Dunman High School, Senior High Promotional Examination

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Year5( )


Higher 2

30 September 2008
3 hours
Additional Materialsl
List of Formulae (MF15)


Write your Name, Class and lndex number on all lhe work you hand in
Wite in dark blue or black pen on both sides ofihe paper.
You may use a soft pencilfor anv disorams org€phs
Do nol use paper clips, highlighte.s, glue or coffection fluid.

Answer all the queslions.

Give non exact numerical answers correct to 3 siqnificant figures, or 1 decimal place in ihe case of anqles in
degrees, un{ess a diffe.ent levelofaccuracy is specified in lhe queslion.
You are expected lo !se a araphic calculalor
Unsupported answers fro.n a graphic calculaior are allowed unless a question specifically states otherwise.
Where unsupporled answers from a graphic calculator are not allowed in a question, you are required lo present
the mathematical steps using mathematical notations and not calculator cornmands
You are renrinded of the need for clea. presentalion in your answers.

At ihe end of lhe examination, a(ach the question paper to the front of your answer sc.ipt.
The numbe. of ma*s is given in brackels [] al the end of e:ch queslion or part question.

Can do the ivholc question.

Can do part ofquestion only. /

Differentiate the following with respect to -r:


rn) .-'(''/i-2"), t3l

lea\ lng your ansuers rn tbe srmplesl form

br inducrion Lha,
a ' ' r 1 ,"f t"-rt'l
i'r'i rrr t5l
l,: I

Sketch on the same diagram" the graphs of

(a) (y - l)'z +;r'? +4;r+3 = 0,
indicating cleady the c€nhe of this geometrical shape and any axial
intercepts, t21

(b) I =-r+l rvherek>1.

indicating clearly the asj,.rnplotes aod the axial intercepts- t31

Hence deduce the nurnber ofreal roots to the equation

l'\rr ll ,4.i rr -u
ll:r+l ) '., tll

Without using the calculator, solve the inequalty

18 ^
Hence solve the following inequalilies

1;,t -18
Yl+l ' 1.1-2, t2l

(rt l8
r. 12)

Find the first tbree terms inthe expansiolof $./l in u.."o,lrng powers of.r. [31
Dedu,e that rhe equarion ofthe tangenr (o lhc curve v - ;::! ar rhe poinl trhere
;r = 0, is given by

9y = 2.6r + 0..6 . T2T

The diagram shows the graph of _t, = (jr) . It passes thmugh the origir O and rhe poht
P(3, 0), and has arymptotes r = 2 and y =+2 .

Sketch on sepa.ate clearly labelled diagrams, the graphs of

(i) , =lf (l"Dl, t3l

f(r+l) l3l

A curve is d€fined by the equation 8y'+:rr - +-t'y = - 4.

(i, Frna !{ mrermsofnandy. L2J


(iil The curwe meets the Line y= -r I

at the poinr P. Find the equation of the
normal at point P. L4l

Find the following integrals:

{a) r(2r+r)(r r) t3l

(br f5 E'' d, t3l


Functions f and g ar€ defin€d by

f :rt'>ln(t+2), 0<n<5,
r'-1, r>0.
(i) Fiod f rin a
"imilrr form. t31

(ii) Show that gf ' exists, statilg your reasons clearly. 12)

(iii) Find the range of gf-'. 12)

(iy) Using part (i) or otherwisc, deteffin€ h(jr) such that
hf(x) =e(x). l2l

l0 The diagaam shows a cuwe with the equation , =rsin.ir.

Statc thl3 vaLue ofa- ill

(i) Show that

lxsin rdr= sin.\ rcos I -..

where c is a realconsLlnt- t3l
(ii) Given that ihc area P+0 which is bounded by the curve J/ = nsio.r, the t-a-'(is
and thc line ;=6 is given by 2r unit2, find the value of 6.
(iii) Find the volume of the solid of revolution generated when the r€gion P is
rotated throogh an angle of 2r. about the rc-axi.. [:]

ll A sequence o f real numbers r! , n, , ,rr , ... satisf,es the rccurrcncc rclation

r,-al I r.r r).lwheie a i" a r.at con.tarrr and r, I

\ r"/
It is given that the sequence converges for one ofthesc two cases:

)6 )
l: o
35and Cd5e o

(i) Use your calculator to find dle values ofj:r, Jrr, -y4 and -r5. correct to 2 decmal
places for each of two abovc valocs of d - Ilcrcc state which value of a
causcs thc sequcnce to convcrge. t3l

