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I worked in my fathers restaurant since the age of 12, the restaurant was owned

by my father and he used it in a way of disciplining me I guess and to appreciate

what I have. My parents are Bangladeshi and my father came to this country
along with my uncle to make a life in England, Bangladesh wasnt a good place
to survive as it is a poor country. I have one older brother and one younger
brother and sister, my family and my cousins are like one family and we support
each other. My father is the manager of the restaurant, an Indian restaurant that
is and my uncle is the assistant manager. My two other cousins from Bangladesh
are the chefs in the restaurant and my uncle has 3 daughters and my aunty was
a cheerful woman who took us everywhere. We had one chef who wasnt related
to us and a few waiters who werent related to us as well.
My mother stayed home to look after me and my siblings and I went to work at
the age of 12 every weekend and I never went work on school nights as
education was very important in my family. My fathers restaurant was fairly
popular in Bolton Westhoughton, Manchester, and Mind you we lived in Eccles so
a car was necessary. I got to see what adults are really like because at that age
you only have one perception of adults, which are teachers and parents. I saw
how my father made his money by managing an Indian restaurant and I
witnessed drunk people fighting, depressed people crying, couples fighting and
there were the happy ones who came and loved our food, as well as the ones
who hated everything and criticise everything and I hate those kind of people. All
in all it did help me grow up and we were blessed with some awesome lovely
regular customers whom I enjoyed talking to and laughing with over the years.
Even in my university years I chose to stay close to home and I worked with my
father still and I enrolled in a management degree or course where you learn
how to be a manager or assistant manager for any company.
After graduation I managed to get a full time job with a large delivery company
called delivery and sons it was a company that delivered things, from paper to
office equipments. It was a fairly quite known as well as a growing company in
England and I managed to get an assistant management role where I just check
with the orders that came in and make sure the delivery is made with each truck.
My family were happy for me and I was talking about it while on my last week
working for my father, explaining to my father and uncle as to how much I would
be getting paid and my role as the assistant manager. Then a very common
customer who regular comes to eat at my fathers restaurant over heard what I
was saying about me leaving the restaurant work for another career. His name
was Mr Richard farnes and I enjoyed serving him over that last couple of years as
he is a very nice man, that specific day though he only came in for a take away
and was waiting at the front bar for his takeaway to take home as he heard me
Oh youre leaving? Mr Richard farnes asked me
Yes, this is my last week working for my father. I have gotten an assistant
manager job for a delivery company called delivery and sons I replied happily

Oh well done, I am going to miss you as I have literally seen you grown up from
a boy into a man Mr farnes told me
Yes you have I guess, you have been coming here regularly ever since I started
since the age of 12! I reply excitedly
Mr farnes is a very rich man who lives in the rich posh part of westhoughton
Bolton and my father has for many times delivered food to his 6 bedroom house,
Mr farnes inherited his fathers large business which my father wasnt sure what
it did or sold. To my surprise Mr. farnes then changed the subject to talk about
something else, my father unknowing to me had asked me farnes if he knew
anyone who could make a website for the business and Mr farnes did know
someone. My father not being very well literate in the art of technology nor even
owning a mobile asked me to give mr farnes my number to keep in contact with
him and for any messages he had for my father about the website, that I should
pass on to my father and I also gave him my email. I then chatted more about
my new job to mr farnes and how excited I am and that it is in Eccles. I
remember the first day going into my new work at the delivery and Sons
Company and then the manager looked at me. He was staring at me weirdly and
he took me into his office and was quite straight forward with me.
Look rajid, erm we have decided not to employ you the manager told me
That was quick and this is just my first day? I reply confusingly
The company is going to go through some large fantastic changes,
unfortunately you cant be a part of those change and unfortunately I cant
explain what those changes are the manager told me
Ok, who is making the changes I ask hesitantly
Ok look a guy a very powerful and rich guy came up to us, with an offer this
company cant refuse. His name is Mr farnes, Richard farnes and he specifically
said to get rid of you he tells me
I gulp in shock and I remember telling Mr. farnes at the restaurant about where I
am working. I wondered as I walked out why Mr farnes had done such a thing and
I kept it to myself, the economy wasnt so good so my parents understood why I
was let go even if it was on the first day, people were losing their jobs every day.
Even my fathers restaurant was struggling and had fired many workers and I
guess I just wanted to think alone to myself as to what just happened. So I was
back at the restaurant and Mr farnes came in and said so how is your place at
your new job he said smirking
It was just me at the front bar at that time and I questioned Mr farnes at what he
had done why did you tell the company to let me go? I ask him and he replies
well you belong here at the restaurant as a waiter and barman
I take a deep breath and ask again what do you mean by that? and Mr farnes
gives a long reply look rajid, I was born into a first class neighbourhood, an

