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Reading a Poem: 20 Strategies

by Mark Yakich
At one time or another, when face-to-face with a poem, most everyone has been perplexed. The
experience of reading a poem itself is as likely to turn us off, intellectually or emotionally, as it is
to move us. Unless patronized by celebrities, set to music, accompanied by visuals, or penned by
our own children, poems do a terrible job of marketing themselves. All those ragged lines and
affected white spaces make them appear as though they should be treated only as pieces of
solemn art. Look but dont get too close, and definitely dont touch.
But what if the fine art of reading poetry isnt so fine after all? What if the predicament about
poems is precisely our well-intentioned but ill-fitting dispositions toward reading them?
Here are 20 modest proposals toward rethinking the act of reading a poem.
1. Dispel the notion that reading poetry is going to dramatically change your life. Your life is
continually changing; most of the time youre simply too busy to pay enough attention to it.
Poems ask you to pay attentionthats all.
2. When you read a poem, especially a poem not meant to be a spoken word poem, always
read it out loud. (Never mind what they said in grammar schoolto subvocalize so that you
wont bother your peers.) Your ear will pick up more than your head will allow. That is, the ear
will tell the mind what to think.
3. Try to meet a poem on its terms not yours. If you have to relate to a poem in order to
understand it, you arent reading it sufficiently. In other words, dont try to fit the poem into your
life. Try to see what world the poem creates. Then, if you are lucky, its world will help you re-see
your own.
4. Whether or not you are conscious of it, you are always looking for an excuse to stop reading a
poem and move on to another poem or to do something else entirely. Resist this urge as much as
possible. Think of it as a Buddhist regards a pesky mosquito. The mosquito, like the poem, may
be irritating, but its not going to kill you to brave it for a little while longer.
5. People will tell you there are two kinds of poems: the accessible poem whose intent and
meaning are easy to appreciate, and the obscure poem whose intent and meaning are difficult
to appreciate. Its up to you how hard you want to work.
6. If you dont know a word, look it up or die.
7. A poem cannot be paraphrased. In fact, a poems greatest potential lies in the opposite of
paraphrase: ambiguity. Ambiguity is at the center of what is it to be a human being. We really
have no idea whats going to happen from moment to moment, but we have to act as if we do.
8. A poem has no hidden meaning, only meanings youve not yet realized are right in front of
you. Discerning subtleties takes practice. Reading poetry is a convention like anything else. And
you learn the rules of it like anything elsee.g., driving a car or baking a cake.

9. As hard as it sounds, separate the poet from the speaker of the poem. A poet always wears a
mask (persona) even if she isnt trying to wear a mask, and so to equate poet and speaker denies
the poem any imaginative force that lies outside of her lived life.
10. When you come across something that appears ironic, make sure its not simply the
speakers sarcasm or your own disbelief.
11. Reading for pleasure implies theres reading for displeasure or reading for pain. All
reading should be pleasurable: Like sex, it pleases to a greater or lesser degree, but pleasure
ultimately isnt the only point.
12. A poem can feel like a locked safe in which the combination is hidden inside. In other words,
its okay if you dont understand a poem. Sometimes it takes dozens of readings to come to the
slightest understanding. And sometimes understanding never comes. Its the same with being
alive: Wonder and confusion mostly prevail.
13. Perform marginalia. Reading without writing in the margins is like walking without moving
your arms. You can do it and still reach your destination, but itll always feel like youre missing
something essential about the activity.
14. There is nothing really lost in reading a poem. If you dont understand the poem, you lose
little time or energy. On the contrary, there is potentially much to gaina new thought, an old
thought seen anew, or simply a moment separated from all the other highly structured moments
of your time.
Try to see what world the poem creates. Then, if you are lucky, its world will help you re-see
your own.
15. Poetry depends on pattern and variationeven non-linear, non-narrative, anti-poetic poetry.
By perceiving patterns and variations on those patterns, your brain will attempt to make order out
of apparent chaos. Glockenspiel, tadpole, and justice have ostensibly nothing to do with
each other, and yet your brain immediately tries to piece them together simply because they are
there for the apprehending.
16. As your ability to read poems improves, so will your ability to read the news, novels, legal
briefs, advertisements, etc. A Starbucks poster a few years ago read: Friends are like
snowflakeseach one is unique. How true. But isnt snow also cold and ephemeral? Lets hope
our friends are not.
17. Reading poetry is not only about reading poetry. Its alleged hermetic stylizations of syntax
and diction can enhance your awareness of the world, even those things that dont deal directly in
words. A dress, a building, a night skyall involve systems of pattern-recognition and
18. The very best way to read a poem is perhaps to be young, intelligent, and slightly drunk.
There is no doubt, however, that reading poems in old age cultivates a desire to have read more
poems in youth.

