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1. Administration and Technique Preparation
PKL preparations held in January 2014, which is began by dividing of fieldwork
training (PKL) placement. There are 11 places for students where consisting of hospitals
and clinics. The ratio between the hospital and clinic used as a place for fieldwork
training by the Department of Nursing students Poltekkes Kemenkes Denpasar is 4
hospitals and 7 clinics. They are Surya Husada Hospital, Kasih Ibu Hospital, Bali Royal
Hospital (BROS), BIMC Kuta and Nusa Dua Hospital. For the clinic that is Penta
Medica Clinic, Bumi Sehat Clinic, Damiyanti Clinic, Blue Cross Medika Clinic, Legian
Clinic, Jimbaran Medical Clinic, and Artha Medika Clinic. PKL site selection process is
done by a democratic system that is delivered to the students, so there is no jealousy
among students who receive hospital or clinic because it is tailored to the wishes of
However, getting a choice in Kuta BIMC Hospital Nusa Dua or not immediately
able to do PKL directly, but must go through a series of tests in advance, starting from
the campus level selection, and selection of the concerned hospital. First of all, we are
choosing, and get a chance to PKL in BIMC Hospital should collect the TOEFL test
assessment results prior to being used as a requirements selection on campus. Having
finished the selection process on campus, then we must follow the procedures in BIMC
Hospital that is making a complete cover letter together with curriculum vitae and

evidence of TOEFL test results. The next stage is the interview conducted at BIMC
Hospital Nusa Dua. In BIMC Nusa Dua, interview conducted BY the head nursing
department and senior nurses. The number of students DID the test on that time was 12
of 8 persons available. The day after the interview, the announcement immediately sent
via email to our academic tutors, so the results can be announced immediately. The next
phase, we follow the medical check up conducted at BIMC Hospital Nusa Dua due on 3
May, 2014. Students are expected to follow the fieldwork training in BIMC Nusa Dua is
7 people.
2. Organization structure
Organizing is a grouping of activities - activities for the purpose of achieving an
objective, assignment of a group manager with the authority and supervision of each
group define ways of organizing appropriate activities with other units, both vertically
and horizontally, which is responsible for achieving organizational objectives.
a. Staff
Table 1
SDM Surgeon BIMC Hospital 2013




a. Specialist Practitioners
b. General Practitioners
c. Dentist
d. Expert Consultant
Paramedic employee; Nurses
Paramedic employee non nurses
a. Pharmacist
b. Nutritionist
c. Radiologist


d. Physiotherapy
e. Laboratorium


with Prodia)
Non Medic employee
a. Management
b. Administration staff
c. Marketing
d. Security
e. Facilities and technicians
f. Driver
g. Laundry
i. Housekeeping



b. Motto, Vision and Mission AND VALUE BASED ON ACHS

Ambition for Excellence Passion for Care
"The services of the BIMC HOSPITAL Group establish Bali as a world-class
medical tourism destination with excellent quality and superior value."
a) BIMC HOSPITAL Group provides international standards of care for
tourists and residents in Bali and Indonesia.
b) The healthcare services of the BIMC HOSPITAL Group define the
benchmark level for quality in Indonesia and effectively attract medical
tourists to Bali.
a. Mengembangkan sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas melalui
pelatihan internal dan eksternal yang berkesinambungan.
b. Menyediakan sarana dan prasarana medis dan non medis yang
terbaik sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan memenuhi standar.
c. Menjalin kerjasama dengan rumah sakit lain dan institusi pendidikan
baik dalam negeri maupun luar negeri.
3. Overview of Location
a. Location of training

Bali International Medical Centre (BIMC) located in the area of Block D BTDC,
Nusa Dua Bali 80363 is a hospital with extensive medical facilities and providing
excellent health care for 24 hours a day with international standards. BIMC Hospital
was officially opened on May 5, 2012.
BIMC Hospital is located in Nusa Dua, is the second health care institutions of
BIMC Hospital Group, which is located in an area of an acre of land in the region
dedicated to the five-star hotel and resort. State-of-the-art was designed by the
architectural firm leading health and fitness, Silver Thomas Hanley, to anticipate the
needs of the region's growing southern Bali will be first-class hospitals and medical
centers that cover everything.
BIMC Hospital has 31 specialists and 25 general practitioners. And equipped
with the following facilities:
b. Facilities and Services Surgery SSR BIMC Nusa Dua
1) ER (Emergency Room)
Emergency Unit to serve 24 hours as an initial treatment for patients suffering from

pain and injuries, which could threaten survival.

The team medical staff in BIMC Surgery SSR has expertise in the field of medical
emergency and intensive care, so as to assess and stabilize patients who are in

critical condition.
Emergency Unit equipped with cardiopulmonary resuscitation, ECG, defilbrillators,
vital sign monitors, IV pumps, ventilators and other equipment necessary to handle

a medical emergency or trauma.

