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Hello Lea, from Mariel

ONE UPON A TIME, the Tiger, the Elephant, the Ants, the Monkey and the
Snake argued about who was the greatest animal in the land.
No other animal can swim through raging currents better than me! the Tiger
I can reach the tallest tree without a strain! claimed the Elephant.
Even if were small, we can carry the heaviest things! all of the Ants bragged.
But I can swing from tree to tree! the Monkey proudly said.*
I bet none of you can hide like I can! the Snake puffed.
Every day, they kept quarrelling until the other animals couldnt take it anymore.
They consulted the wise Owl to end the fight. His solution was to make an obstacle
course for the five animals. The animal who will be able to finish my obstacle
course without fail will be crowned the greatest. Of course, the animals wanted to
prove that they were the best, so they agreed to try.
Ill go first! the Tiger said. The first round was swimming through a river. Ha!
the Tiger smiled. This is easy! Effortlessly, the Tiger swam through the river. The
next challenge was to get a fruit from a tall tree, so the Tiger tried to climb. He was
able to achieve his goal but had a bit of problem. Ouch! He wailed when he fell.
The third challenge was trickier. A large and very heavy boulder was to be placed
from one side to another. He pushed it with all his might. At last, the boulder was at
the other side and the Tiger was instantaneously tired. Little did he know, the
fourth challenge would be his problem. He needed to swing from tree to tree. After
getting his paws tangled, the Tiger finally gave up.
It is my turn then! the Elephant said. Like the Tiger, he easily waded through
the river. This is easy! the Elephant proclaimed as he took the fruit with his long
trunk. The third challenge was not a problem as well, since the Elephant was
strong. He moved the boulder from one side to the other. But also like the Tiger,
the fourth challenge was his problem. Obviously, the Elephant couldnt swing on
the weak vines. He tried but the vines immediately broke. Dejected, the Elephant
finally gave up.
Were next! the Ants said. At the river, the Ants made a boat for them to
cross. The Ants also easily took the fruit since they could climb through trees. Like
the Elephant and the Tiger, the Ants moved the boulder to the other side. Things
were looking great for the Ants, but they realized they couldnt swing from vine to

vine. They tried everything but failed to even make the vine move. The Ants too
finally gave up.
Lets do this! the Snake said. Like the Tiger, the Elephant, the Ants, and the
Monkey, the Snake swam across the river. He also climbed and grabbed the fruit
from the tree like the others. But unfortunately, the Snake couldnt move the
boulder. This boulders too heavy! the Snake heaved. He sighed and, like the
Tiger, the Elephant, the Ants, and the Monkey, the Snake too finally gave up.
Bring it on! the Monkey said. At the first challenge, the Monkey swam
through the river, though he had a bit of problem. The Monkey rarely swam but
nonetheless, was able to cross the river. Also like the Tiger, the Elephant and the
Ants, the Monkey was able to retrieve the fruit from the tree because of his
climbing skills. The Monkey was also able to move the boulder, but for a very long
time though. That was heavy! the Monkey whined. The fourth challenge was by
far the easiest for the Monkey. Unlike the Tiger, the Elephant and the Ants, the
Monkey gracefully swung from vine to vine.
Lastly, the Monkey finally reached the final challenge and he met the Owl.
What do I need to do? the Monkey asked. Simple: you need to hide from the tall
giraffe in order to win. Though it sounded simple, it wasnt for the Monkey. The
giraffe always saw where the Monkey was hiding. Unfortunately, the Monkey too
finally gave up.
When the five animals met again, they all realized that none of them finished the
obstacle course of the Owl. The all went to him and started to talk at once:
Who is the greatest then? the Tiger complained.
None of us finished! the Elephant protested.
We want to know whos the greatest! the Ants grumbled.
What does this prove? the Monkey cried.
So who really wins? the Snake yelled.

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