19. Someday, when all your material possessions will seem to have shed their utility and just
become obstacles to the toilet, poems will still hold their value. They are rooms that take up such
little room. A memorized poem, or a line or two, becomes part internal jewelry and part lifesaving skill, like knowing how to put a mugger in an arm-lock or the best way to cut open a
mango without slicing your hand.
20. Reading a good poem doesnt give you something to talk about. It silences you. Reading a
great poem pushes further. It prepares you for the silence that perplexes us all: death.
Citirea unui Poem: 20 Strategii
de Mark Yakich
La un moment sau altul, atunci cnd, cel mai toat lumea a fost nedumerit fa-nfa cu un poem. Experiena de a citi un poem n sine este la fel de probabil s ne
opri, intelectual sau emotional, deoarece este de a ne muta. Cu excepia cazului n
patronat de celebriti, setat la muzic, nsoite de imagini, sau scris de propriile
noastre copii, poezii face o treab teribil de comercializare ei nii. Toate aceste linii
neregulate i spaii albe afectate a le face s apar ca i cum acestea ar trebui
tratate numai ca piese de art solemn. Uite dar nu te prea aproape, i cu siguran
nu atingei.
Dar dac arta de a citi poezie nu este att de fin, dup toate? Ce se ntmpl dac
situaia dificil cu privire la poezii este tocmai nostru bine-intentionate, dar rumontaj dispoziii fa de lectur ei?
Aici sunt 20 de propuneri modeste fa regndirea actul de a citi un poem.
1. risipi ideea ca lectura poezia se va schimba dramatic viata ta. Viaa ta se
schimb continuu; cele mai multe ori eti pur i simplu prea ocupat s acorde o
atenie suficient pentru a. Poezii v rugm s acorde o atenie-asta-i tot.
2. Cnd ai citit o poezie, mai ales un poem nu dorete a fi un "cuvnt rostit" poem,
citit-o mereu cu voce tare. (Nu conteaz ce au spus n gramatic coal asubvocalize, astfel nct s nu va deranja colegii dumneavoastr.) Urechea ta va
ridica mai mult dect capul tu va permite. Aceasta este, urechea va spune mintea
ce s cred.
3. ncercai s ndeplineasc o poezie pe termenii si nu a ta. Dac trebuie s "se
refer" la un poem, n scopul de a nelege, tu nu-l citesc suficient. Cu alte cuvinte,
nu ncercai pentru a se potrivi poemul n viaa ta. Incearca sa vezi ce lume creeaz
poemul. Apoi, dac eti norocos, lumea sa va ajuta sa re-vedea propriu.
4. Indiferent dac sunt sau nu sunt contieni de ea, v sunt ntotdeauna n cutarea
pentru o scuz pentru a opri citirea unui poem i a trece la un alt poem sau de a
face cu totul altceva. Rezista acest ndemn ct mai mult posibil. Ganditi-va ca un

