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Mundane Astrology And Astrological Law-Page 2

Astrological Law
& Order




Laws of Nature & good form.


Venus (Saturn-Exalted)


Probate Courts & laws of


Pluto(& Mars)


Jurisprudence & philosophy of




Enforces law as a cohesive

principle of society

Saturn (Mars exalted)


Rules the laws of science

Uranus (& Saturn)

(Mercury exalted)


Rules the laws of compassion

Neptune (& Jupiter)

Three Branches of Government:

Executive: (The President) House 10. Associated with the Sun
Legislative: (The House/Senate) House 11. Associated with Aquarius (and
secondarily Jupiter)
Judicial: The Supreme Court & the Justices. Jupiter, Libra, Venus
General Rulerships:
Judges, the judiciary, judicial system and matters: Jupiter, 9th house, Sagittarius,
and secondarily, Sun, Venus, Libra, 7th house & Saturn.



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Juries, jurypeople: 9th house, Jupiter, Venus (secondarily, the 4th house).
Jurisprudence: Jupiter & Saturn.
Judges: Jupiter, Venus, Libra & Saturn.

"Six clauses in the federal Constitution embody the law: Article I, sections 2 and 3; Article II, section
2. The House indicts [11th house], the Senate tries [Jupiter, Sagittarius, Libra, 9th house] and the
Chief Justice of the United States [Jupiter, Libra, Venus & Saturn] presides over the inquiry [house
3/Gemini/"to inquire," which also constitutes the discovery process in law] in case of impeachment of
the president [house 10 & the Sun]. A two-thirds vote of the senators present is required to convict
[Pluto]. Punishment [Saturn/Mars/Pluto] is limited to removal from office (with the acts of the
accused still subject to criminal proceedings in the courts). Impeachable acts are "Treason, [Mars,
Pluto, Uranus] Bribery [Neptune, 12th house, Venus], or other high Crimes [12th house] and
Misdemeanors [Pluto]." Grolier's Online Encyclopedia.. Rulerships from Rex Bill's "The Rulership

The Planets In Mundane Astrology

The Sun:
It is the principal planet in any horoscope and represents the "heart of the chart." The Sun sign in a
mundane chart will indicate the essential character of the state or nation, or an organization. It stands
for supreme authority; the sovereign body; the leader, king, queen or prime minister. The Sun
represents a political leader of the head of state. [the ascendant for the opening arguments in the
Clinton trial is 26 Taurus, conjunct the fixed star, Caput Algol, which is associated with "beheading"
or that which we "lose our minds about." In the case of Clinton, who is the "head of state," Caput
Algol on the Ascendant needs no further explanation]. The Sun shows the myths and images a nation
projects and the way foreigners may view the country.
The United States, with its Sun in Cancer, first rebelled against Capricorn England, and
then selected Capricorn Russia as its principal world enemy. Thus we can see how
global conflicts can be founded on the inability of a Cancer nation to accept its
Capricorn opposite, and vice versa. The United States, with its Sun conjunct Jupiter, is
obsessed with an ideology of 'freedom' and has a constitution based on clearly defined
rights, wehreas the chart for Communist Russia [no longer valid] has its Sun in Scorpio,



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a position indicating adherence to a rigid State religion and semi-deified national

leaders." Mundane Astrology, Campion, et al., p. 220.
[It is interesting to note that Capricorn/Saturn are strongly focused in the impeachment trial of
Clinton. Saturn in Aries opposes Mars in Libra presently, and the Capricorn Sun links up to create a
t-square configuration in the key charts for the process.]

The Moon:
The masses, the public, the common people and the population as a whole. It rules women in the
nation, both individually and in terms of a nation's view of women. It is popular opinion, polls, and
mass ideologies.

Communications of all kinds. Methods of communication including railroads, planes, ships, streets,
freeways, mail, speech, writing, the internet, email, public transportation, etc. It relates to the
intellectual systems of a nation including education, literature, ideological "movements," schools and
trades. Political speeches, such as the President's State of the Union Address, media events, news
coverage, etc., are all Mercury's domain.

