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304th MI Battalion OSINT News Summary

Bi-Weekly Supplement
August 21, 2008
For Official Use Only
U.S. Army Intelligence
304th Military Intelligence
Fort Huachuca, AZ 85613
LTC Monnard,

The 304th MI Bn OSINT Weekly report is an unclassified product of the 304th Army MI Bn OSINT
Team. This report is derived from news articles, OPEDS, Blogs and book reviews from national
and international sources available on the World Wide Web. The articles may be read in their
entirety by inserting the URL listed below the item into a browser. These summaries do not
represent 304th MIs position or point of view and are selected upon the criteria of whether the
content addresses GEOINT, HUMINT, SIGINT, MASINT, OSINT or news on new weapons
technology. The news summary is based on open source information and is not processed open
source intelligence.

Pacific Team Delivers GEOINT in Paradise
NGA analysts embedded in the JIOC's Combating Terrorism Division work closely with U.S. military forces deployed
to the Philippines and Pacific Rim countries. (Directions Magazine, Aug. 21)

NGA Seminar on Plug-In Applications for COTS Tools

NGAs exploitation program is promoting COTS-based exploitation of various sources of imagery. (Aug. 08)

Army Brigades Learn to Utilize GEOINT

As the U.S. Army continues to restructure itself from a division-based force to a modular brigade-based force, its
requirements for geospatial intelligence (GEOINT) capabilities are growing (NGA Pathfinder Magazine, July-Aug.
Grooming a Female Suicide Bomber
Al Qaeda in Iraq seeks out vengeful widows and social rejects. A jail in Diyala holds
suspected recruiters. (LA Times, Aug. 21),0,1860460.story (Caption for photo to the left- The youngest inmate at a
Baqubah jail peers through the bars. Aboud's mother (not shown) is accused of being part of a cell
that recruits female suicide bombers. She says she did nothing wrong. Alexandria Zavis-LA Times.

Iraqi Detainees' Reviews Mixed

"We don't have tourism here," says Jabbar Mubarak, the clerk at the Bourj al-Babil,
Zubair's largest hotel. "Everyone who comes to our hotel comes to visit their sons."
(Washington Times, Aug. 20)

U.S.: Quds, Hezbollah Training Hit Squads in Iran

Iraqi Shia assassination teams are being trained in at least four locations in Iran by
Tehran's elite Quds force and Lebanese Hezbollah and are planning to return to Iraq in the
next fewaccording to Intel. gleaned from captured militia fightersin Iraq. (AP, Aug. 16)

NATO Fear Taliban Spies Are Operating Within Afghan Government

Taliban spies have infiltrated the Afghan government, NATO commanders fear. They are convinced a rocket attack
on Helmand governor Gulab Managal three months ago was helped by a tip-off. (UK Mirror, Aug. 20)

Saudis Use Cash and Counseling to Fight Terrorism

Khalid al-Hubayshi's career as an Islamic warrior came to an end with the siege of Tora BoraThe young Saudi's
break with militant "jihadi" ideology was not as swift. It started in Guantnamo, but ripened only after he returned
home in 2005 to an unexpected reception. Mr. Hubayshi was treated to a mix of forgiveness, reeducation, counseling,
prison time, and cash. (Christian Science Monitor, Aug. 20)
Poster Urges Chinese to Spy on One Another
Put out by Beijing's National Security Bureau, the poster lists 13 Donts. (Epoch Times, Aug. 19)

Russian FSB Unmasked Georgian Spy in Russias Army

The officer was hooked in Georgia in 2007 and has been collecting secret information about Russias Armed Forces,
readiness of combat units as well as the data on his fellow-servicemen. (Russias Kommersant, Aug. 20)

U.S. Launch Spy Agency Based On British MI5 'Spooks' Who Will Work inside the Country to Help War on
Its storylines are strictly fictional. But the hit show Spooks has helped to bring about the creation of a real intelligence
agency(UK Daily Mail, Aug. 18)

Lack of Interpreters Hampers GTMO Lawyers

A new road block may greet the Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, detainees seeking federal court hearings, their attorneys
say -- a shortage of interpreters. (UPI, Aug. 20)

Liars Are Exposed By Blinking

Liars blink less frequently than normal during the lie, and then speed up to around eight times faster than usual
afterwards. (UK Telegraph, Aug. 20)
Georgia Chaos Halts Nuclear Security Effort
The chaos in Georgia has forced the U.S. to halt a high-priority program that was helping the former Soviet republic
to identify possible smugglers of nuclear bomb components(Boston Globe, Aug. 19)

