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The start up of fluidised bed combustion boilers has always been a subject of the most
difficult operation. Many boiler users find it difficult to get their operators trained in the
start up. The author shares his recent start up experience in a 70 TPH underbed Coal
fired FBC boiler.
I recall the Start up experience of the first FBC boiler in INDIA. The start up was a hit
or miss at least for the first 15 start-ups. The operators could learn themselves only
after their hands on experience. The customer could not start the boiler 6 months later,
and the Boiler Manufacturer had to send their service engineer.
The conventional start up method, using charcoal and kerosene is explained below:

A fixed quantity of dry charcoal is spread uniformly over the start up compartment.


A fixed quantity of Kerosene mixed charcoal is spread uniformly over the dry
charcoal layer.


Initiate the fire using number of swabs. Throw the swabs in such a way that the fire
spreads uniformly over the entire furnace. If the spreading of the fire is nonuniform sprinkle some kerosene soaked charcoal and throw it to the locations where
fire is not there. Unless the fire is more or less present uniformly over the entire
surface, it is advised not to proceed with the light up. Unless the top layer of
charcoal gets fully ignited, further charcoal would not get ignited.


After the introduction of fire, top-level thermocouple temperature will go up. It is

very important to increase the airflow gradually in order to increase the top-level
temperature to 800C.
The thermocouples are located in such a way that they are well utilized for start up.
The top-level bed thermocouple is located at a height to read the temperature just
at the burning charcoal layer. The bottom level thermocouple is located to read the
bed material temperature at a height of 100 mm from nozzle level.


At first the ID Fan damper opening alone allows some leakage air. Further opening of
FD Fan damper will add some more air to increase the bed temperature. Now start
ID Fan and FD Fan and open inlet dampers little to increase the top-level
temperature to 800C to 850C. Till this period the bottom level thermocouple would
not have shown increase in temperature.


Once the top-level temperature reaches 800C to 850C, the burning top layer of

charcoal shall be mixed with rest of the bed. The mixing is done by increasing the
airflow so as to fluidise the bed. This mixing airflow should not be higher than that
of the airflow established during the fluidisation study. For this purpose the
markings made on damper positions shall be used. If the mixing is done at higher
airflow, the fire may get put off.

The duration of mixing shall be between 20 - 30 seconds. During the mixing process,
the top-level temperature would start reducing. At the same time, bottom level
temperature would begin to rise.


Soon after the mixing is completed, reduce the airflow and open the manhole door
and visually ensure thorough mixing has been done. If top layer charcoal had not
been disturbed at some places, mixing shall be carried out once again.


After ensuring thorough mixing, the airflow shall be brought down to minimum and
then shall be increased in steps. The airflow shall be increased gradually so as to
raise the bed temperature. The airflow shall be brought up to MCR airflow in the
process of raising bed temperature above 650C. In the process of preheating bed
material, the required fluidisation velocity is maintained in the bed by suitably
opening the FD Fan inlet damper.

3.10 Initiate the fuel flow by switching on the fuel feeders. The fuel flow shall be kept
minimal at the beginning. At the time of fuel feed initiation, the charcoal might not
have burnt fully. Hence it is most important to initiate fuel feed gradually.
3.11 Excess fuel feed will increase the bed temperature uncontrollably. Though the bed
temperature can be controlled by increasing the airflow, it is advisable to take care
at the time of fuel feed initiation. High bed temperature leads to clinker formation.
3.12 Further the fuel feed rate is adjusted to maintain a bed temperature of 800 C to
900C. Further the adjacent compartments are started using the heat available in
the bed material of the first compartment.


The following are the parameters, which decide the difficulties in light up.

Bed material size

Bed material height
Charcoal quality
Size of the start up compartment
Compartmentalization arrangement.
Fuel feed point locations
Fuel feed point size
Bed coil immersion area
Bed coil configuration
Type of bed coil
FD fan flow, head & no of fans
ID fan flow, head & no of fans
PA fan flow head
Fuel feeder size
Natural draft
FD compartment damper type
Type of draft control
Type of airflow control
Air flow measurement & Indication

Let us look at effect of the parameters in detail

4.1 Bed material size
The following is the ideal specification for bed material.
Bed material specification:
Maximum particle size
Minimum particle size
Particle density
Bulk density
Chemical Composition
Fusion temperature

: 2.35
: 0.85


: 2000 Kg/m
: 1000 to 1100 Kg/m
: Alumina

: 45 % to 35 %
: 55 % to 65 %

: Minimum 1400C

(Bed material shall be from Crushed refractory bricks.

