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A woman frantically desperately runs through a forest at night with her oil
blooded baby with purple eyes in her arms, her heart beat can be felt as her
baby oil blooded girl is observing the feel of her heart beat. It is warmer than
usual in a September month in England and as the trees make a whistling sound
as the wind passes by, the woman sweating and panting looking around as she is
lost. She then sees a shadowy figure and desperately shouts please help me!
but when the shadowy figure comes into the moonlight, to her despair it is an oil
child hunter and with a large knife in his hands.
She then finds herself surrounded by other oil child hunters and like a useless
prey squealing for fear and her oiled bloodied baby girl not knowing what is
going on or what is about to happen to her. They snatch her oil blooded baby girl
out of her hands and she screams in terror and cries out to god which she feels
has abandoned her, they men slit the oil bloodied baby girl and she cries and her
oil blood poured into a container. The mother then left in the forest as she
screams manically with no hope of survival.
This is our pay day guys one of the oil baby hunters speaks out as he takes his
share of oil from the oil blooded baby girl
God has blessed us gentleman or whatever lives in the sky another spoke as
he takes his share of oil blood in his container
All over the news and newspapers all you can read and hear about is the
phenomenon of babies being born with oil blood and the horrors of hunters
hunting them down all over the world. YouTube videos of oil blooded babies being
hunted for their oil blood to be sold to oil companies and some are sympathetic
while most are laughing and in joy. Scientist are baffled by what is happening
and have no clear information as to what is going on, the oil blood is completely
against human biology and they claim these babies being born with oil blood and
purple eyes cannot be human and thus killing them will not be illegal as they are
seen as alien. Oil companies have been criticised for buying such oil from oil
baby hunters and there have been small groups trying to defend and condemn
such cruel and greedy activities that has set itself up against babies and children
born with oil blood. Not all babies and children are born with oil blood and they
are the lucky ones and all pregnant mothers to be pray hard and desperately
hope that their unborn child will have normal blood.
Religion also against such activities and claiming that god is punishing humanity
for its greed for oil and that god has chosen babies and children to have oil blood
as we have disgusted the almighty lord. A pastor stands in a busy street town
full of people just ignoring him as he speaks out god is punishing us for our
greed and wars over such filth as oil. Science will not save but only god will
decide when most of our babies will be born with normal blood and not oil, hear
my words your unborn baby maybe next to be cursed with oil blood! the pastor

But..a woman holding her 5 year old normal bloodied boy and as she starts to
feel her pregnant belly expecting a second baby boy. She is now fearful of her
unborn child after hearing the pastor speak while everyone else is just walking
by and has a flashback when she came to check into hospital to find out the
gender of her second child, she smiled to find out it was a boy to only gulp in
fear to hear it might by oil blooded as minor signs have shown itself through the
scan and she was lucky as her husband Stanley wasnt there as he is an oil child
hunter himself. She holds her five year old Rodney by the hand tightly and they
start walking and she notices some men are looking at her son Rodneys eyes; to
see if he has purple eyes but he has normal brown human eyes. As she gets
home and she sees in her living room table is a container full of baby oil blood
with the date 26/09/2100 to be sold to an oil company for 3000 pounds and a
surge of guilt came about her as she knew this is how her husband Stanley, has
been bringing home money and the rising fear of her second unborn child might
be an oil baby too.
Get us a can of beer love Stanley tells Martha as he watches telly
He then starts giving Rodney some advice to hunting down oil bloodied babies
and he says its simple you get a sharp knife and you slowly rip the skin open
and let the oil run out and Martha comes in giving her husband Stanley beer
and saying Dont tell him that I hope when Rodney grows up he will be in a
different business and Stanley retaliates by saying nonsense nothing wrong
with killing for oil
Stanley is a mans man and is mainly an unemotional type of person and in
midnight Martha was awoken to her husband putting on his gear, she hears news
that one of her neighbours has been hiding an oil blooded child. Stanley was
given the orders by his company to take out the oil blooded child and can take all
of it and the money.
Please Stanley not at this ungodly hour Martha pleads with Stanley
Oil is 24/7 Martha Stanley replied
Martha ran down the stairs following his husband as she wished in her head for
this not to happen within her own street and with Rodney now awake, she didnt
want him to witness what is about to happen. Stanley shot down the neighbours
door with his powerful shot gun and dragged an old man carrying his baby boy
grandchild who is oil blooded and was given to him by the oil bloodied baby boys
parents to hide him there. The old man holds tightly on to his oil bloodied
grandchild and the old woman pleading with Stanley not to kill their baby boy
grandchild. Martha stood the in the cold teary eyes and speechless as she
witness the horror of her husband slitting the throat of the old couples grandchild
and Stanley collects the oil blood into the container and says to Martha more
money for us
When the time came for Martha to give birth to her second baby boy and
unknown to her husband that it might be an oil bloodied child, she wished maybe

she should have aborted the second child. This time Stanley and Rodney were
present and when she gave birth she looked unto her second baby boys eyes
and to see it was purple. As Stanley looked into his second baby boys eyes and
seeing it is purple and oil bloodied, he had never in the past ever thought that
one day one of his children will be oil bloodied. He was silent and took Rodney
home with him.
Stanley say something! where are you going! Martha shouted
When Martha was given the green light to go home, she had to go home alone
with her second baby boy who is oil bloodied. She comes home to find Rodney
playing computer games in his room and she see her husband Stanley just sitting
on a chair on his own so quite. She hands over her second baby boy who is oil
bloodied to her husband who accepts to carry him, Stanley starts to cry
emotionally and for the first time showing some real emotion. Stanley kissing his
oil blooded baby boy but them surprising Martha grabs a knife he was hiding and
slits the babies throat and blood was spilling all over the place and Stanleys face
covered in oil. Martha screams to the high heaven and starts pulling out her hair
and running around the house with Rodney witnessing the horror that has
unfolded in his house hold. Stanley still sobbing and kissing his second baby who
is oil bloodied and starts shaking goes to ground crying, he looks at Martha and
has nothing to say.
Martha loses her sane mind and gets put into an hospital who deal with insane
patients, Stanley abandons the hunting business and goes into building, he looks
after Rodney until he reaches the age of 18 and then Stanley disappears with no
one knowing where he has gone. Rodney now a young man visits his mother
every week who is in an insane asylum hospital.
Then on the date 13/04/2118 the whole world comes to good news and bad
news to some that the horrid phenomena of the oil children has ended, as now
all babies are being with normal blood and oil.

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