Iran to Build More Nuclear Power Plants

Ahmad Fayyazbakhsh, deputy chief of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization and head of a state-owned nuclear energy
production company said that his company signed an agreement with six local companies, assigning them to hunt for
potential sites(Macro World Investor, Aug. 19)
Kyrgyzstan Signs Nuclear Detection Deal
A deal has been reached between the U.S. and Kyrgyzstan to coordinate a program to deter nuclear
proliferation(Middle East Times, Aug. 18)

Army Moves Ahead With Mobile Laser Cannon

The Army is moving ahead with plans to mount a laser cannon on a massive, 35-ton-plus truck. (Wired Danger Room
Blog, Aug. 20)
Canada Sends Chemical, Biological Suits To Philippines
The Canadian govt. has shipped chem. and bio. defense equipment to the Philippines and will soon send
personnel(Canada Network, Aug. 18)

Invisible Airborne Laser Also 'Deniable'

Enemy combatants are close to feeling the heat from an airborne laser weapon called the "long-range
blowtorch"(CNet News, Aug. 18)
Navy Wants New Laser Weapons
Solid-State Fiber LaserFree Electron LaserHigh-Power Microwave Directed Energy WeaponsThe
Revolutionary Approach to Time-Critical Long Range Strike (RATTLRS) Program (Military, Aug. 18)

NYPD Rolls Out Radiation Detection Boats

The police CT Division demonstrated the boatsas part of a training exercise and plan to protect New York Harbor.
(1010Wins, Aug. 16)
U.S. Refuses To Sell Planes to Israel, Fearing Strike On Iran
Defense Minister Ehud Barak requested that America sell the IAF several Boeing 767 refueling planes. However, the
White House refused, as it was not prepared to seem as though it was aiding a potential attack on Iran's nuclear
facilities(Jerusalem Post, Aug. 20)

Pakistan Bombers Hit Arms Factory
The attack is the deadliest on a military site in Pakistan's historyA spokesman for the Pakistani Taliban (Maulvi
Umar) said they had carried out the attacks (BBC News, Aug. 21)
Deadly Blast in Pakistan Hospital
The motive behind the blast in Dera Ismail Khan appeared to be sectarian, with Shias the apparent targets(Al
Jazeera, Aug. 19)
In Musharrafs Wake, U.S. Faces Political Disarray
It now leaves U.S. officials to deal with a new, elected coalition that has so far proved itself to be unwilling(NYT,
Aug. 18)
Pervez Musharraf's Resignation Leaves Pakistani Anti-Terror Policy Uncertain
A lynchpin of his country's alliance with the West, Mr. Musharraf departure has come at a crucial moment in the battle
against al-Qaida and Taliban(UK Times, Aug. 18)
UK Special Forces Plan New Strategy to Counter Taliban
According to The Independent, SAS and SBS troops are to be used to expand the Army's "decapitation" strategy,
while working alongside U.S. Marines(ANI, Aug. 19)
Al-Qaida Leader Slams Musharraf in First English Speech
Zawahiri criticized Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf and accused him of corruption... (WNBC, Aug. 16)

Iraq Govt. Cracks Down On U.S.-Backed Sunni Fighters

The Shiite-led government is cracking down on U.S.-backed Sunni fighters in one of Iraq's most turbulent
regions(Kuwait Times, Aug. 19)
Police: Iraqi Troops Raid Diyala Governor's Office
The provincial council suspended cooperation with the federal government in protest, and Iraq's main Sunni Arab
party accused the Shiite-dominated security forces of sectarianism. (AP, Aug. 19)

Chain Wrapped Around 'Old Man's Body' Found In Mosque

Mehdi ArmyThe militia had been in control of the mosque, called Adib al-JumailiResidents say coalition forces
weren't in the region and the torture and killings went unchecked. Some of the victims were accused of being spies
for U.S. forces. Other family members don't know why their loved ones disappeared(CNN, Aug. 20)

U.S. Drawdown in Iraq Raises Security Fears

Those concerns have emerged as the top U.S. commander, Gen. David Petraeus, is considering whether to
recommend a further drawdown... (Kuwait Times, Aug. 18)
Suicide Bomb Kills 15, Some of Them Kids, In Baghdad
More and more, militant groups have been using female suicide bombers to evade checkpoints and security checks
because custom bars Iraqi men from frisking women. (Minneapolis Star Tribune, Aug. 17)

Iran Satellite Launch a Failure: U.S. Official

Iran's attempt to launch a dummy satellite into orbit was a "dramatic failure"(Reuters, Aug. 19)

Salafism: A Small Movement Making Big Waves in Lebanon

Hezbollahs signature of a Memorandum of Understanding on Monday (Aug. 18) with Salafist groups raised questions
about the origin, the doctrine and the spread of the Sunni ideological movement, whose influence is more and more
tangible on the Lebanese political scene. (Lebanon Daily Star, Aug. 19)

Hezbollah-Salafist Memorandum of Understanding Signed (Note full

text of article has been inserted for our readers so they dont have
to access Hezbollahs English website based out of Iran)
Once again, Hezbollah signs a new memorandum of understanding with
another Lebanese group, in a bid to preserve national unity and prevent

sedition in the country.