Higher the average particle size, the start up will be difficult. This is due to higher
airflow required for fluidisation.

More the powder content, the fire will be put off. This is due to powder covering the
burning particles and preventing oxygen contact.

4.2 Bed material height

Ideal height for start up is 225 mm above the nozzle. The start up compartment is to be
separately fluidised at a higher airflow so that the spillage to adjacent compartment is
done intentionally before startup. Only after this step the bed height is to be measured.

Lower the height the fluidizing air passes through the bed in some locations. Further
when fuel feed is initiated the mixing of fuel particles with bed would not take place.

More the bed height, more airflow is required to disturb the bed.

4.3 Charcoal quality

The following is the specification for charcoal.
Charcoal size

: 15 to 25 mm lumps

Calorific value
(Charcoal should be sun dried)

: 6600

Kcal / kg

Higher the charcoal size it does not have mobility to spread the fire.

Lower the charcoal size, it burns off very quickly.

Charcoal is to be spread leaving 100-mm gap from all boundaries of start up compartment.
This prevents spillage of charcoal to adjacent compartment while mixing. The charcoal
should be spread below the bed coil. In some cases the pitch for the bed coil will be small
and will prevent charcoal mobility and lead to clinker formation.
4.4 Size of the start up compartment
The shape of the bed & size of the bed influences the start up. More the width of the
bed the start up will be easier. This is due to the fact that the charcoal & bed material
spillage to adjacent compartment will be less during mixing. When the bed size increases
then also start up has been found to be easier. This is due to the fact that the bed
inventory is high and the material spillage to adjacent compartment is less.
4.5 Compartmentalization arrangement
The compartmentalization can be of type A or B shown in figure 1. Type A makes it little
difficult, as the start up compartment is not contained on two sides. In type B
configuration, the bed is contained on three sides.
4.6 Fuel feed point locations
Scattered feed point locations are found to help start up. When the fuel feed points are
too close, the influence of primary air is too high. In such cases the PA fan is switched off
until the bed temperature is heated to 800 deg C.
4.7 Fuel feed point size

When the fuel feed point size is chosen on the higher side, the no off feed points
required will be less. Hence this makes it easy to start the bed. The start up can be done
keeping the PA on all the time during start up.
4.8 Bed coil immersion area
Fluidised bed without bed coil makes the start up easier. This is due to the fact that
during start up, the heat released by the charcoal partly goes to bed coils. Depending on
the fuel to be fired the bed coil area is provided. In agro waste fired boiler the bed coil
required would be less as compared to coal firing.
4.9 Bed coil configuration
Basically there are two configurations used in FBC boiler design. See figure 2. In the
cross tube configuration (type A), the pitch between the coils is more. The gap between
the coils, both longitudinal and lateral, if more, the start up is easy. In hairpin bend
configuration (type B), the gap is less.
4.10 Type of bed coil
The bed coil may be studded or plain depending on the clients requirement or on the fuel.
The studded bed coil results in lesser gap between the adjacent coils. This invariably
prevents charcoal movement if the charcoal is thrown over the bed coil.
4.11 FD fan flow, head & no of fans
FD fan head & flow are important for mixing of the bed. If the no of fans is 2 x 50%, it is
easier to start the bed. The reason is the better regulation of airflow that is possible as
the FD fan volume flow rate is less. In the case of single FD fan, for better airflow
control, the last compartment air damper is kept open, during start up.
4.12 ID fan flow, head, no of fans,
Higher the flow / head of the ID fan, the control of the draft becomes difficult. More
the negative pressure in the furnace, the lateral spreading of the fire becomes difficult.
In the case of 2 x 50 % ID fan, control of the draft becomes easier.
4.13 PA fan flow head
During start up the PA fan head has to be kept minimum, but ensuring that the fuel line
does not get choked. Higher the PA fan header pressure, the disturbance in the bed will
be more. Also fuel will be thrown more to adjacent bed.
4.14 Fuel feeder size
Oversized fuel feeders create chances for clinker in coal fired boiler. It is necessary to
reduce the fuel feed rate, so that the tendency for overfeeding can be averted.

