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Nowadays, people all over the world have use the religion in order to understand norms
and values. Why people today try to understand the norms and values through religion
perceptive? This is because the religion is does not effect by change of norms and values. Main
role of religion in order for people to understand norms and values is to provide absolute and
universal norms and values. Islamic norms and values are close to the nature of man and it fulfill
the need moral and spiritual of human. As we know religion covers all aspect of our life. By
having a absolute and universal norm , there no misunderstand among people as everyone have
same understanding regarding norms and values. So it is very important to synchronize the
norms and values that provide legal safeguards and effective moral system.
The title of article is role of religion in understanding norms and values written by Shahzadi
Pakeeza and Ali Asghar Chishti. Shahzadi Pakeeza is an assistant professor at Fatima Jinan
University, The Mall, Rawalpindi and her qualification is PhD Islamic Studies, 2012,
Specialization: Islamic Law. Ali Asghar Chishti is a professor and chairman at Allama Iqbal
Open University . This article was published by International Journal of Asian Social Science (
AESS ), volume two ,number ten and from page 1851 to 1857.
The duty of religion is to provide absolute and universal norms and values. Values are
concept and ideas that affect on man behavior in their daily life. Islamic values close to human
nature and fulfill human moral and spiritual necessity. Un-Islamic values that originate from

ignorance, ego, arrogance and irregular behavior which are main cause human violate law and it
destroy human nature. The value system of Islam is constant and unchanging because Islam
believe that human nature is changeless. The basic values and needs are classified into three
stage: (1) necessities ( Zaruriyyat ), (2) convenience ( Gajiyyat ) and (3) refinements
(Kamaliyyat/Tehsiniyyat). In theory of Islamic law (Ulum al-fiqh), the main purpose of law is to
achieve the values by protecting and guaranteeing man necessity emphasize their importance
and their refinement. The required values for human according to Islam are five. The five basic
values consist of how to perform to perform ethical duty, security of life, food consumption,
clothing ,education and many more.
Norm is rulers law or criterion of incident, tradition , custom and act that being judged and
because of that it get acknowledgement or cristism. The example of norm are standard of right
and wrong ,beauty and ugliness and many more. The system of ethical and juristic norms is Fiqh.
Fiqh consist a system rule and methods and for jurists ,fiqh is interpretation of revelation ( AlQuran ) , application of its principle and instruction for human acts. Islam have norm that protect
fundamental value. There are four type of norm : (1) norm about belief, (2) norm regarding law,
(3) general legal norms, (40) norm concerning ethics.
Muslim people observe two type of norms and values: (1)apply only within Islam community
(have exclusive and particular essence and nature), (2) valid to all human beings ( nature of
norms and values is general).Norm that based on shariah are either definitive (Islamic norm that
cannot dispute with respect to either their sources or meaning and it source are Al-Quran and
Sunnah .It accurate, authentic and has only one meaning) or indefinite (have different
interpretations and their nature can change because of urge of time ,place and circumstance. It
use Ijtihad to determine rule)

The author of article addressed the topic very well. The article is clear as it clearly stated the
main objective of this article which is role of religion in understanding norms and values. The
author stated in the article main role that religion regarding understanding norms and values is
provide absolute and universal norms. The author also highlighted the benefit when religion
provide absolute and universal norm by giving several examples of the benefit such as provide
effectiveness and solidarity to the community, stipulate a particular social constitution and
interpersonal associations, and many more. The article had been wrote thorough as it explain
the mean of values and stated the basic values (necessities, convenience and refinement).The
author also mention why the important of the values to people. The writer had cover the
important information so that the reader get a better understanding as they put clear explanation
about term like values, norms by stated the mean and example of term. The article is very useful
because it helps readers to understand how religion work in understanding norms and values and
we get better view on how it work by the explanation given.
The author believe that religion is the key for the people to understand norms and values as
it have absolute and universal standard which it mean it can be applied all situation in our life
.We agree with the author because with a universal standard, misunderstanding because different
norms and values can be avoided as everyone hold to the same belief. The author also believe
that Islamic norms and values is the one that should be practice by people. The author explain
how the Islamic norms and values work and it efficiency to be applied in life by state pros from
it. We agree with the author as Islamic norm and values had guide every matter in our life. The
Islamic norms and values fulfill the need of people in their life.

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