(i0 As r -) 6, r" + d . Taking the a value h pad (i) thal calrses the sequcncc to
convcrgc, find tbe exacl value d. tll

12 (a) R€lative to a fixed ongin O, tire points.,{, B and C havc posilion vectors give
respeotively by
r=2irlj k, b'.-ti-2j+lk, c=4i+j 2k.
Piod the area oftrianglc lBC, corrcct to 3 signilicant figures. l3l
Hence deiemrine thc lcngth ot the perpondicular from ,4 to the side of thc
triaoglc. t2)

(b) The Lines /1 and 6 have cquatious

,,. llt.l;l -,, . iil,,l,t

l"J l,J
l'.1 I J

respectively, where .r is a constant.

Find, in tenns ofd, the cosinc ofthe acute aogle bctween the lines 1l and /1. [2]
Ileduce the value ofd such that 4 is pcrpendicular to /:!. tll
lior the case where a = 2

(i) Show that the position \.€l-lor of the foot of the peryendicular from the
point p(3. '.0) to rho linc /r
7 r :j6.
is - i t3l

(ii) Firrd the position vector ofthe irnage p' . the rctlcctrnn nt? rn the line /r.

ll (a) The rth tenn ofa progression is given by 4 =2".
(i) Find :2/ in temrs ofn. trl

(ii) Fhd the Ieast value of tl such ihat f,.fr'f"...f, >50000, where /? is

(b) A chcmist is experimenting on a new typc ofanii-bacteria[ spray. In a container

no| of 5x los bactcri4 this spray is activated evcry 40 min ftom the stad ofthc
Covt*A experiment. Each spmy instantly kills 90% ofthe bacteria p.csent at that timc.
The duflbe. ofbacteria multiplies by 2 times every 20 min from the siart ofthe
1e{ cxperiment.

(You may assume tllat wheneve. th€ spmy is activated, the bactcria nlultiplies
fi$t befbre it gcts killed.)

(i) Catculale the number of bacteria leR imrnediately atler 40 rnin, i.e.
immediately aftcr the first spray has been activalc.d. L2l
(ii) tlisgiventhat B rcprcsents the number o f bactcria Iefl immcdiately a[te.
4O/lmir. For examplc, Br =number of bacteria Icft immediately after
40min, B, =Irumber of bacteria leti irnraediately attcr 8Ornin and so on_
Show thet

4, = (5 r 103 x0.4).
(iii) Find the nuorber of bacteria letl immcdiarely atier 240 miD i2l
(iv) Statc, wiG justification, whether the spray is et'fectivc in oootrolling the
bacterial growth after a long period oftime. t2t
Iligher 2

2sec(2r) ran (2-Y) eqr') ;

3 ll

4 r 4 ,,r I r ); r. oor.l.\.1

I_l I_r l-L

7 ,l dr . .l_l 14
.6 r. Ji rJr oJr Jr rJr rJr

Gradicnl oflangent at (r = O, -
Ilquation ofnonnal at i! - 0 is 9y=2.{6r r 6.J5

'l-v-r,. Thc normal ?t n = 2 is a holzorrtal linc with cquation

8y 2r|

It l -) + I d[ Jtanr--ten'r ].
-1r),r'l r I Stanr--+tl _+.
4 4 cos" r 2cos r

f ':rrr e'-2, ln2<r<ln7

. Rsr, = & with domain rest icted to 0: r < 5

'*rr'"", "- ? /' 44)rrs,,

l-J"-"," \olum. It t. f)

] ] Rcqurrcd x-r j

r r (i)
the sequence to converge-

Ar€a oftriangle IBC =8.75; Required length:5.83;

" lt)
(a)(i) I r?(r + l)
(ii) I Hence. n = 8, since, is even.

(b)li) | A( rhe 40'nin. bdcreria multiplie. by 4 timcs

Number ofbacteria left
= 2x 103

(i0 Since every 40min, the bacteria is 0.4 times the p.evious number,
The.efore by G.P.,

= (5 x 103X0.4 ), wherea=0.4x(5x103)

240 mrn, n =6, therefore

1...) I For
I 4 =(5 ro'xo.4"r
= 2048000

(iv) I Ves, because as z +o,4 +0

The oumber ofbacteria will converpe lo zero afier a long penod of lime.

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