Each planet may be seen as representing a function which helps bind the nation into a
State . . . The Sun represents allegiance to a common authority and heritage; the Moon
represents the unity of mass opinion; Mercury the necessity of communication; and
Venus all those things which make it pleasant for people to stay together. Mundane
Astrology, Campion, et al., Id. at p. 221.
Venus represents the arts, harmony, plays, theatre, peace and also has strong associations with war.
Fashion, glamor, artists, the "feminine archetype" of the nation. Also, a nation's resources, banks,
bankers, farmers and farming. (Taurus/earth/Venus).

Mars either drives a nation together or drives it apart from internal/external aggression. Mars also
represents a society's need to have enemies as a vehicle for expressing its internal frustrations and
violence. Mars plays a part in riots, acts of terrorism, and anti-social behaviors that result in crimes
of violence. Mars' energy can also impel a society to grow and achieve greater heights. It is the
energetic drive for good or ill which motivates the collective.



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Common values, belief systems, and theology, which is the backbone of religious doctrines practiced
by the people, stand under Jupiter's umbrella. Jurisprudence and the higher laws of metaphysics are
all associated with Jupiter. Social consciousness, political aspirations and/or organized political
participation to better conditions for the collective also stand with Jupiter. Ministers, rabbis, priests,
including New Age philosphers such as Marianne Williamson all resonate to Jupiter's far reaching
and idealistic drive to expand to higher levels. Religion and law throughout history have also
functioned as controls upon the masses. One or the other can just as easily imprison as liberate. Karl
Marx said, "Religion is the opiate of the people." Billy Graham says that eternal salvation is found
through accepting Christ as personal Lord and Savior. Both are talking about freedom, yet both see
it through the lens of their cultural mileus. Therefore, Jupiterian contributions to the collective are
wired into the grand initiation cycles commencing with Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions. For more on the
Grand Conjunction, see below.

Saturn creates the necessary order, structure, form and functions to mitigate the chaotic factors
inherent in the negotiations of group enterprises. Saturn is associated with institutions representing
the legal system, civil service, and all restraining/restricting forces in society. Saturn is rules,
procedures, and guidelines. Saturn is associated with the administration of justice and has its
affilations with police (law enforcement) and also the regimentation of military life and discipline. The
attitude of a nation toward law, order, taboos, old practices, the old guard in politics, etc., are also
associated with Saturn.

Campion says that Uranus, more than any other planet, "has characteristics derived from its
association with mundane affairs." [Note: the January 31, 1999 lunar eclipse: Sun 11 Aquarius,
conjunct Uranus. Moon 11 Leo, conjunct Bill Clinton's Pluto]. Uranus is linked to all revolutions [add
Mars and you have terrorist bombings]; upheavals, strikes, rebellions, and how a society allows itself
to entertain change. Uranus, an outer planet, brings change whether the collective wants it or not.
Because the outer planets are associated with forces beyond the individual's control, often times the
outer planets in aspect to a nation's chart nodes indicate "dates with destiny."
"Allow yourself to consider extreme possiblilites." [Maulder to Scully, The X-Files] Uranus also
rules new technology, economic change, political dissidents, wars, terrorists, and radical ideology.




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Subversion. Ideals of "the perfect society." Idealistic visions. The New Age. Socialism. Visions.
Dreams and people who "sell" or "promote" dreams. Therefore Neptune can also rule what
beguiles: glamour, films, dance, fashion crazes and also the attendant disillusionment that arises
when none of these things succeeds in "fixing" society or the individual. Neptune rules oil,
biochemical agents, scandals, confusion, deception and a society's "blind spot."

Pluto represents everything hidden, covert, secretive and perhaps the "shadow" of the collective.
Secret police, organized crime, self-destructive impulses. [the politics of self-destruction, part of what
is critical in the Clinton debacle]. It is associated with collective, psychotic outbreaks, such as the
phenonmenon of Nazi Germany. Pluto is associated with horrific events: Ruwanda and Uganda in the
1970.'s. Pluto is associated with death and rebirth. Just as Pluto transits tend to "erase" our former
life, with strength, a new form of life is reborn. Pluto then becomes associated with self-healing and
the force of violent healing phases in a society.