2) Outpatient
Consists of space acts as a treatment for patients suffering from pain and injury,
swipping, swabs and other tests that can be performed outpatient consulting room

facilities were comfortable and hygienic

Medical check-up program in Nusa Dua BIMC Surgery SSR to identify the risk
factors and early signs of disease. Screening is done in a quiet and comfortable
space with the medical staff who experience to discuss health issues and the results

of screening tests. Using an innovative approach to efficiency, prevention and

family medicine program (Family Medicine).

BIMC Nusa Dua has doctors who serve 24 hours in consultation with the
consulting room facilities were comfortable and hygienic. For consultation with a

specialist is expected to make an appointment.

3) Program Family Physicians (Family Medicine)
Family Doctor Program is a program designed specifically to provide
comprehensive health care for all ages that is done in private. The program provides
ongoing health care for individuals and families, emphasizing the patient doctor
relationship, promote prevention and curative care. A designated doctor will give
provide routine care and continue to monitor the health of patients.
Surgery SSR BIMC provides comprehensive services are conducted through
special training and multinational medical team. As a provider of health services in
Indonesia by the International favorites Assistance Group, Surgery SSR BIMC
accommodated patient needs, driven by the motto Ambition for Excellence, Passion for
The program begins with an initial health assessment in-depth analysis on the
physical condition of the patient. With ultra modern facilities and equipment SSR BIMC
Surgery, pathology and laboratory equipped with radiology. Afterwards, family doctors
will make a summary of the patient's personal health into medical records (Medical
Record). Initial health assessment is the transparency of the patient's physical condition
and the basis for the patient's family doctor program.
Summary of the patient's health consists of a patient's health background,
relevant family medical history, social and environmental factors, aspects of lifestyle,
the treatment being undertaken as well as the patient's other medical information
needed. Health summary is updated annually and as needed if there is significant change
in the treatment or health condition.

Based on the summary of medical doctors will develop a personalized treatment

plan patients, on which points of health problems that need to be addressed in the long
term, such as for hypertension, diabetes, habits unhealthy lifestyle, obesity, and others.
If the initial health assessment indicates that a healthy patient, the treatment plan will
consist of some general advice, but in the case that there are issues of public concern,
then the doctor will set goals together with the patient. Through regular follow-up
consultations, doctors will focus on these issues, so that the patient will remain on track
in achieving its objectives. Family doctor will assess lifestyle habits that can negatively
affect health (eg, smoking, alcohol consumption, regular physical activity), so the
patient's treatment plan will be recommended some lifestyle changes. Despite the
success of this program depends on the patient, the study shows that constant support
and help from a family doctor can be very helpful in achieving the aim to change the
patient's lifestyle.
If the patient is diagnosed with a chronic disease, such as hypertension, diabetes
or hypercholesterolemia, the continued support of family doctor will be very important
to control the disease and prevent further complications. Chronic disease management
will consider the treatment or care of patients.
Benefit from preventive care to the growth and development of children who
need to be monitored regularly. Cases such as growth problems can be detected after
several consultations with a doctor and can be monitored. Growth charts will be used to
map the physical development of children at each visit, so that any irregularities can be
identified and treated. Specific issues, such as autism, can be identified early and can be
treated as soon as possible to obtain optimal outcomes.
4) Inpatient room (ward)
Inpatient room with 50 beds and one isolation room on the 2nd floor of the
hospital. Each room is equipped with a nurse call button (nurse call). Available facilities

are equipped with cable TV with remote control so it does not interfere with personal
speakers other patients.
5) Operating Room
Modern operating rooms are designed in accordance with the international
standards of quality control. There are 3 operating rooms, equipped with a HEPA-filter
system, continuous air flow, and a positive air pressure, ensuring sterile conditions and
the constant of Australian certified Technician.
6) ICU and HDU Room
Facilities Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is a complete ready to handle even difficult
medical conditions. There are 2 ICU beds, 1 ICU isolation room, 3 beds for
preoperative, 5 beds for postoperative, 3 beds recovery (Recovery) and 3 recovery
rooms. Extensive ICU is equipped with the latest technology including resuscitation
equipment, ventilators, defibrillators and monitoring devices. Here also there ICU
isolation room equipped with separate air filtration that can be monitored at any time.
High Dependency Unit for intensive care, treatment and care for cases of a more
moderate, and the Day Procedure Unit for patients requiring surgical procedures without
7) Cosmedic centre
SSR Cosmedic Surgery Center BIMC Nusa Dua serve requests for rejuvenation,
aesthetic and cosmetic medical treatments, non-surgical comprehensive treatment and
surgical procedures using the latest technology, included laser ablative, non-ablative
lasers, laser pain-free, with radio frequency ultrasound, microdermabrasi, as well as
Performed by accredited plastic surgeons and providing procedures such as
Breast Augmentation, Eyelid Surgery, Rhinoplasty, Liposuction, Tummy Tuck, Face
Lifting and so forth.
8) Center Dental Care
Dental Care Surgery Center BIMC Nusa Dua SSR serve with high standards of
dental care such as routine screening for travelers, restorative care and standard care


