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This new U2 albums theme track is dedicated to Bonos loving mother, Iris, and was recorded in the
frequency of LOVE/528Hz. For Iris (Hold Me Close), Bono sings of her memory. The ache in my heart is
so much a part of who I am . . . Hold me close and dont let me go . . . Ive got your life inside of me . . .
Were meeting up again.
With the world in chaos, largely caused by childhood traumas, fears, and ignorance, the love for your
parents remains forever in 528! Thats because at the heart of your heart, and everyones heart, the
energy vibrates there 528 cycles per secondthe sound that honey bees make to sweeten honey.
Christian rock star Bono has more than world peace and economic sanity on his mind. He carries the love
for family, especially the woman who gave him life, and comforted him as a youngster when his father
severed the bond that binds. The vibration of love remains.
Listen to U2s 528Hz Iris recording, and view the lyrics from Bonos heart, now on The



In June, 2009, Shai Danon and Amiti Media began experimenting with and documenting
the implementation of a newly discovered technique they created after exploring the application of the
frequency of 528hz on water, based on the scientific findings of Dr. Joseph Puleo and Dr. Leonard

Considering the known impact of frequency on the molecular composition of cells, they easily discerned
that directing pure tonal vibrations towards a subject would have a general physiological effect that could
restore cells to their pure, unadulterated state.
Dr. Masuru Emotos research on the impact of sound and prayer on water made it evident that, since
human cells are made of at least 70% water, applying a specialized technique to the physical body would
affect people on a cellular level, potentially restoring overall body health to the recipient of treatment.
Amiti and Shai combined three aspects of science into one technique: Directing accurate sound waves to
energy centers of the body, utilizing water as the best known conductor and Quartz Crystal as the best
naturally transmitting amplifier.
For Shai Danon, 38, a musician with 12 years experience playing tabla, influenced by both Western music
and Eastern modalities, meeting Amiti, 27, was a turning point. Shai had researched fields of science that
led him to reconsider the effects of sound in everyday life.
Amiti, an elementary school teacher and artistic videographer, had been exploring the world of sound
healing with the properties of crystals for six years prior. The two began their collaboration with the LIVE
H2O worldwide event that took place on June 21st, 2009. Using Jonathan Goldmans Holy Harmony
tuning forks, they accurately tuned clear quartz crystal bowls to the different frequencies of the musical
Solfeggio scale, placing an emphasis on the frequency of 528hz, which is known to resonate with the
Applying this technique, they helped facilitate a musical healing event in the Old City of Jerusalem in
conjunction with the 3rd Jerusalem Hug, which unites Christians, Jews, Muslims and more in a collective
prayer for peace. This event was broadcast live via internet as part of a global initiative to purify
the worlds water using the healing power of sound and prayer.
The foundation of their early experiences together occurred in the Sea of Galilee, when they played the
Solfeggio tuned crystal bowls for a large group of people standing in water while simultaneously singing
and overtoning the notes and their harmonies. People were deeply affected by the frequencies and
reported feelings of elation, deep emotional release and relaxation. A bathing horse from over 100 meters
away heard the sound and walked through the water into their circle. The horse was friendly and at ease.
The scenario seemed miraculous.
The impact of this event led to another instance where Shai and Amiti applied the technique in a
contained pool of water for a dozen or so people. Many experienced intensive, spontaneous release of
emotions through tears and laughter and reported similar feelings as in the Sea of Galilee.