Indeed, a memorandum of understanding was signed Monday between Hezbollah and the Salafist movement in a
ceremony that was held at the Safir Metropolitan Hotel in Beirut. Hezbollah was represented in the ceremony by the head of
its political council Sayyed Ibrahim Amin As-Sayyed, while the Salafist movement was represented by Sheikh Hassan
The Hezbollah-Salafist memorandum of understanding included eight main clauses, emphasizing the need to stay united
to confront sedition schemes and plots.
"First of all, and based on the holiness of the Muslim's blood, we condemn any assault of one Islamic group against
another," the memorandum read. "If any group was exposed to an assault, it can resort to all legitimate means to protect
itself," it added.
The memorandum also stressed on the necessity to abandon incitement, which creates trouble and would allow the
enemies to take advantage of the situation. It called on all Muslims to stay united against the Zionist-American scheme that
aims at creating division and provoke sedition.
"In case either Hezbollah or the Salafists were subjected to injustice by domestic or external sides, it should be backed by
the other side," the statement also read. It stipulated forming a religious committee to discuss any disagreement between
the Muslim Shiites and Sunnis.
It concluded that every side was free in its beliefs and convictions, and no one has the right to impose his own ideas on
the other, calling on to respect each others' points of views. It highlighted the fact that the understanding should play a role
in preventing sedition between Muslims.
Sayyed Ibrahim Amin As-Sayyed, who represented Hezbollah in the ceremony, stressed that the memorandum will relieve
people who call for unity, especially within the same confession, and it will bother our enemies who wanted to segregate us.
"Signing the memorandum is important because it will pave the way to solving controversial problems," his eminence
noted, stressing that the misunderstandings were the result of incitement and blasphemy.
As-Sayyed also noted "there is a lot of work to be done, and meetings and discussions will help both sides reach an
understanding," adding that "the enemies of the nation will face this memorandum, which is a courageous step in Lebanon
and the Arab and Islamic World."
For his part, Sheikh Shahhal said the understanding was a courageous step in order to support civil peace, predicting that
this step will lead to positive initiatives.
He pointed out that all Salafists believe in dialogue, which has legitimate procedures, stressing at the same time that they
wouldn't have signed the memorandum if they haven't received the Future Movement approval.

(Hezbollah English Website-Moqavement, Aug. 19)

Hezbollah Threatens To Abduct Israelis Abroad
The Counter Terrorism Bureau (Israel) issued a rare world wide travel advisory on Wednesday (Aug. 21) warning of
possible attempts by Hezbollah to kidnap Israelis abroad, in revenge for the assassination of Imad Mugniyah in
Damascus in February this year. (InfoLive Television from Jerusalem, Aug. 21)

Algeria Bombings Add To Fears about Al-Qaida Offshoot

Michael Hayden, the CIA director, claimed in May that al-Qaida had been essentially defeated in Iraq and Saudi
Arabia and was on the defensive throughout most of the rest of the world. An exception is Algeria(UK Guardian,
Aug. 20)
Algeria Bomb Kills 43 at Military Academy
A ministry statement said the attack targeted the gendarmerie training school at Issers, 55 km (34 miles) east of the
capital Algiers. (Reuters, Aug. 19)
Somalia: Death Toll Hits 20 As Al Shabaab Capture Kismayo (A Key Southern Port)
There are no Ethiopian forces present in Kismayo and the Jubba regions as a whole, although clan militias there
claim they are part of the government. (All Africa, Aug. 21)
Al Qaida Vows to Avenge Death of Fighters (Yemen)
A statement posted on the Internet in the name of Al Qaida's Yemen branch yesterday(Aug. 20) vowed to avenge
the deaths of one of its chiefs and four fighters in a shoot-out with (Yemeni) security forces last week. (Qatar
Peninsula, Aug. 21)

New Al Qaida Cell Discovered In Yemen

In the hideout of the group, security men found a quantity of weapons, ammunition, explosives, mines, hand
grenades, and women's clothes to be used as a disguise(Gulf News, Aug. 15)

