Political Action Paper Mateo

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Running head: Professional Organizations and Political Awareness

Professional Organizations and Political Awareness

Susan Mateo
NUR 587
Dr. Anna Rivera
Dec. 8, 2014

Professional Organizations and Political Awareness

Professional Organizations and Political Awareness

Throughout history, regardless of the type of government in power, people have
collaborated to work to influence the governing person/body for the benefit of their
groups purpose. Healthcare and nursing professionals are no different. As a group,
healthcare and nursing professionals have had a vested interest in politics and the laws
and regulations that affect them both as practitioners and as advocates for those to
whom they provide care. In todays political arena, the level of political participation
ranges from the apathetic, who are completely uninvolved politically, to committed
activists who participate in a variety of activities. Becoming involved in politics expands
a persons influence beyond their single vote. As a person becomes politically aware
and begins to embrace their own ability to influence outcomes, they will recognize four
spheres of political action where they can effect change. These include their workplace,
the government, professional organizations, and their community (Marriner Tomey,
Use of Professional Organizations for Information on Political Actions
Nurse leaders in the nursing and health care industry use their professional
organization memberships to obtain and stay abreast of current political issues. There
are over one hundred organizations that speak for nurses and nursing according to their
mission and vision statements based on the goals and purposes of their specialty
interests. However, on a national level, the American Nurses Association (ANA)
advocates for all nurses and the nursing profession regardless of specialty. Advocacy is
the foundation of nursing. Nurses advocate for their patients, relevant issues, and their
profession. This advocacy works to influence policies through persuasion for an idea or

Professional Organizations and Political Awareness

cause to result in decisions allocating resources that promote nurses, nursing, and
healthcare in general. This advocacy is based moral and ethical principles ascribed to
by the members in their guiding statements (Matthews, 2012).
Importance of Political Actions Awareness Related to Nursing and Health Care
Because nursing and healthcare issues are so pervasive in their impact on the
general population, as well as on the professionals, awareness of the issues and
bills/referendums on the ballot or in congress is extremely important. Knowing how
politicians vote and where they stand on these issues is imperative for informed voting.
For example, nurses were instrumental in the passage of nurse staffing ratio laws in
states like California and Colorado.
The ability to successfully exert influence in the various arenas where future
health care policy decisions are made and to take advantage of opportunities to
present nursings perspective on the health care issues depends on having a
power base and knowing where and when to exert that influence (Abood, 2007,
Considering the enormous complexity of the healthcare system today and the
potential to impact how that system works, both for the professional and the patients
served by it, one would hope that nurses and healthcare workers would be diligent in
keeping themselves apprised of the current issues and proposed legislation addressing
them..The ability of professional organizations not only to disseminate information, but
to enable professionals to be heard on the issues makes them an essential tool for
those who wish to be involved politically, By joining an organization of likeminded

Professional Organizations and Political Awareness

professionals, the individual has the opportunity to have a far greater impact than by
simply going it alone in the area of politics.

Professional Organizations and Political Awareness

Abood, S. (January 31, 2007). "Influencing Health Care in the Legislative Arena". OJIN:
The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing. Vol. 12 No. 1, Manuscript 2.
DOI: 10.3912/OJIN.Vol12No01Man02
Marriner Tomey, A. (2009). Guide to nursing management and leadership (8 th ed.). St.
Louis, MO. Mosby Elsevier
Matthews, J., (January 31, 2012) "Role of Professional Organizations in Advocating for
the Nursing Profession" OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing Vol. 17,
No. 1, Manuscript 3. DOI: 10.3912/OJIN.Vol17No01Man03

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