The Houses In Mundane Astrology

The First House:
The first house of a nation's chart (in the USA's case, the chart for the Declaration of Independence)
is the most important. The collective is stronger than the individual and is therefore considered to be
fated. National myths, a nation's self-image, characteristics of the populace, and the evolution of a
nation combine to form the archetypes of the national collective unconscious. From this point of view,
groups are swept along cyclic tides often foreshadowed by eclipses, lunations and ingresses. The
group, bonded to the whole, lacks the self-criticism of the individual. When a nation undergoes
psychic infection, then war, dictatorships, and dissolution of the "state" in favor of a new identity
may occur. Map boundaries shift and change. History is most often written by the conqueror. Not the

The Second House:

House 2 represents society's survival. Substance must be generated. Food and materials
representative of a growing economy are vital to a nation's endurance. Banks, all monetary
instruments, wealth, the gross national product and distribution of wealth among the populace are
associated with the second house. Further, what society values, what it holds most dear is found in
the second house. Also, the kind of people a society holds in high esteem are associated with the 2nd
house. The collective's sense of security and of insecurity are often projected upon cultural icons.



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Generations' and subgenerations' values clash in house 2. Hence, we find the national "generation

The Third House:

Communication and trade bind society together fostering cooperation towards the end goal of a
healthy economy. Roads, trains, phones, schools, the US Post Office, newspapers, magazines, TV,
books, the First Amendment right to Free Speech, the internet, computers, a national language, as
well as daily rules of social pleasantries "Have a nice day," all come under the purview of the third
house. In natal astrology, the third house is associated with neighbors, siblings and early schooling.
In Mundane astrology the third house is associated with neighboring countries and perhaps ethnic
identification for those who have emigrated from Canada or Mexico. For the USA, Canada and
Mexico are our "next door neighbors."

The Fourth House:

The 4th house is the land, settlements, the building of stable communities, agriculture, identification
with ethnicity, one's "clan" or "tribe," and is associated with the base of society and its most
cherished traditions. This is the house of the common folk and is also representative of rebellion
against the government (the 4th house is opposite the 10th). It is the house of "nationalism," mass
ideologies -- a love of the land -- and is associated with socialism/the socialist party. The 4th house
rules the harvest of the land -- her crops.

The Fifth House:

This is the house of creativity, of recreation, speculation, the Stock Market, gambling casinos, love
affairs (the social "rules"), as well as theatre, movies, the NFL, the Olympics, parties, and fun. The
5th house shows how a nation's people interact according to culture. For example, every country in
the world has its favorite dance steps, music, and idiosyncracies. The cultural "flavor" of a nation is
reflected in stage productions of new/original works by playwrights. The 5th house is also associated
with children and the birth rate. Also to "chic society."

The Sixth House:

The house of service. Workers, the employed classes, also political affilations such as trade unions
(i.e., United Auto Workers), and political parties. The military is associated with the 6th house as is



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national defense. Civil servants (Linda Tripp!), public health works such as the CDC and National
Institutes on Alcoholism, health workers such as nurse practitioners, and volunteers.

The Seventh House:

International relations with other countries: treaties and alliances, wars, truces, the United Nations
and her members, and designated "enemies" are associated with the 7th house. This is also the
house of "projection." What does a nation project upon its enemies? Often times, as in natal
astrology, what a nation projects is its disowned neurosis or psychosis.

The Eighth House:

International finance, corporations and transnationl corporations are associated with the 8th house.
Foreign investments, death, public mortality, assassinations, death duties of officials, death
arrangements and national mourning reside in the 8th house. It is possible that the 8th house can
bring renewal, regeneration and new resolve to the populace after a time of grieving. The 8th house
is opposite the 2nd, and therefore speaks of the "death of things a nation holds dear."