4.15 Natural draft

It is a practice to make use of the draft due to chimney for start up purpose. When the
kerosene soaked charcoal burns, the draft should be minimum.
4.16 FD compartment damper type
Leakproof dampers are required for smooth start up. When the damper is not proper,
causing leakage air, then the clinker formation is experienced along the border of the
compartment partition line. The bleed off valves at non-operating compartment air box
are kept open, to vent the leakage air to atmosphere.
4.17 Type of draft control
Of late VFD is used for draft control in the boiler. This has made the draft control easier
in the boiler. The improper closure of ID fan inlet damper used to make the draft control
difficult during start up.
4.18 Type of airflow control
A VFD for FD fan also makes the control smooth. The power cylinder operation & linkage
system should provide a smooth control of the FD fan flow. Or else this alone could be the
main factor making the start up difficult.
4.19 Air flow measurement & Indication
Many types of flowmeters have come in to use in FBC boiler to measure the total airflow.
All of them may not have sensitivity when only one compartment flow is to be indicated.
This makes it very difficult for the boiler operator. Again the reliability and sensitivity of
indicating instrument provided in control panel also matters.
After 12 start up failures, the customer called up to me to assist in boiler start up.
Variable speed drives were available for FD, ID & PA fan. Further four nos. of 125 -LPH
oil igniters were available for igniting the charcoal. That made the job simpler. But I was
not comfortable with the airflow measurement & indication. The airfoil meter provided in
the common air duct was not properly manufactured. I decided to measure to distributor
plate drop and use it as airflow measurement. Incidentally the designer has to limit the
design pressure drop of Distributor plate to 125 mm maximum while deciding the no off
air nozzles. I requested the client to add the direct bed height measurement tapping as
per figure 3, and hook it to a draft transmitter. The client could do it in a matter of few
hours. The start up was done. The DCS was recording the bed temperature profile.
Identical start up curves could be repeated several times before I left the site after six

The following the summary of start up method which was adopted.

6.1 The bed material was filled upto 325 mm (as measured from plate) in all beds. All the
four compartments were fluidised alternately so that the bed height was even in all
6.2 The first compartment was fluidised at an airbox pressure of 460 mmwc. The mixing
was good. The primary air header pressure at 850 mmwc to avoid choking of fuel
transport lines. The fluidisation was kept on for 5 minutes. This was done to ensure a
good mount could be formed along the border between 1 st & 2nd compartments. The
airbox pressure was reduced to zero and the border formation was checked.
6.3 The bed height was physically checked and required bed material was further added
to maintain 325-mm bed height in start up compartment.
6.4 Charcoal equivalent to 15 % by weight of the start up bed was added to the start up
compartment keeping the airbox pressure at 350 mmwc. The bed was fluidising even
at this airbox pressure, due to the right particle size. The charcoal was thrown into
the bed. Nobody went inside the furnace.
6.5 Now the airbox pressure was brought down to 265 mmwc, by adjusting the FD fan
6.6 All the four burners were switched on. The oil igniter could continuously ignite the
charcoal and throw the same to a farther point away from the burner. The primary air
jet was also helping the building up of fire. The fire at first got established in
pockets. The fluidisation was happening at these locations. The charcoal, which was
premixed earlier, could now get ignited easily with the ignited charcoal. The bed
temperature was rising to 650 deg C almost in all locations in 15 minutes time and the
fluidization had commenced automatically over the entire bed.
6.7 The burners were put off now. The primary air pressure was raised to 925 mmwc to
ensure the fuels lines are not choked while coal feeding. The fuel feeders were
started immediately.
6.8 Now the fuel feeder rpm was controlled in order to maintain the bed temperature at
850 to 900 deg C. No change was done on airflow. The bed height inside was found to
be about 200 mm as read by the new bed pressure tapping. That ensured a DP drop of
65 mmwc now.
6.9 In the next half an hour the bed height was raised to 250-mm by throwing additional
bed material into the start up compartment. The airflow was increased gradually to
maintain 80-mmwc DP drop.
The start up curve showing the temperature profile of all bed temperatures is shown in
the attachment.

The start up was made simpler so that all operators could easily repeat it. The bed
material height, simpler air flow control using the airbox pressure and bed pressure
tapping made the start up easier and repeatable.

The author is a Graduate from IIT (M) and Postgraduate from Madras
University in Thermal Engg. He is a Boiler specialist with 25 years
experience and had worked for BHEL, Cethar Vessels, and Veesons. He
has been a consultant for Thermax, Nestler Ltd and now Thermal
systems, Hyderabad. He extends service for trouble shooting of

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