budist ceea ce privete un nar plictisitor. Mosquito, cum ar fi poezia, poate fi

iritant, dar nu o s te omoare s-l nfrunte o vreme mai mult.
5. Persoanele pe care le va spune, exist dou tipuri de poeme: "poemul accesibil",
acesta intenie i semnificaie sunt uor de a aprecia, i "poemul obscur", acesta
intenie i semnificaie sunt dificil de apreciat. Este pn la tine ct de greu v dorii
s lucrai.
6. Dac nu tii un cuvnt, s arate n sus sau mor.
7. Un poem nu poate fi parafrazat. De fapt, cel mai mare potenial de un poem
const n opusul parafrazare: ambiguitate. Ambiguitatea este n centrul a ceea ce
este de a fi o fiin uman. Avem ntr-adevr nu au nici o idee despre ce se va
ntmpla de la un moment la altul, dar trebuie s acioneze ca i cum facem.
8. Un poem nu are nici un sens ascuns, doar "sensuri" nc nu ai realizat sunt chiar
n faa ta. Subtiliti discernmnt nevoie de practic. Citirea poezie este o
convenie ca orice altceva. i s nvee regulile de ea ca orice altceva, de exemplu,
conducerea unui vehicul sau copt un tort.
9. n tare ca suna, se separ poetul de la purttorul de cuvnt al poemului. Un poet
poart ntotdeauna o masc (persona), chiar dac ea nu ncearc s poarte o
masc, i aa a echivala poet i vorbitor neag poemul orice for imaginativ care
se afl n afara din viaa ei durat.
10. Cnd v vei ntlni cu ceva care apare "ironic", asigurai-v c nu este pur i
simplu sarcasm vorbitorului sau propria nencredere.
11. "Reading pentru plcere" implic nu e "lectura pentru neplcere" sau All lectur
ar trebui s fie placuta "lectura pentru durere.": Ca sex, ea place ntr-o msur mai
mare sau mai mic, dar n cele din urm plcere nu este singurul punct.
12. Un poem poate simi ca un seif nchis n care combinaia este ascuns n
interiorul. Cu alte cuvinte, e n regul, dac nu nelegei o poezie. Uneori este
nevoie de zeci de lecturi pentru a ajunge la cea mai mic nelegere. i, uneori, nu
nelegere vine. Este la fel cu a fi n via: Wonder i confuzie mai ales prevala.
13. Efectuai marginalia. Citirea fr a scris n marja este ca mersul pe jos fara sa se
miste bratele tale. Poti sa o faci i nc ajunge la destinaie, dar aceasta va simi
mereu ca esti lipsete ceva esenial despre activitatea.
14. Nu este nimic pierdut ntr-adevr ntr-lectur un poem. Dac nu neleg poezia,
pierzi putin timp sau energie. Dimpotriv, exist potenial mult pentru a obine-un
gnd nou, un gnd vechi vzut din nou, sau pur i simplu un moment separat de
toate celelalte momente extrem de structurate din timpul vostru.

Incearca sa vezi ce lume creeaz poemul. Apoi, dac eti norocos, lumea sa va ajuta
sa re-vedea propriu.
15. Poezie depinde de model i de variaie, chiar non-linear, non-narativ, poezie
anti-poetic. Prin perceperea modele i variante cu privire la aceste modele, creierul
va ncerca s fac ordine din haos aparent. "Glockenspiel", "mormoloc", i
"dreptate" trebuie aparent nimic de-a face unul cu altul, i totui creierul ncearc
imediat s-i pune cap la cap, pur i simplu pentru c ei sunt acolo pentru arestarea.
16. n ceea ce capacitatea de a citi poezii mbuntete, aa va capacitatea de a
citi tiri, romane, slip juridice, anunuri, etc. Un poster Starbucks n urm cu civa
ani citete: Prietenii sunt ca fulgii de zapada ... fiecare este unic. Ct de adevrat.
Dar nu este zpad, de asemenea, rece i efemer? S sperm c prietenii notri nu
17. Reading poezie nu este numai despre lectur poezie. Sale presupuse stilizari
ermetice de sintax i dicie poate spori gradul de contientizare a lumii, chiar i
acele lucruri care nu se ocup n mod direct n cuvinte. O rochie, o cldire, o noapte
cer-toate sistemele de model de recunoatere i extrapolare implica.
18. Cel mai bun mod de a citi o poezie este, probabil, s fie tnr, inteligent, i puin
beat. Nu exist nici o ndoial, ns, c citind poezii n vrst cultiv dorina de a fi
citit mai multe poezii n tineree.
19. ntr-o zi, cnd toate posesiunile tale materiale vor prea s fi vrsat utilitatea lor
i doar s devin obstacole n calea toalet, poezii va organiza n continuare
valoarea lor. Acestea sunt camere care ocup astfel de camer mic. Un poem
memorat, sau o linie sau dou, devine bijuterii i o parte de salvare, juctorul intern
parte, ca s tie cum s pun un bufon ntr-un bra de blocare sau cel mai bun mod
de a reduce deschide un mango fr feliere mna.
20. Citirea unui poem bun nu v dau ceva pentru a vorbi despre. Te tcere. Citirea
unui poem mare mpinge mai departe. Acesta v pregtete pentru tcerea care ne
ncurc: moarte

Poveste poliist de Crciun

de tefana Czeller
Vrei s tii cum mi-a schimbat un colier viaa? a ntrebat detectivul.
Niciodat nu-l vzusem purtnd bijuterii. Chiar i verigheta i-o scotea cnd ieea pe teren. Am
zis da, firete.
A tras aer n piept i a nceput molcom.
Era n decembrie i prinsesem un contract bun. O afacere conjugal aparent banal, dar clienta
avea portofelul plin. mi puteam face linitit lista de cadouri de Crciun: eram pltit regete ca
s-l supraveghez pe so. Am s-i spun X.