The Ninth House:

Long distance travel and national and international law are associated with the 9th house. Shipping,
international water routes, maritime law, space travel, religion, belief systems and philosophy also
fall under the purview of the 9th house. Societal taboos, values, mores, the legal system and
transmission of the higher laws of society are reflected through the 3rd house of communication and
education. The highest values of the nation are transmitted (9th/3rd) to the populace through
institutions dedicated to preservation of its cherished beliefs and moral philosopy.

The Tenth House:

The government. The President of the United States. The "ruling class." A nation's prestige. Its
"aristocracy," and the opinon other countries hold of the nation. This is where the national identity
becomes wholly conscious and strives to achieve the most ample portions of the collective dream.

The Eleventh House:



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Governmental Institutions: the House and Senate. Also, local governments and those who directly
assist elected officials. This is the house of long-terms dreams and ideals. It represents ambassadors
sent to other nations and the hopes carried to foreign shores. (The 5th house is ambassadors
received from other nations). Aquarian in nature, the 11th house is inclusive, universal and idealistic.

The Twelth House:

Hospitals, monesteries, boarding schools, prisons, jails, mental hospitals, and places where people
are either incarcerated or elect to stay in order to be alone. This is the house of conspiracy,
subversion, and of underground societies and secret organizations such as the Ku Klux Klan. The
12th house is also associated with how the people memorialize their dead in cemetaries and
monuments. Occult societies and ashrams also fall under the purview of the 12th house.
USA Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776, 2:13:32 AM LMT +5:00:40, Philadelphia, PA, 39N57, 075W10.
Ascendant 7 Gemini. And: July 4, 1776l, 5:10 PM LMT+5:13:55, Philadelphia, PA, 39N57, 075W10. Ascendant: 13

There is an ongoing dispute as to which chart one should use for the Declaration of Independence.
Some favor the Gemini rising chart (Researched by Frederic Van Norstrand and H.V. Herndon).
Others favor the Sagittarius rising chart. (Rectified through research by Dane Rudyhar, "The
Astrology of America's Destiny," New York, Random House, 1974). Experiment with the charts and
perhaps you'll find one you like best. I have worked with both, and have come to the conclusion that
the Gemini Ascendant chart works best.

Ingress Charts
The Sun's movement into the four Cardinal signs each year (Solstices: 0 Cancer and 0
Capricorn/Equinoxes: 0 Aries and 0 Libra), mark important transitions in regards to seasonal
changes and represent the four angles of the natural zodiac. The Sun's entrance into these signs
sends a "message." A new moment of experience commences. This phenomenon is known as the
Solar Ingresses. Ingresses, in comparison with a nation's natal chart, are often potent in their ability
to foreshadow what a nation can expect to develop over the next three months. That is not to say that
world events start at one Ingress and end three months later. There is overlapping, and events
presaged at one ingress can take years to play out upon the world stage. Ingress chart data and
eclipse data for 2000 are located at Eclipses & Ingresses 2000




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For detailed information on eclipses, see Starcats' Eclipses, Starcats' Astrologer's 2000 Resource
Kit, and Eclipses 2000.
1. Conjunction, square, or opposition by transiting major planet(s) (starting from Mars and
working through Pluto) to the eclipse point is usually what triggers the meaning/synthesis of the
eclipse within a national or individual horoscope. Note: the Sun can trigger eclipse synthesis
three months after the date of the eclipse when it squares the eclipse point. The same is true
for planets commencing from Mars and moving through Pluto.
2. Weighting the Strengths: 1. Total eclipse; 2. partial eclipses; 3. annular eclipses.
3. The geographic path of the eclipse seems to define the areas where the most challenge or
hardship will be encountered. Note the path of the eclipses yearly and mark a map or make
notes to remind you of the eclipse paths.
4. If an eclipse occurs in Cardinal signs: the effects manifest quickly and are over just as quickly.
Fixed signs: these eclipses seem to manifest suddenly, violently, and appear to have a
correlation with geophysical upheaval. Mutable signs: vague, hard to discern and changeable.
5. The duration of an eclipse's influence seems to correspond to the number of hours and minutes
an eclipse lasts. A Solar eclipse equates to years. A Lunar eclipse equates to months.
Astrology: Mundane, Astral, Occult, Volume XI, Noel Tyl, 1977, Llewellyn Publications.

