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PPTA-Integrated Citarum WRM

Investment Programme, Indonesia

Project director

Meijden, Geerte van der (Gme)

The TA will (i) prepare a bulk water supply master plan; (ii)
prepare an option study for the bulk water supply; (iii)
feasibility study (FS), which includes investigative surveys,
preliminary designs, cost estimates, technical, financial,
and economic analysis, environment analysis, social
impact assessment, a baseline survey for project
indicators, and a project administration manual; (iv)
preparation of TOR and tender documents for detailed
design of the selected options and initiate the tender
process with consultants; (v) groundwater management
plan for Bandung Basin, (vi) upper catch management and
development program, and (vii) scope for PFR 3 as well as
a preparation facility for PFR 3.


Government of Indonesia


Asian Development Bank

Composition of

Pt Caturbina Gunatama; Pt INDEC Internusa; Pt Mott

Euroconsult Mott MacDonald: Team leader; Groundwater
specialist; Senior water resources engineer; Senior water
supply engineer; Geotechnical engineer; Project
economist/ Financial management specialist; Social
development/ Resettlement specialist; Senior environment/
Watershed management specialist
Partner(s): Water resources planner/ Deputy tam leader
and 14 short term experts

Period of

From January 2013 to June 2014

Staff months: Euroconsult Mott MacDonald: 29; Partner(s):

Contract value

Euroconsult Mott MacDonald: 556,200

Partner(s): 503,900
The Government of Indonesia requested for ADBs
assistance to prepare the Periodic Financing Request 2
(PFR 2) of the Integrated Citarum Water Resources
Management Investment Program, for addressing the
shortage of water supply in Bandung and its surrounding

Euroconsult Mott MacDonald

PPTA-Integrated Citarum WRM Investment Programme,


areas and conserving the upper watershed.

The Citarum river basin located in the province of West
Java is socially and economically the most important river
basin in Indonesia. The basin provides around 80% of the
surface water supply to the capital city of Jakarta and
surrounding areas supporting a population of about 30
million and contributing 20% of the countrys industrial
outputs. In addition, the river fed irrigation schemes
produce 5% of the countrys rice production. Sustainable
management of the surface and ground water in the river
basin is, therefore, critical to the countrys economic
development and food security. Furthermore, water quality
degradation is compromising public health and livelihoods,
particularly of the rural and urban poor, and incurs
additional economic and financial costs related to the
delivery of clean and reliable water supplies.
Following the enactment of the Water Law in 2004, the
Government adopted an integrated approach to improving
land and water management in the Citarum river basin
and developed a strategic integrated water resources
management (IWRM) roadmap for the basin management.
In 2008, ADB approved a Multitranche Financing Facility
(MFF) not exceeding $500 million equivalent for the
Integrated Citarum Water Resources Investment Program
(Investment Program). The ADB also approved in 2008 the
Project Financing Request 1 (PFR 1) under the MFF.
Description of

While PFR 1 implementation is progressing to strengthen

basin wide water governance and management capacity,
demand and competition for Citarum water resources has
increased significantly over the past 20 years. Watershed
degradation, rapid urbanization and industrialization in the
area and slow development of surface water sources have
created an overdependence on groundwater as a primary
source of water. Consequently, the rate of water extraction
from local aquifers significantly exceeds recharge rates,
with water tables declining at more than 1 meter a year in
some places. This has led to acute water stress and
depletion of aquifers in major urban areas such as
Bandung. Moreover, the hydrologic flow regime in the
Citarum river basin on which Bandung water supply
depends has been also adversely affected by land
degradation, notably the loss of forest cover and
unsustainable farming practices on steep slopes in the
upper catchments.
To effectively address the problems of degrading

Euroconsult Mott MacDonald

PPTA-Integrated Citarum WRM Investment Programme,


watershed and acute water stress and depletion of

aquifers in Bandung and its surrounding areas, the
Government requested ADB in 2010 to support the
preparation of PFR 2 for financing under the Investment
Program. PFR 2 will improve Bandung water supply by
developing adequate surface water resources and
providing raw water to the provincial water supply
companies (PDAMs), thereby reducing the dependence and
overexploitation of groundwater. It will also address the
upper watershed degradation.

The TA will (i) prepare a bulk water supply master plan; (ii)
prepare an option study for the bulk water supply; (iii)
feasibility study (FS), which includes investigative surveys,
preliminary designs, cost estimates, technical, financial,
and economic analysis, environment analysis, social
impact assessment, a baseline survey for project
indicators, and a project administration manual; (iv)
preparation of TOR and tender documents for detailed
design of the selected options and initiate the tender
process with consultants; (v) groundwater management
plan for Bandung Basin, (vi) upper catch management and
development program, and (vii) scope for PFR 3 as well as
a preparation facility for PFR 3.
The TA will also (i) identify priority reforms in provincial
water supply system ; (ii) prepare a situation and gaps
analysis of the raw water supply in the targeted areas
based on need and poverty alleviation; and (iii) prepare a
feasibility study, which include investigative surveys,
preliminary designs, preliminary engineering design of
some 5 subprojects, cost estimates, technical, financial,
economic and socioeconomic analysis, environment
analysis, social impact assessment, a study for initial
benchmark indicators, and a project administration
manual. The sequencing of the TA to prepare PFR 2
includes the bulk water supply master plan for the
metropolitan Bandung areas, feasibility studies for
selected water supply options, tender documents for
detailed design, and preparation of groundwater
management and upper watershed management. The
activities to be included into PFR 2 should be also reflected
into the Pola and Rencana for Citarum, which is under
preparation with the support of TA 7189 Package B
consulting services.

Senior staff and

Rik Frenkel- Team leader; Charles Jones- Groundwater

specialist; David Meigh - Senior Water Resources Engineer;

Euroconsult Mott MacDonald

PPTA-Integrated Citarum WRM Investment Programme,


Nigel Osmaston - Senior Water Supply Engineer; Tim

Blower - Geotechnical Engineer; Peter Mawson - Project
Economist/ Financial Management Specialist; Vicky Pineda
- Social Development/ Resettlement Specialist; Wim Giesen
- Senior Environment/ Watershed Management Specialist

Euroconsult Mott MacDonald

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