with more complex procedures such as oral surgery and dental implants. With an
experienced dentist who is able to serve cosmetic dental treatments such as teeth
whitening. Diagnosis and treatment of all issues related to health and function of a
smile, especially the treatment and repair of broken, infected, or broken teeth, gums,
and tissue.
9) Dialysis Centre
Surgery SSR dialysis center BIMC Nusa Dua is designed to provide dialysis
services (dialysis) for kidney failure patients. With a professional staff consist of a team
of kidney specialists and nurses who have been trained.
Patients who are undergoing treatment will get first class service through the
comfort and luxury provide, using international standards in terms of quality and safety
for dialysis services (dialysis) takes place.
There are 8 specials chair dialysis (dialysis) are comfortable and equipped highspeed internet access and a personal entertainment system. The room that has access to
can enjoy the sunset in Nusa Dua Golf course. Added 2 VIP rooms for make comfort.
10) Facilities Support
a) Medical Support
Surgery SSR BIMC Nusa Dua has a strict sterilization procedures to ensure that
the level of cleanliness in accordance with international standards. Australian Meditrax
System is used as a standard sterilization procedure, which allows all the instruments
tracked sterilize proof, so it can be sure that medical devices are sterilized. We also have
a strict protocol that housekeeping rooms and other facilities should be kept clean at all
Surgery SSR laboratory BIMC Nusa Dua supervised by medical experts, who
can perform routine blood tests and laboratory analysis is more complex for the purpose
of diagnosis more.


Surgery SSR pharmacy BIMC Nusa Dua with 24-hours service to needs of
medicine inpatients and outpatients.
a. Digital X-Ray
X-ray equipment (X-rays) and Computer Radiography can be processed in a
computerized system, so that the results of X-Ray digital form that can be sent via email
the patient or the patient may be given a CD to the results of X-Ray. Digital X-Ray can
minimize radiation received by the patient so that the repetition of the image to the
patient can be avoided.
b. Panoramic X-Ray
X-ray equipment used Hyperion brand specifically for dental examinations and
the surrounding area.
c. CT-Scan
With 64 slices can be used for advanced examinations such as CT Scan Heart
(Cardiac CT) and CT Scan Angiography (to see the arteries). Besides the advanced
inspection, 64 slices CT Scan can be used for standard tests, such as CT scans, Head,
Chest CT Scan (Thorax), CT Scan Abdomen (stomach) and extremity CT Scan Up /
d. 3D Ultrasound (USG)
Ultrasound tool can be used for examination of internal organs such as the
breast, thyroid, abdomen and testicles. With Ultrasound can also perform Doppler
examination to see arteries and veins and Musculoskeletal. Ultrasound tool does not use
X-ray radiation that is safe for all people and pregnant women.
e. Mobile X-Ray
An X-Ray tool is specifically used for the examination in the Emergency Room
and ICU even always used for surgery in the Operating Room.
Available ambulance with "Advanced Life Support" and motorcycle "First
Response" is always ready and alert for emergency and call out for 24 hours. All


ambulances are equipped with GPS units and radio communication to facilitate
communication between ambulance and the emergency room (ER) BIMC Surgery SSR.
Medical Evacuation
We can assist with the evacuation both in the country and abroad. Evacuation
can be carried out using commercial aircraft as well as air ambulance ce (air ambulance
First Aid Training (FAT)
FAT is for personnel training medical students in general, student / non-health
students, lay people and company employees to have the ability to perform Basic aid
(Basic Life Support) as do the Cardiac Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), the bleeding
and shock, engineering the appointment and removal of the right people. Need time of 6
hours for training, covering theory and simulation.

English Training for Medical Purposes

English courses are intended for medical staff: doctors nurses and medical

support at SSR BIMC Nusa Dua working with EF English First, English study center
based in London (United Kingdom) in which the course is a special course of medical
English, therefore the employees can increase quality of language: listening, reading
and writing skills at the area work of which 80% are foreign patients.
b. Non Medical Facilities
1) Installation of processing water waste
2) Water Treatment
3) Fire Extinguishing System (Hydrant)
4) Generator
5) Power Supply PLN
6) Kitchen
7) Administration Room
8) Cafetaria (Gourmet Caf)
9) Medical Record Room
10) Temple and musholla.


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