The Sea's Revenge

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The Sea's Revenge

January, 13 2015

Liam S unner
Pennylane,Knockmark, Drumree
Co. M eath, Ireland.

The Sea remembers

Liam Sunner


This page could be the story board for the early life of M ajor Glory, our hero and inspiration.
A better description would be a propaganda wheel for war bonds, the war on liberal drugs, or
whatever new burger M cDonalds are making. All the poses for M ajor Glory should be poses.
Everything should be done to show how great he is, flattering and powerful angles, close ups
to show his muscles and his ability to carry the country, always getting his good side-- that
kinda stuff. Oh, his good side is his right side. For this page, M ajor Glory wont have any
lines, it will all be a voice over narration. In my head I image the classic Orson Wells radio
voice, or Bill M urray.

Panel 1.
This is a close up panel of M ajor Glory, from say the waist up. His arms are pressed against
his hips looking off into the distance, his cap gently blowing floating behind him despite the
lack of wind. His jaw looks as if it was chiseled from marble. His face is obscured by his
domino mask, enough to conceal his real identity, but enough of his face is visible to see how
classically handsome he is. Woman want to be with him, men in the 18-49 age bracket want
to enlist with him. There is nothing else in the panel bar M ajor Glory.
M ajor Glory...

Panel 2.
This is panel of M ajor Glory signing up to up to the War on TBA. He is signing his name on
the enlistment form in full M ajor Glory attire. He is surrounded by older white men in grey
suits, each more old and white than the last. They are signing the enlistment for on a stage
with a curtain or a flag draped across the back of the stage. At the bottom of the panel we can
see the press and crowd as nothing more than black outlines, they arent important compared
to M ajor Glory and the M en In Grey Suits.
...our hero. Doing his duty like all good hardworking taxpayers M ajor Glory is enlisting to
fight in the War on TBA. Id watch out if I were you TBA.

Panel 3.
This is an action panel of M ajor Glory and his team of sidekicks, The Coat-Tail Riders. They
are all jumping towards the bottom centre of the panel, towards the reader, roughly from the
middle of the panel- for reference Avengers 4 cover with the Avengers jumping towards the
reader. All the characters on the team look like they are doing something dynamic, some stoic
pose that looks impressive but if this was an actual fighting situation they would all be dead.

The Sea remembers

Liam Sunner


The background behind the team is a storage warehouse. The warehouse is dirty, dusty, the
odd box scattered around, some outdate movie posters on the wall. The sidekicks are a mix of
every action hero team cliche, the kung guy, the big guns guy, the one with all the explosives,
and so forth. Im going to leave this blank go crazy with the design. Go nuts and have fun
with these designs.
Look its M ajor Glory and the Coat-tail riders. No doubt on their way to foil the evil and
socially corrupting TBA.

Panel 4
Same warehouse as panel 3, this is the confrontation with TBA. Front and centre of the
panel is M ajor Glory punching a blacked-out figure with TBA written in white writing, as if
filled in during post production. This would be an uppercut to TBAs jaw. In the background
we can see more blacked out figured lines up against a wall. The Coat-tail riders have formed
a barely visible firing line aimed at figures.
Good work boys stopping TBA this week. I bet you cant wait to get back to your gals,
youve earned the break.

Panel 5.
This is a panel of M ajor Glory and the Coat-tail riders in full costume sitting on the porch of
a suburban house. There is a table with milk and some cookies. With the heroes is young
Timmy, the boy next door. Timmy is your average war time propaganda poster child, a huge
smile on his face.
Even M ajor Glory needs to refresh his batteries after fighting TBA all day. And nothing
refreshes you like a glass of M oltens M ilk. Dont worry folks, M ajor Glory will be back
defending out shores soon enough.

Panel 6.
This is an action panel of M ajor Glory storming a beach with the Coat tail riders behind him.
They are running out of a landing craft, similar to the ones used on D-Day. There is sign of
fighting or anyone else of the beach.

The Sea remembers

Liam Sunner



Panel 1.
Wide panel of M ajor Glory on a deserted beach, the same beach as panel 6 on page one.
However, this time he is alone. His back is to the reader, he looks as if hes standing on an
uneven surface, his usual sense of moral uprightness and regular uprightness is gone. In his
hand is bottle of whiskey, he is very drunk and has just invaded a beach.
Where is he? Where is TBA??Ive few words for him and his whole gang...

