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Siti Mariah
Indonesian Education University
This research was aimed at revealing a clear and detailed description of the
teaching implementation of dressmaking teachers in competency-based education
training at State VHSs 4 and 6 Yogyakarta, including: (1) their understanding of the
essence of teaching-learning process and the condition of learning; and (2) their
way to develop cognitive, affective, and psychomotor teaching, and to motivate
students to learn. This research was a case study using the qualitative approach. The
subjects were the teachers since they were the actor of the teaching
implementation in the classroom. The data were collected through observation,
interview, and documentation. The result of the research showed that the teachers
understanding of the essence of teaching-learning is also traditional; the teachers
believe that the students thinking level is low and difficult to develop, and the
teachers consider to improve the learning climate that is currently low. The teachers
develop: (1) cognitive learning effectively through problem solving with tutorial,
experimenting and doing an assignment on the application of mastery learning; (2)
affective learning effectively by acting as a model and through cooperation
learning; (3) psychomotor learning effectively through practice and modeling
repetition; and (4) the students learning motivation effectively by giving learning
objectives, holding competitions, and awarding feed-back.

teaching effectiveness, competency-based education and training,

vocational education.

DikMenjur (Wardiman,1998) have identify 12 mistakes on study activity in vocational
school, in this case, it is focus to the teacher, like vocational education basic
practical didnt convey braced on the basic principle; student al wed to work with
that wrong way; reckless; didnt apply the complete study system ; didnt obey the
safety work stand art, the teacher teach with write on he booed system, tee teacher
didnt active guide and watch the student when they work ; teaching proceeds









understanding, and didnt set up the working spirit (p.57).

Teaching habitual of victual school teacher that have been go on From year, have
sense of quality and sense of added value, the consequence vocational schools
graduate considered have lass quality and didnt comply the standard of
competence that working word need. Gatot H. (Kompas. 2002) state that, new in
industrial world still coincident that vocational schools graduate are in low quality,
because the vocational education system and the teachers disability to use
modern stuff foot practice.
To produce a good quality of vocational schools graduate, the government have
apply the competency based education and training (CBE/T) in 1994 vocational
school curriculum that have been revise (ion) in 1999. implication of apply CBE/T in
vocational school are on the study experience, study process , and evaluation sis
term. Study activity, in vocational school have a height orientation in working
world, revelation between work experience working world prospect are the priority,
emblemized an obvious experiential learning, and hour a dynamic characteristic in
forge students study style, teachers teach style, and the study subject (Sukamto
1988: 11).
Basicly, the problems of study activity are on the willingness of the teacher to propel
area and study sparing for education, to motivate the student, to prepare model,
teaching skill, knowledge and act to student in order that student have reach the
student of competence, psicomotoric skill, and skill that related with the personality.
So, the psicomotoric skill, and skin that related with the personality. So, the study
must in cloud cognitive, affective, and psicomotoric aspect. CBE/T in vocation
school have work almost 10 year, but didnt show increase.

Study Activity Observation

Joycle ad Weil (1996) and Burton (1962) state that teaching and means organize
and arrange education area to push, grow and help student doing the study
activity. This concept indicates that study is learn-centered, teacher motivated their
In applying CBE/T in vocational school curriculum as the exchange of the old
curriculum, study process leaded to study step system. Pardjono and Wardan S
(2002) state that study is student activity in develop their own knowledge. The role at
this teacher are give some stimulus, create a good study area, and prepare model
for student (p.13)
CBE/T concept
CBE/T is focus is on knowledge and specific skill, and attitude that accordance with
working world rule. The skill have to demonstrate according to the standard
competence (Dedi, S: 2002).
Skills A ask or group of task performed to specific level of competency or
proficiency which


use motor functions and typically require the

manipulations of instrument and equipment.

Competency Skill performed to specific standard under specific conditions.
(Sulivan : 1995)
Basicly, CBE/T is focused to what someone can do as he effect from education.
Some are who can do his/her job that demanded by working world can be said
Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotoric education
a. Cognitive Education
The purpose of study in cognitive aspect based blown tacsonomy (Reece &
Walker 1997 : 66) consist of 6 level of competency : (1) knowledge; (2)
comprehension; (3) application ; (4) Analysis ; (5) Synthesis; (5) Evaluation.
Harris, et al (1995) said, cognitive style is concerned with the special way in
which information is perceived, though about, remembered, and used (p.137).
b. Affective Education
Affective aspect consist of 5 level : (1) receiving ; (2) responding, (3) valuing, (4)
organization; (5) characterizing (Bloom; Reece and Walker, 1997). And Pardjono
said that we should payatention with : (1) Doing and practicing; (2) interacting,

(3) communication, (4) Not a destination process, (5) integrative; and (6)
c. Psychomotoric Education
Simpson (Granland, 1978) have set up a psychomotoric aspect like (1)
Perception ; (2) Set, (3) Guide response ; (4) Mechanism ; (5) complex over
response; (6) Adaptation; (7) Origination.
CBE/T characteristic
Dubois (1993) said that CBE/T should contains element like: (a) focus an
competence manage ; (b) let student to responsible in reach their success; (c)
education strategy must like a replica an working world; (d) Education strategy
should let the student to in crease their knowledge.
To learn Sewing in Vocational School
To learn sewing consists of levels that in accordance with the grade, according to
technical, stuff, cloth, or the model. To Learn sewing, we have to diligent and
passion. We wont learn it just with read and hear some instruction, but we have to
do it dactyl.
Study Evaluation
CBE/T evaluation system bared on et al (Harris 1995) is Assessment in CBE/T is
criterion referenced, not norm-referenced where an individuals achievements are
measured relative to others in a group VEETAC that showed by Harris have
evaluation criteria that apply: validity, reliability, fairness, and flexibility (p.283).
Research Method
This research use qualitative method that researcher hope will get a complete,
dope and trusting data. She observes the real of education activity.
Subject an this research is based on the criterion based selection that usually called
purposive sampling. In collecting data researcher as the key instrument absolve,
interview, and documented by her self using san tools, like; (a) observation
recording; (b) recorder, (c) guide of interview; (d) camera; and (e) writing stuff.
a. Activity to get credibility, like : (1) observe and research in a long time;









triangulation; (5) per debriefing; (6) negative case analysis.