Pe 22 decembrie, l-am urmrit de diminea. A cumprat un brad superb i butur fin. Prea
genul de om care nu lsa aranjamentele de srbtoare pe mna altora, dei i-ar fi permis-o. A
ieit apoi s-i plimbe cinele -- un pui agitat i flocos. Nu tiu cum de-l suporta, dar a plecat cu
el ntr-o les lung i s-a oprit n parc. Ningea des, iar prima zi ncepea destul de plictisitor. Daca fi tiut...
La ntoarcere, X s-a oprit la mall i a lsat cinele prins de-un stlp, urlnd de parc se sfrea
lumea. M-am strecurat nuntru dup el. Magazinul era plin ochi, dar am reuit s pstrez
distana potrivit. S-a dus int la florrie i a cumprat un buchet de trandafiri. Clar, era bine
dispus. Am filmat totul, convins c sunt aproape de finalul cazului. X a urcat la ultimul etaj. n
cafenea l atepta o brunet cu ochi sfioi de cprioar, care purta un colier superb cu cristale
Swarovski. Cadou tot de la el, am ghicit. X i-a ntins buchetul i a srutat-o pe obraz. Ochii ei
microfonul ascuns mi-a optit c o chema Alina -- strluceau cnd i-a mulumit pentru colier.
S-au aezat la mas i Alina i-a ntins un pachet mic, nvelit n catifea roie. X a btut din palme
ca un putan. N-ai s te mai bucuri aa mult vreme, mi-am spus. Crezi c eti n siguran
fiindc soia i-a plecat la Bucureti pentru o zi? Greit! A fi vrut s le nregistrez discuia,
ultima prob incriminatoare, dar a nceput s cnte muzica la maximum. M-am mulumit aadar
s privesc. N-au stat mult, dar era evident c sunt apropiai. Planul meu era simplu: s-o urmresc
pe brunet i s aflu unde st. Restul avea s fie floare la ureche. Au ieit din magazin inndu-se
de mn, ca i cum lumea ar fi fost doar a lor. Nu-mi venea s cred ct de uor era totul!
S-a ntmplat foarte repede. Un camion a aprut de dup col i, scrnind din frne, a intrat pe
trotuar. Cinele acela afurisit era drept n calea lui! L-am zrit pe X cum sare s-i desfac lesa.
Alina a ncremenit, eu m-am repezit prea trziu dup X. N-am apucat dect s-l sucesc puin
nainte s-l ating camionul. S-a prbuit. Sngera destul de ru la piciorul drept. Am improvizat
un garou, n timp ce n jurul meu toi ipau. Lng mine, Alina suna disperat la 112.
Cnd a venit ambulana, medicul mi-a spus c i-am salvat viaa lui X.
-- Mulumesc! Urcai cu mine i cu fratele meu? m-a ntrebat printre suspine Alina.
Nu-mi venea s cred. X nu avea rude n via. Mama lui murise n primvar. De atunci se i
schimbase, mi-a spus soia lui. Devenise preocupat i, uneori, o privea vinovat.
-- Pn anul asta, nici nu tiam c-s adoptat, a optit Alina. Mama avea doar 16 ani, nu-i port
pic... Dar s descopr nu doar un frate, ci unul care apare n paginile ziarelor sptmnal! Nu
voiam s devin inta hoardelor de paparazzi. De aia i-am i zis s pstreze secretul fa de toi.
Am greit oare?
Tremura. Am dus-o la spital i apoi am anunat-o pe soia lui X. Alina mi-a dat voie s-i spun
totul. Clienta mea a nceput s hohoteasc la telefon. Nu tiam dac-i de suprare sau bucurie.
Cnd m-am ntors la salon, Alina avea din nou pachetul. Am citit inscripia de pe ptratul de
hrtie. Luxury Gifts. Alina mi-a urmrit privirea.
-- E mai bine s rmn la mine, a zis. Doamne ferete, s nu se prpdeasc!
-- Ce-i nuntru? am ntrebat.
-- Un cadou pentru soia lui. Bijuterii cu cristale. Superbe!
Mi-a vzut nedumerirea.
-- E daltonist i i face snge ru din cauza asta de copil. M-a rugat s m ocup eu. Voia s fie un
Crciun special...
Nu se urea cnd plngea. Cred c-n clipa aia m-am ndrgostit de ea. De atunci, n fiecare an,
i cumpr Alinei de Crciun ceva de la Luxury Gifts. A devenit o tradiie de familie.
Christmas detective story

