing and or the traditional hand positions.
Beaming to a person who is not present:
If you know the exact location of the person, you can use the beaming process described
above. You simply beam in the direction of the person.
You can also beam using a photograph. Simply place the photo of the person in front of
you, hold up your hands, and draw the symbol or symbols, then beam Reiki energy
toward the photo.

Beaming as a group healing practice:

Beaming is a wonderful practice for group healing sessions. Simply form a circle around
the person who is to receive the healing, hold your hands in the beaming position facing
towards the person, and draw the symbols. If you are working with only two people, then
one person works at the feet while the other works on the head. With four people, the
other two sit at the level of the waist.
Reiki and Meditation
Hand mudras such as placing the thumb and index finger together are used in meditation
to redirect the flow of electromagnetic energy through the hands. This is done to bring
about a particular energetic effect in the body, thereby assisting focus in meditation.
Using the distant sending process to send Reiki to yourself is a far more powerful way of
using the hands in meditation. The entire physical, mental, and emotional bodies are
infused with Reiki energy bringing you into a state that is conducive to meditation.
The meditation process seems to magnify the effect of Reiki, and Reiki magnifies the
effect of meditation. You will find that the mind becomes quiet after a very short time,
and you will enter the meditative state more quickly.
The meditation form presented here is on of the classic techniques of yoga. It is known as
Ajapa Japa, or the Soham meditation (pronounced: so-hum). It is simply the mantra of the
-Sit in a comfortable position. If you are not comfortable in the traditional meditation
postures, then simply sit in a chair.
-Place a small cushion on your lap and commence the distant sending technique to
yourself. Pause a few moments, and feel the Reiki energy.
-Bring your awareness to your breathing. Each time you exhale, breathe out all the way,
letting all the air leave your lungs before you breathe back in again.
-Spend some time just observing your breath as it comes and goes. Just be a witness to
your breath.
-Now imagine the in-breath is So and the out-breath is Hum. Just observe and listen to
the breath as it comes and goes. Soooooo..hummmm..soooooo..hummmm..
Reiki and Crystals
All types of crystals can be used with Reiki, however clear quartz crystals are regarded as
most suitable because, once cleaned, they have a neutral energy which can be
programmed. Crystals have the unique ability to store vibratory energies of different
frequencies. There are many practical examples, ranging from computers to record

players, of the ability of crystals to not only store energy but also to focus, transmit, and
amplify energy.
Reiki energy, along with our thought energy in the form of our intention, can be stored in
quartz crystals. When additionally programmed with the energy of Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen,
the crystal can also transmit energy continuously.
Selecting and Preparing Crystals:
Quartz crystals are usually six-sided with a flat base. A good quartz crystal may be cloudy
at the base and the body of the crystal, but the top part and the area below it should be
clear because energy flows from the base out through the point. As a general rule, the
larger the crystal the better. Apart from these basic considerations, its just a matter of
buying crystals that feel right for you.
When we purchase crystals, they come pre-programmed with the mental/emotional
energy patterns of all those people who handled it all along the way from the mine to the
shop. It is therefore important to clear this prior to using it. There are many ways of
clearing crystals. Here are a few of the more common ones:
1. Hold the crystal under running water with the point facing downwards. Natural sources
are best such as a stream or waterfall, but tap water will also work.
2. Cover it with salt for a day or two. Salt is also a crystalline formation and has the
ability to absorb energy.
3. Bury it in the ground or a container filled with earth for a day or two; even better is a
container filled with sand. This is good to do when you first get a crystal.
4. Make a solution of 2 pints of water, 1 tablespoon of salt and cup of vinegar and
leave the crystal in it for 20-30 minutes.
5. In place of, or in addition to any of the methods above, use Reiki to clear your crystal.
Cup the crystal in your hands for 20-30 minutes, or until you feel the crystal is clear.
Using Crystals to Transmit Reiki Energy
The first step is to program the crystal with the three Reiki symbols. Hold the crystal in
one hand, and with the other draw each symbol over the crystal and imagine it entering
the crystal. (Cho Ku Rei, Sei Hei Ki, Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen). You can also use the breath
to blow the symbol into the crystal. Now the crystal is ready to use.
Simple Distant Sending Method
1. Use a photograph of the person, or write their name on a piece of paper.
2. Place it in one hand with the crystal on top of it, and draw the three symbols while
reciting their names, and intend that a connection be established.
3. Place the other hand over it and hold it for about 10 to 20 minutes.
4. Put the photo down with the crystal on top, and draw the symbols over it again. Intend
that Reiki energy flows continuously.

* Do this every day. This process can also be used with goals and affirmations by writing
them on a piece of paper.
Crystal Grids
A crystal grid is a number of programmed crystals placed in a precise pattern to focus the
energy. Crystal grids are not part of the traditional Reiki system, but are an example of a
skillful integration of Reiki with the power of quartz crystal and ancient esoteric ritual
and practices.
The Sri Yantra Crystal Grid
The Sri Yantra or Sri Chakra is one of the most famous yantras in India. It has the
property of drawing energy in toward the center, and it is used in Ayurvedic medicine to
increase the potency of herbal formulae by placing the herbs in the middle of the yantra.
Used with crystals and Reiki, it has the effect of drawing the programmed Reiki energy
of the crystals toward the center point of the yantra.
The center of the yantra consists of a series of interlocking triangles. The top of the yantra
can be determined by the points of the triangles; five points downwards and four
upwards. This is a Shakti yantra so the majority of the points (5) point downward.
To create the grid, you need 6 crystals. Cleanse and program them with the Reiki symbols
as described above.
Assembling the Grid
1. Place a crystal on each of the four gates of the Sri Yantra
2. Put a photo or a piece of paper in the middle and place a crystal on top, with the point
facing upwards and in line with the crystals above and below.
3. Place another crystal to the side of the grid. This is the master crystal, and is used in
the ritual.

Empowering the Grid

1. Take the master crystal, and use it to draw the three symbols over the grid.
2. Point the master crystal at the middle crystal and move it out to one of the outer
crystals on the right. Next, move it upwards around the circle to the next crystal, and
from there back to the middle and repeat the process. The movement is like cutting slices
in a pie. (Note: If you follow these directions, you move around the grid in a counterclockwise direction. However, if clockwise feels more appropriate, then do it.)

Recommended Reading
Reiki Universal Life Energy, Bodo Baginiski and Shalila Sharamon, 1997, Jain
Reiki The Healing Touch: First and Second Degree Manual, William Rand, Jain
Essential Reiki, Diane Stein
Reiki Fire, Frank Arjava Petter
Finally, if you want to reach me for any reason, check out my website at or email

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