Security in Yemen 'Has Improved'

The U.S. Embassy in Sana'a has said the move to return its non-essential staff (Gulf News, Aug. 17)

United Arab Emirates Police Break Up Heroin Network

A raid by UAE police in the Emirate of Sharjah resulted in the arrest of 19 Afghan nationals operating an extensive
heroin smuggling operation. Security authorities raided the Afghan network, fronted as a fruit and vegetable stand in
Sharjah, and confiscated more than 445 pounds of heroin, the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime reported.
Officials say the amount of heroin confiscated marked the "largest heroin seizure in the Arab world(Middle East
Times, Aug. 20)
AFP Sets Up Text Hotline to Counter Rumors of Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) Attacks (Philippines)
The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) has set up a text hotline to help calm the public's fears over rumored
plans of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) to attack civilian communities. (Philippines Inquirer, Aug. 21)

Lanao Del Norte Burns (Philippines)

Rampaging Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) rebels killed 33 people, including an Army lieutenant colonel, and
wounded several others after coordinated attacks in five towns in Lanao del Norte and in Maasim, Sarangani
yesterday morning (Aug. 18). (Philippine Star, Aug. 19)
Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) Has No Control over Commanders (Philippines)
The deadly attacks on several towns in Mindanao by MILF rebels showed the secessionist groups lack of control
over its field commanders. (ABS-CBN News, Aug. 19)
Cabuay Heads Spy Agency (Philippines)
President Arroyo has appointed retired Army Lt. Gen. Pedro Cabuay Jr. as director general of the National
Intelligence Coordinating Agency. (Manila Standard, Aug. 21)
Bomb Blasts Reported At Spanish Resort (ETA)
Two devices exploded, in Benalmadena and on Guadalmar beach in the (provincial) capital. They were of little power
and did not cause injuries or physical damage Last month ETA exploded four small bombs at popular seaside
resorts (RTE News, Aug. 17)
Homegrown Terror, Learned Online (UK)
Al-Qaida celebrated its 20th birthday this past week, making it two years older than Hammaad Munshi who yesterday
became the youngest person ever convicted of terrorism in the UK. (UK Guardian, Aug. 19)

12 Years For Online Jihad Recruiter Of Teenage Boy

A British cyber-groomer who recruited the country's youngest terrorist to a "worldwide" holy war against non-Muslims
was yesterday jailed for 12 years. (New Scotsman, Aug. 21)
The Makings Of An Extremist
The MI5 briefing note, Understanding Radicalization and Violent Extremism in the UK, seen by the Guardian provides
a unique insight into current thinking within the security service about how a modern-day British terrorist is made. (UK
Guardian, Aug. 20)
Rebels Push To Sever Georgia Ties
A big pro-independence rally is being held in Georgia's breakaway Abkhazia region and a similar rally is expected
soon in war-ravaged South Ossetia. (BBC News, Aug. 21)
CRS Report for Congress: Russia-Georgia Conflict in South Ossetia: Context
and Implications for U.S. Interests (CRS, Aug. 13)
The Real Irish Republican Army As a Foreign Terrorist Organization Shall Be Maintained.
There is a sufficient factual basis to find that the circumstances that were the basis for the 2003 re-designation of the
Real Irish Republican Army as a FTO have not changed (DoS Public Notice 6325, Aug. 20)

Bangladesh: Eyes off a Lurking Threat (CT OPED from a Yahoo Group of Bangladeshi Activists)
What we have not seen is a sustained effort by the law enforcement agencies to find terrorist camps and training
facilities and to flush out the terrorists, either during the rule of the BNP-led govt. or the present military-controlled

regime(Bangladesh Open Source Intelligence Eye Yahoo Group, Aug. 17)

A Call to GIMF, Al-Ansar Media Battalion, al-Firdaws, at-Tibyan, Dar al-Murabiteen & all other English
Translators (OPED from a Pro al Qaida Blogger)
Analyst Comment: A pro al Qaida Blogger at has called upon extremists to translate
more pro al Qaida magazines and documents into English to target English speaking audiences. Online magazines
that were mentioned include-Sada al-Jihad, Sawt al-Jihad, Al-Somood, Qadaya Jihadiyya, Sada al-Malahim, Hassad
al-Mujahideen, Munasir, Majallat al-Ansar, Jannat, Ansar-Jihad, As-Sahab Media, Al-Furqan Media and GIMF.
(InShaAllah Shaheed-The Ignored Pieces of Knowledge, Aug. 19)
Cultures of Resistance (OPED/Review from Muslim Brotherhood)
Cultures of Resistance Activism Forum is a project that aims to address the Western hostile use of language intended
to restrict debate related to mainstream Islamist movements and currents. (Muslim Brotherhood-Ikwhan Web, Aug.
Colombias FARC and the Debate over Revolutionary Strategy (OPED from a Communist-Socialist Website)
Two articles by Cuban leader Fidel Castro criticizing the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) have
provoked a wide-ranging debateCastro also disagreed with the FARCs approach of prolonged guerrilla
warfare(The Militant, Aug. 25)
Lights Out: EMP Warfare
Last month, the Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from Electromagnetic Pulse released a 200page report detailing the potential effects of an EMP attack on the continental U.S.(American Thinker, Aug. 17)