by Stefan Czeller
Want to know how my life has changed a necklace? asked the detective.
Never seen him wearing jewelry. Even the ring and get it out he was leaving
the field. I said yes, of course.
He took a deep breath and began softly.
It was in December and a good contract. A seemingly trivial marital affair,
but the client had full wallet. I could do quiet Christmas gift list: I was royally
paid to watch him husband. I have to say X.
On December 22, I watched the morning. Bought a gorgeous tree and fine
drink. It seemed kind of guy who does not let holiday arrangements in the
hands of others, although it would have allowed it. He then went out to walk
the dog - a young restless and shaggy. Do not know how it supports, but left
him a long leash and stopped in the park. Often snowing and the first day
started pretty boring. If I had known ...
In return, X stopped at the mall and left the dog caught a pillar, screaming as
if the world ended. I slipped in after him. The shop was full, but we managed
to keep the right distance. He went straight at flower shop and bought a
bouquet of roses. Clearly, he was in good spirits. We shot everything,
convinced that they are near the end of the case. X climbed to the top floor.
The cafe was waiting a shy deer-eyed brunette, wearing a beautiful necklace
with Swarovski crystals. All gift from him, I guess. X and stretched bouquet
and kissed her cheek. Her eyes - hidden microphone whispered that her
name Alina - when thanked for shining necklace.
They sat at the table and Alina handed a small package wrapped in red
velvet. X clapped as a kid. You're not enjoying yourself so long, I thought. You
think you're safe because your wife went to Bucharest for a day? Wrong! I
wish to record discussion last incriminating evidence, but began playing
music at maximum. I was so happy to watch. They did not stay long, but it
was obvious that they are close. My plan was simple: brunette chasing her
and find out where he lives. The rest would be a breeze. They came out of
the store holding his hand, as if the world was only theirs. I could not believe
how easy it was!
It has happened very quickly. A truck came around the corner and gnashing
of brakes came on the sidewalk. That damned dog was right in his path! I
saw on X as salt undoing leash. Alina froze, I was rushed too late after X. I
got a little twist to it than before you reach truck. Was collapsed. Was
bleeding pretty bad right foot. I improvised a tourniquet, while all around me
screaming. Next to me, Alina desperate 112 call.
When the ambulance came, the doctor told me that I saved his life X.
- Thank You! Come up with me and my brother? I asked between sobs Alina.
I could not believe it. X had no living relatives. His mother died in the spring.
Since then and changed, said his wife. Become concerned and sometimes
looked guilty.
- Until this year, I did not know that I was adopted, Alina whispered. My
mother was only 16, do not begrudge ... But to discover not only a brother

but one that appears weekly in newspapers! I did not want to become the
target of hordes of paparazzi. That's why I said and secrecy to all. I did
He was trembling. I took her to the hospital and then I told her his wife Alina
X. gave me permission to tell him everything. My client began hohoteasc
phone. I did not know if her sorrow or joy. When I returned to the salon, Alina
was again the package. I read the inscription on the square of paper. Luxury
Gifts. Alina watched my eyes.
- It's better to stay with me, he said. God forbid, not to destroy!
- What's inside? i asked.
- A gift for his wife. Crystal Jewelry. Superb!
I saw bewilderment.
- It's color-blind and their fret about that child. M asked me to handle. He
wanted to be a Christmas special ...
Not ugly she wept. I think in that moment I fell in love with her. Since then,
every year, I buy something from Alina Luxury Christmas Gifts. It has become
a family tradition.

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