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Half a century ago, slavery was seen as a thing of the past. However history has a habit of repeating itself.

forward into the twenty first century and we see that human slavery is alive and well around us. Unfortunately, the
thirteenth amendment did not abolish slavery completely. Human trafficking is considered to be the modern day
slavery and is a problem that impacts between 600,000 to 800,000 people worldwide. Sex trafficking, Labor
trafficking, trafficking of children, forced marriage, and even trafficking of organs are all considered to be examples of
human trafficking. The eradication of modern slavery seems to be a daunting task, but a lot can be done to stop these
practices if we increase efforts by the government, businesses, and the general public.

It Is time to uphold the claim that slavery is a thing of the past Even in the presence of organizations, government
legislation, and individual efforts which attempt to fight slavery and trafficking, the practices are more common today
than at any other point in human history. While there is no single reason why slavery is so prevalent in the world
today, many factors such as poverty, the process of globalization, and government corruption can be considered as
contributors to its existence in the world today. The connection between human trafficking and poverty is conceivably
obvious, as a large pool of desperate people will naturally be at risk for serving as a ready supply of cheap labor. This
can be an endless cycle which is impossible to break. Globalization has also contributed to the growth of the practices
of modern-day slavery and human trafficking. The practice of human trafficking has transformed human beings into
commodities. People have become products which can be traded, bought, sold, and exploited. Globalization is
making the world smaller in a sense, and allows for human trafficking to permeate almost any society. Another way in
which globalization has contributed to the growth of human trafficking is the modern improvements which have
affected international transportation. It has become easier for individuals to travel domestically and internationally. It is
possible that this has simplified international travel as well as human trafficking activities (Zhang 111). The more
common it becomes to cross national borders, the easier it becomes for human trafficking to blend in with leisurely
travel. Global government corruption is a third contributor of modern slavery and often allows slavery to go
unpunished. Many law enforcement officials arent even aware that bonded labor, where someone is enslaved to work
off a loan, is illegal. In many places, those in slavery have no police protection from predatory traffickers.

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