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1. Remote Desktop to ADC Server ( with admin privileges (Widyanta1)

2. Open Active Directory Users and Computer
3. Open domain , open subfolder Malang Users Project and then create new

4. Fill in the First Name , Last Name , Full Name , and User logon name

For User logon name, follow the BAT standard with 7 letters Last Name and 1 letter First Name.
For example :
First Name
: Rendra
Last Name
: Yuwono Wicaksono
User logon name
: WicaksoR
Change the domain from to


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5. Fill in the default password for new user

Fill in the default password with : Password1
Uncheck the User must change password at next logon

6. Click Finish and voila! New user created.

7. After the new user created, double click on it and then go to General tab.
Fill in the Description with user id domain. (KR / JK / TN)
o KR
: Users on Karanglo, All Plants in Malang and all ASMO Region
o JK
: Users on All Jakarta Region
o TN
: Users on Tenun
8. Go to Member Of tab.
Add the user to PG-GLobalWifi-ID (Every New User must be added to this group!)
For User with Internet access add to Group Below :
o AG-ISA-InternetAccess-ID
o WebsenseUsers_Category#1


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After this we must create the user Home folder on File Server (
Remote desktop to File Server ( with admin privileges (widyanta1)
Open Explorer and go to H Drive then open Shared folder Users folder
Create a New Folder named with New Users User logon name

13. Double Click on it and create a new folder again named with Home
14. Back one step and open properties on the New User folder then choose the Security Tabs


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15. Choose Advanced then a new tab will come out

16. Choose the Permissions tabs then click on Change Permission


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Uncheck the Include inheritable permissions

Remove all entries except Domain Admin (Widyanta1) and Local Admin
Add new entries which is the new user
Check theReplace all child object permission with inheritable permission from this object
Click Apply
17. Back on the Advanced Security Setting Tabs, choose the Owner tabs.
18. On the Owner tabs , click on Edit
Click on Other users or groups
Add the new user on ownership
Check the Replace owner on subcontainers and objects box
Click Apply then OK


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19. After creating Home folder then we must get the folder the right quota that needed
20. Open up File Server Resources Manager
Choose Quota Management - Quotas

21. Create Quota for new user created

Fill in the Quota path: with new user folder path
Choose the right amount for Derive properties from this quota template
o The amount for quota ranged within 400MB, 800MB, 1200MB, and 2000MB
Click Create


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22. After creating the Home folder and give Quota to Home folder, We back again to the ADC
Server (
23. Open up Properties from the new user AD then choose Profile Tabs
24. On the Profile Tabs :
Change Home folder from Local path: to Connect:
Choose G: then fill in the To: box the right path to file server we create before
Click Apply then OK

25. Congratulations! New User has been created!!


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