The Jupiter Saturn Cycle: The Grand Conjunction

Jupiter-Saturn: "This symbolic fusion of Saturn and Jupiter appears extremely important
in the ways of the world. The two planets are symbols of time and discipline (Saturn) and
philosophy and expansion (Jupiter). They stand for law and order, precepts of
generational leadership, and overall maturity. Barbara Watters points out that the two
principles represented by these planets are direct opposites (the saturnine conservatism
and jupiterian expansiveness, for example), and together achieve a system of checks and
balances whose goal is a golden mean of correct proportion, a middle ground of
normality." Astrology: Mundane, Astral, Occult, Volume XI, Noel Tyl, 1977, Llewellyn Publications.
1. The conjunction of Saturn-Jupiter occurs every 20 years.
2. Since 1842, the conjunctions have occurred in earth signs.
3. Every US president who assumed office with this conjunction has died in office: William Henry
Harrison, Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William Mc Kinley, Warren Harding, Franklin D.
Roosevelt, and John F. Kennedy.



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4. When the Saturn-Jupiter conjunction switches to air signs, this is called a Grand Mutation.
"The Grand Mutation symbolically corresponds to enormous changes in the law and order of
man on earth, his administration of the globe, that last for about 240 years until the next
mutation; the internal Great Conjunctions project a symbolism for about twenty years in time
until the next conjunction." (Astrology: Mundane, Astral, Occult, Volume XI, Noel Tyl, 1977, Llewellyn

Here is an example of the GRAND MUTATION EXCEPTION: When Reagan was elected in
1980, you may recall that he was shot by Hinkley in 1981. Reagan survived the wound most
likely because the Saturn-Jupiter conjunction of January 1 through July 24, 1981 (Libra), was a
GRAND MUTATION. The box below gives you the data on the presidents and the JupiterSaturn conjunction which led to either a presidential assassination or death in office.
5. The Saturn-Jupiter conjunction of May 22, 2000 occurs at 21 degrees Taurus. What do you
think the next US president's fate will be?

Jupiter-Saturn Conjunctions:
William Henry Harrison, 9th
President of the United States. Died
April 4, 1881 one month after
assuming office from pneumonia
contracted on the campaign trail:
Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction, 1842,
January 25, 1842, 9:43 pm, LMT
+5:08:08, Washington, DC, 38N54
077W02, Asc: 0 Libra. All house
cusps are in Solsticial and
equinoctical degrees. Jupiter-Saturn
conjunction: 8 Capricorn.
Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of
the United States. Assassinated
April 14, 1865 by John Wilkes
Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction:
October 29, 1861, 3:34 pm, LMT
+5:08:08, Washington, DC, 38N54
077W02, Asc: 0 2 Aries. JupiterSaturn Conjunction 19 Virgo.

James Garfield, 20th President of



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James Garfield, 20th President of

the United States. Assassinated in
Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction: April
18, 1881, 6:12 am, LMT +5:08:08,
Washington, DC, 38N54 077W02,
Asc: 0 1 Taurus.
William McKinnley, 25th President
of the United States. Assassinated
September 6, 1901.
Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction:
November 28, 1901, 6:20 am EST
+5:00, Washington, DC, 38N54
077W02, Asc: 25 Scorpio. JupiterSaturn Conjunction 13 Capricorn.
Warren G. Harding, 29th President
of the United States. Died of a heart
attack August, 1923 in San
Francisco, California.
Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction:
September 9, 1921, 9:12 pm, LMT
+5:08:08, Washington, DC, 38N54
077W02, Asc: 25 Taurus, conjunct
the fixed star, Caput Algol. JupiterSaturn Conjunction: 26 Virgo.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, 32nd
President of the United States. Died
of stroke on April 12, 1945 at his
retreat home in Warm Springs,
Georgia, shortly after the Yalta
Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction, August
7, 1940, 8:00 pm, EST +5:00,
Washington, DC, 38N54, 077W02,
Asc: 4 Pisces. Jupiter-Saturn
Conjunction 14 Taurus.