upper class neighbourhood and I was taught that I should always be at the top.
Now we live at a time where low and middle class people are rising to the top too
easily and it shouldnt be like that because they dont belong at the top. I have
voluntary made it my duty in life to make sure middle class people and low class
people stay where they are and when I heard your moving and rising up to
another career ladder, I couldnt accept that. So I contacted the company which
you told me about and made them an offer they cant refuse on the condition
they fire you he tells me so bold and coldly
Surely thats not right I will tell people and have you sued I replied so annoyed
You really think you can afford a lawyer good enough to sue me or put me away,
youre not the only one I am doing this to. I live in this area and even though its
below me, I live here so that I can be closer to low middle class people like you
rajid and make sure they are stuck down there. You tell anyone rajid, I know
where you live and with the financial and contacts that I have I can make you
and your familys life more of a misery, I believe in the hierarchy rajid he tells
me in an insanic way
I stare at him and my father then comes in and my uncle comes back from the
bookies and Mr farnes says hello to my father shaking his hand like he does all of
the time as well speaking how much he respects my father. They all laugh and
joke and Mr farnes makes another order to take out, I couldnt believe what had
just happened but he was acting friendly with my father as well as uncle and if
only they knew what had just happened. I didnt dare tell anyone but I was
determined to find a way around this troubling situation I was in.
I applied for another assistant manager job in some clothes shop in Trafford
centre. I handed in my application form and CV, I talked to the manager who
seemed to like me and impressed with my resume and personality straight away.
I waited a week and heard nothing back and as I tried going back to check, the
clothe shop had closed down. I knew straight away it had something to do with
Mr farnes and working with my father became more of a prison or it felt like I was
trapped. Mr farnes came in again into my fathers restaurant when it wasnt a
busy day and it was just me at the bar as most of the other waiters have been
fired and there was just 4 waiters now, which was me and my father, uncle and
another waiter who isnt related to us and my two cousins chefs were still
working for us.
So I see you tried applying for another job in a clothe shop Mr farne told me
How did you know? I replied and a pause was present when another waiter
came into a bar to get something for the kitchen and went back and then me and
Mr farnes carried on talking
I had you followed and that person was able to keep track of you through your
mobile phone. You gave me your number remember He explained to me
What do you actually do in real life apart from ruining lives? I questioned him

My father had a multi million pound business and he had everything in control.
When he died it all went to me and honestly I dont really know what my
company does I mean thats why there are workers right and as long as they
understand it; its all good. Also I dont need to understand it but I rake in all of
the profits, I dont really need to do anything except to sit back and relax thanks
to my father Mr farnes said with a smug smile on his face
Then my fathers comes in and Mr farnes goes back to being Mr nice guy with all
the Mr Mohammed how are you he would say to my father and Mr fahid how
are you, any luck on the gambling he would say to my uncle as he comes into
the restaurant from the bookies. I tried one last time applying for another job,
this time I applied for a job where you could apply from the computer. I applied
for another manager assistance job for another clothes shop in a popular busy
market in town. I got a reply within a day and I was offered an interview, as I
went down there, the clothe shop looked closed, but a door was open with an
intimidating man standing there and two more men then were standing behind
me and ordered me telling me to go inside through shop which has been closed
down and we came out through the back door into a limo where mr farnes was
present. He must have tabbed my house computer somehow and knew that I
applied to another shop.
You keep disobeying me rajid I am really getting annoyed now Mr farnes told
He took me to one of his offices in Manchester town and the men to leave where
it was just me and him. He didnt have a happy look on his face and he was
looking out of his window from his office.
My family back through the centuries first made their riches through slavery,
when slavery was to be illegalised it sounded well but my ancestors knew better
they knew the truth. Slavery wasnt going to be illegalised but changed and
reformed you can say, just look outside right now rajid. Cars after car forming a
traffic and people going to their pathetic low life work, do you know what they
are rajid, they are like you, they are slaves. It was a genius idea instead of slaves
being mostly black and chained why not open the idea to whites and other races
being slaves and instead of chaining them give them enough where they could
dress themselves up and make them think they are free which keeps revolutions
at bay, well most of the times. The only bad thing is rajid is that this system
gives slaves more ways out which is wrong in my view, my family still to this day,
you can say are slave masters. I own many large corporations with many people
employed to run it who are by my definitions slaves and my father had
intelligently put in slaves to run his corporations so that his children being me
and more future generations in the farnes family tree dont have to but can just
enjoy life he told me and I didnt know what to think of what he was telling me
One other bad thing about this system is that 21st century slaves have human
rights and protections, meaning you cant whip them if they do something out of
line Mr farnes told me

Mr farnes then brings out a whip and purposely just about missed me and he
shouted obey your master rajid!and I fell to the floor and he did it again
purposely missing me and shouting youre a slave you have no right to be
anything else! and then on the third go it seemed like he was going to actually
hit me with a whip and he did it again a couple of more times but then stopped
and faced back to the window again and quietly told me just go rajid just go,
sometimes I do wonder though, that we must all be slaves to something ruled by
something and I got up and quickly went out.
I didnt dare apply for another job for about 6 months and havent seen Mr farnes
in my restaurant either. Im not sure what stopped him but I applied for another
assistant manager job for another company and I have an interview, I hope it
goes well.

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