b. Activity to keep dependability, like : (1) audit trail;(2) checking data.

c. Data analysis in this research is analysis interactive model from Miles

and Auberman (1994 : 12) that divide analysis activity in to : (1)
collecting data; (2) reducing data, (3) displaying data; (4) verification
Research Result and Discussion
Based an the class observation recording in research and interview with teacher
and student, 1 cm conclude that :
Teacher understand that teach is knowledge transfer process from teacher to
student. User Usman and Lilis (1993) state that teacher understanding on teach
benefit will influence his/ her role and activity in teach. It is valid too for student (p.6).
Teacher not always give some explanation, but they should give their students
support and divide them. Teacher evaluated that student characteristic are still hard
to develop. Davies (1991) state that teacher assumption about their student are as
like their assumption. Based on this case, teacher have to know more about their
student (p.278).
Teacher understand that reach is knowledge transfer process from teacher to
student. User Usman and Lilis (1993) state that teacher understanding on teach
benefit will influence his/ her role and activity in teach. It is valid too for student (p.6).
Teacher not always give com implementation, but they should give their student
support and guide the. Teacher evaluated that student characteristic are still hard
to develop. Davies (1991 : 228) state that teachers assumption about their student
are as like their assumption. Based on the cage, teacher have to know more about
their student.
a. Teacher teach way in developing cognitive education
The result the research showed that teachers way in developing problem resolve
still didnt do well. They give their student the instruction, so that student will just
correct their mistake based on their teachers instruction. It will make student
depend on their teacher. Gardon & Burch (1997: 249) state that, student will
have a motivation to do their job if they participate in taking the conclusion.
b. Teachers teach way in developing affective education
Researchs result showed that teacher act as the model in education process
since they enter the class until the end of the study. Sardiman (2001: 146) said

that, one of the result of education that is people that conscious for respect
each other and dignity
c. Teachers teach way in developing pcychomotiric education
The result of the research showed that teacher demonstrate some practical
didnt use a good stuff and the example arent contrite. They should repeat the
demonstrate because student make many mistake. Harris et al (1995 : 138) said
that, The repetition and practice can support over learning which leads to the
high level of memory characterized by recall
Feed back that teacher do to give that student some information about success,
failed, and the level of competition are being the support for student. As
practice proceeds (with suitable feedback), internal cups leading to prior are








smoothness and precision become established and retained as regulators of

skilled performance (Gagne, 1977 : 219). And Gordon & Burch (1997: 78) said
that critic, negative evaluation, and other ways that threaten to student
weakness will down the student, not support them.
d. Teachers way to develop students study motivation
Researchs result showed that there is some teacher have develop study
motivation with explain the matery that student hard to understand it, the reason
is to make easy teacher guide the student/ teacher develop students study
motivation with competition. Positive, competition can make anxious feeling that
can increase student motivation, but our anxious feeling also can give negative
effect (Lie, 2002 : 23).
Teacher use or give warning, hint, even threaten to increase students
motivation. According to Bandara (Good and Brophy, 1987). Statement, that
Punishment can control misbehavior, but by is self it will not teach desirable
behavior or even to reduce to misbehave. Thus, punishment is never a solution by
itself, at best, it is only port of a solution.
e. Teachers way using education media
The result of the research showed that teacher is the education main source and
act as the media. The lack of education media ins sewing education showed in
depend of student to teacher is still in a high frequency. Student depend on the
teachers instruction to do their work.

Teachers evaluate way

The researchs result showed that teacher evaluate based on standart qualify
criteria that decide by the teacher. Teacher evaluate from cognitive aspect
based on the, final examination project, and affective aspect based on the
attitude of student, interview, personal report, and attitude scale. But this way is
just based on the teachers memory and didnt use the checklist. Art they
evaluate psychomotoric aspect from practical evaluation in final examination.
1. Teacher still consider that education is knowledge transfer from
teacher to student and from student that un educated being
2. Teachers way in developing cognitive education still on the level of
competency, knowledge, and comprehension level.
3. Teachers way in developing affective education is with practicing,
where as with warning and threaten are said that still not effective
because followed just in the class.
4. Teachers way in developing psychomotoric education still on the
guide response level.
5. The effective way to develop student motivation is convey the
education purpose, hard working with simulation, competence, give
some praise, and feedback with monitoring way.
6. Teacher way in using the education media didnt effective yet.
7. Teachers way in evaluating. Cognitive aspect that have been
effective is with held theoretical final examination.
8. Teachers way in evaluating affective aspect didnt effective yet
because just based on student daily attitude that teacher
9. Teachers way in evaluating psychomotoric aspect that have been
effective is wit held practical evaluation in final examination.

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