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Number of Questions: 80
Ans: C
Ans: A
Ans: B
Ans: A
Exp: All time zones in the globe are described in terms
of the number of hours between the standard meridian
of that time zone and the Greenwich meridian. China
spans five time zones but runs on a single national
time using the standard meridian of Beijing. Russia
uses 11 standard time zones.
Ans: B
Ans: C
Ans: D
Exp: The spate of farmers suicides that has been
occurring in the different parts of the country since
1997-98 can be linked to the agrarian distress
caused by structural changes in agriculture and
changes in economic and agricultural policies. These
include: the changed pattern of landholdings; changing
cropping patterns especially due to the shift to cash
crops; liberalisation policies that have exposed Indian
agriculture to the forces of globalisation; heavy
dependence on high-cost inputs; the withdrawal of the
state from agricultural extension activities to be
replaced by multinational seed and fertiliser
companies; decline in state support for agriculture;
and individualisation of agricultural operations.
Ans: B
Ans: A
10. Ans: D
11. Ans: A
12. Ans: D
Exp: Basalt is an example of extrusive igneous rock.
These rocks contains silica content between 45 -60 %.
13. Ans: D
14. Ans: A
Exp: Gharials(Fish-eating, Long-nosed crocodiles) once
thrived in all the major river systems of the Indian
Subcontinent. Today, they are extinct in the Indus
River, in the Brahmaputra of Bhutan and Bangladesh,
and in the Irrawaddy River. Their distribution is now
limited to only 2% of their former range. Gharials do
not kill and eat humans. Jewellery found in their
stomachs may have been the reason for the myth that
gharials are man-eaters. They may have swallowed this
jewellery as gastroliths used to aid digestion or
buoyancy management. As the population has

declined drastically in the past 70 years, the gharial is

listed as Critically Endangered by the IUCN.
15. Ans: C
Exp: Primary waves also called as Longitudinal or
Compressional waves are analogous to sound waves
wherein particles move both to and fro in the line of
propagation of the ray. P waves travel with fastest
speed through solid materials.
16. Ans: C
Exp: The cross section of glacial valleys are
characterized by U-shaped valleys with conclave slope,
steep walls and flat floors. When floating up to ninetenth of a body of glacial ice lies below water level.
Therefore a glacier several hundred meters thick can
erode to considerable depth below sea level before the
buoyancy of the water reduces its erosive power where
it enters the open water.
17. Ans: C
Exp: At the high temperatures, in the petrol and diesel
engines of cars and trucks N2 & O2 react to form a
small quantity of No, which is emitted into the air with
the exhaust gases. This NO is oxidized in air to NO2
which in turn absorbs energy from sunlight and
breaks up into nitric oxide and free oxygen atom which
is known as Photochemical decomposition.
18. Ans: C
Exp: The Sun, the Earth and the Moon came in the
position of quadrature i.e right angle on seventh or
eighth day of every fortnight of a month and thus the
tide producing forces of the sun and the moon work in
opposite direction and as a result low tide is caused.
19. Ans: C
Exp: An ergo graph is a graph that shows a relation
between human activities, or agricultural/climate
factors, and a seasonal year. The name was coined by
Dr. Arthur Geddes of the University of Edinburgh. It
can either be a polar coordinate (circular) or a
Cartesian coordinate (rectangular) graph, and either a
line graph or a bar graph. It is prepared to show the
area as well as growing season of crop along with
climatic (temperature + rainfall) relationship of that
crop in the same area.
20. Ans: B
Exp: Karst Topography refers to that surface which
disappears in limestone formation through a swallow

hole or sink hole. Cobbles and pebbles are abraded by

long periods of wind erosion.
21. Ans: A
Exp: In mid-oceanic ridges the movement of plates is
in opposite direction and there is consequent formation
of faults and ruptures and upwelling of magma or
fissure flow of basaltic lavas.
22. Ans: C
Exp: Option C is correct. As Seaweeds only grow in
coastal shallow water where ever sizeable substrata is
23. Ans: B
Exp: National park enjoys greater protection than
sanctuary. Grazing of livestock is totally prohibited in
National park, which is regulated in sanctuary.
24. Ans: A
25. Ans: C
Exp: 42 tiger reserves are spread over 17 states.
26. Ans: A
Exp: E-8 countries are India, Botswana, The Republic
of Congo, Indonesia, Kenya, Srilanka, Tanzania and
Thailand. E-8 was held at Delhi in May 2014.
27. Ans: A
Exp: The Nairobi Convention of 1985 or the
Convention of the Protection, Management and
Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment
of the Eastern African Region is a regional framework
agreement for marine environmental management. It is
implemented by the Consortium for Conservation of
Coastal and Marine Ecosystems in the Western Indian
Ocean (WIO-C) in coordination with the United Nations
Environment Programme (UNEP) and New Partnership
for Africas Development (NEPAD) as well as nongovernmental
Conservation Union (IUCN) and Western Indian Ocean
Marine Science Association (WIOMSA).
28. Ans: D
29. Ans: A
Exp: A Central fact finding committee has released
Drowning a valley: Destroying a civilization report
warned against increasing the height of Sardar Sarovar
Dam on the Narmada river in Gujarat. The report says
that it could lead to a calamity bigger than the
earthquake in Nepal.
30. Ans: B
Exp: Robin flies became national bird of United
Kingdom. Robin flies the red-breasted bird has topped
a poll of more than 200,000 people to choose the UKs
first national bird, winning a landslide victory. The bird
received 34% of votes, followed by the barn owl, which
received 12%, and the blackbird, 11%.
31. Ans: D
Exp: In (iii) it increases as we move up higher latitude.
32. Ans: B
Exp: it is 82.5 E 1 = 4 mins: 74 x 4 =296 mins
33. Ans: A