FEMAs PBX Network Hacked, over 400 Calls Made to the Middle East
Calls were placed to exotic locations such as Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, India and Yemen, with Sprint originally
detecting the compromise and blocking all outgoing long-distance calls from the location. (ZD Net Blog, Aug. 21)

ISI, the Bad Boy of Pakistan

Pakistan Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani was cornered during his visit to the U.S. and Sri Lanka over the ISI, the
bad boy of Islamabad. In Washington he was confronted with direct proof, in the form of intercepted
communications between the ISI officials and the militants(Asian Tribune, Aug. 21)

Cyberwar Isn't a Grand Struggle - It's a Scary Prospect of Pure Chaos

But whether by accident or design, the fight for South Ossettia appears to have given us a taste of the future as well,
with internet attacks on Georgian computer systems resulting in theories about 21st-century warfare spilling out
everywhere. (UK Guardian, Aug. 21)
China Busts Hacking Ring, Managed To Penetrate 10 (Chinese) Govt. Databases
If you needed a university certificate in China during the last couple of months, theres a big
chance that a group of ten people could have supplied with you such, going a step further
and adding your details in more than ten govt. databases(ZDNet, Aug. 19)

U.S. At Risk of Cyber attacks, Experts Say

The next large-scale military or terrorist attack on the U.S., if and when it happens, may not involve airplanes or
bombs(CNN Tech, Aug. 18)
Georgia under Cyber Attack
Among the more disturbing aspects of Russia's invasion of Georgia is that it was accompanied by a wave of cyber
attacks(LA Times, Aug. 17),0,5922456.story
Security Experts From Around the World to Convene in New York in December
SC Magazine, the longest running information security magazine in the world, has announced the leading speakers
for its inaugural SC World Congress, which will convene IT security professionals from around the world. (Market
Watch, Aug. 20){F74FC894-FD284C25-BD97-1245166CD7C5}&dist=hppr

Weapons, Emerging Weapons Technology & Emerging Commercial of the Shelf Technologies

UAV Military's Methuselah

The MQ-1 Predator unmanned aircraft system surpassed 400,000 flight hours(SatNews, Aug. 21)

WALL-E Look-a-Like Wins British Robot Showdown

Over the past week, Copehill Down Village, the British Army's urban combat
training facility, saw its oddest contest ever. (Wired Danger Room Blog, Aug.
Army Eyes Invisibility Cloak
After two years of rapid scientific progress, the U.S. Army is getting closer to
mastering man-made "meta-materials" that can bend light around an
object(Wired Danger Room Blog, Aug. 20)
Space Espionage: A High Priority
Replacements are expected to take place soon in the "space spy
community". Yet another American GPS Navstar satellite will be launched
into the low earth orbit in autumn. (Russian News & Information Agency, Aug. 20)

Q&A: The U.S.-Poland Missile Deal Explained

The closing of the deal between the U.S. and Poland for ten interceptor missiles to be based on Polish territory
completes the final component for a missile-defense system(UK Times, Aug. 20)

Conflict in Ossetia Exposes Obsolete Hardware

But while the conflict has demonstrated that Russia can and will coerce its post-Soviet neighbors with force if the
West doesnt intervene, it has exposed the technical backwardness(St. Petersburg Times, Aug. 19)

Iraq's 'Crazy' Bomb Squad

Now, the bomb techs rarely get out of their armored vehicles; they let the robots handle the explosives, instead.
(Wired Danger Room Blog, Aug. 19)
Big Stink As Israel Unleashes 'Skunk' On Protestors
The noxious mist, which Israeli police refer to as "skunk," was used for the first time earlier this month(AFP, Aug.
Spy Micro Camera Watch
It does come with a built-in digital camera that is capable of capturing video in AVI
format at 352 x 288 resolution. (Uber Gizmo, Aug. 20)

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