As a result of this dramatic impact on the participants, Amiti and Shai developed a water therapy
technique whereby, as a participant floats in water with the assistance of foam floatation devices, they
approach a persons body while playing floating crystal bowls resonating with frequencies correlating to
the correct energy centers, as practiced in vibrational medicine.
As the vibrations influence the molecular structure of the water in the pool, they also influence the person
in the pool receiving the treatment, as performed in the field of cymatics. Recipients of the treatment
experience transformative effects on their mood and energy level which reportedly last for several days
after the treatment.
After word of this new technique began to spread, Shai and Amiti were soon becoming approached by
hydrotherapists from throughout Israel. Adopting the name Ahava 528, they shared their findings and
began to collaborate, performing treatments on a wider scale. At the time of this writing, after a period of
approximately eight months, over 400 people have been treated. Almost all of them have reported
powerful shifts in their state of mind and overall physical feeling.
For example, a woman who was afraid of water described being completely transformed by the
experience. She felt safe and tranquil in the presence of the healing sounds in water after not being in a
pool for over twenty years. A man with a foot injury, of which Amiti and Shai were unaware, reported that
his foot began vibrating intensely underwater when the bowl tuned to 528hz was being played. He did not
have the same experience with the other frequencies.
Others experienced deep emotional release through crying and laughter, and the release of physical
tension, as well as reports of visual effects with closed eyes, including the appearance of the DNA
structure and bright colored lights moving in sequence with the sound. After a recent session, a General
Medicine practitioner asked to learn from the innovators of the technique.
It is important to note that the field of Hydrotherapy and various new water healing techniques are very
effective in and of themselves for treating many different forms of medical conditions. Techniques such as
Watsu, Jahara, Water Dance, Hydrotherapy for the disabled and communing with dolphins have been
gaining momentum worldwide over the past several years, and throughout Israel in particular. Working
with over 30 various hydrotherapists, they all acknowledge the profound impact these specific sounds
have on their patients recovery.
Another epic transformative event occurred at the World Water Festival in Eilat in February, 2010. Amitis
instinct was to arrive early and meet the dolphins with the floating crystal bowls, to see how they would
respond to these frequencies underwater. From the underwater videos, it is clear that the dolphins
enjoyed the experience and were not bothered but rather curious and open to receive the vibrations and
sing back. This was an important acknowledgement from the masters of sound.

At the festival, which hosted a majority of expert water therapists from throughout the world, Ahava
528 held workshops and presentations which strongly influenced the overall atmosphere of the event,
culminating in a final session in a therapeutic seawater pool where over 70 people circled and toned
together in the water to the frequency of 528hz. Without anyone expecting it, the mood
naturally escalated from a meditative state into unrestricted waves of spontaneous laughter, joy
and dance which lasted into the night.
Watch Shais and Amitis beautiful video and learn more by CLICKING HERE.

Multiple Grammy Award Winner, Howard


528 Superstar Howard Prince is a multiple Grammy Award winning

musician who gets 528
As a veteran producer, composer, arranger who has worked in New York City since 1992 to the present,
as Co-Owner and Founder of Believe Productions, he has maintained working relationships and
collaborations with Producers, Bob Brockman (engineer w/BabyFace) and Steve Rosenthal of The
Magic Shop; writing and producing on many albums with artists such as Christine Lavin, Funky Bud
Hankerson and Lou Reed, as well as original projects on the Believe Label.
Howard is also the composer and bandleader of International touring jazz ensemble. His recordings
include Straight To The Soul (1994) on Accurate Records and Double Take (1996) on Cats Paw
Records all original material- and he has been critically acclaimed for his performances in clubs and
festivals worldwide.

Mr. Prince performed with the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra between 1983 and 1992, and was soloist on
bass trumpet with James Levine. His recordings there included Deutsche Grammaphon, and 3 Grammy
Award recordings of The Wagnerian Ring Cycle
Howard Prince has performed with Aaron Copeland, Leonard Bernstein, Samuel Barber, Luciano
Berio, Jacob Druckman, Sir George Solti, Herbert Von Karajan and James Levine. He also
provided ballet performances with the American Ballet Theater, Martha Graham, Eric
Hawkins, Dance Theater of Harlem; and jazz performances with Dave Brubeck, Mel Lewis, McCoy
Tyner, Frank Foster, Pepper Adams, Jimmy Knepper and George Russell
His numerous awards include:
1977 Walter and Elsie Naumberg Scholorship
1990 Grammy Award Winner for Die Walkure Wagnerian Ring Cycle Recordings
Metropolitan Opera w/James Levine [Performing as soloist (bass trumpet) with James Levine]
1991 Grammy Award Winner for Das Rheingold Wagnerian Ring Cycle Recordings
Metropolitan Opera w/James Levine [Performing as soloist (bass trumpet) with James Levine]
1992 Grammy Award Winner for Gotterdammerung Wagnerian Ring Cycle Recordings
Metropolitan Opera w/James Levine [Performing as soloist (bass trumpet) with James Levine]
1996 New York Foundation for the Arts Fellow in Composition
2001 Admission into the Whos Who Historical Society
2011 New York Foundation for the Arts sponsored residency at Byrdcliffe, Woodstock, NY
2012 MacDowell Colony Fellow Artist in Residence (Winter/Spring session)
Howard Prince testified regarding 528 and Dr. Horowitzs contributions:
Dr. Horowitzs passion has been unyielding. He takes us everywhere the ancient Solfeggios MIracle
[528Hz] vibration occurs. . . . His research compels consideration of our ability to reach the Creator
musically, bringing Gods Light and Love down to earth; whether its in the form of manna to eat,
becoming the living water, the miracles of Moses, or now in concert halls through symphony orchestras.
Can you imagine the ability to manifest healing through the musical medicine of LOVE?
HOWARD PRINCEs contact is:

