PTE Agrumentative Essay

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It has recently been suggested that the classical, or "dead",

languages Latin and Greek should be re-introduced into the

school curriculum.(given data) Those that oppose the idea claim
that the ancient languages are of no practical use and no help in
getting a job.(first point of view) Those in favor of the idea say
that education is more about training the mind than preparing for
a career.(second point of view)
Which of these points of view do you most agree with? Support
your argument, where possible, with reasons and/or examples
from your own experience and observations.
Scope: language dead languages re-introduced
or not.
Stand: they are not required.
1. More number of languages or subjects can cause
stress to the students. a
2. They are not useful in day to day life. c
3. They cannot make us get a job. b
4. More languages cause more confusion. d
Supporting para 1
Supporting para 2
Supporting para 3

Languages are the best tools for us to get on in all
walks of life.
Detailed Background:
But some languages have to die out as the trends
and needs of the world change.
I strongly believe that these outdated languages
such as Latin and Greek are not necessary
anymore in this advanced technological world.
My point of argument is going to be supported with
a few reasons and relevant examples in the coming

Supporting Para 1:
In todays school education students have to go
through many subjects. They are already feeling
burdensome. I think if we re-introduce outdated
languages like Greek and Latin, the students will
surely undergo lot of stress.
For example, a student who is studying 10th
standard in our state has to learn six subjects and
three languages. If we compel him to learn Sanskrit
which is an old language, he may lose interest in
Therefore, I think it is not advisable to introduce
outdated languages again in schools.
Final Conclusion:
After a meticulously analysis whether or not the
outdated languages should be re-introduced in the
current school curriculum,
Restatement of Thesis:
I strongly feel that these dying out languages are
not at all necessary for the students.
Recommendations / Predictions:
Before I conclude, I would like to recommend that
instead of outdated languages, it is better to
introduce some advanced or modern subjects

which enhance the chances for a better settlement

of the students.
Languages are the best tools for us to get on in all walks of life. But
some languages have to die out as the trends and needs of the world
change. I strongly believe that these outdated languages such as Latin and
Greek are not necessary anymore in this advanced technological world. My
point of argument is going to be supported with a few reasons and relevant
examples in the coming paragraphs.
In todays school education students have to go through many
subjects. They are already feeling burdensome. I think if we re-introduce
outdated languages like Greek and Latin, the students will surely undergo lot
of stress. For example, a student who is studying 10th standard in our state
has to learn six subjects and three languages. If we compel him to learn
Sanskrit which is an old language, he may lose interest in education.
Therefore, I think it is not advisable to introduce outdated languages again in
After a meticulously analysis whether or not the outdated languages
should be re-introduced in the current school curriculum, I strongly feel that
these dying out languages are not at all necessary for the students. Before I
conclude, I would like to recommend that instead of outdated languages, it is
better to introduce some advanced or modern subjects which enhance the
chances for a better settlement of the students.

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