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The Indian Railways exhibit Institutionalized Organizational Excellence.

Organizational Excellence
Organizational Structure
People in Organization
External Environment


The external environment of an organization comprises of all the factors that exist
outside the organization, but have significant influence on its growth and survival.
Organizations generally have little control over these factors, but need to
constantly monitor and adapt to them. The external factors that have the highest
significance are discussed below:
It comprises of businesses that provide similar products or services and occupy
the same marketplace. On the passenger front, Indian railways faces competition
from airlines, suburban and inter-state road transport. Affordable pricing and
comfortable travelling ensures that Indian Railways stays ahead of its competition
when it comes to long distance travel.
IR also faces stiff competition on the freight front from road transport and
pipeline transport of fuels. High load carrying capacity, dedicated freight corridors
and safer mode of transport make the organization stand out.

The Indian Railways owing to its size has huge supply requirements from various
sources. The long standing relationships that IR has with its suppliers and partners
plays an important role in supply reliability.
Power State power grid, IOCL, Bharat petroleum (Diesel)
Steel Steel plants
Imports locomotives, wheels, etc.

IR has evolved with the constantly changing technology. It has partnered with
General Electric, General Motors and Alco for technology transfer, to keep the
____ up to date.
IR has a full-fledged organisation known as Research Designs and Standards
Organisation (RDSO), located at Lucknow for all research, designs and
standardisation tasks [2].
IR is also taking steps to utilize clean energy such as solar power and low carbon
LED lights. It entered into a partnership with IIT Madras to develop technology to
tap solar energy for lighting and air-conditioning in the coaches.
In the more than 6 decades that IR has been in operation, it has adapted to
changing customer requirements (?better word). IR has constantly kept in touch
with the latest trends in consumer demands and has met them accordingly.
Introduction of metros (kolkata), suburbanaffordable, premium and super luxury
trains like the Maharaja Express and Palace on wheels are just some examples of
the variety (? better) of services IR offers to its huge customer base.



1000 MW of solar power plants coming up in the next 5 years.

Plans to upgrade rail infrastructure and services to utilize clean energy such as solar power and low
carbon LED lights.
Punctuality has significantly increased from 69% 2010-11 to 85%

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