Salvation Chart

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- There is one God.

- There is one God.

- There is one God.

- There is one Mediator between God and

men, and that Mediator is "the Man Christ

- There is one Mediator between God and

men, and that Mediator is the very and eternal
God himself.

- There is one Mediator between God and

men, and that Mediator is the very and eternal
God himself.

- The one Mediator gave himself a ransom for


- The one Mediator gave himself a ransom for

only a part of mankind.

- The one Mediator gave himself a ransom for


- All those for whom the Mediator died will be


- All those for whom the Mediator died will be


- A part only of those for whom the Mediator

died will be saved.

- God's purposes in the creation of the human

race embraced the final holiness and
happiness of all mankind.

- God's purposes in the creation of the human

race embraced the final holiness and
happiness of a part, and the endless misery of
the rest.

- God's purposes in the creation of the human

race embraced the final holiness and
happiness of all mankind.

- God's purpose in reference to the final

destiny of his creatures cannot be defeated.
- God has the power to make all his creatures
holy and happy.

- God's purpose in reference to the final

destiny of his creatures cannot be defeated.

- God's purpose in reference to the final

destiny of a part of his creatures will be

- God has the power to make all his creatures

holy and happy.

- God has not the power to make all his

creatures holy and happy.

- God wills the salvation of a part of his

creatures, and the damnation of the rest.

- God wills the salvation of all his creatures.

- God wills the salvation of all his creatures.

- God's will regarding the ultimate destiny of
his creatures cannot be thwarted.
- God can save all mankind, and will.

- God's will regarding the ultimate destiny of

his creatures will be done.

- God's will regarding the ultimate destiny of

his creatures will not be done.
- God would save all mankind, but cannot.

- The object of Christ's mission to our world

was to save all mankind from their sins.
- Christ will succeed in accomplishing the
object of his mission.

- God can save all mankind, but will not.

- The object of Christ's mission to our world
was to save only a small part of mankind from
endless misery.

- The object of Christ's mission to our world

was to save all mankind from endless misery.
- Christ will succeed in accomplishing only a
part of the object of his mission.

- All for whom Christ died will be saved.

- A glorious and happy destiny awaits every
individual of the entire human race.

The Christian Universalist God

has the power, the ability, and the
desire to save all mankind and will
do so.

- Christ will succeed in accomplishing the

object of his mission.
- All for whom Christ died will be saved.

- Some for whom Christ died will not be


- A glorious and happy destiny awaits a

portion of the human race, and a most
inglorious, unhappy and miserable destiny
awaits the rest.

- A glorious and happy destiny awaits a

portion of the human race, and a most
inglorious, unhappy and miserable destiny
awaits the rest.

The Calvinist God has the ability

and power to save all mankind but
refuses to do so.

The Arminian God would like to

save all mankind but does not
have the power and ability to do

Chart by Bill Petri


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