G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. To Gillon McLachlan - Re Adam Goodes - Etc

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C/o Gillon McLachlan






Daniel Andrews Premier Victoria daniel.andrews@parliament.vic.gov.au

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Ref; 20150727 G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Gillon McLachlan - Re Adam Goodes -etc


as I indicated in previous 16-6-2015 correspondence this Recognise campaign was I
view a political matter the AFL never should have gotten involved with as it offend many
spectators who attend to footy games. When then Adam Goodes uses some purported war
threat upon spectators then so to say any goodwill by spectators are out of the window.
The fact that it appears the AFL failed to appropriately act against Adam Goodes further as I understand
it infuriated many. If a spectator had done the same then more than likely the spectator might






have been banned for life. As such the AFL is or appears to be too Aboriginal orientated in
disrespect to the general community as well to many Aboriginal descendants!
The first thing I even knew about Adam Goodes was his promotion of Recognise and to
me a footballer should be known for the competence of a game and not for ulterior issues
using his position as a player to promote a political issue. My understanding of various
Aboriginals are they consider Adam Goodes is undermining their cause of as peaceful
solution and is harming their cause. The Framers of the Constitution implemented ss5r1(xxvi)
as to discriminate against foreign coloured inferior races and the absurdity was for
Aboriginals and others supported by the United Nations to amend ss51(xxvi) as to include Ab
originals in this, where the Framers of the Constitution specifically had kept them out of it
because the origin of this section was to protect Australian jobs from the inflow of foreign
coloured inferior races. After all ss51(xxvi) hardly should be to deprive Aboriginals
and/or their descendants to be denied equality in employment as other Australians.
It must be clear that Aboriginals are already recognized in the constitution already, as being in
essence a foreign coloured inferior race hardly something to boost about.
I understand that the AFL in the part used the services of Sharon Firebrace (of Aboriginal
descent) and well at http://sharonfirebrace.com the AFL may be able to download her
interview with me lasting about 1 hour concerning Aboriginals issues.
Why on earth would you desire to Recognise Aboriginals (existing of many different races)
when you have them already recognized, but not at all as to what Aboriginals and other
electors were advised in 1967 what it was about.
There was to my understanding no informed decision by any elector that if they voted to
amend ss51(xxvi) then Aboriginals would be equal to any other foreign coloured
Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI series by E-mail INSPECTORRIKATI@schorel-hlavka.com See also www.schorel-hlavka.com at blog Http://www.scribd.com/InspectorRikati









inferior race. Yet, the AFL using Adam Goodes as some poster boy on its official
website somehow went along with this sheer and utter nonsense of Recognise.
What competence, if any at all, did the legal advisors of the AFL have to go along with this
utter and sheer non sense of the Recognise campaign? The AFL and certain football clubs
are seemingly promoting involving indigenous Aboriginals to join in the game and yet for
decades doing so it really never had as I view it one of iota understanding what real issues
were. What kind of falsehood were the legal advisors giving the AFL, I wonder?
Adam Goodes (for whatever reasons unknown to me) was honoured to be Australian of the
Year and it appears to me he was using this in total disrespect and abused it for the
Recognise campaign to divide even Aboriginals and their descendants,
Insulting spectators with pretend spear throwing in my view was uncalled for and very
offensive if not a act of terrorism and let the AFL make clear it doesnt condone or otherwise
accept this kind of conduct. Children who are subjected as spectators to such kind of conduct
and the AFL fails to act appropriately against this will end up with a disrespect for a footballer
like Adam Goodes. You cannot expect spectators to not be booing Adam Goodes in such
circumstances. He did bring it upon himself as I view despicable ignorant kind of conduct. In
my view he did bring the game in disrepute. For you making a statement to the media (about
booing) may only inflame matters that more will be booing Adam Goodes. The AFL to me
appears to use DOUBLE STANDARDS that it is alright, provided you are Aboriginal, to
abuse spectators in a threatening manner during a game but booing is somehow offensive.
I understand from others that they consider Adam Goodes damaged goods.
Perhaps in the end the AFL may just regard it that it brings money in to have people attending
games and get involved in booing Adam Goodes so a higher percentage of spectators may
attend, by this increasing admission taking. If that is it game of creating a money spinner time
will tell how it will work out. To me the race/colour of a player should never be an issue but
rather the competence and/or the incompetence of the player in the game.
In my view ss51(xxvi) should never have been amended to what it was by the 1967
referendum where electors were deceived to the true meaning and application of the
constitution. It never should be used against Australians, regardless of their race and/or
colour. Ss51(xxvi) has its purpose, as to prevent foreign workers to undermine the job
security of Australians. And it should be for this purpose only such as against the TPP to
allow foreign workers to undermine Australian jobs. It are the Australians who are in fact
as spectators keeping players as well as AL employees in a job.
As for a meeting with Adams Goodes about recent booing, the AFL did in my view better to
attend to the core issues of Adam Goodes own conduct both on and off the field. In my view
he misused his position as a footy player to promote Recognise and I have the
understanding more and more people (including those of Aboriginal descent) are being not
just upset but infuriated by his conduct the AFL should resolve this issue appropriately and
not taking it out against spectators who so to say merely respond to his as I view it highly
inflammable conduct. Dont bite the hand that feeds you!
This document is not intended and neither must be perceived to refer to all


Our name is our motto!)

Awaiting your response,


G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O. W. B.

(Friends call me Gerrit)

Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI series by E-mail INSPECTORRIKATI@schorel-hlavka.com See also www.schorel-hlavka.com at blog Http://www.scribd.com/InspectorRikati

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