Masaru Emoto

Thanks to Dr. Masaru Emoto the world learned that water is alive, well, and responsive to human
Dr. Emoto pioneered the field of study known as micro-cluster crystallography. He worked with teams of
researchers to advance his passion to study water structures, also called clustered water, to gain
messages in water that reflected human influence, for better or worse.
Angry words that relay hate, fear, and dissonance, Dr. Emotos team discovered and filmed, fracture
normal water structures, turning common snowflake designs into what appears as raw sewage.
Alternatively, structureless distilled water that lost its resonance energy along with its 528LOVE frequency,
was photographed at 20,000 magnification after prayer, and recorded transformed into beautiful
snowflake designs once again.
Dr. Emoto was mentored by the same water scientist and nutritional biochemist that taught Dr. Leonard
Horowitz that 528Hz frequency resonance in structured water restores damaged DNA. Dr. Lee Lorenzen
invited Dr. Horowitz and Dr. Emoto to co-lecture in Irvine, CA, in 1999 to deliver their discoveries about
LOVE/528Hzs transformation of water that comprises nearly 80 percent of your body. It was Lorenzens,
Emotos and Horowitzs work that popularized the concept that water is Divine.
Masaru Emoto lectures globally on the power of LOVE/528 to transform health and happiness according
to a Divine plan. He has written a number of New York Times bestselling books that beautifully detail his
discoveries in water science and crystallography. He regularly works with a Japanese translator to deliver
the message of LOVE/528 to riveted audiences.

For example, to demonstrate the power of broadcasting LOVE/528Hz in chanting and prayer to touch the
hearts of people everywhere, Dr. Emoto uses two 528Hz tuning forks. He holds his microphone adjacent
one, and his translator many yards away holds his second microphone to the other tuning fork. Dr. Emoto
strikes his tuning fork causing the translators tuning fork to sonically vibrate to be heard by the
astonished audience, demonstrating what physicists call phase locking, metaphyicists call entrainment,
and musicologists call symphony.
Call it whatever you want, 528 Superstar Emoto demonstrates the concept that LOVE/528 spreads
etherically, spiritually, vibrationally, to touch people who dont even know enough to celebrate the
message of love affecting their own bodies.
Dr. Emotos demonstration is a large part of the reason Dr. Leonard Horowitz and Sherri Kane broadcast
on asking for donations to support the expansion of the 528 Radio Network that acts like
a pebble thrown into a pond, broadcasting LOVE/528 messages of peace, health, and prosperity globally,
rippling out circularly to touch the hears of people everywhere, even on the farthest shores.


By Lea Gleason
The guitar alchemist, Scott Huckabay. is no ordinary musician. The artist gives a memorable
performance whirling around in a colorful outfit on-stage with his eyes closed, clearly taken by the music.
Noisemaking instruments are strapped to his ankles, and he danceds around creating his own rhythm as
interesting and unusual sounding guitar loops weave into a mass of intertwining melodies.
Huckabays unusual story dates back to an accident that changed his life forever. Huckabay was not
previously musically inclined, but recalls enjoying listening to music at an early age. Hed been lonely as a
youngster, and later fell in with a motorcycle gang.
A couple of years before the motorcycle accident in 1987, I was hooked on a lot of bad drugs and
drinking hard liquor. I did not have any friends when I was younger. A motorcycle group brought me into
their tribe and accepted me for who I was but unfortunately I was influenced by what they happened to be
doingthose were some crazy times in my life, recalled Huckabay.