Panel 2.
In this panel the security guards of the Otter sanctuary are watching M ajor Glory on the
beach front through a security camera. M ost of the panel will be M ajor Glory swaying and
shouting for TBA as in panel one but from the front angle. The border of the panel will be the
border around the monitor.
The hell is that?
It looks like some drunk dressed as M ajor Glory got into the otter enclosure. Ill go check it
out you call the police.

Panel 3.
Close up of the security guard approaching M ajor Glory. The security guard has a flashlight
and some keys, no weapons All we can see is the outline of M ajor Glory. This isnt the first
time a drunk broke into the otter sanctuary, so the guard has an annoyed look on his face.
Sir this is Private property. The Police have been notified.
Dont you know who I am?

The Sea remembers

Liam Sunner


Panel 4.
M ajor Glory is enraged the security guard didnt recognise him. He is shouting at the
security guard. He is also quite drunk, redder face, mask slightly askew, what looks like bits
of vomit on his chest. The security guard rolls his eyes. He is frustrated that this is how he is
spending his life while his ex-wife is living it up with Rickky, the jazz singer.
Dont you know who I am? Im Major Glory, defender of this country and its taxpayers.
Sure you are pal. And Im really Elvis, I left showbiz to earn minimum wage looking after

Panel 5.
M ajor Glory takes offense to the comments of the security guard, who looks nothing like
Elvis, and grabs him by the shoulder. M ajor Glory is shaking the security guard while
shouting at him. Spit is flying out of the mouth of M ajor Glory, his face is red from anger,
the whiskey, and from the intensity of his shouting.
Did you pee on the Otters??

Panel 6.
At the forefront of the panel, M ajor Glory is being taken away by the police. He is hunched
over, handcuffed, and shamed that he wasnt recognized. He says nothing as he walks. The
security guard is kneeling over in the distance, looking at some of the otters M ajor Glory
peed on.
Well need a clean up to crew to the Otter enclosure. Repeat. Clean up crew to the Otters.
Some drunk peed on them.

The Sea remembers

Liam Sunner



Panel 1.
Side view of M ajor Glory in the back of the police car. He is hunched over, straining the
seatbelt, his head against the back of the seat in front of him.
So begins the fall of the Great Major Glory and my revenge for what he did.

Panel 2.
The panel is a newspaper headline reading The Otter side of M ajor Glory The second
story on the front page of the paper is something about inflation at an all time low, but this
plays second fiddle to a drunk hero.
On the 11th of M ay, Major Glory was found to drunk at the otter sanctuary. Reports say
he had assaulted a member of security after urinating on numerous otters. M any animal rights
groups have organized protests scheduled for next week.. The second story on the front page
of the paper is something about inflation at an all time low, but this plays second fiddle to a
drunk hero.

Panel 3.
M ajor Glory is arguing with his wife Shelia over his actions over last few months. He has
been going from worse to worse. They are in the kitchen. He is still in full M ajor Glory attire.
She is dressed as is she came from working in an office.
What started as a mistake has begun to spin out of control...
Dammit Shelia, Im trying. Do you know how hard is it for me to get work now that weve
won the war on TBA?
You cant get work because you sit around drinking all day in that stupid costume. Every job
you had you got fired from because you wouldnt take of that stupid costume.
Its a uniform you ungrateful cow. After everything it has done, you call it a costume!

The Sea remembers

Liam Sunner


<sigh>I cant do this anymore, Frank...

Panel 4.
Panel looking up at a judges bench. The judge is giving his verdict. His gavel is going full
SFX 1:

One event leading to the other, each more degrading and damaging than the last...

Based on the conduct of Frank Rogersmith, I have no choice to but to award full custody to
Shelia Rogersmith. M r. Rogersmith may seek visitation rights, on the provision of adequate
supervision. Furthermore alimony to the amount of ...

Panel 5.
M ajor Glory is meeting with his agent to discuss how to move forward, about a possible
rebranding. M ajor Glory is sitting across from his agent. The agents office is full of rich
mahogany furnishing with many leather bound books on the shelves. The agent is sitting back
in his chair, half interested in the conversation half wondering what the intern down the hall is
wearing. The desk is empty for a single glass of scotch the agent poured for himself. M ajor
Glory is still in his costume but now has the start of a beard.
Major Glorys life has taken some sharp turns, none for the better. Not that he deserves a
better life after what he did to me....
I need a job Arnold, the bank is about to foreclose on my house. I lost nearly everything to
that harpy in the divorce, even my lawyers. Now, I cant even see my kids.
I feel for you Frank I do...but your actions over the last year have made you pretty toxic as a

The Sea remembers

Liam Sunner


So what? You cant get me a job? Sponsors used to be rolling in for everything from
Childrens Brand cigarettes to gun polish. Are you telling me you cant find me a single job?
No Im saying youre so toxic, you are driving other jobs away from other my clients. Weve
no choice but to let you go. You have five minutes to leave the building or security will be
forced to remove you.