John F. Kennedy, 35th President of



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John F. Kennedy, 35th President of

the United States. Assassinated
November 22, 1963.
Saturn/Jupiter Conjunction:
February 13, 1961, 6:31 pm, EST
+5:00, Washington, DC, 38N54
077W02. Asc: 5 Virgo. JupiterSaturn Conjunction 24 Capricorn.

Rules For Judgement

Who Will Win the Lawsuit?

1. If the rulers of the first and seventh are afflicted by

the malefic planets, neither party will win.
2. The one whose ruler is more powerful or better
aspected will be the victor.
3. If the ruler of the first applies to the ruler of the
seventh or if the ruler of the first is retrograde, the
querent will be compelled to accept the verdict and
agree to it.
4. If both the rulers are in angles and equally dignified,
neither will submit and both will suffer.
5. If the ruler of the first is badly afflicted, retrograde,
via combust or in its detriment or fall, especially if the
ruler of the seventh disposes of the ruler of the first,
the adversary will win.
6. If the Moon applies to a benefic aspect of the ruler of
the seventh or the eighth, and to a malefic aspect of
the ruler of the first or the eighth; the adversary will
overcome through scheming and evasion.
7. The querent will overcome if:



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a. The ruler of the seventh is retrograde, via combust

or afflicted in the first;
b. If the Sun or Moon is in the first or aspects the
ruler of the first;
c. If the Moon applies to a parallel or good aspect of
the ruler of the first and to a bad aspect of the ruler of
the seventh; and
d. If the ruler of the fourth is in bad aspect to the ruler
of the seventh or the eighth.

Wars, Fights, and Lawsuits

1. . . . There is no essential difference between a lawsuit

and a battle, and the same rules apply equally to
either, but of course it will be obvious that whereas
Mars is of prime importance in a fight, Mercury and
Jupiter will be almost as much so in a lawsuit...
2. The ascendant, its lord and the planets in that house
in conjunction or aspect with the lord denote the
challenger, or the person who begins the controversy;
and the seventh, its lord, and planets in the seventh or
in conjunction or aspect with the lord denote the other
3. If the person signified by the ascendant is to be
victorious let one of the signs of Saturn, Jupiter or
Mars be rising. A martial sign is to be preferred, and
in this matter Scorpio is better than Aries. Take care
to make the lord of the ascendant dispose of the lord
of the seventh, or be more dignified, fortified, and
elevated than that planet. If, however, the side
signified by the seventh is to be favoured reverse the
above rules. These are the general rules for all
controversies of any kind, but a number of other
considerations were laid down by the ancients. The
following rules are arranged so as to make the
ascendant the side to be victorious, but if the other
side is to be favored the rules must be reversed.
4. Let the lord of the ascendant be in the ascendant or in
good aspect with its cusp and also with Mars. If the



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lord of the ascendant is not in the ascendant he should

be in the tenth, or, failing that, in the eleventh, and
dignified. Take care that he is not in the fourth or
seventh, for there he is in the power of the other side,
nor in the eighth (which in a fight causes danger of
health), nor retrograde, cadent, afflicted, or in
reception with any afflicted or weak planet. Also place
the lord of the seventh (the side to be vanquished) in
the ascendant or second, and applying, preferably by
good aspect, to the lord of the ascendant, for that
denotes a desire to come to terms.
5. Take care to fortify Mars and let him be well placed,
dignified, and either lord of the house ruling the
victorious side or in good aspect to the significators of
that side. Never begin a lawsuit or other controversy
when the Moon is afflicted or weak. Fortify the
second house and its lord, and lit it be strong and
dignified. For in duels, this house indicates the second
of that person denoted by the ascendant; in wars it
denotes the militia, money, and all helpers; and in
lawsuits, the helpers or the help itself. Conversely the
eighth denotes these things for the side signified by
the seventh. It is also necessary to fortify the Moon,
its dispositor and Mercury, and let them apply to the
significators of the side to be victorious.
6. . . . Moon in Taurus in any aspect to Saturn or Mars
is evil for the beginner of any war, quarrel, lawsuit or
fight, and it is also adverse in Virgo or Capricorn. If in
Gemini or Cancer, the Moon should be in trine to
Mars or aspected by t e benefics, for otherwise she is
not favourable to the beginner. It is best to start when
the Moon is in good aspect to the benefics, and free
from affliction by the malefics.
7. See that Fortuna is placed in one of the houses
relating to the side to be favoured, namely, the
ascendant, tenth, second, or eleventh for one party, or
the plaintiff in the lawsuit; and the seventh, tenth,
second, or eleventh if the other side, or the defendant
in a lawsuit is to win. Place Fortuna free form
affliction, especially by the lords of the opponents'
houses, and if possible in good aspect to the benefics.
8. Avoid cardinal sings on the ascendant (or seventh) at



