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Ashtead Garden Share

Garden Share Contract

As the garden owner I agree to:

• allow the gardener access to the garden plot and use it to grow produce in
accordance with the contract conditions overleaf

• give as large a period of notice (pref. 6 months) as I can to the gardener

concerning any change of circumstances that affect the terms of this contract.

Print Name: _____________________________________

Signed: _________________________ Date: _______________________

As the gardener I agree to:

• get my garden plot into production as soon as possible after the date of this
contract and take care of it.

• to grow and share produce on the plot in accordance with the conditions set
out below

• to comply with any key and security arrangements set out in the contract
conditions overleaf

• take all reasonable care to avoid damaging the owner’s property, to tell the
owner if I cause any accidental damage, and to pay for the cost of repairs or
replacements that are necessary because of damage I cause.

• accept that I work at my own risk and will not hold the owner responsible for
any injury I suffer whilst working on the plot

• If it becomes difficult or impossible for me to continue gardening my plot, I will

let the garden owner and the Garden Share Administrator know as soon as
possible, so that the plot is not left neglected or unused

Print Name: _____________________________________

Signed: _________________________ Date: _______________________

Note. Owner and gardener should agree and complete the

conditions form below before signing the contract.
Send the completed form to Chris Ellis, 5 Petters Road, Ashtead;
or email scanned forms to
Ashtead Garden Share

Garden Share Conditions

The garden owner and gardener agree that the garden share will be carried out on
the following basis.

(Garden owner and gardener to discuss the following issue together and enter the
agreed conditions before signing the garden share contract. Continue on a separate
sheet if necessary.)

1. On what times and days will the gardener have access to the garden?

2. How will the gardener have access to the garden?

3. What part of the garden constitutes the garden plot?

4. Who decides what is grown and where?

5. Will crops be grown organically?

6. How will produce grown on the plot be shared?

7. Who provides the seeds, plants, tools, compost etc? (It is usually expected that
the gardener provides seeds and plants, but the owner may be prepared to provide
some tools and other items.)

8. How will the gardeners dispose of garden waste? (For example can the
gardener build a compost heap, or use an existing one? Can the gardener use the
owner’s brown and/or black bins? Are bonfires allowed? Please note that Ashtead
Garden Share strongly discourages garden bonfires.)

9. Will the gardener have access to water: if so how?

10. Will the gardener have access to power: if so how?

11. Will the gardener have access to toilets: if so how?

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