As his motorcycle sped at full speed toward an oncoming truck, Huckabay recalls making a pact with
I experienced this epiphany in my mind that I was going to die or something terrible was about to happen
to me so I let go of the handle bars while surrendering to god [or our] creator knowing I was not alone. It
was so surreal, said Huckabay.
I remember floating through some kind of vacuum tunnel of different shades of colors, almost like flying
through different colored clouds in a tunnel at warp speed. All of a sudden, I came to a halt and there was
this opening that looked like some kind of a doorway just for a momentthen I rapidly went in reverse
mode through that vacuum tunnel, said Huckabay.
In the next moment, he awoke in a hospital bed in intense pain, but with a new perspective of a life path.
A guitar sat at the foot of his bed, something Huckabay says to this day he cannot explain.
Every time I picked up the guitar, all the pain would dissolve. From then on, I never put the guitar down.
Since then, I have no need to take up that lifestyle of doing drugs or drinking alcohol ever again. The
accident was a blessing in disguise, said Huckabay.
Three years later, he moved to Hawaii, where he lived in a tent on the beach for a year and befriended a
pod of spinner dolphins which he swam with every day.
I gained their trust and was accepted into their pod, said Huckabay. They were teaching me all about
sounds and I was learning to go deeper into my thought patterns and forms. When it was time to leave
the pod, I knew I had a mission to explore and experiment deeper in what the guitar was capable of
Incredibly, Huckabays arm and leg which were said to never work again had begun to heal.
In 2006, Huckabay encountered another musical concept that lead to the creation of his unique style.
I met Dr. Len Horowitz who taught me [on] a technical level [about] the frequencies I was tapping into
through music which [are] based off the Solfeggio scale. According to Horowitzs research from his latest
book, The Book of 528, it is an ancient scale from the renaissance era that produces instant healing and
miracles for humanity, said Huckabay.
There are seven tones or frequencies measured in hertz form that represents each of the bodys energy
system. I resonate particularly with 528hz which is connected to the heart center energy. Eventually, I will

explore the other six frequencies. My mission is to help bring these tones out to the world in a nonevasive positive way, said Huckabay.
Huckabay has performed all over the world, playing with big names Chicago, Steve Morse, Joe Satriani,
Crosby, Stills and Nash, Bonnie Raitt, Albert Lee, Buffy Saint-Marie, Shadowfax, Jackson Browne, John
Trudell, Toni Childs, Sarah McLachlan, Pierre Bensusan, Ram Das, Hapa, Bob Weir, and Randy
Hanson. . . .
Huckabay maintains a positive outlook on life and practices yoga and deep breathing daily, as well as
eating a balanced raw and vegan diet. This kind of preparation is necessary to deliver performances that
are not only physically demanding but spiritually resonant for his audiences as well.
I feel my purpose that God/Creator gave me is a rare opportunity to turn around my life and to help assist
others in their awakening or inspirations through the frequencies of music. My intention behind the music
is only with pure love, Huckabay said.
Scott Huckabays website is

On July 14, 2011, Billboard magazine heralded recording artist Ameriies album, Cymatica Vol. 1
recorded exclusively in 528Hz. It was the first major coverage in the entertainment industry honored the
pure tone of LOVE528Hzthe Universal Healer.
Ameriie, a multiple Grammy Award nominee and winner of the 2006 ASCAP Rhythm & Soul Music Award
for Top Soundtrack Song of the Year from her album, 1 Thing, got the message about 528, and is not
afraid to proclaim its value.