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the beginning of any controversy, but if one must rise,

let it be Capricorn.

How the Judge [or JURY--CDD]

Will Decide the Case

1. If the ruler of the tenth is Uranus or Saturn, he will

either not decide or the case will be moved to another
2. If the ruler of the tenth is retrograde, he will not act
3. If Uranus or Saturn rules the tenth, and Venus, the
Sun, Mercury or the Moon are in any aspect except
an opposition, the judge will probably set the case for
another calendar date.
If Mars opposes Uranus or Saturn, the judge will have
a bad character, and if the Sun is in square of
opposition to Uranus or Saturn, he may be disgraced.
4. If any planet is in the tenth and not the ruler of the
tenth, undignified, and unaspected to the ruler of the
tenth, the parties will not be satisfied.
5. If Gemini, Virgo or Pisces is on the ascendant or
seventh house cusp, the case will be moved to another
6. If the ruler of the tenth makes a bad aspect to the
ruler of the first, the judge will decide against the
querent; to the seventh, he will rule against the
7. Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn on the cusp of the
seventh house, the parties may become reconciled by
their own prudence.
8. The Moon translating light form the ruler of the
seventh to the ruler of the first shows that a third
person will bring about a reconciliation. If the rulers of
the first and seventh make no aspect to each other but
both aspect a heavier planet, the parties will become
reconciled by a third person described by that planet



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and the sign in which it is placed. Many times the

judge is the means of reconciliation. Apply the rules
given in the hindrance of marriage to see who hinders
or reconciles the parties in lawsuits.

When Not To Pass Judgment 4.

1. When the Ascendant is in the first three degrees of a

sign. It is too soon to give an answer.
2. When the Ascendant is in the last three degrees of a
sign. It is too late. The outcome has already been
decided. All one can do is watch what happens.
3. When the Moon is void of course. "It will come to
4. When the Moon or planet representing the querent
[the person who asks, or those represented by the
Ascendant] or the quesited [the matter under
question] is in the via combusta: 15 degrees Libra to
15 degrees Scorpio, except for 23-24 Libra, which
conjuncts the lucky fixed stars, Spica and Arcturus.
Barbara Watters found the effect to be similar to a
Moon conjunct Uranus aspect. This is where events
take a sudden, unpredictable turn that is not
welcomed by the querent. The Ascendant falling in the
via combusta can indicate that the querent was quite
upset at the time he/she asked the question.
5. "Rules 1 and 2 are not thought to apply when the
Ascendant of the . . . chart is within one degree of the
inquirer's progressed Ascendant, or when the
Ascendant of the . . . chart is within one degree of a
conjunction with a radical planet or point of the
querent. Some astrolgoers have extended the latter
exception to mean that if the . . . chart's Ascendant is
within one degree of a major aspect wiht a radical
planet or point, the . . . chart is safe to judge."



Mundane Astrology And Astrological Law-Page 2

Horary Astrology, by Geraldine Davis, 1970, First Temple

of Astrology.
Electional Astrology by Vivian Robson, Samuel Weiser,
Inc., 1972.
Electional Astrology by Vivian Robson, id. at p. 166.
Handbook of Horary Astrology, Karen Hamaker-Zondag,
Samuel Weiser, Inc., 1993, p. 15.



Copyright by Astroconsultants of Santa Monica, Claudia D. Dikinis 1999-2000


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