Panel 6.
Same layout as panel 4.
I may have nudged the scales a bit...
Your application for a new passport in rejected. Furthermore, given your conduct over the
last 18 months, this tribunal has no choice but to strip you of your title as Major Glory.
You are no longer to represent yourself as an agent of the state, to act with any authority
vested in you as M ajor, nor refer to yourself as Major Glory in the third person. Any breach
of these conditions will result in contempt of court and you will be sentenced to jail.

The Sea remembers

Liam Sunner



Panel 1.
M ajor Glory is walking down a busy street. He looks like shit, dirty ragged clothes, a beard
and the domino mask. Hes still wearing his uniform underneath his clothes but cant be seen
in public in the uniform or hell be jailed. No one is paying any attention to him. The street
around him, the people, everything looks more run down, more depressing, more grey.
And here we have our broken hero. I could swoop in an put him out of his misery...

Panel 2.
M ajor Glory is walking past a shop front. Its an electronic store, selling the latest TVs.
Across all the TVs there is an advert showing a new M ajor Glory. Hes been rebooted. The
new M ajor Glory is younger, edgier, sexier. There is no sound coming out of the TV sets but
NEW M ajor Glory is across all the TV sets
...Oh this is just perfect.

Panel 3.
Small panel of a bars neon sign. Name the bar whatever you like, preferably something
funny or if you have a local bar name it after your local bar.

Panel 4.
M ajor Glory takes a seat at the bar, there are two men sitting beside him. Both look equally
as broken. A clock shows its 4 in the afternoon.
Give me four of your strongest drinks.

Panel 5.
It just says Panel M issing. M ajor Glory has gotten black out drunk.

The Sea remembers

Liam Sunner


Panel 6.
M ajor Glory is tied to a chair, a bag over his head, under bright light. It is a number of hours
after he got black out drunk. He is slouched in the chair, held up by the ropes rather than his
own choice.
Looks like Major Glory is a major lightweight. Boys remove the bag, I want him to see the
face of his downfall.

The Sea remembers

Liam Sunner



Panel 1.
This is a close up of the voice from the last panel, the [NARRATOR] from the downfall of
M ajor Glory. He is about to monologue, so he has a look of superiority on his face, that his
enemy is rendered helpless and broken in front of him. Also the villain is an Otter. This panel
is a close up of an otters face. This is the same otter M ajor Glory peed on when he was
drunk at the otter sanctuary. Yup. An otter.
Surprised to see me?

Panel 2.
A close up on M ajor Glorys face. The bag over his head had just been removed so his eyes
are adjusting to the lighting and he is reacting to the face of his tormentor.
The hell are you? Some kind of water gopher? Whats going on? Where am I?

Panel 3.
This will be a large panel, with most of the otters monologue. He is pacing in front of M ajor
Glory who still has no idea what is going on? The otter has the same composure of Hans
Grubber in early Die Hard, he owns the room. Nothing happens beyond his control.
You might not remember what you did to me, but I do. MY FAMILY REMEMBERS !
MY.FAMILY.REMEMBERS . (Shouting, larger font size)

Panel 4.
Ahem, you did something, something were not going to revisit, but something that needs to
be balanced for. You might have wondered why your life has spiraled out of control the last
few years. Your drunkenness and the following arrest was your own doing but could have
been recovered from. Your inability to keep a job? M E. Your wife leaving you? M E. I bribed
her therapist to manipulate her. Your court dates? M E. Why do you think the judge was so
unfair. I OWN HIM . The same for the Senators in charge of the M ajor Glory Brand. It was
very easy to suggest a reboot of the brand to gloried yes men. All of your downfall was M E!

The Sea remembers

Liam Sunner


Panel 5.
Small panel. A close up of the otters face. He is done with M ajor Glory. All that is left is to
finish this.
And now I kill you...or I could be the better mammal and let you live...with a bullet to the
knee of course..

Panel 5.
Another small black panel. All that is in it is the sound effect of the gun firing.
SFX 2:

Panel 6.
The otter has walked outside the warehouse/ building he held M ajor Glory in. A look of
relief on his face. Its over. A random goon is asked him something from off panel.
Did you finish it boss?
I tried, I really did, but then I was looking in his pathetic eyes and I just couldnt. I just
couldnt let him live. He PEED on me.

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