SSRC Board of Directors Preliminary Agenda Sunday

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SSRC Board of Directors

Preliminary Agenda
Sunday, 28 February 2010
@ Joe Milligan’s

1. We must discuss and vote on the following items:

A. NVPools Management Contract for 2010:

· Baseline: NVPools current proposal. Open Memorial Day thru Labor Day, but
closed every Thursday = $47.2K
· Option 1: Baseline, but stay open on Thursday = $52.5K
· Option 2: Same as Option 1, but close pool on 1 August (5 weeks early) = $32.5K
· Option 3: Same as Option 2, but close on Thursday = $29.1K ($5.3K adjusted for
early close)
· Option 4: Baseline, but shut down 29 August (1 week early) = $43.2K
· Option 5: Same as Option 4, but open at 3pm on weekdays after 16 August (pool
open 30 hours less than Option 4) = $41.8K
Note: Cost estimates are mine, based on information from 2009 negotiations and may change. I
have asked NVPools to validate these numbers. Also, once we select the most suitable option, I
intend to ask NVPools to provide a contract with a price from Memorial Day thru 1 August and a
priced option that we would have to exercise by 1 July to keep the pool open beyond 1 August.

B. Fee Schedule for 2010:

2009 Fee Structure Recommended
Membership Membership Capital Special Total for All Inclusive Fee
Class Dues Improvement Assessment 2009 for 2010
Family 399 75 100 574 600
Couple 299 75 100 474 450
Senior Couple Couple less 10%
Single 199 75 100 374 300
Senior Single Single less 10%
Special Member 100 150
Day Care 100 150
New Member 1-100 100
Late Fee 0-25 25
Guest Fee 5 5
Pavilion 50 50
Notes: Capital Improvement Fee waived in 2009 for early birds; no such incentive
recommended for 2010.
C. In order to pay contract costs on 15 April, change to Bylaws, Article I, Section 4 as follows,
“The annual dues for different classes of Members shall be determined by the Board, and
presented to the General Membership for approval. The General Membership may approve or
disapprove the Board’s determination, however, the determination is final until such time as
disapproved by a vote of the General Membership at a regular or special meeting with a quorum.
The dues amounts shall be published as a fee schedule once a year in the spring newsletter. Dues
and any outstanding past year guest bills shall be payable upon receipt of the statement, but no
later than 15 May April of the current year. Dues and other financial obligations of a Member not
post-marked or delivered to the Membership Chairperson by 15 May April of each year will be
assessed a late payment fee.”

D. Budget for 2010 (I believe this may need to be deferred to our 14 March meeting as
calculations will need to be made based on items 1 and 2 above.) However, we should at least
be able to discuss the particular items that we want to include (or not) in the budget.

E. Waiver of 2009 special assessment for specific Members who went above and beyond in
2009. (This is not a must for this meeting, but was raised to me as an issue that we ought to

F. Authorize Jud Wheeler to call Members who did not pay Special Assessment to “win them

2. Other key discussion items:

A. Plan for Next General Membership Meeting (Tentative 23 March, Location TBD)
(1) Election of Board for 2010
(2) Presentation of Plans for 2010 to include a Program Plan and Budget
(3) Provide “bills” and collect fees/dues
(4) Involvement in the Club/Sign-up for Committees
(5) Identifying a Swim Team Rep
(6) Operation of Ice Cream Room

B. Call and Plan for Membership Drive

C. SSRC Committee Structure and recommendations for operation

D. Plan of Action for SSRC’s 2010 Season (see separate attachment)

E. Status and timeline for cell tower

Following the 28 February meeting I plan to send out an email to all SSRC Members to
update them on the status of our vote on items 1 & 2 as well as plan for a General
Membership meeting and for a General Membership Drive and Assignments to

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