Exp: They dont occur in strata and contain very little

34. Ans: D
35. Ans: D
36. Ans: B
37. Ans: A
38. Ans: C
39. Ans: C
40. Ans: D
Exp: As we move up pressure decreases, increase in
temperature decreases pressure.
41. Ans: A
42. Ans: D
Exp: Cloud Bursts can occur anywhere provided
moisture source and intense convection are available.
Western Ghats region is more vulnerable to landslides
than the Himalayas.
43. Ans: C
44. Ans: A
Exp: Chotanagpur plateau is mineral heartland of
45. Ans: A
Exp: this project aim at enabling the rural population
to conserve water for drinking, irrigation, fisheries and
46. Ans: D
Exp: Rajastan and Maharashtra - flouride content. WB
and Bihar - arsenic content.
47. Ans: D
48. Ans: D
49. Ans: C
50. Ans: B
Exp: Cloud seeding enhances the cloud formation thus
give rainfall.
Silver iodide and dry ice is used for the purpose.
51. Ans: C
Exp: Conditions include there should be relatively
narrow valley so that river may not spread in the
otherwise wide and flat valleys and there should be low
sediment so that river may resort to active erosion.
52. Ans: D
Exp: Cold air mass is associated with instability and
atmospheric turbulence while warm air mass and is
associated with stable weather conditions.
53. Ans: A
54. Ans: A
55. Ans: B
Exp: Season is a period in the year resulting from
inclination of the earth's axis and earth's revolution.
56. Ans: A
Exp: Nitrogen is generally low, potash and alkalic are
57. Ans: B
Exp: It records highest salinity due to high
temperature and evaporation.
58. Ans: D
59. Ans: A

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Geographic feature
(a) Guiana
(b) Kimberley Plateau

North region of
south America
Northern region of
western Australia
Eastern Europe
South eastern USA

(c) Caucasus region

(d) Piedmont Plateau
60. Ans: C
Exp: 4 projects under Chambal valley project, another
is Kota Barrage. Indira Sagar Dam is on Narmada
61. Ans: C
62. Ans: C
Exp: it is also associated with cold deserts in J&K....
63. Ans: D
64. Ans: C
Exp: River flows in northwest direction through
65. Ans: A
Exp: They contain Na, K and Mg which make them
infertile and do not support vegetative growth.
66. Ans: D
Exp: US by 2025, China by 2030
67. Ans: A
68. Ans: A
69. Ans A
Exp: Social forestry or community based forestry has
the basic objective of involving the local community in
forest activities
70. Ans: A
71. Ans: B
Exp: they are endemic to the temperate forests of the
Himalayas. A disjunct population include in Meghalaya
72. Ans: C
Exp: they produce Nitric and Sulphuric acid.
73. Ans: A
74. Ans: A
75. Ans: A
Exp: the credits can be sold to firms in rich countries
(Kyoto protocol)
76. Ans: B
77. Ans: D
78. Ans: B
Exp: Our ambitious goal is to attain a wild population
of at least 3,000 greater one-horned rhinos in the
Indian state of Assam - spread over seven protected
areas - by the year 2020.
79. Ans: D
80. Ans: D
81. Ans: B
Exp: Generally Temperature decreases as move
upward in Troposphere at the rate of 6.4degree
C/1000m. If it decreases it is called Temperature
Inversion. And its Consequences are: Occurrence of

Fog, Accidents, Damage to crops, Impact on Human

82. Ans: A
Exp: Hadely postulated according to Meridonial
circulation as Cold air descended at the poles and
flowed along the Earths surface toward the warmer
equator. This flow will be countered by rising warm air
at the equator and a flow aloft toward the poles so that
two large Hadely cells existed in each hemisphere.
83. Ans: A
84. Ans: D
Exp: The main causes are: Differential heating, trade
and anti trade winds, Coriolis effect, variation in the
salinity and temperature of oceans, configuration of the
coast line and ocean floor.
85. Ans: B
86. Ans: B
Exp: Efe is African Ethnic Community.
87. Ans: D
Exp: The pedogenic regime of podzolisation associated
with areas of cool & humid climate which have forests
as natural vegetation
88. Ans: D
89. Ans: A
90. Ans: A
Exp: Langmuir precipitation is a phenomenon in
which drops of rain fuse together to create large drops
as they fall, falling more quickly as they grow.
91. Ans: B
Exp: Kalahari is a trade wind hot desert of the world.
The trade winds spend most of their moisture through
rainfall in the eastern margins of the continent and as
they reach the western margins of the continents they
become dry and hence are unable to give rainfall.
92. Ans: C
93. Ans: C
94. Ans: B
Exp: Kurile current is also known as Oyashio current
which is cold current.
95. Ans: B
Exp: The Spratly Islands dispute is an ongoing
territorial dispute between Brunei, China, Malaysia,
the Philippines, Taiwan (Republic of China), and
Vietnam, concerning ownership of the Spratly Islands,
a group of islands and associated maritime features
located in the South China Sea. The dispute is
characterised by diplomatic stalemate and the
employment of low-level military pressure techniques
(such as military occupation of disputed territory) in
the advancement of national territorial claims.
96. Ans: C
97. Ans: B
98. Ans: C
99. Ans: C
100. Ans: C

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