Billboards emboldened sub-heading asked: Weve heard youre

recording this album in DNA repairing frequencies, is this true?
Affirmingly, Ameriie replied, To record in 528Hz you have to have
specific equipment. . . . Everything we have right now is dissonant.
The way everythings tuned, everything is on a frequency that is not
in tune with nature. . . . Everything we listen to right now is actually
Ameriies claim that A=440Hz frequency standard tuning is
dissonant to nature, love, and DNA repair, is perplexing to most
VH1 writers were perturbed by Bilboards mention of 528. We dont
know what that means, they complained, apparently too
lazy to do a Google Search that would have relieved their ignorance, or contacted Dr. Horowitz
for more information.
Ameriis critics could have learned that 528Hz is the dominant frequency of nature. It is the
reason grass is greenish-yellow, and chlorophyll outputs oxygen vibrating with 528/LOVEthe
heart of the rainbow.
According to physicists and mathematicians, 528 frequency of light, measured in nanometers, and sound,
measured in Hertz, is central to a musical-mathematical matrix that determines everything in the universe,
from language and architecture to body physiology. And yes, the basic structure of DNA depends on
528 is the epitome of natural harmony, based on the determinations of Dr. Leonard Horowitz and a team
of experts. Fourteen years ago, Horowitz et. al, began researching what he now calls, the LOVE Hertz
Frequency of 528. His revelations are now exploding in popularity and prompting the
What I would like to do is record in just 528Hz frequency, Ameriie told Billboard, but you have to get that
equipment. You have to get producers to tune in . . . .
Ameriie instructed, You have to overhaul all the equipment. All the sounds that a guy has in his
producers box, all his drum kits, everything, needs to be retuned. . . . She reported her producers had
done this to record Cymatica Vol. 1, in 528.

Most of Horowitzs thousands of students are now experimenting with 528, and many are posting popular
tracks on YouTube, as Ameriie informed Billboard.
528 is atonement, Horowitz says, referencing the Bible and biophysics. He is convinced, and easily
convinces others using hard facts. 528 produces medicinal music.

Jazz Violinist, Tony Selvage

Jazz violinist Tony Selvage has dedicated his life to music. At the age of three he intuitively chose the
violin as his instrument. His lifelong journey has evolved into a rare gift for all who experience his
performances. His passion for music forged his talent and skill into a virtuoso performer with many
accolades. Tony has played with many famous rock-n-roll bands, including six-time Grammy Award
winner, Keoki Kahumoku. He has performed all his solo concerts in 528 since 2009. Playing in 528
creates what Tony calls, Cosmic Classic Jazz.

Amazing Harpist,
Steven Rees

This is some of the most beautiful spiritual music you will ever hear, by Steven Rees, an absolute master
of the harp, said Dr. Horowitz after listening to Psalms of Aliyah, Reess most recent album.
Rees recorded in 528hz after much study and experimenting. He too realizes this frequency is great for
accommodating deep relaxation, therapeutic healing, prayer, and/or meditation.

Steve Rees was encouraged by Dr. Leonard Horowitz to produce a recording using the 528 Mi
frequency as the basis for the new compositions.
The chord progressions came out of the Psalms of David using Hebrew letters to apply the frequency
relationships established out of Psalm 119.
Rees believes that these frequencies may have been a way that the Creator was and is trying to help us
live in health, restoration and prosperity.
These frequencies could very possibly be the Key of David that Isaiah 22:22 and Revelation 3:7 talk
These Keys are a blessing that can change your life!

Sherri Kane, Pioneer

Sherri Kane was the Director of Marketing for a seminar company assigned to
film and provide news commentary on LIVEH2O: The Concert for the Living Water in 2009, before she
met Dr. Leonard Horowitz, the Executive Producer of the event.
As a punk rocker and revolutionary at heart, she quickly grasped the awesome opportunity that 528
music provided and volunteered to help Dr. Horowitz expand his horizons.
Besides joining Dr. Horowitzs company after LIVEH2O, and helping build an economic base upon which
to sponsor humanitarian projects worldwide, Sherri envisioned an e-music transposition service and radio
network dedicated to generating and broadcasting 528 music.
Between 2009 and the present she directed the development of and,
bringing many technical talents to the project, and coordinating every aspect of the vision manifesting.
Sherri Kane is no doubt a 528 Superstar for creating the Internet operations fundamental to the 528
Besides her role in 528 heroism, combating the trolls who have worked to destroy the 528 vision and
mission, Sherry has maintained an active career in investigative journalism as the Vice President

of Medical Veritas Journal, publishing articles in newspapers, magazines, and websites, and conducting
interviews globally, including Tru Tvs Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura, Al Jazeeras A9 Turkey, The
Veritas Show, BBC Talk Radio Europe, The Vinny Eastwood Show, WAC Connecticut, The Liberty Hour,
Godlike Productions, and other radio and internet broadcasts. Sherri is also the co-host of The Insight
Hour on along with Dr. Leonard Horowitz, and she and Dr. Horowitz co-produce The
HOROKANE Hour on the LNM Network broadcast daily by BlogTalk Radio.

Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, 528 Pioneer

A riveting professional speaker, seminar leader, award-winning author, filmmaker,

and intelligence industry analyst, Dr. Horowitz is widely respected for being the worlds best credential,
most endangered, and prolific pharmaceutical industry whistle-blower.
According to Dr. Horowitz, The 528LOVERevolution is paradigm shattering and extremely challenging to
the status quo, especially to leaders in the field of medicine, demanding respect for natural healing
through emerging fields of science, such as bioacoustics, electrogenetics, hydrosonics, and musical
mathematics urging us to bring harmony versus dissonance, disease, and degeneration to humanity by
making and celebrating music performed in the frequencies of nature, especially 528Hz.
Dr. Horowitzs controversial work broadcasts daily on The celebrity author and film
producer received his doctorate from Tufts University School of Dental Medicine in 1977, and a year later
began his publishing career with two books: Choosing Health for Yourself: A Clear and Practical Guide to
Motivating Self Care, and Your Mouth is Your Business: The Dentists Guide to Better Health. As a
student and faculty member at Tufts Univ., he taught general and dental histology to doctoral and masters
students, and graduated with honors and a fellowship in behavioral science at the University of
Rochester. He later earned a Master of Public Health degree from Harvard University focused on media
persuasion technologies, and a Master of Arts degree in health education/counseling psychology from
Beacon College, all before joining the research faculty at Harvard School of Dental Medicine to study
psychosocial factors in oral health and disease prevention. For more than a quarter century he has
directed the nonprofit educational corporation that evolved into Tetrahedron, LLC
Dr. Horowitzs books include the American best-seller Emerging Viruses: AIDS & EbolaNature, Accident
or Intentional? Now considered a medical classic, this publication earned Dr. Horowitz the Author of the

Year Award from the World Natural Health Organization in 1999, the same year he released Healing
Codes for the Biological Apocalypse which permanently expanded the field of musicology. Dr. Horowitzs
second best-seller was Healing Celebrations: Miraculous Recoveries Through Ancient Scripture, Natural
Medicine and Modern Science (2000). It provides practical information and advice for self healing.
In June, 2001, three months before the terrorist attacks of 9/11, Dr. Horowitz released the propheticallytitled critically acclaimed book, Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism and
Toxic Warfare. This book summarized the leading global industrialists efforts to enslave humanity through
toxicity and petrochemical/pharmaceutical malfeasance. His 2004 book, DNA: Pirates of the Sacred
Spiral, reviewed the science of electrogenetics that speaks to humanitys fundamental spirituality. In 2006,
Dr. Horowitz wrote another monumental book, LOVE: The Real da Vinci CODE, that presented the real
da Vinci Code based on a decryption of the Vitruvian Wo/Man drawing. The circle in that most famous
da Vinci image is The Perfect Circle of Sound, according to the doctors fascinating research. Dr.
Horowitz is also an award-winning film-maker for having produced PharmaWhores: The Showtime Sting
of Penn & Teller; In Lies We Trust: The CIA, Hollywood & Bioterrorism; Criminal Foundations: The Myth
of Humanitarian Organizations; The 528 Key Movie; and The LOVE CODE DVD.
Aside from an active speaking schedule, Dr. Horowitz oversees The Royal Bloodline of David ministry,
and The Kingdom of Heaven geothermal natural healing estate on the Big Island of Hawaii, where one
of the worlds most powerful healing resourcesvolcanically-heated steamis being used
therapeutically, and to help explain Divinity to humanity.
Psychosocial Analysis and Coaching by Sherri Kane
- See more at:

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